30 years? How is that possible? Recap last day at Disney (8/14)

And just saw this and I am NOT a happy camper at all (and no comments from you Captain!):

"A post on The Epcot Explorer's Encyclopedia's Facebook page has been stirring up interest in the Disney community.

The site claims: "The Imagination Pavilion at Epcot will cease operations on January 2nd, 2014. The Captain EO show will not reopen, while the ride and retail location are rumored to remain closed for one year for renovations. There is no official statement from Disney on the scale of work at this time."

The Imagination Pavilion has long been the source of renovation rumors. Journey Into Imagination With Figment has been through a few versions, but its die-hard fans would like to see the attraction returned to its original state. Other rumors we've been hearing lately are that the pavilion will get a Phineas and Ferb makeover. No matter what ends up taking place, it's safe to say that someone won't be happy. The Imagination Pavilion is an Epcot icon and its fans are very vocal about their love for the attraction and its purple mascot. "

We tried to get ressies at OHanas for October but she couldn't get them for all of us !!:sad2: I will try if I do my Feb solo trip!!!!!:) We ate there with Judy and the girls, I really was nervous as Judy usually doesn't like Family Style and I didn't know if she liked Bread Pudding :confused3Well my fear were unfounded !!!They all loved the salda and dressing and when the chicken wings and pot stickers came out , they were like vultures :rotfl2: They devoured the broccoli and noodles and while no one but me had the shrimp , they lovedthe other meats !! When the Pudding came out so did the vultures !!Judy said it was her favorite meal at Disney EVER!!!!
'Ohana is wonderful, I hope that you enjoy it! And I am really really hoping that Figment doesn't disappear! I've always loved that ride, and I have a picture from when I was very small with Figment and the Dreamfinder and it was a special day.
Watching Wishes from the Poly Beach is one of my favorite ways to end an evening. In fact, it's my favorite way to end a trip. :)
And just saw this and I am NOT a happy camper at all (and no comments from you Captain!):

"A post on The Epcot Explorer's Encyclopedia's Facebook page has been stirring up interest in the Disney community.

The site claims: "The Imagination Pavilion at Epcot will cease operations on January 2nd, 2014. The Captain EO show will not reopen, while the ride and retail location are rumored to remain closed for one year for renovations. There is no official statement from Disney on the scale of work at this time."

The Imagination Pavilion has long been the source of renovation rumors. Journey Into Imagination With Figment has been through a few versions, but its die-hard fans would like to see the attraction returned to its original state. Other rumors we've been hearing lately are that the pavilion will get a Phineas and Ferb makeover. No matter what ends up taking place, it's safe to say that someone won't be happy. The Imagination Pavilion is an Epcot icon and its fans are very vocal about their love for the attraction and its purple mascot. "

What do you mean, no comments? Maybe Disney will put some Imagination into the Imagination ride now! :thumbsup2 :duck:
I will not miss captain eo but I love figment and miss dreamfinder....so now two empty pavilions in future world...what are they thinking
Catching up around here.

Hmmm about the Imagination pavilion. I will need to make sure I hit both to say goodbye.
I liked figment but I believe the original Dreamfinder was better but they need to update the attraction. Figment needs to stay since he is an original EPCOT character.
Hi Kathy! I was wondering why I wasn't seeing your PTR updates for your park plans... it helps if I actually subscribe! That's fixed now. :p

I'm excited to see that you will be at AK on the 19th and not only that but you are eating at Tusker House! We have a breakfast scheduled there that same day as well - 10:15 is the only time we could get about 6 weeks ago! We'll have to meet up and say hi and give you a squeeze! :wave2:

We'll also be at MK on the evening of the 16th but we arrive much later than you for our flights. All other park plans are not quite the same but I know you have at least 4 more days of plans to reveal! :)
O'hana interests me for a future stay. I've heard a lot of good things about it, so I know I will try it someday.

I'll be sure to let you know what we think.

I definitely want to watch Wishes from the Poly Beach someday too!

We've always enjoyed doing this and haven't done it since 2004 so looking forward to going back.

Not a fan of Captain EO at all so not sad about that, but if they want to put new things in, why not use the empty Wonders of Life building?

I think they want to keep the Wonders of Life building open for special events (Flower & Garden, etc.). I've never understood Captain EO and doubt I ever will.

gah! i knew you haven't done the POLY!!! why didn't i say that!!!
it's Tom's favorite restaurant..remember do not compare it to our Brazilian restaurants!!!
it's fun..

I promise not to compare.

fireworks at the beach is AWESOME and so romantic!!!

Yes it is. :)

I hope that you and Mark enjoy Ohana as much as my family does. Well, as much as everybody but picky-eater Hunter does. He likes it mostly for the atmosphere and the meat. We've been lucky enough to watch the fireworks from the restaurant three times now.

Well, it Hunter likes it, I'm sure this picky-eater will too. :)

Woohoo for 'Ohana dinner! Yes, I'm still seeing pot stickers in my sleep. I was tempted on more than one occasion this week to try and get an ADR. But, for the price, I can't make a habit of it. I'll give it a month or two. Then hit it up again.
The rest of the evening sounds lovely. Very relaxing.

I am looking forward to the pot stickers the most. :)

Hmmm... I do love Journey. I miss the original and hope that's where they're going with it. They did bring back the original Tiki Room. I understand wanting to give things a fresh approach but, I'd hate to see Figment become part of Disney past. Not sure how to feel. I guess I'll wait for Disney to make it official before I start the protests.

I loved the original; the middle one was AWFUL and this current one is okay. I hope they bring back Dreamfinder and give it a good update.

Ok, I just have to say that for as often as you go to Disney World and as many different restaurants as I've seen featured in your TR's, I'm absolutely shocked that you haven't eaten at the Poly... except for maybe Kona once. I mean I really thought you'd been to just about all of them by now! :rotfl2:

Well, we've had breakfast at Kona a few times now. Trust me, there are many restaurants we have NOT eaten at yet; some because I don't like the type of food and others because they've been inconvenient for where we were or I forget.

I have to say that I'm not upset about this one at all. EO sucks. I mean there's nothing nice I can say about that one. As for the Figment part... well, I love Figment, but I have no problem with a refurb there. It lacks Imagination and there is so much more that can be done with the unutilized space. Now as for the addition of Phineas and Ferb... I'm kind of leery of that one. I actually like P&F, and based on their show, they would be the perfect characters to attach to an Imagination pavilion, but I don't want to see Figment evicted so that they can be added.

Now if they came up with some kind of a way to bring back Dreamfinder, Figment and merge them into a story line with Phineas and Ferb... well, with a little bit of imagination the possibilities are endless. :thumbsup2

I agree with you wholeheartedly on EO! I'd definitely like them to find a way to bring back Dreamfinder. I just don't see how you get rid of Figment since he is an original EPCOT staple.

mmm ohana i cant wait till i get to eat there again.

I'm anxious to try it, Dan.

I hope you like Ohana! I loved it my first time. Had to take dh the next time so he could try. I wasn't as impressed... but he LOVED it. Now we have to go every time. He is just so thrilled by "unlimited steak" :rotfl2: He even special requests and they fill it for him. He likes it very rare...so tells the server that and voila, that is what they bring him.... over and over and over. I am not sure where he puts it all... and I would be embarrassed to say just how many pieces of steak he had on our last trip. :rolleyes1

I've often read mixed reviews of it, but I'm willing to give it a try. Mark hates any pink in his meat so we may be asking for well done.

I would hate to see figment go!!! I am a fan...and it is probably one of my favorite rides in Epcot.

There aren't a whole lot of rides at Epcot to begin with, and to close this would be awful.
We tried to get ressies at OHanas for October but she couldn't get them for all of us !!:sad2: I will try if I do my Feb solo trip!!!!!:) We ate there with Judy and the girls, I really was nervous as Judy usually doesn't like Family Style and I didn't know if she liked Bread Pudding :confused3Well my fear were unfounded !!!They all loved the salda and dressing and when the chicken wings and pot stickers came out , they were like vultures :rotfl2: They devoured the broccoli and noodles and while no one but me had the shrimp , they lovedthe other meats !! When the Pudding came out so did the vultures !!Judy said it was her favorite meal at Disney EVER!!!!

I am with you, Rosie. I'm not a big family style person either, but with the meat being delivered (like our Brazilian steakhouses here), I'm willing to give it a shot. I'll skip the broccoli, I'm sure.

'Ohana is wonderful, I hope that you enjoy it! And I am really really hoping that Figment doesn't disappear! I've always loved that ride, and I have a picture from when I was very small with Figment and the Dreamfinder and it was a special day.

I think if I digged deep enough, I'd find a picture of our kids with Dreamfinder. I'm with you...I hope it doesn't disappear.

Watching Wishes from the Poly Beach is one of my favorite ways to end an evening. In fact, it's my favorite way to end a trip. :)

I'm really looking forward to being back on that beach (certainly can't afford to stay there anymore).

What do you mean, no comments? Maybe Disney will put some Imagination into the Imagination ride now! :thumbsup2 :duck:

I don't think I even want to speak to you right now, Mark. :sad:

I will not miss captain eo but I love figment and miss dreamfinder....so now two empty pavilions in future world...what are they thinking

I know they use the Wonders of Life for a lot of special events (Flower & Garden, Food & Wine), but I am sure they'll put something in the Imagination Pavilion, I just hope it is still Figment.

Catching up around here.

:wave: Pat

Hmmm about the Imagination pavilion. I will need to make sure I hit both to say goodbye.
I liked figment but I believe the original Dreamfinder was better but they need to update the attraction. Figment needs to stay since he is an original EPCOT character.

I agree the original was the best, but they simply cannot get rid of Figment.

Hi Kathy! I was wondering why I wasn't seeing your PTR updates for your park plans... it helps if I actually subscribe! That's fixed now. :p

Silly girl!

I'm excited to see that you will be at AK on the 19th and not only that but you are eating at Tusker House! We have a breakfast scheduled there that same day as well - 10:15 is the only time we could get about 6 weeks ago! We'll have to meet up and say hi and give you a squeeze! :wave2:

Oooh....we will definitely have to look for you at breakfast at Tusker House. I should give you my cell phone and you can text me when you arrive and we can stop at your table on the way out since we'll be done before you. :hug:

We'll also be at MK on the evening of the 16th but we arrive much later than you for our flights. All other park plans are not quite the same but I know you have at least 4 more days of plans to reveal! :)

I believe with the 16th being our arrival date and our early time getting up, we won't make it too late on the night of the 16th. But I hope some of our other days work out so we can have a couple of hellos and possibly a drink.
Add my vote to No Capt EO !!! Thought it was stupid !!!Of course I was not an MJ fan anyway!!!
So after spending the night watching wishes from the Poly beach and getting some rest, we will be getting up on Tuesday, August 20, and having breakfast in our room. From there, we will be driving here:

I'm not sure we will arrive right at opening or not since we will be spending the entire day at Epcot. We will stroll over to see if we can get fastpasses here:

And then we'll probably listen to the

While I am getting a

I am sure Mark will head over to do

If we have time, we will do Universe of Energy.

We have an early ADR here:

We really enjoyed our lunch here with Nicki and Todd and Andy and Des on Mark's surprise trip in December and are looking forward to dining here again.

After lunch, we will probably stay in World Showcase for the rest of the afternoon/early evening. We will visit all the countries, probably do at least one if not all of the films in Canada, France and China. I want to do Pick-a-Pearl this trip if I don't forget and get some photopass pics. I'd like to try to get a few character pics here as we seldom make the time to do it.

We will also graze for dinner this day and stop at whichever country we feel like getting something to eat. We may share fish and chips, we may share something in Norway or we may just choose our own little appy in several countries.

After dinner, we will head back to Future World and finish up what we didn't do:

We will probably stop at MouseGears before doing Spaceship Earth and do some shopping as we may or may not be back to Epcot tomorrow (Thursday, the 22nd).

Up next, our "down" day.
Well, make sure you get plenty of time in with the little purple guy... just in case... :worried:
Sounds like a nice Epcot day. I thought about doing dinner at Chefs of France on my Epcot day, but wound up picking Via Napoli.

I agree with Andy, make sure to do Figment in case it doesn't come back. Though you will be back in December and it won't close until January so you will have the chance then too.
Arrival day sounds like a good plan. I cannot wait to try Be Our Guest when we go.
A donut for breakfast to handle Star Tours. ROTF
I agree about the new Test Track but I will ride it just wish I could skip the entire queue.
Rose & Crown. Yum! The Scotch Egg is so good.
I loved our lunch at LTT. Hope you all like it.
I am sure you can both make it to midnight.
‘Ohana um can’t wait to hear your review.
Get a Lapu Lapu and sit on the beach for the fireworks.
Epcot plans look good.
Yum Chef’s de France.
All the plans look great.
All caught up.
We are eating at Chef's in December !!I haven't been there in awhile ,so am looking forward to it !!!
And just saw this and I am NOT a happy camper at all (and no comments from you Captain!):

"A post on The Epcot Explorer's Encyclopedia's Facebook page has been stirring up interest in the Disney community.

The site claims: "The Imagination Pavilion at Epcot will cease operations on January 2nd, 2014. The Captain EO show will not reopen, while the ride and retail location are rumored to remain closed for one year for renovations. There is no official statement from Disney on the scale of work at this time."

The Imagination Pavilion has long been the source of renovation rumors. Journey Into Imagination With Figment has been through a few versions, but its die-hard fans would like to see the attraction returned to its original state. Other rumors we've been hearing lately are that the pavilion will get a Phineas and Ferb makeover. No matter what ends up taking place, it's safe to say that someone won't be happy. The Imagination Pavilion is an Epcot icon and its fans are very vocal about their love for the attraction and its purple mascot. "

I didn't realize I was this far behind.

This does make me a little sad - the Figment part, not the Captain EO part. And I really hope it doesn't become something Phineas and Ferb.

I would like to see something creative in the EO theatre. A really up to date 3D or 4D attraction. Heck - just leave Figment alone. I hope they don't turn it into more convention space.

So - now I forgot what your plans were.

Ah - yes - Epcot - Chefs is good. I am going to try Le Cellier in October (for lunch) because I haven't eaten there in forever.

Glad you have a couple DIS meets planned and your Epcot plans look great. I love all the movies.
Plans sound great. Just one thing to note, if it's not an evening EMH day, most attractions in Future World (except the 4 main ones) will close at 7pm. When we went Nemo and Figment were both closed in the evening.
You have a great day at Epcot planned! I find Epcot to be so relaxing, just walking around the WS and seeing all of the hidden little gems that you can find. I hope that you do go and pick a pearl, it looks like so much fun!


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