Your gay lifestyle... what's it like?

PghLybrt said:
I hate to break this chain ........but I guess my girl and I are the ones your mother warned you about!!

We have been together now almost 11 years and we have worked together at my company for most of them. I own a swimming pool company so we literally work our behinds off all summer (Last night I got home at 1030 and I started at 7am) but its all worth it because it gives us the freedom to be able to travel during the winter months and we do so extensively. We never miss our yearly pilgrimage to Disney. This past year we have been spending a lot of time in San Diego and we have some really good friends out there. We love Olivia (which is the lesbian vacations) they are an absolutely wonderful time. The only time where you are totally surrounded by people like yourself and totally at ease. We do like to party , we are the ones out at the bars till 3 am. I love to entertain and every year we have at least one big blowout (caterer, band, ect ect ...the kind of parties the neighbors hate) We live in a small town and a very conservative one at that so its fun to see the reactions to my girlfriends Mohawk or my ink and piercings or even us kissing for that matter.
Now we are not always gallivanting around and partying. We bought and renovated a 100 year old house ( my mother was appalled by my color choices). My girl is an artist so she spends much of her time in her studio and I really love putting together videos of our home movies. I recently just put a promo together of our last drag king show to run in the bar to promote the next one ( and yes we do that too). We love to spoil our nephews but have no inclination of ever wanting children ourselves. I enjoy being able to give them back to their parents. Even so we have 3 godchildren so our friends must think we are responsible enough to handle them!

You rabble rouser you!
Well, I must admit that since the addition of a 50' flat screen tv to the family, we have been living a non-exciting lifestyle :happytv:

Me and Val have been together for almost 4 years and living in Montreal (but evaluating a move to Toronto or Miami)

I work in a music television station which allows me three great things:
a-an expense account
b-frequent travels
c-the opportunity to corrupt teenage minds with loud music, scantily clad hoochies in hip hop videos and various reality shows starring paris hilton

I purchase shows and i pick music videos. But it is mostly a blurry sequence of meetings and emails.

Val just graduated university with a BA, specialty: fibres (not as in cereal but as in fabric). She is gearing up for a career in fashion design or styling.

We like travel, fancy foods, fashion, fancy drinks, movies & roller coasters.

We used to be quite interesting and run with the wolves (ok, ok, drink a lot of jack daniels and close the clubs at 4am).

Recently, only the following can push us out the front door:
a- a disney trip (planning, anticipating, purchasing...)
b- a cocktail party/opening featuring an open bar and gift bags
c-tonight's madonna concert!!
Dang, with all this excitement, I am sure that there will be a rush of people choosing to be gay now!

LOL, there are wild ones in every crowd and there are those who are stay at homes and everything in between. All the gay people I know are pretty much the stay at home, play with the kids and pets, do the usual house upkeep kind of people. Sounds pretty "normal" to me.
RickinNYC said:
Wow, you folks really are pretty boring! LOL! Just like Joe and I.

More than 15 years later, we're both reaching 40 and we still hold hands and haven't run out of conversation at the dinner table. To this day, when it's quiet, he still looks at me and very quietly says "emeralds" and it makes me melt.

Our home is filled with lots of laughter, dog hair and a lot more love.

REACHING 40??? How long ago was that pic taken? You both look amazing ;)

Gotta love the dog hair, I have enough lil white spikes (2 white boxers) to make 10 more boxers!

I am loving this thread. I am surrounded by friends, and couldn't imagine a day going by without them. I have never thought of Justin and Brad as "my gay friends", but as 2 of the funniest guys I know. I have also never thought of Linda and Becki as my lesbian friends, just the sweetest chicks and the best brownie makers.
So I don't get where the whole "Gay and crazy" comes in. I think I am much more wild then some of my ahem *gay* friends ( and I am pretty flippin boring). Wouldn't make much sense to call me "straight and crazy" now would it?
This is why I love reading this forum, the acceptance and realness that I find is refreshing.
You know, while reading this thread one thing really stuck out at me, and that is how many gay and lesbian couples have been happily together for a LONG time. When you think about all of the heterosexual couples that get divorced after a few years (or weeks if you are a celebrity) it really is amazing. Especially when you consider the fact that most of us are not legally connected to each other (married or have kids), so we are really staying together because we love each other, treat each other with respect, and enjoy each other's company. Maybe that is why people consider gay couples a threat to traditional marriage. Who needs to be married to live happily ever after?
RickinNYC said:
You rabble rouser you!

I know i try!

And donald....really
Those pugs are adorable!!!

And I agree, we stay together because we really enjoy , support ,and love each other.
I have to say, I'm quite disappointed in all of you. I mean if we straight people can't live vicariously through your supposed "wild party lifestyle", then whose can we live through. I'm just crushed here. :rotfl2:

Seriously though, I applaud all of you on your longevity and emotion towards your husbands/wives/partners. Straight couples could learn a thing or two for your relationships.

Fortunately, my DW and I share a similar lifestyle and love for each other that you all have described. We have been together for 8 yrs now and enjoy our two little ones (DD5 and DS2). And like you we share our friendship with both straight and gay couples....let me rephrases that....we share our friendship with other loving couples.

Heres to you guys and many more years to happiness. :wave:
Our lives are very interesting because we have three kids, the product of my first, hetero marriage. (More details on the Gay=Nutz threads for anyone who's interested....) I have a 50/50 custody arrangement, so half the week, and every other weekend, we have the kids, and the rest of the time we don't.

When we have the kids, we are a typical suburban couple. We live in a small town just 15 miles north of Los Angeles. We are involved with, and I tend to believe well liked at, the kids' school. We ferry them around to school, soccer, play dates, birthday parties, etc., etc., and make sure they do their homework and chores every night. I am a lawyer and my partner Kevin is a company manager at a Local Theatre, so I usually leave earlier and come up earlier on the days we have the kids, and if he's running late at the theatre the kids get to stay up a little late so they can read to "Daddy" (I'm "Dad") and kiss him goodnight. We say grace before dinner every night and are in church every Sunday.

When we don't have the kids, we typically both work longer hours, but also make sure we have "date nights" with just the two of us. Sometimes we like to just collapse in front of the TV at the end of a long day, but a lot of time we never end up finishing what we started watching because we end up........
talking. We laugh a lot and never get tired of hearing or saying "I love you." The line that makes me melt? "You're my favorite." :lovestruc We also like to travel when we don't have the kids....whether a big trip (our first one together was Washington, D.C., and that was amazing), or a small one (wine tasting near Santa Barbara).

I spent 13 years with the "wrong" person, who happened to be a woman, and now am with the "right" person, who happens to be a man. When I was married and people would talk about their spouses being their "best friend" or their "soul mate," being a rational kind of guy, I thought that was overly romantic, sentimental B.S. But that is now exactly how I feel about Kev. And no one -- no one -- gets to tell us that's not legitimate or real. I am putting together possible "proposal" scenarios, and we are going to have a big church wedding next year, sanctified by God and in the presence of our friends and family, to celebrate our commitment to each other.

We aren't really all that different from many families.....we work hard, play when we can, and are doing our best to raise these amazing kids. Call it boring or not, it's our life, and we love it!
LauraAnn630 said:
This is REALLY upsetting to find out about! It makes me mad! There are so many children that need good families and guidence. Its ok for people to give them up? But its not ok for a decent human beings to raise them? None of its ok in my book!!

What is more sad is the state contradicts itself (unless they changed the law when I wasn't looking).

It is my understanding that a gay couple can foster a child.

So they can be trusted to be "babysitters" but not parents. :confused3

(And I do know fosters are more than babysitters---just being derogatory about the state).
You are right, Lisa. Florida allows gay couples to foster children, but will not allow them to adopt the children.

We've looked into adopting... :guilty:
Okay since you’re all sharing the mushy stuff -
I’ll let you guy in on one of our odd ones -
But I warn you Get out your Insulin!
So Paul and I do this odd thing from and old Chip & Dale / Donald Duck cartoon.
The dialogue goes like this:
Dale: Apple core!
Donald - Baltimore!
Dale: Who's your friend?
Donald - You are!

We might do the whole thing or Paul might just say "Apple core" to me in a store or some other crowded place that us saying
"I love you - your my best friend" might make others feel uncomfortable or we might get attitude.

I don’t known why we pick this "sonnet" or exactly when but it’s been going on for a long time.

We changed the end from the original- I think - and we don't do the voices- but I thought this was apropos for the DIS
DVC~OKW~96 said:
You are right, Lisa. Florida allows gay couples to foster children, but will not allow them to adopt the children.

We've looked into adopting... :guilty:

That's what I thought.

That's none for my brother then. :(
The usual totally unfabulous lives of two fluffy lesbians in love......

Gabby is 32 and I am 38. We have been together for about 7 years now. We have 4 Chihuahuas and 4 cats. BC was our first pet....BC is short for black cat. Soon enough George(c), Deuce(d), Cha-Cha(c), Beanie(d), Arwen(c), Perdita(d), and Cindee(d) came along. The animals are a lot of work, but we do love them all. Deuce and Beanie have health issues that require extra attention and Cindy is still so young and so small that she too needs extra attention. I coudn't imagine my life without them though.

At the beginning of this year, Gabby started a job with a medical software company that requires her to travel a lot. This is a huge lifestyle change for us, but it's all starting to fall into place for us as a routine instead of the..... OMG, what do we need to adjust to make this work better for next week....oh, and we need to get this sorted out in less than 48 hours so that we can get her back on another plane. :crazy: But enough about our exciting lives over the last few months. I have worked in the same pediatric medical office for almost 11 years. I am a medical assistant and am the one that knows more and does more in the way of keeping the back office working. I am no one's boss and I don't want to be the boss, but I do many little things that keep the wheels turning. (FYI - I am on vacation this week and I was told that it's job security because the place is running rough this week. :teeth: )

Anyway, Gabby and I bought our first 30 some odd year old home last year. It's a 4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath split level brick ranch. We have one bedroom that we use as an office/craft/music room and one guest bedroom is the Disney room. The master bedroom decor is calm, but boring and the other guest room has a lodge theme going on. We are working on updating the features of our home as time and money permits, but we love our home.

Gabby used to work for Home Depot when we met, so with all of the home improvement projects, we go there quite a bit to shop and dream of renovations to come. Gabby is also oddly attracted to office supplies, so she loves going to Staples and Office Max. We both love shopping at Target, but find it a necessity to shop at Walmart because the nearest Target is not as convenient to our home as we would like.

A typical week....Sunday, at some point Gabby loads up her truck and either drives for hours to her week's job site or drives to the airport to fly out to the site. Monday thru Thursday or Friday, depending on Gabby's travel schedule, I get up at 6:45am, shower, dress, walk the dogs, and I go to work at 7:45 am and don't return home until after 6:15 pm. Every hourin the evenings, the dogs get walked. I read the DIS and a couple of other boards along the way. Chores get done and at 10:00pm, the dogs get a "nite nite walk" and crated. I talk to Gabby on the phone and then I go to bed. Gabby comes home late either on Thursday or Friday nights. We spend Saturday together taking care of shopping, bills, and general errands. Sometimes we take in a movie at our local AMC theater or have dinner out. And then it all begins again.

We are on vacation this week, but we didn't plan to go anywhere. We did go through a Basic Motorcycle Rider Safety Course at Honda during the last 3 days. OMG, it was so hot that I got pretty sick the first day....I was trying to stay hydrated, but it just was brutal without a breeze and in full gear. I understand the need for full gear, but long pants, long sleeves, a full helmet, gloves, and over the ankle boots in 96+ degree weather and high humidity is just not easily tolerated when you are super pooh sized. Gabby has her license to ride motorcycles already, but wanted to take a refresher course for safety's sake since she hasn't ridden in about 4 years. I never had ridden before, so I needed this training. We both passed the course. I have a lot of training to do on my motorcycle before we take any big trips, but I am hoping that I will feel more comfortable by the fall so that we can go riding up in the mountains to go leaf looking when the colors are changing. I really didn't think that I was going to make it through the program due to heat and fatigue, but I did. I am kinda proud of myself, but I know that I would have never made it if she had not been there with me.

Gabby and I are definitely mushy. I can't go through the day without hearing or saying "I love you" and the song, "You are my Sunshine" has special meaning for us.....just the good part, not the sad part. I sleep better when I hear "you too" it's Gabby's usual response to me saying "have sweet dreams" and quite often is the last thing that I hear at night. I was truly blessed when God put this woman in my life. I prayed for many years for someone as wonderful as she is to come into my life. "Now That I Found You" is our song...the Terri Clark version. Although, there is a lot of truth to the song "God Blessed the Broken Road" when I think of our relationship too.

Oh yeah, most of our friends are straight, with a few gay men friends scattered around the metro area. We are pretty private people, but not anti-social. I am looking forward to meeting new people when we ride our motorcycles.

One last thing....if you haven't seen my sig....We both support the Bert's Big Adventure charity every year. Not only with money donations, but have over the last 3 years collected and donated enough pins so that all the kids going on this once in a lifetime trip to WDW can have a pin filled lanyard and will be able to pin trade if they want to and will have a neat souvenier of their trip. I love this charity!

Ok, there ya' have it. The details are just shocking aren't they? :confused3 Maggie
Wow! I am so amazed at how many people have been happily together for so long. I am also surprised by how exciting everyone's lives are. It's no wonder why the right-wing hates us. So here's my snoozer.

My partner Joseph and I will reach 6 years together this September 16. We met online while we were living in the SF Bay Area. Not at a bar or at Pride. Living in Gay Mecca, I went to only 1 Pride parade, and only visited 2 bars, ever! I was the Store Manager at The Disney Store on Pier 39 in San Francisco until my boss found out that I was gay and fired me for "other" reasons. So we left SF and moved to the other gay mecca of Phoenix, where we spent 3 years and bought our first home. So I went back to work for Starbucks as a Store Manager. I was actually a manager with them before Disney.

Joseph and I will both turn 40 next year. He is the youngest of 12 kids from a Filipino family. I am the oldest of 2 from a caucasion family. We now live in the U.S. Gay Capitol known as Colorado. While our town shares the same name as Sleeping Beauty (Aurora) it's definately not magical. We bought our home here in 2004, but it just isn't home. After I left Starbucks last year, I went to work as the General Manager for a laser tag company called Laser Quest. The job is just Okay.

I have Diabetes and for the past year I have struggled with major vision problems, including being struck with total blindness from October of last year through January of this year. Today, one eye is good, while the other is still mostly blind, but getting better.

Through the Diabetes, blindness and having Shingles in 2004, my constant support has been Joseph. He's my rock. If I didn't have him, there's no telling what I would do. The support and love are constant and never ending. He often says that he believes God brought him to me so that he could take care of me. Through 7 eye surgeries, Joseph was right by my side. The love we have for eachother is no different than many of you. It's pure and it's real. All of us who have shared our stories on this thread are so lucky.

Our Colorado family also includes Viktor and Jack. Viktor is our black and white "tuxedo" cat. Jack is the beagle. While our people struggle for equal rights and the right to marry, you will be happy to know that as long as you are straight, a guy can marry at the age of 14 and a girl at the age of 12 in this lovely state.

So Joseph and I are going to go full circle very soon. We are moving back home to the Bay Area as soon as our house sells. It's on the market and I am leaving my job next week. After we get situated in California, catch up with family and travel to Europe, Joseph will get a new job, and I get to work on realizing my dream of owning my own coffee house.

Oh yes, the home life. We are both homebodies. Summer is rough without American Idol, The Amazing Race, Boston Legal, Desperate Housewives and the rest of our shows, but we get by. We just saw X-men 3 last week. Our first movie in a theater since the last Star Wars. Yes we do the Netflix thing, but I returned my DVD's on Monday and still haven't received "Brokeback Mountain" yet. What's up with that.

Joseph does most of the cooking, and loves to paint rooms. I do most of the home improvement stuff and sell Disney memorabilia on ebay. I guess we are among the most un-gay gays here. But we don't need to flaunt it. Actually we can't flaunt it here or we could get shot. :rotfl2:

Anyway, that's part of our story. Thanks everyone for sharing. I look forward to reading others' stories. And for those who feel uncomfortable sharing your stories. You are among friends here.
Well I am in an unusual relationship. There are three of us. We have been together for 7 years as the three. Joey and i were together for a year before we met Andrew, but when we met him, (and don't get me wrong we weren't looking to add to our household, it just happened) we knew that we loved him just as much as we loved each other.

We bought our 1st house together this past year and boy did we get funny looks with three guys all signing the paperwork. I am curious if the people with the builder figured anything out. Someone did ask if were opening a fraternity house.

My whole family knows about the 3 of us and all of them are very accepting. It was funny, well kinda embarrassing to when my Grandma found out. I had gone back home for my grandpa's funeral. He was really my step grandpa but he and my grandma got married 1 month before i was born so he is my REAL grandpa in my heart. Anyhow, he had kids that were older than my mom and aunts and uncles so we never knew them but they had come to Phoenix for the funeral as well. I didnt really care if they knew i was gay or not seeing how i probably will never see them again. Anyhow, my mom's best friend who i hadnt seen in years asked how Joey was doing and i started to tell her. My mom yells (and loud enough for everyone to here) well tell her about Greg. And my grandma says well who is Greg? My mom then yells well he is in a 3way. I turned bright red. My grandma just said as long as you are happy that is all that matters. It felt really good to hear that from her.

Joey's family knows about us but the fact that we are gay isnt spoken about.

Andrew's siblings know he is gay and knows that he is in a relationship but they think that it is just with me. His siblings have all told him to not tell his parents.

As for what we do for fun, we go to alot of movies, and eat out atleast once a week. We like to shop and travel. We very rarely go to gay bars, never gone to a pride parade or a "Gay Day".

We have 2 dogs, a cocker Spaniel named Oatmeal and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Snickers. They are adorable.

I am a customer service manager for a fulfillment company, Joey is a Printng Supervisor for another fulfillment company and Andrew is a Financial Manager for a big pharmaceutical company.

We are Disney Vacation Club members and are going to take our first vacation with the club in April of 2007 to stay at the Saratoga Springs Resort. We are really looking forward to it. We have 5 friends that are going to go with us as well.

Well that is about it for now.

bransworld said:
Well I am in an unusual relationship. There are three of us. We have been together for 7 years as the three. Joey and i were together for a year before we met Andrew, but when we met him, (and don't get me wrong we weren't looking to add to our household, it just happened) we knew that we loved him just as much as we loved each other.

Okay, now that's just...

that's just...

that's just flippin' COOL!
Ok, for some reason, I have this urge to go to Staples and see what I'm missing. Is there a super secret room with a disco ball and cocktails?
MissMichelle said:
REACHING 40??? How long ago was that pic taken? You both look amazing ;)

Awww, thanks Michelle! But that pic was taken a year and a half ago at Pleasure Island so it's not too old at all. And yep, Joe and I are turning 40 this August. Him on the 22nd and me on the 28th.
RickinNYC said:
Awww, thanks Michelle! But that pic was taken a year and a half ago at Pleasure Island so it's not too old at all. And yep, Joe and I are turning 40 this August. Him on the 22nd and me on the 28th.
Are you guys having a big dual 40 bithday bash?

You look great for 40!!!! :cheer2:
RickinNYC said:
Ok, for some reason, I have this urge to go to Staples and see what I'm missing. Is there a super secret room with a disco ball and cocktails?
I've never really tried to explain this; Nick is the only person I've ever really shared it with, and he just gets it instinctively. Hmm...

Office supplies, to me, are all about the feeling of potential accomplishment. Every pen has a novel in it somewhere, every notebook could be the home of a poem I'd never forget I'd written. The desks promise to support whatever projects come into my mind, and the reams and reams of paper just cry out to be filled, as brilliantly as I can fill them.

Don't get me started on the software aisle.

I guess it's silly to wax poetic about such prosaic surroundings, but there's something about being surrounded by all these things that are used to create the world we live in, and the worlds we dream of, that makes me feel confident and inspired.


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