A Solo Celebration of the Holidays & New Things to Explore Updated 3/3x3!!


DIS Veteran
Mar 14, 2010
Hello to everyone out there and Welcome!! I’m glad you could make it over to the Disboards today and took the time to check out my most recent trip report!! I currently also have a 2 week adventure from September in the making (check out my signature for the link) and figured I’d start on this one well it’s fresh in my mind. So, what happened on this crazy whirlwhind of an adventure, well…here we go!!

Who: Me! (just me)


Who am I? Well, I’m Katt, your faithful guide through this journey of Disney. I have been to Disney World 8 times in the past year and half, plus one trip over to DLR. Needless to say, I’m a bit of a Disney freak. When I’m not enjoying the magic of the world, I’m located up in Calgary, Canada, bartending at a Dinner Theater. I also ballroom dance competitively, and do some ballet/jazz as well. Since I really do love performing, I’m huge on wanting to work for Disney (and have auditioned a couple of times as well) it really would be a dream come true. Also, the Thursday night (we’re talking LATE, like, 4am ish haha) my boyfriend had been rushing me into the house after I had taken off my shoes, and his were still on, and somehow he stepped on/stubbed his foot on mine, and I ended up with 2 broken toes….and danced on it the next day, leaving for Disney the Saturday after that….it would prove to be interesting as I could barely walk on the Friday….and couldn’t wear real shoes…at least I could wear sandals in Orlando!

My favorite characters are Tink, Periwinkle, Rapunzel, Ariel, Belle, Tigger and Donald, I’m absolutely in love with Magic Kingdom, Splash Mountain, Festival of the Lion King, and all of the parades/stage shows. My favorite thing about Disney is the magic and imagination of everything, how it’s completely different than anything else, and of course, the Disney smells! Haha!

Where: I stayed at Coronado Springs Resort this time, with an AP discount (yup…Annual Passholder here, Premium, Disney World & Land! Yay)

When: Sat November 24th to Wed November 28th

What: A celebration of winning the most recent Dance Comp I did, and of course, to check out the Fantasyland Expansion!

That’s pretty much all you need to know there! I have traveled solo to Disney before, 3 times, so it’s nothing new to me. I love being able to do whatever I want to do, and not have to wait around for anyone else. This trip I did a lot more shows and wandering around than rides, but hey, that’s totally okay, I do what I love, right? Hope you stick around for more!!

My Disney Day began BRIGHT AND EARLY right around 4:00/4:30 in the morning with quite the early wake up call! I feel like I slept through my first alarm, but woke up right after anyways one of those Oh crap, I have to be awake kinda things, but I was running a bit behind. I quickly packed up the last of my things, threw a tiny bit of make up on my face, texted the boyfriend, and called a cab to the airport. I also tweeted:

Headed to the airport! A little behind schedule, but we'll make up for it #disneytweet

Check and security went quickly, customs was no problem at all (usually theyre really picky if you seem to be by yourself, but this guy was no problem) He actually told me it was good I was going to Florida, I needed some sun. Baha! Youre telling me! People seemed really friendly this morning. I was on the other side of the airport than usual, and Tim Hortons only had donuts, so I headed back to the Calgary Airport Pub for some breakfast!

Breezed through security & customs no problem, onto breakfast at the Calgary Pub in the airport!


You got some scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and potato wedges in there. It was pretty tasty, surprisingly. I also had an orange juice, everyone at work was sick, thankfully, I have a strong enough immune system (and take a million vitamins a day) I had the its there, but its not really there, Im fighting if off and dont feel sick yet thing going on, so as much Vitamin C as possible was good! The flight was uneventful, we were 30 minutes late departing thanks to having to de-ice the plane, dang frost fairies&calm yourselves! It also didn't help with the temperature.

Can someone get me a blanket, it's like freezing underneath all these blankets...#seriously it's freezing on this plane

Haha! I did have quite the problem with my ears popping like crazy during take off and landing, it was *really* painful, but we landed in Dallas Fort Worth soon enough!


Theyve got a little fake monorail here too! Although its even faker and not as good as the MCO one! Lawl. Just as I found my gate, they made an announcement that there had been a gate change, and I had to go back UP the escalator and over the overpass and back down the other side before finding the new gate. Not very fun on a broken toe.

Landed safely, now to get into some sandals so this broken toe feels better!

I realized I had over an hour until boarding, so I headed for a sit down meal, and decided on some TGI Fridays! We dont have them up in Canada, so it was a nice treat! I got a long island iced tea, and a Caribbean Chicken Sandwich with a garden salad instead of fries. It was pretty much sold to me when I saw there was avocado on it! Hah!


Before my food came, and I had had about 1/4 of my Long island, I was feeling a little tipsy already (hey! I hadnt eaten a whole lot, and everythings larger in Texas!) and made the decision that drunk little cucumber was going to become a thing! Like, instead of saying you were pretty wasted last night we are now going to say you sure were a drunk little cucumber last night If any of you read IheartDDucks trip reports, or have Danielle on facebook, youll know where that comes from! I think its cute! Haha!

TGI Fridays was great, the sandwich was super messy and spicy, but good. I then boarded my second flight, and actually didnt sleep, I actually watched half of the new Tinkerbell movie, the Secret of the Wings, and before we knew it, I was landing in Orlando!! Welcome hooooommmeee!!

Soooo hungry, in need of some Disney noms!


I headed down to the Magical Express right away after picking up my baggage, and found no line for my resort, yay!


I changed from my flats to sandals, and they soon let us on the bus, it was half full, and left after about 10 minutes. Luckily, Coronado was the first stop of the resorts! Yay! I checked in quickly, and thought that the resort looked gorgeous! And couldnt wait to see it during the daytime!

I was in Casitas(is that right?) #5 which was seriously the FARTHEST thing possible from the lobby, ugh; there was a bus stop over near that area, but if I wanted food/coffee from the resort, Id have to walk all the back there, which sucked. And here, is my room, #5361!





Its your pretty standard moderate room, the desk/chair combo was nice, and obviously, as CSR is used as a convention center, it had a lot of work centered thing around it. Your usual 2 double beds, TV & stand, drawers, mini fridge, lights above the bed. Between the bathroom/vanity area and the bedrooms through they have actually sliding doors instead of a curtain, which would be nice for an early riser of a family!




I did notice that the toilet wasnt as loud as heck in this room (you know how it sounds like the entire world is about to be sucked up by a black whole when you flush the toilet at any other resort&yeah...NOT like that) Since I was all ready, I changed into capris and a thin sweater, and sent a text to Danielle (the same IheartDDuck from earlier) to let her know I had landed, and to see if they were still headed to DTD that evening, and they were! Her and her sister in law were down right around the same time I was, so we had been talking about meeting up that evening before they left and it was a dismeet planned! I stopped at the gift shop to take out some money, and buy some medical tape (to hopefully tape my toes the next day) and some Kleenex, and headed out!

We all headed over to Downtown Disney, and I ended up getting there a bit before them, and stopped to check out a couple of places to eat, and HOLY COW they were PACKED, DTD WAS PACKED!! I kept forgetting that it was Thanksgiving weekend (as we have Thanksgiving in October in Canada&) and obviously, Sat of Thanksgiving weekend would be crowded. I headed into TrenD and tried on a bunch of shirts before deciding on a Dumbo one, and Danielle texted me saying she was nearly there, so I started to head outside, and literally walked around the corner into each other!

We chatted a bit about her trip so far, and things they had witnessed/done, and about my last trip, my broken toe, some of my plans. She said that all the FLE was incredible and I would definitely love it, but to make sure I got to Be Our Guest early as heck if I wanted to eat there as the line had been beyond long by 11:00 am (and they open at 10:30) they were headed to eat, and I had to get to World of Disney, so after a quick picture (which she has) we said goodbye and went our separate ways! A nice little Dismeet!

At first, it was highly amusing to me how many people were out in full length pants and thick hoodies, it was nice out! I mean, a bit on the chilly side, but I had a sweater, and it was way warmer than home! I could barely make it through the crowds over to World Of Disney, and was definitely afraid of getting my toe stepped on, but eventually made it over. I was looking for an Alice dress for a friends daughter, but they apparently dont sell them anymore. BOO! I did see an Ariel Barbie though:


I heard from a girl on Tumblr whos friends with Ariel that like Cindy, shes also getting a new dress in the parks, and Im guessing its going to be something like this&who knows why they didnt just give her the pink dress from the start?

With no Alice dress, I quickly as I could, made it back to the bus stop, and jumped in line for the Grand Floridian, I figured Id head over there and then monorail to Magic Kingdom, I had me an expansion to see! Also, the Grand Floridian is gorgeous all the time, but at Christmas, I literally stopped and went wow


I CANNOT wait until I can stay there one of these days! (though Im torn between staying there the next time I have the money/get a discount, and saving it for my wedding/honeymoon resort. Hahah!!) Before I knew it, I was over at the Magic Kingdom and through the turnstiles, luckily, I was prepared for the level of crowded that it would be!


Now, as if this update hasn't had enough of my yammering, Ive got another back story to explain here. Back in January when I came for my solo trip, I met Naveen one night, and he told me to come back the next night, I did the following two nights and we made friends. When I returned to Disney in April, he recognized me, but not just my face; he remembered details about me and what we had talked about 3 months prior. Pretty freaking impressive for someone who meets hundreds of people a day! Between April and Sept, I found out why he was referred to as Cocoa Puff or Cereal Boy by the internet fandom, I found a video on youtube in which he talks about how he can fit 6 cocoa puffs up his nose. In Sept (where he instantly recognized me!) I asked about it, and he confirmed. Naturally, I brought Cocoa puffs with me this time so I could see it be done! HA!

SO, I headed over to Liberty Square first, as Tiana & Naveen usually greet until 1 hour prior to park closing, however they had apparently finished at 8:45 that night, boo!




The castles so pretty at Christmas!! UUUUGGGGFFFHHH. With no Naveen out, I headed toward the obvious next destination, new Fantasyland. I seriously had to stop and take this picture, and tweet with it:


BRB JUST CHECKING OUT NEW FANTASYLAND!!! Gasdjasndinfdfndfa!! #amazing​

Also Im going to be including all of my tweets in this trip report as I was tweeting from the parks this trip, and it kinda helps the storyline, right? I seriously was dying, like, I had been waiting for this moment for over a year now, and after seeing pictures and hearing about it all over the internet, my moment was finally here and I was about to EXPLODE. I am dying.




The Beasts castle is all lit up at night too, and I mean, look at the light fixtures, like EVERYTHING IS AWESOME IN HERE!


I really hoped I would be able to eat here in the next little bit, I had heard nothing but amazing things about it! Gastons little fountain was great too, it has a plaque on it thats all To Gaston, youre amazing Love from me, Gaston (okay, so it might not actually say that, but you get the gist!)



I wandered into the Bonjour Gifts shop in Belles village and a CM was all Bonjour, How are you doing tonight and I replied with IM DYING He asked why, and I said the expansion of course, it was amazing, I was nearly crying, everything was so well done and beautiful! He said to make sure to check out Be Our Guest, and recommended the grilled cheese & ham sandwich, but more French sounding Baha, okay! I browsed around, and made sure to tell him to have a good night, and as if my feels couldn't explode anymore, headed into my favorite Princess's section!
OOH I really enjoyed your previous TRs, excited to read this one! We were there a couple of weeks ago and didn't get to see Fantasy Land but we peered in from the outside and I can't WAIT to go back. It looks fabulous!
OOH I really enjoyed your previous TRs, excited to read this one! We were there a couple of weeks ago and didn't get to see Fantasy Land but we peered in from the outside and I can't WAIT to go back. It looks fabulous!

Thanks!! I'm glad you've liked them!! Ack, FLE was absolutely amazing, I was in there at least once every day haha!! It was the greatest thing I've seen in a while.

Checking in! Can't wait to hear all about Fantasyland!!

Hey!! Glad you made it over! :cool1:
Where we left off I had just finished browsing through Belle’s quiet village (although it wasn’t too quiet tonight!) and was headed over to the Little Mermaid section of the expansion. I had been on the ride in DLR already, so I figured I’d do that when the wait time was less, and passed onto the meet and greet.


The wait time was posted at 20 minutes, and I asked the cast member if Ariel was still hanging around, and she was! Out until 11! Yay! I seriously didn’t expect that! Naturally, I jumped in line for the Grotto!


Everything in there was so themed and done so well, the lights & tops of the posts in the cue were all under the sea things!!




It was absolutely amazing, and I was blown away, and this was just the start of it!! I ended up waiting under 20 minutes to get into the Grotto, and they really were only letting one family in at a time (kinda like over at Pixie Hollow, but it takes a little bit longer).


Ariel commented numerous times on how I was very beautiful, and had clearly been using my dinglehopper (to the point that it was kinda weird/awkward, like she had nothing else to say), she was meh, but hey, sometimes that happens, it was awesome to see her in her fin for once though! Yay!

When I came out of the meet and greet, Wishes had started (I had figured I would watch it later in the trip on my MK day, but watched a bit from inside the expansion!)




It was really cool watching it from back there! I used to stick to being in the hub to watch them, and in Sept watched from a bit down Main St & loved it, and now watching from FLE, I absolutely loved it! Sometimes it’s good to make changes in your regular life patterns!



The fireworks are on all sides of you if you watch from here, you kinda have to whip around to catch all of them, but I still really liked it and managed to get a good view of them!





So pretty!! I loved it!! I thought about trying one of Lefou’s Brews, but it was really getting chilly! I definitely laughed at myself for laughing at other people being so bundled, it definitely would be nice to have a warmer sweater on! Bahaha! I passed on Enchanted Tales as the wait time was just too long for me right now, and made onward to explore the Storybook Circus area a bit more.


Which really just meant wandering through the new gift shop that’s open, as I wasn’t about to wait for the Dumbo or Barnstormer rides! HA!



There was no gift shop in sight of the LM area, so I made sure to ask a CM around where I could find the Dinglehoppers I had seen on the internet, as I definitely needed to pick some up! She said that all the new Ariel merch was over in Sir Mickey’s, right beside the castle, so I headed over there!


I found that along the way, which I find to be quite interesting. Obviously Belle & Ariel have their new meet & greet areas, so they’re not in the Fairytale Hall…but where’s Rapunzel!? Is the area over by PPF going to be a M&G or is it a bathroom!? Only time will tell. Maybe they’re putting her in a different spot? It just doesn’t really make sense to me. Also, with Tiana & Jasmine in there, we can safely say good bye to Naveen (which breaks my little heart) and I’m REALLY hoping they don’t get rid of Aladdin! Like, it’s HIS MOVIE, his name is the TITLE. If they take him off meet & greets in the Magic Kingdom, that’s just dumb. Maybe put him in Adventureland with Abu? Who knows. We’ll find out eventually. I was at first really sad about Prince Eric disappearing, but with Gaston put into the rotation, I was okay. So, if they take out Naveen, but say, have Rapunzel and Flynn somewhere else in MK, I’d be okay with that! Lol.

I spent a bit of time in Sir Mickey’s picking out stuff to buy, and then wandered down through the shops on Main Street, looking specifically for a ring I had bought last year, and then lost, and I FOUND IT! YAY! I didn’t even realize how expensive it was until the next day, but hey, I had really wanted it!

With my shopping done, I headed out of Magic Kingdom at 11:00pm, and headed back to Coronado Springs for the night, it was time for sleep!

I’m up far too late for being in Disney, gonna need some coffee tomorrow! #dhs​

But before bed, I took the time to take pictures of everything I had bought, and spend some time on Tumblr, and noticed that the TV wasn’t working…ugh…no Stacey for me!


Dinglehoppers! They’re actually brushes! It’s awesome!!


Coffee mug, I had a Tink one, but it has since been thrown out, it needed to be retired, added bonus, this one LOCKS and doesn’t leak all over everything! Heck yes! Then of course we’ve got the ring;


(I do normally wear it on the right hand, it looks kinda legit haha, I just couldn’t take the picture with my Left hand, haha!) And the final purchase, the Dumbo shirt from TrenD!


With that, I figured I’d call the front desk/stop by in the morning to see if they could fix the TV (I needed my Stacey) and set the wake up call, and was out like a light!

Summary of the Day!

Ups: -Arriving home, I mean, it can’t get better than that
-Meeting Danielle (finally)

Downs: -No TV in the room
-The room being SUPER far
-The broken toe wasn’t feeling to hot
-A not so great Ariel

Food of the Day: Corn Dog Nuggets from Caseys! (the only Disney food I had!)

Thanks for all the detail pictures for us losers who didn't get to see Fantasy Land :cool1:
And I LOVE that ring! So adorable!
I'm here! Love the FLE photos. I cannot wait to get Maddie there. She's gonna die!
Yay I'm here! My computer is getting repaired so I'm on my app. It was so fun to meet you when we were there. I think us in the world for a longer period of time would be dangerous. ;)
Thanks for all the detail pictures for us losers who didn't get to see Fantasy Land :cool1:
And I LOVE that ring! So adorable!

No probs!! There's lots more coming (in daylight and with less crowds) and in Be Our Guest, which may have been my favorite part!! SDADFAS;GG <- my feelings on the matter. Disney's done good on it!

I'm here! Love the FLE photos. I cannot wait to get Maddie there. She's gonna die!

UGH! She probably will, be prepared for lots of princess dresses, UGH, you guys need to eat at BOG, great food, great environment and it's just amazing. AH

Yay I'm here! My computer is getting repaired so I'm on my app. It was so fun to meet you when we were there. I think us in the world for a longer period of time would be dangerous. ;)

Ah boo!! At least there's the app! I know!! Oh goodness, we definitely would be drunk little cucumbers that's for sure! :lmao: Clearly I crack myself up!! Hope you guys had a safe trip home!!
I'm here! You are quite the trooper, touring the parks on broken toes!!!

That ring is beautiful!
I'm onboard for another great report! I live my love of Disney vicariously through your reports since its impossible to go more than once a year with a wife and two little kids!
Joining in! :mickeyjum I love that they came out with dinglehopper hairbrushes. So cute, I want on so bad. Gotta love the Little Mermaid.
Finally found my way here. Looks like you had a great first day. Mom and I loved all the details in New Fantasyland!

I'm curious to see if our paths crossed at all. I was there from 11/25 though 12/1. I looked for you the whole time but there were lots of people!
I'm here! You are quite the trooper, touring the parks on broken toes!!!

That ring is beautiful!

Bahaha!! I had NO CHOICE! I seriously wanted to kill him after I realized I was leaving for Disney the next day! It honestly worked out for the best though, being that I could just wear sandals, although I think all the walking made it a little bit worse, as it's been 2 weeks and it still hurts. Ugh. THANKS! I really like it!

I'm onboard for another great report! I live my love of Disney vicariously through your reports since its impossible to go more than once a year with a wife and two little kids!

Yay!! That's awesome!! I'm hoping I can keep up the trips in the coming year, but I'm not sure!

Yay!! Hi!!

Joining in! :mickeyjum I love that they came out with dinglehopper hairbrushes. So cute, I want on so bad. Gotta love the Little Mermaid.

Hi!! Glad you're here!! I know right?! They're so adorable, and they actually work pretty well for the brush aspect, especially for stuff like backcombing, it's great!

Finally found my way here. Looks like you had a great first day. Mom and I loved all the details in New Fantasyland!

I'm curious to see if our paths crossed at all. I was there from 11/25 though 12/1. I looked for you the whole time but there were lots of people!

It was pretty awesome! ACK! FLE was seriously the greatest thing I've seen in a while, it's amazing!!

I know!! I'm pretty sure we were around Le Cellier and DHS that evening around the same time :confused3 Maybe we were in the same crowd of people and didn't even know it! Hah

It was time for Day 1 (officially) in Disney! Yay!! I was up bright and early around 7:50 in the morning so Id have time to get down and get some breakfast from the resort before heading out. I quickly threw on some make up, did my hair, and was out the door to head back to the Lobby area of the resort. Naturally, it was gorgeous out (sun wise, it still was pretty chilly, but I had my warmer sweater on) so I took a bunch of pictures!



Looking out from where my room was, and then back towards the building, I did like how colorful they are!



There were some nice little hammock areas around the bay as well to hang out in.


I made it down to Café Rix in not as much time as I thought it would take, and took a look through the breakfast options, and was disappointed in the selections. Let me tell you, its a TINY place in there, like, there is NO room, but the resort has 2 sit down places&..ugh& I eventually chose a ham & cheese & egg croissant sandwich (which came with a hashbrown), filled up my mug and had to head around the corner over into the lounge area to get a seat to eat!


I ended up taking apart the sandwich and attempting to just eat the egg part, but even that was gross, in total I didnt even eat half of the sandwich, but did enjoy the hashbrown.

Dining Review: Café Rix
-Too crowded, especially at high volume food times, not even enough space to move
-No healthy options
-Didnt like the food

Maybe its just me coming from a variety of resorts, and always having lots of selection that Ive been spoiled and I just didnt enjoy it enough, who knows? Hahaha. I managed to get to the bus stop right at 8:25 though, which I figured was good enough, as I waited, I tweeted!

Got my free coffee! Ready for a full day at Disneys Hollywood Studios!


Shameful secret: I brought that mug from home. Ive noticed that they dont really change the mugs, theres no telling whether you bought it that trip or not& but hey, I originally did pay for it, right?! Hahah. Anyways, the main bus stop at CSR is actually the last for the bus to pick people up at, so it can be a problem, and there may not be room on the bus, luckily it was early and there wasnt a lot of people to get on the DHS bus.

We arrived at the park at 8:45, and I thought we were making some pretty decent time, but I had guessed wrong! They werent even letting anyone past the bag check because there just wasnt the space between them and the turnstiles! Ugh, I may end up spending more time than I thought at Epcot.

I do not accept these crowds! #thanksgivingweekend




They started letting people in before 9:00, thankfully, and once through the bag check, I managed to weasel my way up a lot closer to the turnstiles! (benefit of being solo, you really can get through crowds way easier!) Heres a look at the turnstiles!


Ugh, let me tell you, I was not too into it!




Obviously I had my first pick of things to do today!


And of course it involved some Mania of the Toy Story variety! Knowing how the crowds were, and that I usually like to do TSM twice, I grabbed a fast pass first before jumping in line. I got a return time of 10:20 am right at 9:00!


And then of course I jumped right in the standby line, which was posted at 30 minutes, boo, but hey, it wouldn’t be that short again today, so I may as well!



That one always makes me laugh, it’s so true! Prices of things obviously aren’t that bad up here, but they are almost always more expensive than in the States, boourns!



Mom loved the Tinkertoy’s in Sept, so I tagged her in the pic on Facebook!



I think those drawings are my favsies! They’re super cute, I love that you’re “toy sized” when you’re in the cue. If you haven’t been through the standby at TSM, next time you’re around, make sure to go through it! It’s awesome.




I had about reached this point when I tweeted;

30 minute wait time?! Pssh, I’m in in 15 minutes!!




Themeing, so incredible!! Sometimes I really want to just ride TSM just to take pictures, but let’s be serious, I’m way to competitive to even think about doing that, I’m way too focused on my game!


Yay for a good score! (Wow, you’d think my seat partner was asleep or something! Ahahaha….so funny!) I also got best in vehicle! Heck yes! This was starting out to be a good day!


Then again, what day isn’t a good day when you’re in Disney!? With my fast pass already in my pocket, I started towards Tower of Terror, my next destination!



I like the lights they have set up there, very “Hollywood” esque! Tower of Terror was posted at about 20 minutes, and I think I waited about that!

Ready to check in for my stay at the Hollywood Hotel!


I also tagged Paige in that photo on facebook, as the elevator is waiting “just for her!” and mentioned that I greatly missed her on this trip, as our last one had been so fantastic!


It was a good elevator ride, not great. There was another solo rider and he sat directly beside me rather than sitting one seat over (they hadn’t filled the elevator up completely) and it just made it kinda weird. Haha!! I don’t do RnR at all (yup, I’m a scaredy Katt…get it…ahaha…so funny…) so I spent the next little bit looking through the shops to kill some time, and was seriously so excited for the Osborne Lights that evening, all this Christmas stuff was definitely getting me into the spirit of the season (although it didn’t feel so right without any snow and below freezing temperatures!)

There is Muppet Christmas music playing! #heaven I died, I would love that CD for Christmas!

Soon enough it hit 10:20, so I headed back towards Toy Story Mania to use my fast pass, and in the end, waited under 5 minutes for the ride. Yay! (Pretty sure standby was posted upwards of 60 minutes by now)

I’m in love with the music from Toy Story!


I ended up beating my score from last time, and got the best in the vehicle again! Yaaaay! On my way out of the ride, I heard the other family from the vehicle talking trying to figure out who had gotten the highest score, heh heh heh, awesome. Since it was nearly time to get in line for some theatre (if I wanted a great seat) I headed BACK towards where I had just been!

Time for some theatre, Beauty and the Beast, here I come!



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