Zero Enforcement of Dress Code @ Palo


Earning My Ears
Feb 24, 2022
I just got off of a wonderful three night cruise on Dream out of Fort Lauderdale and wanted to give a brief report out of what I encountered during my Palo brunch. When I was in Meridian waiting to be seated I noticed a fair amount of people waiting wearing t-shirts, shorts, and sneakers and assumed that they were waiting for a tasting seminar, however, one by one the groups were called into Palo. When it was my time to get seated, my wife and I were seated between two tables of people all wearing t-shirts. And by t-shirts I mean the kind with graphics on them that you would see people wearing in the parks. I was curious if others have noticed a complete disregard of the dress code since it has been recently relaxed to include shorts, or if this was kind of a one off thing. But for the first time ever, I felt a bit out of place wearing a jacket and a tie at Palo. I do want to conclude that the meal was absolutely fantastic and so was our server. I usually always wear a suit to Palo but I feel like next time I'm going to go a little more casual so I don't feel so out of place.
My husband was told to go back to the room to get his sneakers for brunch, because men need to wear closed toe shoes (which if they had spelled it out specifically in the dress code, he wouldn't have been irritated, it was more that it wasn't specified)
I wouldn't go that casual. But I am glad I can just throw a dress shirt, pants, and tie on now. I don't pack a suitcoat anymore since it takes up so much space. While I get it adds to the fine dining atmosphere if everyone dresses up, I am getting old enough to where I have stopped caring and appreciate comfort more than being fancy. But I do think it's rude to put employees in the awkward position between enforcement and angering people. If you don't like the rules, just skip Palo.
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To each their own. We have been to Palo brunch numerous times over the years. To us it is a special experience for brunch. Although I don't wear a suit or a tie, I wear a polo shirt with pants. I don't care what others wear or think. We really don't notice the other folks.
I just got off of a wonderful three night cruise on Dream out of Fort Lauderdale and wanted to give a brief report out of what I encountered during my Palo brunch. When I was in Meridian waiting to be seated I noticed a fair amount of people waiting wearing t-shirts, shorts, and sneakers and assumed that they were waiting for a tasting seminar, however, one by one the groups were called into Palo. When it was my time to get seated, my wife and I were seated between two tables of people all wearing t-shirts. And by t-shirts I mean the kind with graphics on them that you would see people wearing in the parks. I was curious if others have noticed a complete disregard of the dress code since it has been recently relaxed to include shorts, or if this was kind of a one off thing. But for the first time ever, I felt a bit out of place wearing a jacket and a tie at Palo. I do want to conclude that the meal was absolutely fantastic and so was our server. I usually always wear a suit to Palo but I feel like next time I'm going to go a little more casual so I don't feel so out of place.
Sad to hear. I was disappointed that they relaxed the dress code.
Sad to hear. I was disappointed that they relaxed the dress code.
Yeah, we're still bummed that formal night in the MDR isn't formal anymore. Of course, since there isn't the casual buffet option anymore, I guess they had to give in on that. My first cruise 44 years ago on another line, Tuxes were required on formal night. Times sure have changed.
Yeah that annoys me too. Keep the standards of the restaurant and enforce the dress code. Boggles my mind why someone wouldn't want to dress up for a nice dinner in the first place. In the end though, feel good about how you looked. No such thing as overdressing at a nice restaurant. They won't remember your suit, but you will remember someone who dresses down
I noticed this when I was on the Dream in October even before the dress code change. There were several extremely casual tables.

I don’t mind if you want to wear sneakers as I suffer from ankle issues so they’re way better for me, but you can do better than a t-shirt and shorts.
I am not a suit and tie person by any means however when it comes to Palo I don't mind dressing up and I do.

As far as the dress code I think they should keep it at least resort casual.
For men or ladies,
Things like a pair of nice dress shorts, polo shirt and nice clean shoes at a minimum. Something that might look like you are going to play golf in.

At some point I would start to wonder if they are goin to start to let people in who are under 18.
I have never understood this. What other people wear does not affect my dining experience in any way. I don't get why people care what others in the restaurant are wearing. Now I can understand being irritated about the inconsistency of the enforcement of the dress code on a personal basis. Like the PP posted about her husbands shoes, and it wasn't indicated in the policy that he'd need specific shoes. That would irritate me. But I could not care less if the people at the table next to me were wearing park clothes, or in a swim suit cover up and flip flops, or a suit and formal gown. None of that affects the quality of the meal or the experience I have, or what I wear myself.
What other people wear does not affect my dining experience in any way.

Not to mention actual “high end” places in trendy cities like NYC have gone away from strict dress codes for decades. I’ve had a several hundred dollar per person dinner in jeans and a tshirt. Suits are for funerals and office stiffs, not for dragging your tie through a bowl of French onion soup- in my opinion, others are entitled to their own of course.
Not to mention actual “high end” places in trendy cities like NYC have gone away from strict dress codes for decades. I’ve had a several hundred dollar per person dinner in jeans and a tshirt. Suits are for funerals and office stiffs, not for dragging your tie through a bowl of French onion soup- in my opinion, others are entitled to their own of course.
I still have a "get married-get buried" suit, but last funeral I went to one attendee was in a Hawaiian Shirt and shorts. I defer to him since he is a MINISTER at another church.
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My DH doesn't own a tie anymore, and the last one he owned he wore to our wedding. He'll wear a buttoned up collared shirt but if restaurants like Palo required suit and tie we wouldn't go because he wouldn't be willing to put on a monkey suit, as he calls it, especially on vacation when he wants to relax. I do enjoy dressing up a bit for Remy but for me that's a nice cocktail dress, not a formal gown or whatever. I admired the ladies who had full ballgowns for formal night on our Alaska cruise on the Wonder but we're carry-on only people and a dress like that would take up my entire suitcase. Yes, people used to dress up more for travel, but airlines also used to let you check bags for free. Times change.
Couldn’t care less what others wear. I wear nice dresses just to walk around the ship with my matching minnie ears and have cute photos and enjoy the dressing up. Maybe people look at me and think I’m crazy for never wearing t shirts and shorts but I hate wearing t shirts and shorts. Though I absolutely don’t care in the least if everyone else around me is in t shirts and shorts. I did once wear pajamas around the ship when it was nighttime and my son couldn’t sleep and I went to go get him a stuffie from the gift shop. Probably got weird looks then too but again, who cares? You do you. You’ll never see anyone on the ship again so it doesn’t matter at all what they see you wear or what you see them wear. And I don’t subscribe to the notion that what others wear in a restaurant affects the ambiance—people are people, not decorations.


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