August 10, 2013 Magic 7 Day Med!!

We'll join in the FE too, though I'll have to wait for DH to get home to bug him for the reservation no. to look up our room no. !

Oh that's great! Anyone else? Just post your stateroom number, number of adults and the number/age of your children!

SR 7524
2 adults

2 adults

SR 6612
2 Adults

(need your info)
Hmmm.... Well, here's where I got it and it seems to work fine in the original post:

It's at the bottom of post #13

Hope it works this time!

Now, I'll be spending my time at work looking at everything instead of working and I really need to catch up! Thanks for the updated link! BTW, don't try it on an iPad -- there is no way to control the slideshow and it only stayed for about 2 seconds per screen. I viewed on a desktop computer and much better! I'm already making plans on Sunday to go to the Art of Entertainment and the Art of the Theme tours. Loved the Art of the Theme tour on the Fantasy last year.
Just in case people are interested, here are the films that will be showing:

Brave in 2D and 3D
Monsters University
Finding Nemo 3D
Wreck It Ralph
Iron Man 3
The Lone Ranger

Well, we've booked our Naples day now.

We're going to Sorrento for an hour or so, then down to Herculaneum for an hour or so too.
With the 15th being a major public holiday in Italy, the traffic will be horrible apparently which is why we have slightly limited time in each place.

We'll only be off the ship from 8am-1pm, so back onboard for quiet lunch while everyone else is still seeing the sights. :)

We have 3 spaces in the Mercedes mini van spare if anyone fancies a shorter trip to Sorrento and Herc. Our total price was Euros380 for 4 of us (entrance to Herc is extra). I imagine it would be the same if we had 7 people, so cheaper for everyone if you fancy it.

Great company called Your Tour In Italy. :thumbsup2

It's 50 days today until Mick and I set sail (we are on the 4 night Med prior to this one). Seriously need some sun on my bones .. this country has just had grey and windy all year :mad:
CBEB said:
Oh that's great! Anyone else? Just post your stateroom number, number of adults and the number/age of your children!

SR 7524
2 adults

2 adults

SR 6612
2 Adults

(need your info)

Okay, got my reservation and room no.!

SR 2112
DS 13
DD 8 1/2
I just noticed TravelGirl is four doors down on Deck 6.... makes it easier to hand out those FEs!
Yea! Anyone else interested in joining us for the Fish Exchange? The more the merrier:banana::banana:

If you're thinking about it, but have questions on how this works, just ask!

SR 7524
2 adults

2 adults

SR 6612
2 Adults

SR 2112
DS 13
DD 8 1/2
If our group remains this small, I may just need to come up with gifts for each person (I already have the gift for the cabin in the works)!
If our group remains this small, I may just need to come up with gifts for each person (I already have the gift for the cabin in the works)!

We may still get a few more, but likely not many at all. I'm secretly happy that we will probably have a small group! I've got a couple of craft ideas so will probably do gifts on multiple days.
We may still get a few more, but likely not many at all. I'm secretly happy that we will probably have a small group! I've got a couple of craft ideas so will probably do gifts on multiple days.

I spent way too much time online last Friday looking at all of the FE gifts on the FE Facebook page, Esty and Pintrest. My head was positively swirling from the overload!

I did want to mention to you ladies that my 13 year old DD is not a girly girl -- so no ribbons, barrettes, nail polish, etc. She'll gladly take whatever you're planning to do for 13 year old boys!

I love some of the FE holders on Esty. Don't know at this point if I'll go that route or get one at IKEA and fancy it up.
Hey Everyone,

Our cruise date is coming fast (not fast enough!) so we probably need to get a final count on FE participants. So far, we've got 4: texasgirl29, 1travelgirl, gw45 and cbeb. Anyone else???

If you've never done this, it is SO MUCH FUN!:banana: Just hang something with one or more pockets on the fish beside your stateroom door. It's so fun to come back to your room and check the FE for candy and trinkets. It really doesn't matter what's in it - some people are very creative! - it's the fun of simply finding a surprise.

If you're interested, please reply with your stateroom number, number of adults, and number/age/gender of children.

We need to get a final count in the next few days so that people know how many gifts to plan for. The more, the merrier:cool1::cool1:
I've got a count down on my calendar at work. We board in 1 month -- but since we leave DFW for Barcelona on the 6th, my countdown is only 27 days.

Suddenly, it seems like I've got a lot of stuff to do to get ready! Finish my Fish Extender (I got one from IKEA, stripped off the decorations that came with it, bought my ribbons); finish my FE gifts. I have all the stuff to work on them, just need to sit down and do them.

A few last minute accessories and some things to go in my toiletries kit and I'm done.

Oh, and buy a few on-line tickets for Barcelona like Sagrada Familia. I also want to sign up for Runner Bean tours.
I think we've done everything short of packing. I too have a countdown calendar and we have 28 days before we leave (7th):cool1:

It's SOOOOOO hard to wait!!!!
Today we shopped for dorm supplies. The day after we return from Barcelona, we must take DS to college. I feel much less stress now about that and can go back to thinking: Med Cruise! It's almost here! Yay!!!!! C'mon, anybody else excited?
Today we shopped for dorm supplies. The day after we return from Barcelona, we must take DS to college. I feel much less stress now about that and can go back to thinking: Med Cruise! It's almost here! Yay!!!!! C'mon, anybody else excited?

Oh yeah!!! :banana::banana::cool1:
Twenty two days until we board for Barcelona! Not that I'm counting!

I'm now starting the process of working with my co-workers to cover for me while I'm gone. I'm getting my FE gifts done.

I started a document with all the info about our tours and reservations -- I need to get back to that.

I'm the planner for our extended family -- my inlaws paid for the cruise so researching the excursions and other activities is the least I can do, right? But I do need to distill some of the info down for them so they know what we're doing. I signed us all up for a private tour in Villefranche and for two Can't Be Missed Tours in Italy. Even though I forwarded them the info, I think they are still a little confused.
Hi all, just wondering if it's not too late, could we add our staterooms for the FE Gifts? This will be our first time to participate. We're getting all our ideas together! Getting very excited.

SR: 2120
2 Adults

SR: 2122
1 Adult
DD 16
DD 13

SR: 2124
1 Adult
DS 9
You've got daughters the same age as mine -- Rachel is 13 and Stephanie is 16. CEBE has a DD16, too. What fun if they can hang out together.

Got to get in gear and think about FEs for teens.


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