Your wait time is-25 minutes!

Simba's Mom

<font color=green>everything went to "H*** in a ha
Aug 26, 1999
Does anyone else think that's unacceptably long? Whenever I've called, the wait has always been less than 10 minutes, usually just a few minutes. Yeah, I know-it was probably long yesterday because it was 7 months before the F&W, a very busy DVC time. But it's always been a very busy DVC time-you'd think MS could predict the high call volume by now for the F&W and maybe have a few extra MS people on. At least what I called for was something I couldn't have done on line-I was adding an extra day to an existing reservation and in order to do that and have it "link", you have to call. Otherwise, according to MS, they're 2 reservations and we may be required to check out and check back in.
I called right at 9am this morning and was told a 16 minute wait. I was short some points so I had to purchase some to add a day and I swear I was on the phone for about 20 minutes. I kept being put on hold and each person I spoke to repeated the same spiel about it being non-refundable, non-bankable...blah blah. I know they have to tell you, but I didn't have to hear it 3 times and I've purchased points before and it took about 5 minutes. I don't know maybe it's a training issue? :confused3
I called right at 9am this morning and was told a 16 minute wait. I was short some points so I had to purchase some to add a day and I swear I was on the phone for about 20 minutes. I kept being put on hold and each person I spoke to repeated the same spiel about it being non-refundable, non-bankable...blah blah. I know they have to tell you, but I didn't have to hear it 3 times and I've purchased points before and it took about 5 minutes. I don't know maybe it's a training issue? :confused3

Since the one time use points are still fairly new, I think they want to cover themselves from a member who calls again and says they don't need them now or they need more.

Just like every dining reservation you book they tell you you need park admission and to arrive 15 minutes ahead of time.

When I purchased one time use points, it took about 20 minutes between waiting for the next person to come on the line and for the spiel.
I have called numerous times over the past 3 weeks. All different days at different times. the wait has been no less than 15 minutes and as high as 30 minutes. What is going on? As members, do we have to accept such poor customer service? Also, many issues could be easily resolved on-line if they improved their website. I should be able to modify a reservation on-line- add people, remove people and subtract a day at beginning or end. So frustrating!

Yes, and the ridiculous recitation every single time about updating address and email, and then every single rule and offer on every reservation (even the 2nd in one call) is ridiculous.
Does anyone else think that's unacceptably long? Whenever I've called, the wait has always been less than 10 minutes, usually just a few minutes. Yeah, I know-it was probably long yesterday because it was 7 months before the F&W, a very busy DVC time. But it's always been a very busy DVC time-you'd think MS could predict the high call volume by now for the F&W and maybe have a few extra MS people on. At least what I called for was something I couldn't have done on line-I was adding an extra day to an existing reservation and in order to do that and have it "link", you have to call. Otherwise, according to MS, they're 2 reservations and we may be required to check out and check back in.

Next time make the extra day reservation online and via the contact form on the member website, have MS link or modify the original reservation.

You are correct, something is going on with MS staffing and we as owners shouldn't have to put up with it.

Maybe Disney is going to offer a hot line to direct buyers with no wait?

:earsboy: Bill
Now....That's Funny!!! Thanks for making me smile.

Didn't mean to be funny, rumors are that DVD is looking for additional ways to move buyers from resale to direct. We never thought that they would restrict resale buyers but they did. Anything can happen.

:earsboy: Bill
Now....That's Funny!!! Thanks for making me smile.
One of my other timeshares already does that ... and it is a very real benefit in my opinion.

FWIW, I just spent about 20 minutes waiting to speak with Member Services. The system did NOT tell me how long my wait might be. I used the Survey, following the call, to register my dissatisfaction with the wait time.
I have called numerous times over the past 3 weeks. All different days at different times. the wait has been no less than 15 minutes and as high as 30 minutes. What is going on? As members, do we have to accept such poor customer service? Also, many issues could be easily resolved on-line if they improved their website. I should be able to modify a reservation on-line- add people, remove people and subtract a day at beginning or end. So frustrating!

Yes, and the ridiculous recitation every single time about updating address and email, and then every single rule and offer on every reservation (even the 2nd in one call) is ridiculous.

It's most likely because of additional calls related to My Disney Experience, which I don't think should be handled by Member Services people we are paying for. It's Disney's IT mess.
I would have sent an e mail, I think they could have done that for you without calling.
Several weeks ago, I sent an email to member service about another issue, but also mentioned the 30 minute wait times being unacceptable. The CM who called me acted surprised to hear about the long wait times. There is no way they aren't aware of what's going on as this has been an ongoing problem for months. My other issue wasn't really resolved either. The whole conversation was just weird...the CM was more interested in pushing Magic Bands and going on and on about how wonderfully it's working and how she hasn't heard any complaints.

We've had very few problems in the 20 years we've owned DVC; the few times I needed to contact member service to resolve a problem, I've always felt like the CM went above and beyond what was necessary. After this phone call, I feel like the CM didn't really give a hoot about members and didn't want to be bothered.
I agree with that assessment and will add that, while they have been nice, the past few CMs who have answered my calls over the last 30 days or so, did not seem to have the training or level of expertise of previous CMs.
Several weeks ago, I sent an email to member service about another issue, but also mentioned the 30 minute wait times being unacceptable. The CM who called me acted surprised to hear about the long wait times. There is no way they aren't aware of what's going on as this has been an ongoing problem for months. My other issue wasn't really resolved either. The whole conversation was just weird...the CM was more interested in pushing Magic Bands and going on and on about how wonderfully it's working and how she hasn't heard any complaints.

I've that exact thing happen to me, as has my sister. In my case, I was making reservations last year for a trip later this year and made an off handed comment that I hope by the time we go to WDW the issues with the MB and FP+ systems are resolved.

You'd have thought I had insulted Walt's frozen head! The CM went into a long speech (I really had the feeling he was reading from a script) about how everything is working great, there are no issues to resolve, ALL members must love MB and FP+ because they have received ZERO complaints.

I was stunned. I didn't want/need/ask for such an aggressive defense. I thanked him and hung up.

Same thing, almost exactly, happened with my sister. The CM told her there are no issues, everyone loves the new systems, because if they didn't, she would have heard about it, and she hasn't heard anything but rave reviews. I asked my sister if it sounded like a script, and she said yes.

So now not only have they apparently diverted some MS CM resources to helping members with the new systems, but are also spending time on the phones during booking calls defending it.

No wonder wait times are getting longer.
Several weeks ago, I sent an email to member service about another issue, but also mentioned the 30 minute wait times being unacceptable. The CM who called me acted surprised to hear about the long wait times. There is no way they aren't aware of what's going on as this has been an ongoing problem for months. My other issue wasn't really resolved either. The whole conversation was just weird...the CM was more interested in pushing Magic Bands and going on and on about how wonderfully it's working and how she hasn't heard any complaints.

We've had very few problems in the 20 years we've owned DVC; the few times I needed to contact member service to resolve a problem, I've always felt like the CM went above and beyond what was necessary. After this phone call, I feel like the CM didn't really give a hoot about members and didn't want to be bothered.

I have been very active with the member satisfaction CM's and in the past I felt like they cared and tried to correct any problems or issues. Now it seems that most of them are no longer working in that group and the new CM's are there just to tell you what you want to hear.

It's obvious that Disney has a business plan that doesn't really support members after the sale. They feel that there new "Member Magic" program is more important than answering the phone. :sad2:

:earsboy: Bill
I called yesterday to "bridge" two two-night reservations w/a cash reservation for the middle night (3 rd of 5 nights) of the trip...(yes, I did waitlist my missing night, but this way at least I have all five nights in my studio, and my friends have all five nights in their one-bedroom)...

Initial wait time--at 9:07 a.m.--was estimated at 25 minutes...the CM I spoke to came on the phone line 24 minutes after the recording told me that estimated wait time would be 25 minutes. The time estimate was only stated once, at the very beginning of the call...

It really does stink. Don't really know I could have done what I did (add a cash night in the middle of a five-night reservation) w/out calling MS...I'll try the email contact to get the five nights put together into just one reservation (I don't think they call it "linking" anymore) if/when the W/L comes through.

I think the MS wait times truly stink. But I also think My Disney Experience truly stinks. And since MDE has each and every trip I've made since it came online required help from Disney, and since Disney IT is inept on a good day and even worse at customer service, I'm glad I can call MS for help...

Maybe if each of us who has experienced problems with the whole magic bands, FP+, My Disney Experience initiative emails MS they will no longer say they have heard no complaints??? (Heaven knows I've complained! And I've also made a point of thanking Disney for the several truly wonderful CMs who went above and beyond trying to help me out)...
I called yesterday to "bridge" two two-night reservations w/a cash reservation for the middle night (3 rd of 5 nights) of the trip...(yes, I did waitlist my missing night, but this way at least I have all five nights in my studio, and my friends have all five nights in their one-bedroom)...

Initial wait time--at 9:07 a.m.--was estimated at 25 minutes...the CM I spoke to came on the phone line 24 minutes after the recording told me that estimated wait time would be 25 minutes. The time estimate was only stated once, at the very beginning of the call...

LOL-we were on hold at the same time!
When I called yesterday early afternoon, I only had a wait time of 16 minutes. (I say "only" like I have time to spare...) When I asked about the length of the wait time, I was told many members are calling to slide their reservations as with all the storms that have been going on all across the country, school years are being extended and folks can't make their check-in dates. Makes sense to me, but I can't believe there are THAT many members all booking for the day after school gets out!
I have been very active with the member satisfaction CM's and in the past I felt like they cared and tried to correct any problems or issues. Now it seems that most of them are no longer working in that group and the new CM's are there just to tell you what you want to hear.

It's obvious that Disney has a business plan that doesn't really support members after the sale. They feel that there new "Member Magic" program is more important than answering the phone. :sad2:

:earsboy: Bill

So Ken Potrock is just Jim Lewis by another name. :sad2:
So Ken Potrock is just Jim Lewis by another name. :sad2:

Maybe it's the company and not the person? Claire Bilby the last executive in charge seemed like she cared and she was moved out of the country.

:earsboy: Bill

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