You win some you booze some, a HOT August 2017 dining report! complete 1/25*

Might have to make a last-minute addition of Tiffins to our upcoming trip...We ate there in May and your report reminded me of how wonderful it truly is...
I'm going to jump right back in to our Tiffins lunch, where I left off with my incredible entree. Now for Steve's entree he chose a swordfish dish that was on the Chef's Tasting menu


He ate every bite of this and declared it delicious, just like everything else at Tiffins. That's the same black rice that came with mine.
Is it strange that I think those vegetables look really good? So does that swordfish! Was the black rice more of a risotto or just straight up rice?

This Definitely not the La Vie En Rose from F&G nor my Grey Goose slush
I really hope the La Vie En Rose makes a comeback at this years F&G!!
I'm so glad Ricky is doing better and able to move around more.

Your meal at Tiffins looks so good.
Sounds like a fun evening strolling around WS sampling all the delicious foods and :drinking1
Tiffin's looks amazing!I really want to try there, but we have just re discovered jiko. I'm going to have to convince Mike to do both next trip. You have such great pictures I'm always tempted to steal them. We had some of the same dishes at the food and wine festival. My pictures are always sad.
Got a great room in Tuvalu with a MK view:



meet up with Kelly @buzzrelly and her DH Mike (NOT her BF for anyone reading my TR lol)

Bahaha :rotfl2:

Woah. Yum!


Crispy Chicken with Griddled Cornbread and Red Eye Gravy. The draw for me here was the cornbread but I have to say, the whole ensemble was fabulous!

This looks so good!

We moved into our room at CSR for the remainder of our stay (refurbed room!)

Yay refurbed room! These rooms are super nice for moderates. ::yes:: Our bridal party members had refurbed rooms.


That sounds good, except when they scooped the ham into the bowl they scooped a ton of the water from the bottom of the pan which is gross, so it was way soggy at the bottom. Therefore Steve didn't eat much of this.


TOT (60 minute SB at 10:00!!)

Holy smokes!

then watched the BaTB show for the first time in forever - see what I did there? I mixed two movies!

:rotfl:You're so clever, Ariane!

OMG Nomad Lounge was jammin', such a difference from when we were there in March. It's really taken off along with Tiffins and I'm glad, because we had another out of this world experience there and I want both places around forever and ever!

Agreed! What great spots! We didn't manage to squeeze Tiffins in for this trip, but we are planning on a light lunch out of the small plates at Nomad Lounge! And I have Tiffins on my mental dining rotation schedule in my head for whenever our next trip after December is...hopefully soon...

Steve got......wait for it! A Moscow Mule.

I'm shocked.

Steve totally enjoyed the fritter and salad but he loves the octopus here so was more than happy to have both portions. He got the octopus app when we ate here in March.

I'm with Steve! Love the octopus here! :hyper:

the table next to us had their entree's delivered and I saw the Wagyu Pizzole: served with black rice and Jalapeno cornbread

This looks awesome!! :thumbsup2

I want to eat here EVERY TRIP. That's how much I love this place.

Sooo good. Couldn't agree more.

I know the menu can and does scare people away because, as the couple who got seated next to us during our dessert course said, "this isn't normal food" lol, but really it isn't that far off!

I'm about as picky as they come. And even if I've grown to be a little more adventurous than I used to be, I more than make up for it with my dietary restrictions. And our experience eating here was amazing!

So on this visit Angela our server asked which print we had. I told her it was like a market place print. She knew which one I was talking about and came back with a different one. And, because we were return guests :D we got some dark chocolate bark, too!!


Love this! We have the tiger print.

"Do you see what I seeeeeee......." Look at all that sweet, sweet icing dripping down the sides and off the plate :cloud9: This was delicious if you like carrot cake.

I do! I do love carrot cake! It sounds delish.

Also want to add that Ricky is much improved today! The pain is lessening so he isn't needing the pain medication as frequently. He can also walk better-not well, but better-but more weight on his leg and straighten it more. He's probably going to practice tomorrow night and we're looking at at least a half day of school Wed. Having all his friends here Sunday and two more today really lifted his spirits :goodvibes

Such good news!! I've been thinking about him. So glad things are moving in the right direction. Surgery sucks. I can totally sympathize. And it sounds like his was really difficult and painful.
So glad Ricky is doing better! Knee surgery is no joke! (I’ve had 3. ) And it is SO hard watching your own kids be in pain, one of the toughest part of parenting in my opinion.

Really enjoying your report, I normally don’t stake out the dining reviews but you have converted me. I may even attempt one for our next trip!
have a travel question that I hope you don't mind: did you take a taxi to save time? Was it expensive? Even though I kind of love the ME, I've been wondering if it would make sense to consider a taxi. I have rented a car and driven straight to the parks and was amazed at how quick that was. We are flying from ALB and getting in at 10 a.m. and have a lunch reservation for 1:10 p.m. at Skipper Canteen, which I think should be doable, but we have to head to POR first with ME. Thanks in advance!
Hi! I don't mind at all :) We did take a taxi to save time, even though we weren't technically rushing anywhere. We'd just had a few REALLY long waits on our last couple trips where we'd get right on the bus, and then sit there for 30-40 minutes before heading out of the airport and it was annoying, especially since a couple of those trips we arrived at the airport fairly late. Our trip prior to this one, in August, we had the boys and got into MCO at 9; got on a bus like 9:20 and didn't pull out for almost 40 minutes so didn't get to our resort till almost 11:30. Because we arrived at 6 which was a decent time, Steve wanted to be able to eat dinner before 10 pm lol and was afraid if we took ME that's what would end up happening!
I do think you'll be ok with your Skipper's reservation unless your plane ends up being late, but those morning flights normally run on time unless you have bad weather early.

Your Tiffins lunch looks amazeballs. It's so hard for me not to change our Y&Y ressy to Tiffins, my mouth waters everytime I see someone's photo of the Octopus
Oh believe me, Tiffins blows Yak and Yeti out of the water! But Steve and I like Yak and Yeti also so I understand why you want to keep it :)

These all look so cute and little!
lol yeah they weren't big desserts! But after eating the apps and entree they were perfect.

YUM! Omg. This is one of the few desserts (in my opinion) that can be as good as chocolate.... sometimes. ;)
:thumbsup2 Along with anything peanut butter :cloud9:

h I'm so glad to hear this! You'll have to keep us posted about how his return to school goes. And so glad his friends have been so supportive :goodvibes
Well, the return didn't go so well :( He was ok IN school, and ok staying for practice and when he got home, but this morning he was in serious pain and it continued all day. And while he's taking the meds less often they're causing him to get bad headaches. So no school today or tomorrow and his coach told him to just rest and not worry about showing up for practices/scrimmages, just rest and come back Monday. This recovery SUCKS.

Might have to make a last-minute addition of Tiffins to our upcoming trip...We ate there in May and your report reminded me of how wonderful it truly is...
Oh, do it, you won't regret it! It's the one place besides Citricos that I now leave wishing we were going right back!
Tiffins sounds sooooo YUMMY!!!
It is! Next time you guys make it into AK you should try it :)

Is it strange that I think those vegetables look really good? So does that swordfish! Was the black rice more of a risotto or just straight up rice?
lol not strange at all, Steve cleared all the veggies, too! The black rice wasn't really like a risotto, but different than rice. It was more al dente than rice, crunchier in a good way. And not creamy like risotto per say but when it was in your mouth it DID feel like it was creamy. It's hard to explain but we both loved it.

I'm so glad Ricky is doing better and able to move around more.
He can definitely bend it more and even straighten it more than he could which is great because that's what the Dr. wants. Unfortunately he returned to school a bit too soon and is now in more pain :( The next few days will be lots more resting so he can hopefully go back for two full days next week before our Thanksgiving break!

Sounds like a fun evening strolling around WS sampling all the delicious foods and :drinking1
We really had lots of fun, made better by the great company :goodvibes

Tiffin's looks amazing!I really want to try there, but we have just re discovered jiko. I'm going to have to convince Mike to do both next trip
I want to try Jiko!! Steve isn't sold for whatever reason which is weird since he's more adventurous than I am. But hey, if you can convince Mike to do both I think it's a great plan!

You have such great pictures I'm always tempted to steal them.
:thanks: and steal away!

Yay refurbed room! These rooms are super nice for moderates. ::yes:: Our bridal party members had refurbed rooms.
We were so pleasantly surprised when we walked in. We liked the old rooms when we stayed in 2014 but these new rooms were super awesome.

We didn't manage to squeeze Tiffins in for this trip, but we are planning on a light lunch out of the small plates at Nomad Lounge! And I have Tiffins on my mental dining rotation schedule in my head for whenever our next trip after December is...hopefully soon...
I'd definitely do Nomad's if we didn't have Tiffin's ressie's! And how about March for your next trip? Maybe.............sometime around the 24th to the 31st ;)

I do! I do love carrot cake! It sounds delish.

So glad Ricky is doing better! Knee surgery is no joke! (I’ve had 3. ) And it is SO hard watching your own kids be in pain, one of the toughest part of parenting in my opinion.
OMG I felt for my mom who has had 2 knee surgeries: 3! I feel for you now, too. Seeing your kids in pain is one of the worst things in the world and it affects everything you do and consumes your days, especially when there is nothing you can do to help that pain. I know he'll end up fine, it's the long road to recovery he has ahead of him that I hate.

Really enjoying your report, I normally don’t stake out the dining reviews but you have converted me. I may even attempt one for our next trip!
OK and :welcome: I'm glad you're here, glad you found my dining review and so happy you're enjoying it! I say give it a try after your next trip; I'll definitely follow along!
gotta love a good dining review :)
thanks for taking the time to do this! awesome so far!
Happy weekend! Mine got a little better last night because after Ricky's not so great return to school Wednesday and a little setback late that night, he's finally feeling better again :goodvibes I spoke with the surgeon yesterday just to ease my mind a bit and I have to keep remembering that the recovery isn't linear: it's going to be good days with bad days interspersed here and there. He hasn't been back to school since Wed. and isn't going out of the house this weekend, but if he continues with the good days we'll try a few hours of school on Monday. My sister and nephews also arrive from Ga. on Monday but are staying with my mom, however we haven't seen my sister since June (my nephews stayed with us for 2 weeks over the summer) so looking forward to that, too!
And now, to continue with our trek around the world a la the family Stone!
Our stop in Japan over, we then made it all the way to Africa where Kari and Jason indulged while Steve and I watched. Eventually we got to the Odyssey Center where the Craft Beers were housed and decided, why not? We all got a drink and Jason may have gotten friendly with a handwich; I tried the Playalinda Brewing Co. Blonde Ale and Steve had the Fl. Brewing Co. Passport 35 Triple Chocolate Milk Stout:


Mine was so good; light. I don't like dark beers and I'm not a huge beer drinker so there aren't many I like but I would definitely get this again.
Steve really liked his too but as much as I love chocolate I couldn't get onboard. It smelled nice, like chocolate,
While we hung in there we took these with the Stones @kastoney:



And we weren't done yet! There was something else Steve wanted to try and it was just outside and not too far from the Odyssey Center at the Patagonia Booth- the Grilled Beef Skewer with Chimichurri Sauce and Boniato Puree:


Might look a little off but he loved this. I love anything chimichurri but I was full so didn't try it and sadly didn't get back to it on this trip.
That ended our foray around WS but not our evening! We continued on through the U.K., over the bridge and onto the Boardwalk until we reached our destination: ABRACADABAR!


I went simple with a (plastic cup) of Moscato and Steve mixed it up with a (plastic cup full of) Moscow Mule. I remember Kari got Pepper's Ghost but I can't remember what Jason got :scratchin And FYI, the plastic cups were because we chose to sit outside, not because we can't handle glass.
We sat and drank and people-watched a bit and chatted once or twice with our server Skippy :D This was the first time Steve and I had been here and it was nice to check it off our list. We'd definitely go back.
Eventually it was time for us to head back to CSR and for the Stone family to gather their youngest and ship out to sea - you guys will understand that when Kari starts her dining report in about 6 months ;) pirate:We had a GREAT time hangin' with them and luckily we had more to come!
Although I was full when we left Epcot, by the time we made it back to CSR via Lyft I was hungry. We went to Pepper Market which was about 30 minutes from closing and got a turkey burger for me and a bacon cheeseburger for Steve:


I know the turkey burger doesn't look appetizing, but it actually had lots of flavor and was good! And those fries OMG. The seasoning on them was spectacular; I think very close to the best fries we've had in Disney minus the ones at Territory Lounge over at WL. They were parmesan garlic fries and were nice and crunchy. I ate more of those than I did of the burger!


Steve's burger wasn't out of this world or anything but it was very good and he liked it, and also loved those amazing food court fries.
I'm going to keep this short and sweet and stop here since I'm close to my picture limit anyway. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I'll continue with our last full day soon!
Oh, I am SO sorry to hear this. I was so hoping that the recovery would be smooth and fast. Hopefully after some rest over the next few days, he'll have a much better week next week. :hug:
Thank you Tracy, your words and thoughts really mean a lot :flower3: I was hoping the first week wouldn't be this crappy but, at least it's over now. And the last 2 days HAVE been better. Right now a return to school Monday for at least another half day is looking good, most likely with much better results than his return Monday. It's just going to be a few months of ups and downs; we'll work through it!

gotta love a good dining review :)
thanks for taking the time to do this! awesome so far!
:welcome: and thank you for joining! I hope you're enjoying it so far; I'm having fun writing it :goodvibes
Finally have some time to myself this morning so I figured I'd dive right into your report. Hoping I can get my report started sometime over the Thanksgiving break, but we shall see.

We ate at Tambu Lounge while talking to a great older couple from NJ. First a couple drinks followed by potstickers for Steve and the amazing pulled pork nachos for me:

Yum, these look delicious. I think they have something similar or perhaps even exactly the same at Captain Cooks that we've had before. Wonder if that is where they came from?


Crispy Chicken with Griddled Cornbread and Red Eye Gravy. The draw for me here was the cornbread but I have to say, the whole ensemble was fabulous! Steve and I devoured this. The breading on the chicken SO good; Steve declared it much better than the fried chicken sandwich he had at Homecomin' back in May :duck:The gravy on it was divine and the cornbread, while not as sweet as cornbread we've gotten around WDW, was warm and soft and tasty. Score at our first booth!
You were totally right on this (though not at all better than Homecoming, Steve). We tried it later in the week and really enjoyed it.


This was all Steve's and he loved it. Now if you love spicy you'd LOVE this, and if you absolutely cannot do spicy you would have to stay away from this. Just ask @kastoney, she knows :rolleyes1
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about :P Its definitely good but I was in no way prepared for the heat. If I recall I had to send Jason on an emergency water recon mission.


Steve thought the beer was really good and the cider is now a new WS fave for me! It was nice and bubbly with a light pear taste and unlike many other ciders, NOT overly sweet.
Did you like this more than our beloved Schofferhoffer???? If so I'll definitely have to give it a whirl. In of course 2019 which is when I think we'll be back again :sad:


Unfortunately we ran late and instead of meeting at 5 it was close to 6 when we got there, and they had dinner reservations for 6. We still got to hang for almost a half hour, had a great time talking with them, and will hopefully hang out more in March since our trips coincide again!
Am I sensing a late trend :P I got to have a quick meet with the marvelous Jenny too. Jealous you get more time in March.


Mine was good and well, Steve loves his Mules. Again with no copper mug but he was ok with that.
The mule looks so funny not being in a copper cup. I ended up getting one at Yachtsman just for Steve :-)


I don't know why the bottom of the bowl looks funny, it didn't in real life lol. The pizzole is like a chili and I don't know how else to explain it really other than that it was out of this world heavenly. The black rice, which I'd never had before, was perfection and the cornbread was 1000x better than the jalapeno cornbread they serve at Flame Tree.
I wasn't getting this at all when you described it, but now it looks so good and totally makes me want chili.

I want to eat here EVERY TRIP. That's how much I love this place. I think it has taken the spot of "our favorite signature". I also think I may take the boys in March; Chris can try the wagyu since he's a meat eater and Ricky will be open to trying whatever type of chicken dish they're offering at the time. It's just that fantastic.
You've got that exactly right. We ended up hitting up Nomads twice, but never made it over to Tiffins, which I'm totally regretting. I was thrilled to see it crowded though as the fact that you can't get an open reservation at Chef Mickeys, but can here is just wrong.

We took our food over by the.......tall tower in Japan where the drummers perform and sat on a wall, and I remember the conversation getting a little dirty but for the life of me I can't remember exactly what was said. I do know it was good that Casey wasn't there, and while our boys would have understood what was being said it was also better that they were in NY!
To refresh your memory (I have an insane one so apologies in advance) you had your dumplings on your lap, which required steve to eat them from there, and well we just went from there...:P

Also want to add that Ricky is much improved today! The pain is lessening so he isn't needing the pain medication as frequently. He can also walk better-not well, but better-but more weight on his leg and straighten it more. He's probably going to practice tomorrow night and we're looking at at least a half day of school Wed. Having all his friends here Sunday and two more today really lifted his spirits :goodvibes
So glad to hear. Hope he kept in the house this weekend and is all ready for Thanksgiving!

Steve really liked his too but as much as I love chocolate I couldn't get onboard. It smelled nice, like chocolate,
While we hung in there we took these with the Stones @kastoney:

Clearly we are having a horrible time!

Eventually it was time for us to head back to CSR and for the Stone family to gather their youngest and ship out to sea - you guys will understand that when Kari starts her dining report in about 6 months ;) pirate:
Aarrgh pirate:

Although I was full when we left Epcot, by the time we made it back to CSR via Lyft I was hungry. We went to Pepper Market which was about 30 minutes from closing and got a turkey burger for me and a bacon cheeseburger for Steve:

Oh this makes me feel so much better. I totally felt like you all were not eating at all and we were devouring everything at food and wine :-)
Finally have some time to myself this morning
I was wondering where you were!

Yum, these look delicious. I think they have something similar or perhaps even exactly the same at Captain Cooks that we've had before. Wonder if that is where they came from?
They do and I think they did come from there. We almost went to Capt. Cook's to get them but we needed :drinking1

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about :P Its definitely good but I was in no way prepared for the heat. If I recall I had to send Jason on an emergency water recon mission.
lmao oh yes you did!

Did you like this more than our beloved Schofferhoffer???? If so I'll definitely have to give it a whirl. In of course 2019 which is when I think we'll be back again :sad:
No no no, don't cry! I still like Schofferhoffer better! This just happened to be really good, so it's a nice alternative when I'm there. But when you return you should try it if they have it! As for 2019.......after your Feb. trip you weren't supposed to go back for a year ::yes::

I ended up getting one at Yachtsman just for Steve :-)
And he thanks you very much :worship: He hasn't had one since our return home but will be having many come Thursday!

I wasn't getting this at all when you described it, but now it looks so good and totally makes me want chili.
I didn't understand it when I read it on the menu, so it was a lucky thing the guy sitting next to me ordered it because I had NO idea what the hell it was. It ended up SO incredibly heavenly :cloud9:

To refresh your memory (I have an insane one so apologies in advance) you had your dumplings on your lap, which required steve to eat them from there, and well we just went from there...:P
:rotfl2::rotfl:lmao thank you for the reminder! It's all coming back to me now :laughing: even the "went from there" :D

So glad to hear. Hope he kept in the house this weekend and is all ready for Thanksgiving!
He's feeling tons better and has moved around more in the house, so we're giving a half day at school another try tomorrow. He also was feeling extremely bad Thursday about missing practices and the team's first scrimmage Friday, but his coach sent him a text Thurs. night telling him not to worry at all, just rest and feel better and they'll see him next week. So that alone made him relax and feel much better :)

Clearly we are having a horrible time!
The worst :hug:
he's finally feeling better again :goodvibes

My sister and nephews also arrive from Ga. on Monday
Awesome! One of my sisters lives in England, so I understand how exciting this is, too!

And now, to continue with our trek around the world a la the family Stone!
Sounds like a great time with the family Stone ;)

They were parmesan garlic fries and were nice and crunchy.
OMG I was so hoping for a good review of these fries because they LOOK amazing!

It's just going to be a few months of ups and downs; we'll work through it!
I think knowing that the recovery isn't linear and that there will be ups and downs might make it easier when the downs do happen - it's not that progress isn't being made, it's just not always in one straight line. :hug: Hoping for more ups though!
I have to keep remembering that the recovery isn't linear: it's going to be good days with bad days interspersed here and there.

Absolutely!! It's a lot of ups and downs, and you need to look back over long periods of time to see the slow upward trajectory. Glad to hear Ricky's had some good days again, and I hope he keeps moving in that direction!

Glad you enjoyed Abracadabar, too! I sent Nathan there for a drink when he was there without me a while ago, and he liked the atmosphere and thought his drink was decent. :)
Awesome! One of my sisters lives in England, so I understand how exciting this is, too!
Oh man, that sucks :( I think I remember reading that in your report. I miss my sister and she's only 15 hours away.....

Sounds like a great time with the family Stone ;)
It was! Hoping we can do it again sometime :) It's always fun to have friends in Disney.

I think knowing that the recovery isn't linear and that there will be ups and downs might make it easier when the downs do happen
As soon as I told Ricky the Dr. said bad days would be mixed in with the good, he was very relieved. So it definitely helps knowing that and I think will help greatly on his bad days.

Your pics with Kari are soooooo cute!!!!
:thanks: Luckily we realized we weren't going to come off looking like models so we didn't try lol

Glad to hear Ricky's had some good days again, and I hope he keeps moving in that direction!
Thanks Meghan :hug: Today he did really well in school, resting, and going back for practice. He'll do the same tomorrow and then basically has 5 days to rest because of the Thanksgiving holiday with one day in there when he'll be at school for a scrimmage, so those rest days will be good, too.

Glad you enjoyed Abracadabar, too! I sent Nathan there for a drink when he was there without me a while ago, and he liked the atmosphere and thought his drink was decent. :)
I think it's a nice addition to the BW :) Funny enough, the cousin of Ricky's awesome basketball coach is a bartender there, and I went to grammar school with him. He wasn't working the night we were there, though. It's a SMALL WORLD :laughing:
Here I am...blowing up your notifications b/c I was WAY more behind than I thought. I think I get caught up on the TR and forget about the dining report until you mention a specific food and then my brain's lightbulb goes off :sad2:

I want Tiffins on our next trip...but I felt like I needed to try Jiko instead. Tiffins is the most outstanding meal I've had on Disney property, and I wholeheartedly agree with your love of the place.

I'm glad to hear Ricky is making progress even with the bad days. Poor guy :hug: He's a trooper!

You guys tried so many things! I'm a food booth failure, I never end up trying as many things as I think I'm going to. If it's the slightest bit too hot, food loses all appeal. On our first day around the world in October it was just too warm for the hot foods I'd wanted to try previously. This is why I love reading along and eating by proxy :rotfl:


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