ALOHA! The Polynesian Resort Information Thread: January 2012

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You already know how I feel! I think I'll be looking for a new favorite resort.


So September of 2013 may be our last stay at the Poly. As someone else stated the resort monorail is over crowded.

I do believe whatever they build will look nice, but to me it will take away from the nice layout they have now.
I guess I am one of the minority who feel Disney will not turn Poly into DVC. Look at all the revenue made from its loyal Poly guests over the years, even when the prices of rooms climb higher each year. I was so close to purchasing a DVC two months ago and then realized I rather pay OOP and stay at our favorite resort whenever I want without worrying about 7/11 month ressies, blackouts or annual dues. Don't get me wrong, we have many friends who have owned DVC's for years and they are happy. I just feel for now I will sit back and see what happens next. Plus, I still like daily housekeeping when on vaca. ( makes me feel special)!
I guess I am one of the minority who feel Disney will not turn Poly into DVC. Look at all the revenue made from its loyal Poly guests over the years, even when the prices of rooms climb higher each year. I was so close to purchasing a DVC two months ago and then realized I rather pay OOP and stay at our favorite resort whenever I want without worrying about 7/11 month ressies, blackouts or annual dues. Don't get me wrong, we have many friends who have owned DVC's for years and they are happy. I just feel for now I will sit back and see what happens next. Plus, I still like daily housekeeping when on vaca. ( makes me feel special)!

As a DVC owner and a long time Polynesian guest, let me chime in here respectfully.

The problem with your theory bolded above is that DVC is a multiple, almost never ending source of revenue. The base contract for buying into dvc is 160 points which is the starting point and for the Poly is going to be at least 23 to 25K or higher. The Poly, like BLT at the CR will cost more points to stay there as well, so more people will buy higher contracts. Disney management has to be just drooling over the possibility of the rabid fan base lining up to buy into the Poly. Disney will make the Poly a mixture of both DVC and regular hotel guests. You can bet the farm that room rates for regular guests will be going higher as well.

They're going to redo a good section of the resort and probably a few of the longhouses will remain, but a majority of the resort is changing. I think the pool area will be redesigned and I wouldn't be surprised to see a heavy Aulani influence. I also would bet that Disney has a retro theme for the new tower or towers, so that way it keeps the classic theme of the Poly intact.
im a 12 year dvc member. ive been sad to see alot of things go over the last almost 40 years. dream flight, mission to mars, horizons, heck, the old epcot, wild toads ride, swan boats i could go on and on.
my home is old key west. we love the poly along with the contemp. but it just isnt the same for us as okw.
id like to see everything stay the same as it was in 1973. but as someone reminded me a few years ago while i was pouting about another one of my fav. rides going away because some newb needs a roller coaster.
walt said," thing will change time and time again."
i hope the poly. keeps its original charm. :thumbsup2
As a DVC owner and a long time Polynesian guest, let me chime in here respectfully.

The problem with your theory bolded above is that DVC is a multiple, almost never ending source of revenue. The base contract for buying into dvc is 160 points which is the starting point and for the Poly is going to be at least 23 to 25K or higher. The Poly, like BLT at the CR will cost more points to stay there as well, so more people will buy higher contracts. Disney management has to be just drooling over the possibility of the rabid fan base lining up to buy into the Poly. Disney will make the Poly a mixture of both DVC and regular hotel guests. You can bet the farm that room rates for regular guests will be going higher as well.

They're going to redo a good section of the resort and probably a few of the longhouses will remain, but a majority of the resort is changing. I think the pool area will be redesigned and I wouldn't be surprised to see a heavy Aulani influence. I also would bet that Disney has a retro theme for the new tower or towers, so that way it keeps the classic theme of the Poly intact.
You make such a good point. I feel as you about watching things you love change over the years. Guess we will all have to hope that the polyp keeps its homey feel even through change. Thanks for such a well thought out comment.
Just back from our first stay at the Poly, which followed ten nights split between two non-Disney timeshares. While I'm glad we stayed, I doubt we'll be back, at least not without major improvements to the rooms. Here's my honest assessment, starting with the positives.

The grounds are absolutely gorgeous and well-maintained. No complaints there. We loved walking around, day and night. Very relaxing!

Plenty to do without getting bored. We loved renting Sea Raycers. That was a highlight! With the movie on the beach, fireworks, pool games, the pool slide, etc., there is plenty to entertain.

Ohana was decent. No need to go back repeatedly, but the experience was nice and the food was pretty good.

Shopping! Love Boutiki! They have themed items there that you won't find in the other resort shops, but I was also able to find more generalized Disney merchandise that saved me another trip to Downtown Disney.

Loved our room location. Samoa, ground floor, Volcano pool side. Walked right out to the pool. Great location for DD who can't walk long distances.

Now for the not-so-positive. The room. Kind of gross. Really filthy in the corners. Lots of dust and grime. Nice big gash in one wall. That dark brown painted door and trim look really bad when the paint is so badly chipped. I didn't request another room because my overall impression was that the room condition was the result of age and neglect, not just one bad room. You don't find years of accumulated dirt in the corners of just one room.

It was kind of a letdown for us because we had just come from a beautiful newly-renovated unit at Wyndham Bonnet Creek. I wouldn't compare a timeshare versus a hotel room, just the level of refurbishment.

There really is no excuse for the condition of the room. Disney will allow this because they can. They know people will pay for these rooms and overlook the grime and neglect.

I have no interest in DVC at the Poly and wouldn't be able to afford DVC anyway. I just want to see clean renovated rooms. Is that too much to ask?
Hello all...long time lurker, first time poster so please be gentle. I have a question about on-line check in versus regular check in with longhouse requests.

I am staying at the Poly next month for the second year in a row. :cool1:

Last year was a trip with my immediate family. I did not know to request a specific Longhouse so I just requested (by phone)for an early arrival and a room near the pool. I also used the on-line check in feature. When we arrived at 9:00 AM, our packet was ready as was a room. Tuvualu Longhouse which worked out great.

This year we are traveling with a group of 11 (3 different rooms). I have requested Longhouses (one as first choice and another as back up), an early arrival, first floor accomidations and adjoining or rooms close together.

If we use the on-line check in feature, does the Poly CM's consider these requests when placing us in the rooms? Or would we be better served using the normal check in? I would think the time saved with on-line check in would be worth the trouble alone, but I wonder if they will be placing us in a Longhouse just to fill a spot with an early morning arrival - with out taking into consideration the requests. Does anyone have a guess as to which would be best?

thanks in advance.
Hello all...long time lurker, first time poster so please be gentle. I have a question about on-line check in versus regular check in with longhouse requests.

I am staying at the Poly next month for the second year in a row. :cool1:

Last year was a trip with my immediate family. I did not know to request a specific Longhouse so I just requested (by phone)for an early arrival and a room near the pool. I also used the on-line check in feature. When we arrived at 9:00 AM, our packet was ready as was a room. Tuvualu Longhouse which worked out great.

This year we are traveling with a group of 11 (3 different rooms). I have requested Longhouses (one as first choice and another as back up), an early arrival, first floor accomidations and adjoining or rooms close together.

If we use the on-line check in feature, does the Poly CM's consider these requests when placing us in the rooms? Or would we be better served using the normal check in? I would think the time saved with on-line check in would be worth the trouble alone, but I wonder if they will be placing us in a Longhouse just to fill a spot with an early morning arrival - with out taking into consideration the requests. Does anyone have a guess as to which would be best?

thanks in advance.
It really doesn't matter what type of check in you use. There is a magical room assigner that works nights. First the poor CM does his thing with special request then the computer does their thing. Believe it or not even before walking up to the desk to check in your room has been assigned it just takes longer because your keys and paperwork hasn't been printed yet.
one thing to note though.. If you would have called and booked all your rooms on one reservation they would have been assigned together.. Even in the same longhouse.
Just completed our trip report from our April Poly trip if anyone would care to read. We had an absolutely wonderful time and are missing it desperately. The link is below in my signature. Here are a just a few photos…




one thing to note though.. If you would have called and booked all your rooms on one reservation they would have been assigned together.. Even in the same longhouse.

This I did do...I booked the rooms all at once under one reservation and added the requests later.

Interesting on how they determine the rooms. Seems like on-line is the way to go again this year and I guess we can always question the CM if the requests are not met.

Thank you for the response Carl.
HalloweenNut - Such a funluving family, you must be proud. Very nice trip report and some awesome pictures. ENJOY!
Sorry your room was not great Beccabunny. ITA, it would be nice if Disney would spend the money to properly maintain what it has rather than focussing on all the new stuff. I know they must "keep up with the Joneses" (er, Universal), and there are a lot of people who would complain that Disney does nothing to update the parks if they didn't, and the income from DVC is too lucrative for WDW to give up. But, at the same time you would think little things, like a high standard of room cleanliness and maintenance shouldn't be too much to ask. I think they could strike a happy medium somewhere.

Thanks for the pictures HalloweenNut - I especially love the monorail one! Glad you had I great time!
ETA: I just peeked at your TR. We are also from ON and we too have a 7 year old daughter adopted from China! It's a small world ... :)
one thing to note though.. If you would have called and booked all your rooms on one reservation they would have been assigned together.. Even in the same longhouse.

This I did do...I booked the rooms all at once under one reservation and added the requests later.

Interesting on how they determine the rooms. Seems like on-line is the way to go again this year and I guess we can always question the CM if the requests are not met.

Thank you for the response Carl.

Don't worry if all rooms are on the same reservation number you have the best odds of getting all your rooms in the same longhouse. Don't worry! You did the right thing!

And you are welcome!
Thanks for the pictures HalloweenNut - I especially love the monorail one! Glad you had I great time!
ETA: I just peeked at your TR. We are also from ON and we too have a 7 year old daughter adopted from China! It's a small world ... :)

Thanks maiapapaya. Wow! It really is a small world isn't it? We might have seen each other at some local events and never even known it! Sort of an undercover DISmeet! :)

HalloweenNut - Such a funluving family, you must be proud. Very nice trip report and some awesome pictures. ENJOY!

Thanks so much HiHo!
We have two girls adopted from soon to be nin year old and a four year old..we are also in Ontario.

We cant wait to surprise the girls with our trip in Sept.!
Can anyone who just returned clarify something for me. We arrive at Poly next week. Last July movie and bonfire was on Poly beach. I think I have read that it is now somewhere else in between GF and Poly. Please let me know. This is a must do for DGD. BTW--- Trip pics are beautiful. Thanks for taking the time to post them!
We have two girls adopted from soon to be nin year old and a four year old..we are also in Ontario.

We cant wait to surprise the girls with our trip in Sept.!

too bad you're going in September, we'll be at the Poly in October!

Can anyone who just returned clarify something for me. We arrive at Poly next week. Last July movie and bonfire was on Poly beach. I think I have read that it is now somewhere else in between GF and Poly. Please let me know. This is a must do for DGD. BTW--- Trip pics are beautiful. Thanks for taking the time to post them!

The movie is still at the Poly. It used to be on the beach between the Poly & GF, so when you're read that those are probably old references. Have a great trip!
Can anyone who just returned clarify something for me. We arrive at Poly next week. Last July movie and bonfire was on Poly beach. I think I have read that it is now somewhere else in between GF and Poly. Please let me know. This is a must do for DGD. BTW--- Trip pics are beautiful. Thanks for taking the time to post them!

as of last night, the movie is still at the poly. :thumbsup2
Yes there is a movie still at the Poly but it is near the Hawaii Longhouse. It's towards the end of the pool and the beach. I could see the screen sometimes from the CL lounge. We just got back on the 7th.
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