And They Lived Happily Ever After - A June '11 Disneymoon TR! THE END - NEW PTR!

DF and I only do Sci Fi lunches, because we both love their burgers, as well. But I'm really glad to see that the waiter gave in and let you order one. Burgers aren't that difficult to cook, so I can't see why it cannot be ordered at dinner. :confused3
Sounds like you guys had a relaxing evening at DHS. I love just strolling around at night in that particular park.
Can't wait to hear about the segways!
I hate to admit it, but I think I have just been lurking so far on your report, can't believe I haven't commented yet!!! You guys are too cute together and I have really been enjoying reading your TR! :goodvibes

Where was that DHS sign that you took a picture of? I swear I have never seen a picture in front of it at night time at least :confused3 Its a really cute spot for one!
I cannot wait to read your Segway tour at Epcot!! My fiance and I are planning on doing that when we go on our Honeymoon next July! So anxious! popcorn:: I have found myself choked up multiple times reading your TR. :goodvibes
Alright, I'm hooked. Usually, I am not one for love stories, but this is truly interesting and I need to find out all the details. I am glad you kids are having a great time at WDW.
You may have mentioned this in another did you and Miguel meet? I'm always in the mood to hear a good love story!!!!:bride:

We met at a restaurant, actually! We were both "regulars" there, so we ran into each other a lot. :cloud9:

ya ya and Miguel are as sweet as sugar but THEY ARE TRYING TO GET RID OF BURGERS AT DINNER??????? WHAT??????????? :rotfl2: just teasing. But this concerns me. Hope we won't have that issue next week. Love the burgers! Although I think I did get that chicken sandwich last time and it was good so maybe i won't give the waiter a hard time.

You didn't know that there was 2 stories on the GMR? Does that mean you've always seen the gangster? That makes me sad. It's fun to see them both. I think we end up with the cowboy more often than not. I like the anticipation of seeing where they are going to stop ;) Dork, I know!

I know! I really hope that it was just our waiter and it isn't really the restaurant's new policy. In November, our waiter was so sweet and had no problem at all letting us order the burger. This guy was kind of a jerk anyway, so it could have just been him. :confused3

Sadly, not only did I not know that there are two GMR storylines, but I can't even remember which one I've seen in the past! :sad2: In my defense, I'm not crazy about the attraction, so we normally don't do it every trip. I think I've seen the cowboy, but I'm really not sure. :confused3

I don't think I've seen that DHS banner before, either! Where is it?

I feel like I'm going to spend your entire Trip Report asking you where different things are, haha.

:laughing: I hadn't seen it before either. I think it's new. It was right in front of the stage that they had set up, kind of in a flower bed type thing (the stage was in front of the hat).

I love that picture of you with the banner, super cute. Where is it located???

The burgers are super yummy at Sci Fi, I don't get why they wouldn't want to cook them at dinner. Weird.

I love how you changed your plans and just went with the flow. That is what honeymoons are about. :lovestruc

The banner is in a little bed with shrubbery in front of the hat. I don't understand why they wouldn't want to cook burgers at dinner, either! I could understand if it was a really detailed recipe, but it's a burger! :sad2:

Subbed!! Just caught up on the report. Congratulations on your marriage. You two make the cutest couple. I am enjoying your report so far... I am envious of your stay at the Poly. It looks amazing!! Can't wait to read more! :)

:welcome: So glad to have you joining in! :goodvibes And thank you so much!

Yay for a new trip! Can't wait to hear the details!!

Great new update- love that picture with the DHS movie strip, where is that?

The new DHS sign (or at least, I'm guessing it's new. I haven't seen it before) is in front of the hat. It makes for a great photo opportunity. I wish each park had something like that! :thumbsup2
Woo-hoo for another trip in the works!:banana: That is so exciting!! You can bet I'll be joining in on that report as well!!

Sorry that the server gave you a bit of a hard time about ordering the burger for dinner. I mean how hard is it for them to cook a burger, really? It just doesn't seem very Disney like for them to say something like that.

I'm glad to hear you'll be joining in on the PTR whenever it gets going! :goodvibes I know! It's just a cheeseburger! :confused3

I am loving your TR so far!!

Thank you! So glad you are enjoying it! :goodvibes

Such a fun update!
LOVE DHS at night!
Where is that sign?? i have never seen it before!
Also, what is the other story line on the movie ride?? I have always had the same one.

Have a great day!

We love DHS at night too! So much more than during the day! The sign is in front of the hat. It's great for a picture! :thumbsup2 The other GMR storyline is with a cowboy. It think I've seen it, but I'm really not sure. :confused3

Don't feel bad Court, I didn't realize there were 2 different scenes on the GMR either until last year!

I agree with everyone, love that photo of you 2 in front of the banner! Where is it?

Oh good! I'm so glad I'm not the only one! :lmao: The banner is in front of the hat. It's really cute!

I have yet to hear of someone actually eating dinner at Sci-Fi exactly on their reservation time! Guess the movie and cars just make people linger ;)

That's probably true! It is irritating that they are always running behind so much, though. :headache:

I have to laugh at all those red chips left behind from your artichoke dip! LOL

Sounds like you had a great night at DHS :) I love that park. One of my favorites!

Can't wait to hear about the segways!!!!!

Haha! I didn't even notice that! Apparently we are partial to the blue chips! :laughing:
Love reading your fairytale story! Can't wait to read more! Congrats on your marriage!

Thank you so much! Glad to have you here! :goodvibes

You got some great PP pictures that night! If that many people want burgers (and I know from the DIS that a lot of people want to order them at dinner), I don't know why they don't just add it to the dinner menu??

I agree! It seems strange that what is probably their most popular menu item isn't even on their dinner menu. :confused3 If a lot of people order it then anyway, they should add it! I don't think we'll eat at Sci-Fi for dinner on our arrival night. I wanted a burger but I could always have the chicken sandwich but for DH, I don't think there's anything else on the menu that he would like!

For some reason, the picture of the bus stop at the Poly got me excited for my trip...I'm crazy! :rotfl:

Can't wait to read more! :)

Hopefully it was just our waiter and it isn't a new policy! Maybe you could call the restaurant and ask to speak to a manager and ask them? :confused3 There is something about bus stops and Disney buses in general that are exciting! :lmao:

Yay for another trip! Are you going in January?

Great DHS update, I love that park at night! :cool1:

Ugh that waiter at Sci Fi sounded like a jerk! :rotfl: I'm glad you got your burger though!

I love that picture in front of the sign, I'll have to keep an eye out for that in October!

Can't wait to hear about the Segway...I'm considering maybe booking that tour, but I'm not sure, so I can't wait to see how you guys liked it! :)

We'll be there the first (full) week of February. I'm still a little scared of January since we faced the freezing temps! I hope February isn't going to be too cold! Hopefully my Segway update will help you decide! :goodvibes

How exciting about your next trip! I want to hear details! Will any be released before the PTR or do we have to wait?! :rolleyes1

Great update! And now I'm craving a burger!

I think I'll keep most of them under wraps for now. ;) I might have to let a few things out of the bag, though! I already have so much I want to talk about, but I know I've still got so much left on this TR! :lmao:

Great update! I LOVE the Disney parks at night... something extra magical!!! :cloud9: Yay for the upcoming trip!!! :yay:

I agree! I still want to experience AK at night. I bet it would be so neat. Too bad they only seem to have evening EMH every once in a while. :guilty:
DF and I only do Sci Fi lunches, because we both love their burgers, as well. But I'm really glad to see that the waiter gave in and let you order one. Burgers aren't that difficult to cook, so I can't see why it cannot be ordered at dinner. :confused3
Sounds like you guys had a relaxing evening at DHS. I love just strolling around at night in that particular park.
Can't wait to hear about the segways!

I think I will stick to lunch there too, now. There are other things on the menu that do sounds appealing, but I love the burgers, so I can't see myself ordering anything else there!

I hate to admit it, but I think I have just been lurking so far on your report, can't believe I haven't commented yet!!! You guys are too cute together and I have really been enjoying reading your TR! :goodvibes

Where was that DHS sign that you took a picture of? I swear I have never seen a picture in front of it at night time at least :confused3 Its a really cute spot for one!

Thank you for reading along! I hope you'll keep posting too! :goodvibes The DHS sign is in front of the hat. I think it's new? :confused3 It is a really cute picture spot!

I cannot wait to read your Segway tour at Epcot!! My fiance and I are planning on doing that when we go on our Honeymoon next July! So anxious! popcorn:: I have found myself choked up multiple times reading your TR. :goodvibes

Aww, thank you! And congrats on your upcoming marriage! I already know that you'll have an amazing time on your honeymoon! :goodvibes

Alright, I'm hooked. Usually, I am not one for love stories, but this is truly interesting and I need to find out all the details. I am glad you kids are having a great time at WDW.

Glad you're enjoying it! We truly did have an amazing time! :goodvibes
DAY 2 - Pt. 1

Miguel and I both woke up this day with a mixture of excitement and nerves. Excitement because we were going to Epcot and would be going on the Around the World Segway tour, but nervous because we weren’t sure if we would be able to operate the Segway properly! :laughing:

Knowing that I needed some food to function and keep myself going until our 12:00 ADR at Chefs but didn’t have much time to spare for breakfast, Miguel and I stopped by Captain Cooks on our way out to grab something quick. I chose a peanut butter & jelly uncrustables and a small chocolate milk since I knew that would be portable and easy to eat on our walk over to the TTC. Miguel being the non-breakfast-eater that he is just got an apple juice.

Quickly enough, we were on our way down the path to the TTC. I figured this would be quicker than taking the monorail there and I think that it was a good choice. The walk was actually very peaceful! We made it to the TTC in under 10 minutes, and after just a few additional minutes we were on the monorail headed over to Epcot.

We made it to Epcot in just enough time and quickly made our way into the park and over to Guest Relations to meet up with our group for our tour.


We got signed in, filled out the standard waiver and got our name tags. Then, our guide led us over to Innoventions where he told us a little about Segways and we watched an informative video. We also got to see a lot of different Segway models! I never knew there were different ones!

Next, it was time to actually get on the Segway! It was so difficult at first! I thought there way no way that I would actually be able to drive this thing through World Showacase – surely I would have a wreck! But, soon enough the Segway felt natural and operating it became very easy.

The instructor first taught us how to go forward a short distance and turn to both the left and right. Next, we practiced going forward a longer distance and going up and down a ramp. That was so nerve-wracking! :scared1:

Up next we learned how to weave in and out of cones and how to go under and over obstacles. Finally, it was time to head out! Our guide led us around to World Showcase, and we toured through most of the countries starting in China and finishing off in France.

We couldn’t use our cameras along the way, but we did stop at one point next to Italy to stretch our legs and do some “free riding” and we could finally take pictures.



We joked that my helment looked like a beret because it was too big for me and kept sliding off of my head! Probably not too safe!


Our tour lasted about 2 hours, and once we finished up in France we trekked back to Innoventions, received our Segway pins and were free to enjoy Epcot. I am really glad we did the tour. It was a lot of fun at was pretty informative, too! The focus is really about riding the Segways, so the guide doesn’t pump you full of too much information – just enough to be interesting.

If you decide to do the Segway tour, I would suggest planning it towards the beginning of your trip. You would be surprised just how tired it will make your feet and legs! I thought that this would be a more relaxing way to tour WS without having to walk all the way, but it actually tires you out more since you have to put a lot of energy into balancing the foot platform. It’s definitely worth it, though! We absolutely recommend this tour!

Once we made our way out of Innoventions, it was already 10:30 so the park was pretty crowded. We decided to head over to Test Track and grab a few FP’s and then make our way over to Mission: Space.


Thankfully Mission: Space only had about a 10 minute wait, so we moved right on through and were flying to Mars in no time.



After our flight through space we decided to head over to the Land. We were really feeling the heat, though, so we stopped in at Club Cool to grab a free drink and cool off along the way.

We really like the Manzana Lift that’s from Mexico. It’s an apple flavored soda and is actually pretty refreshing!

Please excuse Miguel's demonic look! I had caught him mid-drink! :lmao:


Finally, it was time to head over to the Land! Our plan was just to ride Living with the Land (since we knew Soarin would have a long wait already) to pass some time while we waited for our Chefs de France ADR. The times board showed a 30 minute wait, though and we decided we didn’t have that long, so on to World Showcase we went!

Up Next: Lunch at Chefs de France!
My family and I have done the Segway tour at both EPCOT and California Adventure. It's amazing how much your legs and feet hurt after you're done! When we were done, I wanted a Segway to get around my town. :goodvibes
The Segway tour looks fun. I'm surprised it wears you out. Like you, I would have thought that it would be an easy and relaxing ride. I guess not.
Okay I'm back after my LONG absence and finally all caught up! I was so far behind and I had so much I wanted to say that I had to make comment notes as I went along! :rotfl:

I love the picture of Miguel laughing in front of the castle on your first day! That is such a perfect vacation picture!

I cracked up too at the picture of his sad face! :rotfl: It reminded me of John, because for some reason he can't do the whole "pouting" thing with his bottom lip stuck out. Every time he tries he ends up making these hilarious faces!

I've always wanted to find Tom Sawyer's paintbrushes too! Maybe someday!

Okay I won't give it away either, but I LOVE the new feature at the end of HM! We rode it at least five times on our last trip just so we could see that!

UGH, those tour groups! :headache: Sorry to hear they got in your way! We always run into them as well!

YAY for new trip plans! That is SO exciting! :banana: :dance3: :woohoo:

I completely understand about your daily two hour nap ritual. We did that on our June trip as well. I just don't think it's possible to stay up all day in that heat!

Oh my gosh, you are so right, nighttime at DHS is the best time to go! It's such a fun park at night! I love all of your PP pictures!

I didn't know there was two different stories on the GMR either until our last trip! I was determined to see the cowboy because we've always seen the gangster. I figured out if you are sitting in the front car you see the cowboy, but the back car sees the gangster!

I feel like Sci Fi is always running behind. Every time we've had an ADR there we've still had to wait at least twenty minutes. Oh well, it's still my favorite! :lovestruc

I can't wait for more! I am loving this TR so much!
OMG the Segway tour looks like SO much fun! :thumbsup2 I really would love to try it someday, but...I'm nervous I wouldn't be able to figure out how to use the stupid thing! :scared1: Did anyone there have a very hard time with it? What do they do if you really can't get it?

Can't wait to hear about your Chef's lunch, I can't wait to finally go there this year! :banana:
you look so cute with your Segway "beret"!!!! Glad you had a good tour :thumbsup2

Your pics reminded me that Aisling has yet to try Beverly...this may be the trip since she always trying to convince people that we let her drink soda ;)
The Segway tour looks fun! Glad you two had a good time. I have a feeling I would've been a nervous wreck about riding it...I don't have the best balance in the world :) I bet being alone back in the World Showcase would be very worth it though!
The Segway tour looks like SO much fun! I have to admit, I am actually kind of scared of them, however I feel like WDW is probably the one place that I will ever get to try one of those contraptions out, so I might just have to go for it one of these days! I'm glad that it turned out to be fairly easy to operate after some practice!

We really liked the apple flavored soda in CC too...actually I remember liking a few of them! It was funny because I had gone on and on telling Mike about how everyone bashes Beverly, and how we HAD to try it, but to be prepared...we tried it, by taking a tiny sip and it tasted almost like seltzer. Very mild and not bad at all :sad2: We had to move to a different soda fountain to try some other flavors because there were a lot of kids pushing ahead of us, and we decided to have another sampling of Beverly as well. We both get a cup and take big gulps...and...there it was :scared1:. OMG it was awful! I guess the syrup must have been out in the first fountain we had sampled from. Guhhhh-ROSS is all I can say about that soda! ick!
Wow! The Segway tour looks like SO much fun!!! I think half the appeal for me, though, would be a crowdless WS!!! :rotfl:
I never thought about the segways tiring your legs out, but now that you mentioned it, I can see how that would happen. It looks like you and Miguel had a lot of fun, though, and your helmet definitely looks like a beret. :laughing:
Can't wait to hear how Chef's was!
Your segway tour looked fun! What beautiful weather, too :) I am dying to hear how you like Chefs! We just booked it for our November trip. Hearing mixed reviews :rolleyes1 Can't wait for more! :surfweb:


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