AKL LITE II - We're #2, but we try harder....

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....why didn't you just wait till nighttime, when all the lights were 'ON'....??? [ :lmao: ]

Those weren't my pictures, kimmar. And the lights weren't on when Laura took 'em. They are still being put up. ;)

Sadly I missed them last year and she will miss them this year. :(
Thos pics from bradk are amazing!! Thank you for the link. From what I've read here on the DIS, we are going in the week where we might see the lights, we might see some decorations (outside of MK), and we might experience the "go to sleep in a normal resort / wake up in a Christmas wonderland". I really, really, really hope we get to experience it all! It does make sense to start the lights earlier in November considering how much work goes into that all!

I'd peg your odds at better than 75%, especially on that "resort" wake up. It MAY be on your day of departure....from what I've seen personally,a nd read on-line, usually the decorations are completely "up" about 1.5 weeks prior to Thanksgiving. Sometimes even earlier than that (especially when it's a "late" Thanksgiving).

Yes, snow. Thankfully it did NOT stick, but it was flurrying for a few hours today! :sad2: Tomorrow's high is 38. Ugh.

They're saying "wet snow" for us tomorrow late afternoon and evening. Ugh! Isn't it a bit too early to be talking about white stuff falling from the sky?

Those pics make me hopeful that they are quite far along in the lights and maybe they will start early, like in, oh-say 2 weeks?!?! :rolleyes: If I do get to see them, I'll be sure to take pics and video!

Osborne goes up VERY early, because there's so much of it. Most of the rest of the stuff goes up, starting slowly, the weekend after halloween (maybe a bit later since halloween is on a Friday..whens the last MNSSHP?). The GF starts building their gingerbread house, some of the lights start going up, some of the less obvious "swag" goes up around the parks...MK gets' the full blast treatment pretty quick because they have to accomodate the MVMCP pretty quick after halloween. Then, by around the end of that first week (the 8th, this year, I'd think) it'll start to get more and more obvious EVERYWHERE. You'll probably be right in the middle of the decorating, I'd think. Again, I'd give it 75% chance given past history.

Make sure they do a good job, will ya?

I have to agree with this too! I have lost about 35 pounds, same with DH. It has REALLY taught us about portion sizes, balanced meals, and choosing wisely. I love that they don't suggest you give anything up. You can eat dessert. You can eat bread! It's about living.

I'm a WW disciple. ;) I wish it was a pryamid program because I know about 15 people who have signed up because of my results! :rotfl:


I've lost around 120 (yes, one hundred and twenty) lbs, and my DW lost somewhere around 80. We started in February of '07, right after we bought into AKV. It was the "deal" we made ourselves.

We didn't do WW...we didn't do any "off the shelf" plan. We just used our brains and moved our backsides. It was all about portion control, eating balanced meals, making good choices (that we KNEW were good...it wasn't rocket science for us), and making working out a priority almost EVERY DAY (5 days a week). But more than that, it was about living, and not necessarily depriving yourself EVERY day. Of all the plans I've seen, it seems that WW has the closest "philosophy" to the one we sort of adhered to.

And we had each other for motivation, and that helped.
Wow, congrats to all on their weight loss successes!!!!!
I lost 75 pounds on Weight Watchers!
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for letting me vent and being nice about it. You really are a great support group!

Pilferk - congratulations on your fantastic weight loss! You are right - it isn't rocket science to figure out what to eat, but WW helps to stay on track. Therefore I am even more impressed that you did it on your own!
Not that it will be ENTIRELY the same, but I'll make sure DW shoots a few dozen shots (and maybe some video by yours trully) of them and I'll upload and post it all "somwhere" (like, in my planned trippie or the website we're thinking of putting up) for you.

Wish I could do more. :confused3

Awww, that's really sweet of you! :hug:

I'm still trying to play catch-up and haven't read all the posts since this one (yet) - I'm working on it! - but Congrats to you and your DW on the weight loss! :cheer2: Way to go!! :thumbsup2
....when will they 'officially' be 'on'??

Black Friday, November 28th is the "official" date :sad2: (although it won't make any difference for me, I sure hope they have a change of heart - or do about 2 weeks worth of "soft" openings! ;) )
DON'T rethink!! WW Online is a great way to loose weight! I did it before, lost 26 pounds, but regained quiet a few and never got to my real goal, that's why I signed up again. And my experience was with the German Weight Watchers forum, the one in the US might be totally different!

I have to agree with this too! I have lost about 35 pounds, same with DH. It has REALLY taught us about portion sizes, balanced meals, and choosing wisely. I love that they don't suggest you give anything up. You can eat dessert. You can eat bread! It's about living.

I'm a WW disciple. ;) I wish it was a pryamid program because I know about 15 people who have signed up because of my results! :rotfl:


I've lost around 120 (yes, one hundred and twenty) lbs, and my DW lost somewhere around 80. We started in February of '07, right after we bought into AKV. It was the "deal" we made ourselves.

We didn't do WW...we didn't do any "off the shelf" plan. We just used our brains and moved our backsides. It was all about portion control, eating balanced meals, making good choices (that we KNEW were good...it wasn't rocket science for us), and making working out a priority almost EVERY DAY (5 days a week). But more than that, it was about living, and not necessarily depriving yourself EVERY day. Of all the plans I've seen, it seems that WW has the closest "philosophy" to the one we sort of adhered to.

And we had each other for motivation, and that helped.

Wow, congrats to all on their weight loss successes!!!!!
I lost 75 pounds on Weight Watchers!

Wow! Congratulations everyone on your weight loss! :dance3:

I have done WW twice before using the live meetings and did well enough but both times after a few years I gained a lot of it back. I'm thinking that maybe if I try on-line this time (after my November and Decemebr trips) I will be able to keep up with it longer since I won't have the excuse that I had to work late to miss meetings.
I lost about 11 lbs abt 2 years ago...in one day:) LOL

(I think I made this lame joke here once before.....)
Yep, you know what happens next week? The end of the Food and Wine Festival :sad1: However, pretty much right after that, the parks start decorating for the holidays! :woohoo:

Oh, and I cannot wait for the castle lighting. I am sooo glad they did it again this year. I got teary-eyed last year when I saw it for the first time!

My friend, the castmember, was privy to the view from the balcony (where Fairy Godmother stands), and she says she was awestruck. The castmembers viewing the lighting for the first time all gasped when the lights went on during their rehearsal.
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for letting me vent and being nice about it. You really are a great support group!

Pilferk - congratulations on your fantastic weight loss! You are right - it isn't rocket science to figure out what to eat, but WW helps to stay on track. Therefore I am even more impressed that you did it on your own!


Again, having DW going through it with me made it "doable"....that's where I think programs like WW really help out: Support AND "accountability". It helps to have others who you know are going through the same thing to talk to. It also helps to know you have that weigh in to be "accountable" to at the meetings.

When I said "it's not rocket science"...I sure didn't mean that it was easy. It's definitely NOT. :)

...well, I once lost 5 lbs - unfortunately, it FOUND me again, and brought 10 of its friends along....

Yep, I can relate. When I met the better half, I was 25 pounds lighter. He spoiled me by taking me out to dinner way too much, and, well, I think I have found everyone's pounds that they lost!

The other half had gastric bypass surgery 6 years ago (before I met him), and I always joke that when we order two meals at dinner, he eats a half a meal, and I eat a meal and a half! Yep, that's portion control!:rolleyes1
Yep, you know what happens next week? The end of the Food and Wine Festival :sad1: However, pretty much right after that, the parks start decorating for the holidays! :woohoo: ....

...DON'T remind me.....:sad1:
...I cannot wait for the castle lighting. I am sooo glad they did it again this year. I got teary-eyed last year when I saw it for the first time!

My friend, the castmember, was privy to the view from the balcony (where Fairy Godmother stands), and she says she was awestruck. The castmembers viewing the lighting for the first time all gasped when the lights went on during their rehearsal.

...when is the first day of the castle-lighting ceremony??
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