A Grand Vacation: The 2012 Grand Floridian FAQ!

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I know the official opening date is July 1st...but this date in disney history and other sites say today is the day the the GF actually opened...Wish I was there right now to celebrate! :lovestruc

I know the official opening date is July 1st...but this date in disney history and other sites say today is the day the the GF actually opened...Wish I was there right now to celebrate! :lovestruc


If anyone is at the Grand today ...........let us know if they did anything special to celebrate !!! :woohoo:

Syndrome ...........
27 days until Sugarloaf !:thumbsup2
Hi all. I think DH is driving the DVC rep crazy with all my questions. The standard view is a view of the main building, the beach pool or the wedding chapel. Not so bad. I also read that it is $65 per day for housekeeping to come in and clean and refresh towels.

I still like the thought of CL level, but I guess that's why there is a kitchen and Garden Grocer. My kids don't seem to mind, but...

18 more days for us and I will certainly let everyone here know my impression of the model rooms.
We are also new DVC members with the Villas at the Grand Floridian as our home resort. We last stayed at GF in January, 2012. We stayed CL and had a room about 2-3 doors away from the lounge. I worried that my young children wouldn't like GF but quite the opposite was true.
We only bought 160 points which is enough for one week in a studio annually. We plan our first stay in our new home away from home in August, 2014. Since we tend to go to Disney more than once a year, there will be plenty of opportunities to stay CL or elsewhere on our non-DVC trips. I love having a kitchen and laundry facility and even when we don't stay in DVC rooms, I always do laundry on vacation. With 3 children it just becomes a necessity for me (and I won't lie - my time in the laundry room is often the most peaceful time of our vacations! :rotfl2: ).
We're super excited to have many great future trips to GF!!!

k&a&c'smom I agree understand about not being able to book too far in advance..having children in young adulthood..their commitments often have us changing our plans...:confused: Its not easy...But..We do always manage to work something out! ;)

Again..having children in young adulthood really makes that extra space seem so appealing...but we love all that staying CL has to offer... :cloud9: and having the lounge to go to does add some extra space..my DH calls this Disney logic! :rolleyes1 As for laundry..I absolutely refuse to do any on vacation..Have found that if we forget something at home..or run out of anything..Sandy Cove.. Summer Lace and Commander Porters are very well stocked! :flower3:


Having adult children does make the space issue more imperative! When we thought we would have 6 adults, I looked into booking DVC villas for the first time ever, but due to the short notice there was very little left that would work for us. My second thought was a suite, but found two CL rooms to be far less expensive!:faint: Ended up 2 of the kids dropped out, so it was a moot point, but I know eventually this will affect us.

We feel the lounge is extra space, too, our last trip to RPC was with 3 adults - plenty of room with the lounge as a retreat.

LOL about the boutiques being well stocked! I do a few things while the kids are at the parks, or while we are swimming. If we do not have an extra for DD to tour with, I'll send them out to valet laundry.

Congrats!! We too bought vgf and I cannot wait to go! We have been using our marriott timeshare for a while now and I have to say. Staying in a regular studio hotel room is tough with kiddos once you are used to two or three bedroom condos! I love having the kitchen and laundry, and I actually like not having cleaning daily. Then I don't feel like I need to worry about our stuff. Now if I could just get someone to leave a chocolate on my pillow.........

I'll bet that's right, once you get used to the room it's tough to go back.

I've read others who prefer not to have housekeeping due to fears about their stuff.:hug: I have to say, that particular fear has never bothered me at WDW, but I'm sure my DH would be anxious. (he never comes along any more, not a WDW lover - hard to fathom, right?!)

Yeah, those holiday times are crazy. What used to be value season the week before Christmas is now peak season, which leads right into holiday season :faint:.

It's disappointing that the rates keep going up so high :sad2:. I am looking forward to a spring RPC trip......hopefully a good discount will be available :wizard:.

I remember now that you mention it - we used to book the week before Christmas due to the local school schedule, but had to give it up. I refuse to start off with such high rates, not to mention some years have no discounts during that time.:headache:


I know the official opening date is July 1st...but this date in disney history and other sites say today is the day the the GF actually opened...Wish I was there right now to celebrate! :lovestruc


Thanks for the reminder! When I was researching for the blurb on the first page, every date contradicted each other so I went with "summer 1988"!:laughing:

I'd love to be there, too, I wish we all were hanging in the lobby right now.:cloud9:


If anyone is at the Grand today ...........let us know if they did anything special to celebrate !!! :woohoo:

Syndrome ...........
27 days until Sugarloaf !

They usually have cake in the lobby, with some sort of ceremony, I think. I would imagine the 25th would be extra special.pixiedust:

Hi all. I think DH is driving the DVC rep crazy with all my questions. The standard view is a view of the main building, the beach pool or the wedding chapel. Not so bad. I also read that it is $65 per day for housekeeping to come in and clean and refresh towels.

I still like the thought of CL level, but I guess that's why there is a kitchen and Garden Grocer. My kids don't seem to mind, but...

18 more days for us and I will certainly let everyone here know my impression of the model rooms.

LOL about driving the rep crazy - at those prices, they should expect the third degree!::yes::

Only 18 days, woohoo!:banana:

We are also new DVC members with the Villas at the Grand Floridian as our home resort. We last stayed at GF in January, 2012. We stayed CL and had a room about 2-3 doors away from the lounge. I worried that my young children wouldn't like GF but quite the opposite was true.
We only bought 160 points which is enough for one week in a studio annually. We plan our first stay in our new home away from home in August, 2014. Since we tend to go to Disney more than once a year, there will be plenty of opportunities to stay CL or elsewhere on our non-DVC trips. I love having a kitchen and laundry facility and even when we don't stay in DVC rooms, I always do laundry on vacation. With 3 children it just becomes a necessity for me (and I won't lie - my time in the laundry room is often the most peaceful time of our vacations! :rotfl2: ).
We're super excited to have many great future trips to GF!!!


Congrats on your VGF purchase.:yay: LOL about the peaceful moments in the laundry room. I've spent a lot of time in the WDW laundry rooms, never really thought of it that way.:laughing:
Wish I was there right now to celebrate! :lovestruc

Me too :goodvibes.

18 more days for us and I will certainly let everyone here know my impression of the model rooms.

The pics of the villas look beautiful. I might have to try to see one when we are there in December ;).

We are also new DVC members with the Villas at the Grand Floridian as our home resort.

Congratulations on your DVC purchase. We've looked into DVC a few times and it's just not for us. I do like the extra space the 1 and 2 BDRM units provide, but other than that, it wouldn't benefit us as I don't want to see a kitchen and/or washer/dryer on vacation....LOL.

We feel the lounge is extra space, too, our last trip to RPC was with 3 adults - plenty of room with the lounge as a retreat.

Same with us. When we stay CL, it's more for the lounge/extra space than it is for the food offerings. The food is a nice perk, but I love having the lounge for somewhere to go and relax other than in the room or other places around the resort :).
MommyGina~ :yay: 18 days!! Nothing about those views seem standard..all quite lovely....:goodvibes

DrMomof3~ :thumbsup2 Congrats on your VGF purchase! LOLing about the peaceful moments room...maybe I should be doing laundry while we are on vacation!

k&a&c'smom~ In all of our trips we have never been at the GF around its anniversary .. wish I would have thought of that this year...:(

MickeyNut~ I will be on the lookout with you for those 2014 discounts... ::yes::
Hello all, long time lurker needing your help! I can't decide... Should we stay 4 nights at the GF or 6 at the Poly? For the dates I wanted, the GF is only available 4 nights :sad1: Ideally I'd want 6 nights at the GF, but it seems that is not in the cards. DISers... what would you do?!

Love Poly, and I would always go for the longer trip. 4 nights really isn't enough, IMO :goodvibes
Hi Blue :wave2:

Nope.....no such thing as calling CRO or IPO too much :rolleyes1 :laughing:.

I agree about the 40% discounts.....I think they are gone and never to return :(.

:( yep, those days are gone boo!! Last time I got a 40% AP discount was at WL, jan 2012. I miss the days of 45% :rotfl:

Blue Skies :worried: no, can't decide on view yet!! Ugh. Either would be good lol.
Hi Everyone! Just wanted to drop by and share my excitement! Just booked a long weekend stay at the GF for labor day wknd :banana:

Ive never stayed at the Grand before but always spend lots of time dining/visiting the resort and daydreaming what it would be like to actually be there as a real guest - I can't wait! I was able to get an AMAZING deal through a travel agency (I dont think I can post the name?) but I ended up saving about $350 more than the public discount rate .. I am a little nervous using an agency since i'm a bit controlling and particular and find that the planning of the trip is just as much fun as going...but I think I can manage if it means I can stay at my dream resort!

I guess from the looks of this thread I have a lot of reading up to do on things like best standard room location, QS dining options etc I better get started :surfweb:

It's a reputable agency, no need to worry! Congrats on your saving.
Hi all- checked in yesterday and received our sago, marina view request. 2 floors above the room we has last time.
Enjoy the new seating at Gasparillas. The movie is on the lawn next to the courtyard pool and faces SL. I can see where that would be annoying.
Congrats on getting your request!! I'm still waffling between Marina & Pool view :faint:


I know the official opening date is July 1st...but this date in disney history and other sites say today is the day the the GF actually opened...Wish I was there right now to celebrate! :lovestruc

And July 1 is also Canada Day ::yes:: so happy birthday to all :banana:

k&a&c since I'll be in wdw for 14 nights this trip, I'm going to try to catch an evening movie this time lol. Either at GF or YC!
.... I don't want to see a kitchen and/or washer/dryer on vacation....LOL.


LOL - I don't want to USE a kitchen, but it has been pointed out by friends with DVC the full sized fridge is very useful for storing leftover dessert, wine, milk, etc. Still, not likely I'll find out.;)


k&a&c'smom~ In all of our trips we have never been at the GF around its anniversary .. wish I would have thought of that this year...:(


I know!!:headache: We never manage to be there during the anniversary, don't know why. Partly due to going later in the summer for DD's b'day, I suppose.


And July 1 is also Canada Day ::yes:: so happy birthday to all :banana:

k&a&c since I'll be in wdw for 14 nights this trip, I'm going to try to catch an evening movie this time lol. Either at GF or YC!

The Grand, Canada and America, all celebrating at the same time.:bday::teeth:

LOL about the movie - good luck!;)
MickeyNut~ I will be on the lookout with you for those 2014 discounts... ::yes::

The 2014 rates are supposed to come out on July 10th, so at least we can play with the numbers and keep our fingers crossed for a good discount for spring :goodvibes.

:( yep, those days are gone boo!! Last time I got a 40% AP discount was at WL, jan 2012. I miss the days of 45% :rotfl:

My last 40% discount was at GF RPC in May 2011.....boy, how I wish those 40% discounts would come around again :(.

I'm still waffling between Marina & Pool view :faint:

I know it's hard deciding, but I think they're both great and you can't go wrong either way ;). That's one thing I like about both the Poly and GF......I don't think there are bad views at either resort :wizard:.

LOL - I don't want to USE a kitchen, but it has been pointed out by friends with DVC the full sized fridge is very useful for storing leftover dessert, wine, milk, etc. Still, not likely I'll find out.;)

That is one big advantage, but I'm like you and will likely never find out how useful that would be :rolleyes1. I love being pampered and having more of a resort experience (with CL ;)) over a little more space and home amenities.
Glad I made everyone laugh with my comment about peace and quiet in the laundry room. As much as I love taking vacation with my family, they can get on my last nerve!!! :rotfl:

We really do use a kitchen, mostly for breakfast. I love not spending all of that money on breakfast at restaurants. And I'm an early riser so I make my coffee and start breakfast while waiting for the rest of the family to wake up. I do understand not wanting to cook on vacation but I'm spoiled in real life because my nanny does a lot of cooking during the week. (I'm a surgeon and often leave the house before all 3 of my children are awake.)

Want to book some spa services for myself and 11 year old daughter... What do they offer for 11 year old??? Also when I book do I pay before my trip or when I get to the spa???

I know the official opening date is July 1st...but this date in disney history and other sites say today is the day the the GF actually opened...Wish I was there right now to celebrate! :lovestruc

I was there today! had a spa service in the morning and spent some time at the resort. Also checked out the construction progress on DVC and visited to model over at SSR since we are planning to add some points there. The model is stunning and I asked the guide how the hotel is going to keep up with it because the rooms in the hotel will look quite rough around the edges compared to this jewel. Here are some photos I took but they really don't even do it justice. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10200443411346412.1073741827.1190373312&type=1&l=e7ecb065d3
Want to book some spa services for myself and 11 year old daughter... What do they offer for 11 year old??? Also when I book do I pay before my trip or when I get to the spa???

I can't answer your questions, but hopefully someone will come along with some information :).

I was there today! had a spa service in the morning and spent some time at the resort. Also checked out the construction progress on DVC and visited to model over at SSR since we are planning to add some points there. The model is stunning and I asked the guide how the hotel is going to keep up with it because the rooms in the hotel will look quite rough around the edges compared to this jewel. Here are some photos I took but they really don't even do it justice. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10200443411346412.1073741827.1190373312&type=1&l=e7ecb065d3

Thanks for sharing the pics......the villas look beautiful. Hope you're having a nice trip :goodvibes.
JD99 thanks for the pics!

I keep 2nd guessing my cash ressie for 12/19-24 in a 2 bdrm lake villa. The price is so:scared1:

Then I see the pictures and :lovestruc

Ds doesn't Love Disney like dd and I do but he will LOVE the showers :goodvibes

Dh will alike the king bed:goodvibes

Dd will love the mirrors and built in TV's. :rolleyes1

I will love it all:worship:
I'm here, but you wouldn't know that today was the birthday...we'll see in they do something Monday.
Congrats on getting your request!! I'm still waffling between Marina & Pool view :faint:

k&a&c since I'll be in wdw for 14 nights this trip, I'm going to try to catch an evening movie this time lol. Either at GF or YC!

sue m, i am going the exact same day as you, for ten days, also at GF and BC (i know you are YC). we are doing 6 days at BC CL then 4 at GF RPC! :cool1:
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