You & Me & A Bottle Makes 3 (UPDATED! 4/7/14)–F&W Fest & the Rest in 5 days!

Glad S is enjoying the street performers - definitely one of my favorite parts of DHS/MGM

We went to ABC commisary too and I had the same opinion about the chicken sandwich. Fortunately all of our food came with our initial order - though I did have to go back up as when we opened my daughters bag of carrot sticks they were all mushy and gross.

I love the new Star Tours and that there are different scenes so it is a different ride each time! Glad you got on with little/no wait - that is one ride that seems like the wait time can fluctuate between 10 mins and 40 mins and back to 10 mins rather quickly

I glad there was no wait too. Other-wise I would have only gotten to ride it once, during my Fast-pass slot.

I got the same beginning each time but got to see a few of the other story plots.
Okay, I enjoyed reading all the DHS updates (especially ST!) - other than the crowds - but I am totally stuck on the burger-less hamburger!!!! :scared1: After waiting in line that long, I think I would have just sat down and cried. :rotfl2:
Okay, I enjoyed reading all the DHS updates (especially ST!) - other than the crowds - but I am totally stuck on the burger-less hamburger!!!! :scared1: After waiting in line that long, I think I would have just sat down and cried. :rotfl2:

It was a close thing.
We decided to give Toy Story Mania another walk by, but no luck the line were still two hours long, but I really did not expect and different by this point.

We were actually feeling pretty done with HS by this point.
Too bad we did not have park hoppers. I have had them almost every other trip and not really hopped. In fact, the only time I did in the past was to spend the morning in AK and the evening in HS or Epcot. We wandered to the front to take a look at the board with the wait/show times and figure out our next move.

As we passed by one of the streets (sorry, dont know which one) it was filled with Characters out greeting. Most of them had a line but Pinocchio was just kind of wandering around passing out hugs and posing.


Bad cell phone pic. (I look so disheveled and my dress is all twisted, why do men Never tell us these things before snapping a pic?)

I believe it was getting close to 4pm by the time we made our way up front.

We contemplated going to Downtown Disney, but after asking a few questions realized that we would spend most of the time traveling and have very little time to look around before heading to the Polynesian for our dinner at 8pm.

We thought it was still too early to head to the hotel.

Finally we decided to go check out Rockin Roller coaster again to see if the single rider lane was open, and then go see Beauty and the Beast.

We worked our way back down Sunset Boulevard to RnRC and were delighted to find that while standby was still 90 minutes the single rider lane was now open!
We walked through the entrance and headed towards the building!
Suddenly we were passed by a large group of people walking in the opposite direction.


This was followed closer to the end by a Mother and 3 teens. The mother in question was VERY livid and informed us that they were turning people around having decided NOT to allow single riders after all!!!!


Ok, I understand not allowing the single rider lanes when the wait is too long (and BTW they changed that back to 2 hours a minute or two later).
But you close it at the rope. Once people have already been allowed "in" you let them go.

I admit it.
This time I did cry.


Just a tear or two escaped but I was so sad, angry, frustrated, and disappointed!

The guy at the entrance roped it off behind us and said semi apologetically,
"Sorry, yeah, they just radioed down to me to close it off."

I was so upset, and afraid of taking it out on someone who did not deserve it I just walked away.

We got halfway up (griping the whole way) before I calmed down enough to turn to him and suggest that we get a beer and go watch B&B anyway, then go to guest relations to give them a piece of our minds and head out.

This had not been a stellar day but I still wanted to end it on a fun note and knew that at least our evening was still promising. (I try so hard to keep a good attitude, and make the most of things, it does not always work, but I try)

The thing is that once I get worked into a certain "state" it does not take much to return me there.

The crowds on Sunset were so thick I was starting to get a little panicked.
We found the beer but it was only Miller (or Bud or something) anyway, a kind we did not like.
How about a Margarita, I remember seeing them around here earlier.

I pulled out my map and studied it to no avail, getting ever frustrated again, while "S" wondered across the street, looking at one of the cars and the scenery I guess.
He called me over, I assumed to show me the car.

(to self in head) Really, I am trying to figure something out here and not having much luck, I can see the car just fine from here thanks.....
No, no, do not take you frustration out on the poor man, he has been having a long day too. Go find out what he wants...

I sighed and then tried to paste a smile on my face as I walked over to join him, he was now in the middle of the street.

When I got to him I lifted an inquisitive eyebrow...
He took my map from my hand and very carefully folded it and tucked it into my bag.

Then he took me in his arms and started dancing with me.
"Don't Get Around Much Anymore" was playing and my Love was dancing me around Sunset Boulevard in front of everyone.

:blush: :lovestruc :blush:

Some people were even taking pictures (I would pay to have one).

I felt my irritation melting away, it was just me, my DBF, and the music.

We danced the whole song, even daring a spin at one point.
In spite of the heavy crowds, somehow we had room to dance.

THIS was my magical moment.

When we finished I was grinning like a fool.

I really, really, love this man.

He simply remarked that it was too good of music not to be danced to and he was surprised nobody else was.

NOTE: I asked him in my post-trip "survey" (for the blog) what was his favorite part of the trip as whole?
His response: Dancing with you on Sunset Blvd.

We found the margarita place and I ordered a "magical margarita"
The CM grinned and said, "What is a magical margarita?"
I said, "Pour one of those frozen drinks, wave your had over it, tell me it is magical, and I will believe you!"
She smiled again, "And would you like salt on that/"
Me, "How about some Pixie Dust that looks and tastes like salt"
Now almost giggling she said "Of course!" and she handed me my drink a few moments later say, "One Magical Margarita, with Pixie Dust!"
My DBF stepped up next, and laughingly said "I'll have what she's having"

Honestly I think it was the best mixed drink I had enjoyed in the Parks yet. (sorry, no pics)
As we sipped we discussed the next day's plans, which I had left up to him and he decided that we would go to AK, as we had not been yet, and since it closes early we would check out Downtown Disney after.

After asking if we were allowed to have our drinks inside the show (and being jokingly told we had to have enough for everyone) we found seats for Beauty and the Beast and sat down to sip and enjoy.



Belle is my soul sister.


Gaston being a ham.




Awww - you BF did a fantastic job turning around what was becoming a pretty unhappy afternoon. How wonderful! :thumbsup2
Sorry for the long delay in between updates. I had typed this up once before and then lost the whole thing when I accidentally closed out the wrong tab.
Then I had no time to re-do it for awhile.

We enjoyed our showing of Beauty and the Beast and the last of our Margaritas.
S the show was cute.

Question, I am the only one that thinks it is hilarious when the Beast roars on stage? In the movie he has a nice Animal growl/roar, but in the show it is simply cute and comical.
It now being close to 6pm we figure that we can go ahead and go to the resort.

First a classy snap shot of a car, with me leaning on it.


Fabulous dahling!

When we got to the Guest services the line was longer than some of the ride waits. We decided that waiting that long to register our complaints and probably to no good end would only re-ruin our moods and so we said goodbye to Hollywood and headed to the Polynesian resort.

I really have the DIS to thank for this part of my plans. Up until I joined the DIS I really had no clue that you could tour and dine at resorts that you were not necessarily staying at.

I had booked us for an 8pm dinner at the Kona Café followed by plans to watch the HalloWishes fireworks on the beach at 9:30.

After a brief bus ride we were there! I stopped briefly at the Valet desk to ask directions, which I was given as well a two leis.

S dutifully wore his until just before dinner when he passed it back to me, saying that while it was cute, it was scratching his neck.

First things first.
My feet were killing me.
Time to swap out my confining sneakers for flip-flops. Thankfully I had a pair in our back pack.
Such a relief.

We toured the inside, shopping, looking at the Gallery, enjoying the décor.

Then we decided to explore the beach & pool areas.


As we got to the beach we discovered a beach fire in progress and were given Marshmallows & sticks by the CMs and invited to toast them over the open fire.

Twist my arm.

That was a cool and unexpected treat. "S" had originally declined, but could not resist joining in after a few minutes.

We got a frozen beverage at the pool bar to share and hung around outside until close to 7:30 when we headed in and upstairs to sign in and get a pager.

There were several families dressed in Halloween costumes wandering about.

We explored the upstairs shops while we waited. S bought himself a Stitch pin. Stitch dressed a Barbosa. pretty awesome.

I did some pin-trading but a little disappointed by my inability to find a Stitch pin for my sister. I had been looking all week but figured there at least had to be one at the Poly. I figured I might have to give up and buy one instead of trading the Lilo pin that she had wanted me to trade. The really did have plenty for sale.

I was discussing this with one on the CMs I had been trading with when another one, who had been listening, told me to wait a minute. She disappeared for a couple of minutes and came back with a Stitch pin that she then traded with me.

That was really cool of her to hunt one down for me.

Our pager went off soon and we were seated by 7:50.
It was a full 15 minutes before our waiter even stopped by to say he would be back in a minute for our Drink orders. (it was more than a minute). I used to be a waitress, and I find it unacceptable to sit for 15 minutes before even getting a fly-by.

By the time he returned we were ready to order our food as well as our drinks. I asked that one of the side items be left off of my order because it had mushrooms which I am allergic to. He sent for the Chef who came out to discuss my allergy and agreed to make a substitution of the side.

Eventually we had our drinks and bread service.

I, of course, had ordered the famed Lapu-Lapu!


I really liked it. It was fruity but not too sweet and carried a decent portion of booze without being overwhelming.

We were pretty hungry and I tore into the bread before S pointed out the need for a picture, so we rearranged it for a shot.

The bread was sweet and light, it was pretty ok.
The macadamia butter? OMG! I loved it!!!!! I could eat that every day. I would spread it on everything.
I would be enormous!

When our bread arrived S as an after thought, put in an order for the Dragon Hand Roll.

This was kind of mistake. I hate eel and I think he meant to order the Citrus Hamachi Roll but mixed them up as we no longer had the menu.


The presentation is nice.

I did try to eat it but the eel was too strong.
So I did the tacky thing.
I picked out the eel, fed it to my DBF and kept eating.

I wish we had gotten the wings.
I really did not feel like this roll was worth $14 even if it did come with a golf ball sized lump of wasabi.


Our dinner was taking a long time to come out and we ended up asking for more bread. Once we hunted down our server. We always had to find him. He NEVER checked in with us.

More than an hour after we were seated our food arrived. I asked for the check so that we could pay it now and leave when were done eating so that we could go straight to the beach for the fireworks.

I had ordered the Grilled Kona Coffee-rubbed Pork Chop with,Wild Mushroom Bread Pudding, Braised Red Cabbage and an Espresso-Cranberry Veal Reduction. The Chef substituted the roasted pumpkin from another dish to serve instead of the bread pudding.


The pork chop was cooked to perfection. The Coffee rub was not overwhelming but added a lovely earthiness. Even S liked it and he does not like coffee. The pumpkin and cabbage both balanced the flavors out well.

S ordered the Pan-seared Duck Breastserved with Mung, Adzuki, and Cranberry Beans with Chorizo Sausage and Spinach in a Tamarind Gastrique.


This dish blew us both away. It was truly heavenly. This dish was full of flavor, rich, slightly spicy, and the duck was cooked perfectly. The duck and sausage were a perfect pairing.
I would have had food-envy but we share with each other a lot.

We both ended up stuffed and leaving a little food on our plates but not enough to get a box. We also made a new rule, if we get and appetizer while dinning out, we share an entrée.

Overall this really was a fantastic dinner even if our server was a crashing disappointment.

We went straight to the beach where the beach movie (The Sword in the Stone) was just ending. I spread out a couple of towels for us while S went to the beach bar for drinks, returning just as the show started.
They do pipe in the music but it is very faint and the other people watching would not queit down! Why do people have no manners? After several frustrating minutes of straining to hear the music S finally made the executive decision that we would go stand on the sidewalk next to the speakers. As he pointed out, since they do choreograph the music to the show it would be like trying to watch a ballet without music. Still pretty, but missing something.

In spite of sore feet this was a really good idea. HalloWishes is a fantastic show and the music was just pure fun!

After the fireworks were over we sat on the now rapidly emptying beach and finished our drinks while holding hands and digging our toes into the sand.

We eventually finished and went back inside to the gift store so that S could buy these for dessert.


Not my image.

He had spotted them earlier and had decided he Must have them.
He loves coconut, especially mixed with chocolate. (He makes the best coconut brownies).

After he made his purchase we walked back to the Ticket and Transportation center to catch our bus. It was not a terribly long walk (although in the dark it was slightly confusing) and I believe during the day it would be quite a nice scenic path.

I am so grateful for all the DIS advice that made this night possible. Over-all our experience at the Polynesian Resort was pretty fantastic.
We were at the bust stop a good 20 minutes before the last bus even with our dawdling on the beach.

It must have been Midnight by the time we got to bed.

Up Next: Our Last Disney day (at AK).

That is just fine!

Just out of curiosity, which thread?

This Thread.

You should come on over and join in, You will be made to feel welcome from the first time you say hello. They are a Make a Wish family and always have a smile on their face. They are going back to Florida with another DISer in January. :goodvibes

Great update/pictures. I love the idea of roasting marshmallows on the beach at the Poly. :thumbsup2 How fun to see the fireworks from such a special spot.
This Thread.

You should come on over and join in, You will be made to feel welcome from the first time you say hello. They are a Make a Wish family and always have a smile on their face. They are going back to Florida with another DISer in January. :goodvibes

Great update/pictures. I love the idea of roasting marshmallows on the beach at the Poly. :thumbsup2 How fun to see the fireworks from such a special spot.

Thanks I will visit!

Roasting Marshmallows was just one of those little unexpected joys that Disney is good at.


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