A WISH for Cold Tea? Ana's aMAWzing Disney Trip! 12/1-12/7 ~Last Entry~ p.127

Wow Tim your Osborne Lights photos look like post cards. Very nice job!! :thumbsup2 I think you should use the one with all 3 of you at the lights as your Christmas card next year.

Darn you for the food photos. I'm hungry now. :rotfl:

I think this pic is adorable, she's got mouse ears if you look really close.


That was so sweet of Handy Manny to hang around for a few extra mins for her. :goodvibes
Did Lotso really smell like Strawberries?

I almost cried when I saw the Osborne lights. It was so beautiful. The ambience is amazing.
Sooo, can we expect all of your updates to come in 3's now?;) Loved this one! As usual, sweet Juliana was beyond adorable.

So much to comment on too. Oh, I remember our stroller days, they were both a blessing and curse (especially with trams!). I'd have hoofed it back to the car too rather than ride it again with your massive entourage!

I know it's already been said but THIS is soooo cute!!

I seriously think she should get paid by Disney to just walk around taking adorable pics for advertising in their parks!

Ugh, do you really like calamari?? Really?? I'm sorry, but even if it's deep fried, I can only see a slimy sea creature still! But vodka cream sauce is AMAZING! I wonder if you can make it into a soup!:laughing:

Look at that shiny, happy little face?? I love this one Tim!

And I LOVE the Animation Academy area. It's fabulous in there, isn't it? I love all the drawings and concept art, so cool.

You all look so cute in this one with Mickey!

Awww, this one made me a tad teary-eyed, it's soooo sweet! Love it, love it love it! You can see that she's smiling.:cutie:

I am sooooo glad you had much better experiences with the CM's at HS. It almost makes up for that nasty crack CM at MK, almost.

Look how happy she is to see Handy Manny!

The Osbourne lights look incredible! Wow, I'd love to see them someday, it's spectacular! This is one sweet looking family here:

Awesome update, love all of the character meet and greets sweet Juliana was able to do! Sometimes it's those little things, isn't it? Not just rushing around to shows and attractions. And I think it's so adorable how in many of the pics over your last few updates Juliana is hanging onto you or leaning into you. Is she a Daddy's girl? I was!:thumbsup2:goodvibes
GREAT Lights pix! Someday, if I get over the thought of seeing them with 4 billion other people, I might do that.

There is a bit of a secret to that. I was going to spill it here but I just realized I am alomost up to that part over on my TR so ...... I'll wait.
Looks like Juliana got some really good character interaction. I love the fact that the Cast Member with Handy Manny told him to stay behind to say hi to Juliana. That was so sweet.

I haven't eaten at Mama Melrose's in a long time, but your meals looked really good! I think it's going to have to be on my list for a future date.

After a few pics, over to Mama Melrose we went. The girls stayed outside and I went to check in. For some reason it was extremely busy... maybe because for the Fantasmic! packages? I donno but while I was waiting in line to check in, I heard the CM turn 2 different people away who were trying to walk up. One guy was getting mad that there was no TS restaurants available. He couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe he was trying to get a seat with no ADR.

:rotfl2: Someone that I work with is going to be in the greater Orlando area this weekend and has absolutely no plans whatsoever for Disney, except to show up at MK on one of the busiest weekends of the year! :scared1: I had to tell her to get there early, or she will be seriously dissapointed. She mentioned meeting up for breakfast and I just didn't have the heart to try and explain Disney's crazy ADR system and how you really, truly cannot expect to just walk up to TS place in Disney.

And that picture of Mickey with Juliana just brought tears to my eyes...there was something in that picture, an expression between the two of them. That picture really captured the magic! :thumbsup2
Loved all the pix !!!We had sooooo much Fun with Buzz and Woody in 2009 when the family went !!They were awesome !!!The Lights are BEAUTIFUL!!! I have to go for the Christmas season one year !!! Between you and Marv you have sold me !!!
There is a bit of a secret to that. I was going to spill it here but I just realized I am alomost up to that part over on my TR so ...... I'll wait.

I totally know the angst you are feeling!! Every time I read someone else's report, I say to myself DANG!!!!! I have an almost identical story or pictures! I've seen a GF tea, some fun stuff in Morocco, a SEEDS tour, you name it! OK, OK, I'll wait for your super secret and be happy. ;) You've got the goods apparently.

I think TRIPS should come in threes! Anyone with me on that one??? :woohoo:

You payin'? :lmao::lmao::lmao:
I don't have to stay here and take this abuse!!! :mad: I can get that over on Rosie's thread, or Kathy's, or Molly's, or Liesa's, or..................even my OWN for that matter!!! :sad2:
LOL Now that Molly finally started her TR you have 1 more place to get beat up! :lmao::lmao:

I'll be back later to comment but before I go it is great after the Santa CM incident to see some magic restored by CMs you dealt with later on!

I see that Juliana is wearing a different outfit after dinner.....are you sure that lady didn't buy or steal the Cinderella dress?
:lmao::lmao: It was starting to get cool out so Mel gave her the quick change after dinner. ;)

Juliana sure was giving out the hugs to all of the characters!
She was a hugging machine! She was loving meeting all the characters.

Looks like you had a fabulous time at DHS!! I'll have to live vicariously through you, our DHS "day" was kind of a disaster. :sick: Hopefully I'll get back to my TR sometime this year (Epcot/DHS is next)!!!!!
Awww man, I'm so sorry for you guys. I guess I'll have to wait to read what happened.

Daaawwww!! Love it. Tim, I think you have a little Model on your hands. I could totally see her in the next Gap Kids campaing.
If you know anyone I can call to get her modeling let me know. She could use some extra money to fund college. :goodvibes

I use the word “Linner” too. I thought I was the only one.
Well, it was that time! :lmao:

Man, Ana’s a tough critic, look at that face! :crazy2:
LOL She liked the pizza.. I guess I just took the pic at the wrong time. :rotfl2:

AWWW LOTSO!! I don’t care of Lotso’s a jerk face, He’s so cute. It’s what makes him such a good villain after all right? So innocent looking but with a heart of stone.

How nice to take a few more minutes before going Backstage to say hi to Juliana.
It was nice of him. It was a nice change from what we encountered earlier. ;)

Wow, The Osbourne light at so beautiful!! I want go to Disney for christmas one year just to see these!
Well maybe you will have to have a December wedding? ;) LOL
Hi!!! At home with a sick child today and enjoying your trip report while she enjoys Barney...

I'm sorry... not for the sick child but for Barney being on! :lmao:

That was one show Juliana never got into. WHEW!

I had a question...where did you find Buzz and Woody and Sorcerer Mickey when you were at DHS??? I was just there two weeks ago and did not know they were there!!!! I must get to them this summer with my toddler!
Buzz & Woody are directly across from TSM. If you are at the FP entrance turn around, you'll see them.

Mickey is a little harder to find. If you are in the Animation Courtyard(where the Playhouse Disney now Disney Junior show is), walk towards the Animation area. There is a hallway that will bring you to the character meet.

BTW: Your family is so cute!!! I can tell you are a very doting father and husband!! :lovestruc I too, love those glow Mickey heads!! GKTW looks WONDERFUL. I am a teacher and sometimes have kids that are medically fragile in my classes and one of them is just as obsessed with Disney as I am and he constantly talks about his Wish trip...he is a senior now!!:yay: Glad your princess was granted her Wish!!
Thank you for the kind comments. I know Juliana is young, but I hope she remembers her Wish trip for years to come. I think if she keeps seeing the pictures and we keep talking about it she will remember some of it. :goodvibes

I read this quickly and thought at first that it said Mickey had to go cut some cheese. Shows you where my brain is. :rotfl2:
That is possible... I mean after eating all that cheese... popcorn::

Christmas card! Both are great!!

These are GREAT pictures. You're making me want to see this in person so badly.
Hopefully Scotty wouldn't be scared of them! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I finally popped over to your TR - I have been seeing you all over but haven't had a chance to read yours yet! I read the first two sentences, and, as my eyes started to tear up a bit I decided to sub now & read tonight at home ;)
:welcome: Thanks for stopping in! I promise the actual TR isn't too sad. ;)

I'm glad you guys went to Mama Melrose. We love it. And you got the penne alla vodka! :thumbsup2 Good choice!
Thanks!!! I just checked on allears and it isn't chowing that on the menu anymore... :confused3:confused3

That's hilarious that lady was dying to have Ana's dress! That would be funny if you end up finding that pic she took of Ana!
You never know what you are gonna find here on the DIS! :confused3 :lmao::lmao:

Wow, sounds like they really take care of the Wish kids! :goodvibes
They really do... well most of them anyways. :rolleyes: :lmao:
While I was at the Poly having my pressed pot, Melody & Juliana were enjoying themselves at the Tea Party.

Soon after Juliana spent a few minutes with Aurora, is when I got the text from Melody.... 'Come Here Now'

I had Mel's coffee in hand and got off the monorail at the Grand Floridian. I walked down the stairs and was standing outside of where the tea party was going on. I could see all the girls getting in line except for Juliana who was still sitting at her spot with her back to me. Moments later I saw numerous EMT and men in suits with earpieces converging on the area where the tea party was taking place. I could hear the people standing next to me saying OMG something must of happened. While I was trying to see what was going on, I realized that they were all walking towards and surrounding Juliana and Melody.

I hopped over the rope separating the Garden Room and ran over to Melody. Juliana was crying and there was such a commotion. Come to find out Juliana slipped off her seat and hit the side of her head on the marble table. Juliana ended up with an instant knot and Melody asked a manager for an ice pack and told him what had happened. She didn't realize that 1/2 of Disney would be coming to Juliana's aide.

And here I am again, finally, getting caught up (or so I thought... you are a posting maniac!) - on posts you added days/weeks ago. Life has been so very busy the past few weeks, and both you and Barry have been posting, posting, posting, and it's just not that easy to keep up :rotfl:

Wow - I had considered taking my DD to this Tea for our Daddy-Daughter Adventure in September, but am glad I didn't. Both the cost and the fact that I would not have fit in at all. I need to send my DW and DD on a girls trip and let them do this kind of thing.

Sad that Juliana slipped and hurt her head, but nice to see that Disney was on top of it quickly.

We gathered up our stuff and headed out to find the girls. We caught up with them on the stairs heading up to the second floor. They were getting their pictures taken by the photopass photographer. Juliana was last but did get to have her picture taken.

What a beautiful girl she is!
Great picture of Ana in front of the Muppet fountain, but I think the sweetest is the one where she is nose to uh, forehead with Mickey; the one from the side. :lovestruc It is great she was in a really good "huggy" mode; made for some wonderful character pics! :woohoo:

Wow, you got to meet Lotso! It was really interesting when we were there to see so many people picking up the stuffed Lotso's in the stores, sniffing them and saying "He does smell like strawberries!" :laughing: (I can't remember HOW many times I did that..... :rolleyes:

Where did you find Buzz and Woody together? That looks like a really neat place to meet them with all the attempts to make it appear you are actually on the bed in Andy's room! :thumbsup2

The Osborne Lights ARE incredible, aren't they!!! You got some really great pictures. :banana: Glad Ana was able to hang in there for so much of a very long, but fun day! And another great little touch to end the day when you got back to GKTW!!!
What a beautiful afternoon and evening.

I love those lights. :love:
Thanks Pat.. The problem with the lights is there are no MONKEYs there! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

So many adorable pictures! :cutie: What a fantastic time at DHS. Aren't those lights incredible? I could have stayed there for hours too.
Thanks Brook!

The lights were awesome. When I got home I ALMOST wanted to add more lights to our house. :lmao:

Too bad you didn't make it on RnRC...good reason for another trip. :teeth:
::yes:: Very TRUE!

enjoyed the updates. the character interactions were great.
Thanks Dan.

too bad mr incredible wasnt there with his wife.
He was when we got there but by the time we made it over to them he was gone.

one trip we were waiting for the drawing academy, and we were watching them interact, and mr incredible pinched mrs incredibles butt between guests coming up to take pictures.:laughing:
HAHA!!! That's awesome!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

we loved the osborn lights, they are awesome, we thought we would only watch 1 or 2 songs, well we ended up staying for about 5 of the light shows, it was great we cant wait to see them again some day.
It wasn't fun being crunched in there but it was worth it. It was very cool. Hope you get back there someday to see 'em!

The weather was okay - a bit on the cool side 50s-60s for the most of it. The last days of the trip got close to 70s, so I totally felt your pain in an earlier post of heading to the pool in the cooler weather. But DH doesn't feel like it's a vacation unless he has pool time. We were definitely one of those "crazy northerners" in the pool on the last days of our trip when everyone else was in sweathsirts.

Oh WOW. I thought you hit the good weather? You guys just missed it. :sad2:

Luckily when I went swimming there was only 1 or 2 people in the pool area so I didn't get any looks... well if you don't count Melody! :lmao:

The crowds were definitely pretty nice, but we like to go off season while we can.
60's and low crowds are a good mix! ::yes::

One day I WILL get those pancakes!
I still haven't found my picture of it. I hope I didn't delete it! :scared1:

DH complains about this all the time and always has the urge to just blow past the CMs to try to find a closer spot. :laughing:

absolutely LOVE this pic! :cloud9:
Thanks!!!! :goodvibes:goodvibes

Tim's updates seem to come in 3's lately.
I'm trying to narrow down my pictures, but it is hard. Not a lot of writing.. just pictures. :goodvibes

yeah!? Why is that that you get stuck in Siberia late in the day?? I don't get that!
They try to limit driving through where people are walking. I can see some little kid getting hit.

GREAT Lights pix! Someday, if I get over the thought of seeing them with 4 billion other people, I might do that.
Save those pennies!

I'll wager that within a year, Ana will be on RnRC.
Not so sure... she is 42 now... 48 is the height. That would be a major growth spurt!

I have to way, your dinners at Mamas lacked the panache that Marv's had over at Tuttos. I know it's kinda like comparing apples and oranges, but from your description and the food art, it just didn't seem like a place I'd try anytime soon.
IT was decent, not blow you away good. For ppl not on the dining plan it is very reasonably priced too. The pasta was very good.

Beautiful dress- and such a cute poser. Love the matching flip flops. :cutie:
Thank you!

I'm all for it! Why can't good things come in 3's too?
I agree! ::yes::

Be back later with the rest... I have to get ready for work!
are you sensing a theme marv.

you are an easy target, and you even spell stuff correct, think if you couldnt the abuse you would get. :laughing:
I guess some people are just easier targets than others.... :rolleyes1
too bad mr incredible wasnt there with his wife.

one trip we were waiting for the drawing academy, and we were watching them interact, and mr incredible pinched mrs incredibles butt between guests coming up to take pictures.:laughing:
They seem to be some of the more playful! When we got pictures with them a couple of trips ago I cuddled up beside Mrs. Incredible and flirted, making a comment about how lucky I was to be standing beside such a hottie. :love: Mr. Incredible was all of a sudden right in front of me in a menacing way! I acted all innocent real quickly and like I was behaving and he returned to his spot for the picture. :rotfl2: Not sure why he didn't get upset with Mrs. Incredible. :confused: She acted all flattered and grabbed my arm real tight and moved in close. I guess he had a hard time "seeing" that part of it! :confused3 :rotfl:
You can come hang out anytime in my thread, Marv. I try to be very friendly....
You DO have your moments! :cloud9: Unfortunately you also hang out with some unsavory characters over there...... :guilty:
There is a bit of a secret to that. I was going to spill it here but I just realized I am alomost up to that part over on my TR so ...... I'll wait.
And somebody called ME a tease...... :sad2:
The Lights are BEAUTIFUL!!! I have to go for the Christmas season one year !!! Between you and Marv you have sold me !!!
Yeah maybe, but we didn't get much for you!!! :lmao:

That picture is amazing. Does the girl who made it make them to sell? I can't remember who sent it to her, but if she sells on etsy or ebay I would love her seller name.

I think it's so funny about that lady wanting to buy it. And then later in the day the dress is no longer on Juliana. So did you sell it? LOL!! :lmao:
Well maybe you will have to have a December wedding? ;) LOL

:idea: Tim not a bad idea! I do love Christmas, and it wouldn't be freezing out like it would be here in Chicago.


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