You Just Got Married at WDW - What're You Gonna Do Next? LIVE Blog from WDW (p.24)!

I like your shoes, even the ones you think are not so attractive! They look outdoorsy to me, I like them! I'm a Croc girl myself, can't get much uglier than those but I do adore them! LOL!

And WTG on the Sunshine Rewards! I tried it too once but never seemed to get much from it. I am an ExpoTv girl myself!

Allyson :)
I like your shoes. It is important to be comfortable in the parks and those look like they will do the trick. Now all you have to do is pick your flights!

I was checking out the restaurant food pic thread the other day and saw one of your postings on it. The Grand Californian deserts looked amazing. Have you picked out which entrees you are going to order for your upcoming trip or will you wait until you are actually in the restaurant?

How many days until your trip?
I can't believe I just found your pre-trip today, don't know how I missed it. Your Tevas look like mine except mine are water shoes, yours might be too for all I know, I wore them to TL last year & they were super comfortable.
We will be there at the same time as you, maybe we'll see each other, we will be at MNSSHP on the night you go to Tony's so we might just see you getting kicked out.:rotfl: I'll be the short woman with the tall son, I'm 5'2" he's 6'3". Hope to see you there.
I tried Sunshine Rewards briefly but it seemed like I didn't "qualify" for any surveys? :confused3 Maybe I have to try again. Because I'm all about earning the Disney Dollars. Any particular tips on Sunshine Rewards?

I like all of your footwear choices. Especially the levitating sandle. That should give new meaning to light on your feet! ;)


The Sunshine Rewards surveys can be tricky. A lot of times you have to try 5 or 6 times before you find a survey that you actually qualify. However, they seem to have a lot more to choose from lately. When I first started they always ran out of surveys every day. Now I seem to be able to try and try until I get one that likes my demographic!

Also, the biggest way to earn money is through online shopping, I think. Luckily, they have agreements with a lot of sites that you can use when planning a WDW trip.

I like your shoes, even the ones you think are not so attractive! They look outdoorsy to me, I like them! I'm a Croc girl myself, can't get much uglier than those but I do adore them! LOL!

And WTG on the Sunshine Rewards! I tried it too once but never seemed to get much from it. I am an ExpoTv girl myself!

Ooh - I'll have to check out ExpoTV - every little bit helps.

I was checking out the restaurant food pic thread the other day and saw one of your postings on it. The Grand Californian deserts looked amazing. Have you picked out which entrees you are going to order for your upcoming trip or will you wait until you are actually in the restaurant?

How many days until your trip?

I think I'll wait til we get there - on the honeymoon, there were a lot of "must try" dishes. This time it'll be fun to see what I feel like when I sit down (though some of those must-try dishes may be making another appearance).

1 month, 3 weeks and 2 days until our trip!

I can't believe I just found your pre-trip today, don't know how I missed it. Your Tevas look like mine except mine are water shoes, yours might be too for all I know, I wore them to TL last year & they were super comfortable.
We will be there at the same time as you, maybe we'll see each other, we will be at MNSSHP on the night you go to Tony's so we might just see you getting kicked out.:rotfl: I'll be the short woman with the tall son, I'm 5'2" he's 6'3". Hope to see you there.

Oh yes - I hope to see you too! We will know each other by our Tevas... :rotfl:
OK, so I've been agonizing over buying our plane tickets b/c I can't tell if they'll go down the closer we get (which is what happened last September, when we scored $250 tix from LAX to MCO) or stay high/go up cuz of oil prices.

Have you guys heard of I've been using it to track three potential flights. If you know exact flights you want, Yapta monitors the prices and lets you know when they go down.

Since there are so few nonstop flights from LAX to MCO these days, we don't have many choices and it's easy to put the ones we'd like into Yapta to track.

Over the last few days the American Airlines flight has been inching downward, but it's still a few bucks above $400, so I'm just playing chicken to see if it'll go down further.

After you buy the flight, Yapta can help you get a refund if the price goes lower, supposedly, but the one time I tried this (and I even talked to a United Airlines rep who assured me we'd get a credit voucher), the refund never showed up. So I dunno....


The other thing I can't decide is which would be better for our Ride Both Haunted Mansions In One Day trick: My only choices are:

A) Flights that get in at 8:30pm or 9:00pm, giving us three hours to take a shuttle to our car at LAX, drive 45 minutes to Disneyland, drop our car at the Disneyland Hotel and hope the Monorail is still running to get us to the park before closing.

B) A flight that gets us into LAX at 3pm but requires us to leave WDW about an hour after the MK opens - which means a banzai morning of getting up at the Poly, running to Haunted Mansion, and then leaving WDW right away. I'd hoped to have a sleep in and a leisurely breakfast at Kona...

What do you guys think? :confused3
Hi Lurkyloo!

We're going the same dates you are. :banana: We'll be at ASMu the entire week and our dining ADRs are mostly character meals ... for the kiddos .. but maybe I'll see you in the parks. I promise not to stalk! :scared1:

I loved your wedding/honeymoon TR. Your pics were GORGEOUS!!!!

Happy planning!
Hey, cool! We need a way to recognize each other... I guess there's always Lime Green Mickey heads! :thumbsup2
I got an iPhone!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana:

They've been out of stock, and there have been lines when they are in stock, and usually they're out of stock again by the time I get off work. So when I called this morning and heard the local Apple Store had them and the line was only 40 minutes, I took my lunch right then and raced over to the mall. HOORAY!

Finally, after years and years of waiting (I wanted an iPhone before Apple even invented them! :rotfl:)... the iPhone is mine. It's going to be soooooo useful on our trip. I'm gonna go see what kinda stuff PassPorter has for iPhone users - it would be cool if there was an iPhone version of the WDW guide!

Now if I could just figure out how to turn the thing on... :rotfl2:
:goodvibes Congrats on your I Phone. :cool1: I wish I could afford one now but I have to pay for my upcoming trip. I too was playing chicken with the airfare until the last few weeks when they went from $189 to $224 in one week.:scared1: I bit the bullet & finally booked last week at $234, they had cheaper flights at $220, but were arriving at 5:00pm & I didn't want to wait that long to have fun at WDW. So we are getting in a few hours later than I originally planned but I am grateful to get a daytime arrival time. The same flight is $275 this week, so I'm glad I booked when I did. Hope you have better luck with your flights than I did.
SO jealous on the iphone. I have a blackberry provided by work (about the only nice thing I can say about work :rolleyes1) so I just can't justify it. But I want one so badly.

I love Yapta! I haven't used it to try to claim a refund, though. I just enjoyed watching the fare on a trip I took earlier this year rise and rise to the point where I felt like I had a real bargain! :rotfl:
:goodvibes Congrats on your I Phone. :cool1: I wish I could afford one now but I have to pay for my upcoming trip. I too was playing chicken with the airfare until the last few weeks when they went from $189 to $224 in one week.:scared1: I bit the bullet & finally booked last week at $234, they had cheaper flights at $220, but were arriving at 5:00pm & I didn't want to wait that long to have fun at WDW. So we are getting in a few hours later than I originally planned but I am grateful to get a daytime arrival time. The same flight is $275 this week, so I'm glad I booked when I did. Hope you have better luck with your flights than I did.

I know... The iPhone's price tag was a tough pill to swallow, since I've never paid for a cell phone in my life - usually I just take whatever's free!

Sorry to hear about your airline tix, but at least you now have the satisfaction of seeing them go up up up like 2xcited2sleep does! :thumbsup2 I didn't buy mine at $408 yesterday, and now they're up to $579 :scared1:

SO jealous on the iphone. I have a blackberry provided by work (about the only nice thing I can say about work :rolleyes1) so I just can't justify it. But I want one so badly.

I love Yapta! I haven't used it to try to claim a refund, though. I just enjoyed watching the fare on a trip I took earlier this year rise and rise to the point where I felt like I had a real bargain! :rotfl:

Right on! :goodvibes OK, now you've got me curious to go back to Yapta...
I signed up for yapta yesterday, since I'm also playing chicken with our flights to California in December. They just dropped to their low price again, but now it's only our departure day that is low our return day is at the mid price. :confused3 What to do?
The other thing I can't decide is which would be better for our Ride Both Haunted Mansions In One Day trick: My only choices are:

A) Flights that get in at 8:30pm or 9:00pm, giving us three hours to take a shuttle to our car at LAX, drive 45 minutes to Disneyland, drop our car at the Disneyland Hotel and hope the Monorail is still running to get us to the park before closing.

B) A flight that gets us into LAX at 3pm but requires us to leave WDW about an hour after the MK opens - which means a banzai morning of getting up at the Poly, running to Haunted Mansion, and then leaving WDW right away. I'd hoped to have a sleep in and a leisurely breakfast at Kona...

What do you guys think? :confused3

Thanks for the tip on YAPTA - I joined too! I'm trying to keep an eye on; right now, Delta is over $700 a ticket!:scared1: Waiting for JetBlue to release their fares.

As for you HM dilema: I say go with Option A. Bottom line is - you're at WDW for a vacation; while scoot out of there earlier to make your plan work as outlined in option B? It seems that there are alot of variables that would have to fall into place to make either plan work; I would choose the option that at least leaves me at my vacation for as long as possible.

If option A doesn't work, it gives you reason to plan ANOTHER WDW trip to try again!;)
As for you HM dilema: I say go with Option A. Bottom line is - you're at WDW for a vacation; while scoot out of there earlier to make your plan work as outlined in option B? It seems that there are alot of variables that would have to fall into place to make either plan work; I would choose the option that at least leaves me at my vacation for as long as possible.

That is a really good point - we go to Disneyland all the time. I would much rather spend more time at WDW then have to leave early to get to Disneyland for an extra half day. Hmmmm....I wonder if we could just grab a taxi from the airport back to the lot where we left our car? That could cut out 30-45 minutes of waiting for the free shuttle....

I signed up for yapta yesterday, since I'm also playing chicken with our flights to California in December. They just dropped to their low price again, but now it's only our departure day that is low our return day is at the mid price. :confused3 What to do?

Unless you want to travel around Christmas, I say wait! Fares don't start to go down til 3 months out. (Or they used to... before the oil price hikes....). But if it's for Christmas, buy now before it sells out, sez I!
Unless you want to travel around Christmas, I say wait! Fares don't start to go down til 3 months out. (Or they used to... before the oil price hikes....). But if it's for Christmas, buy now before it sells out, sez I!

It's the first week of December. This is the second time the fares have dipped to $74 each way. That's the low, the middle is sitting at $124 and the regular price is $144, it's gone up a bit a few times, but the $144 seems pretty steady. I hate passing up the $74, but I think I will wait it out a bit more.
Yay! You got your iPhone. Have you figured out how it works yet?? LOL

For your HM dilema I pick option A too.
It's the first week of December. This is the second time the fares have dipped to $74 each way. That's the low, the middle is sitting at $124 and the regular price is $144, it's gone up a bit a few times, but the $144 seems pretty steady. I hate passing up the $74, but I think I will wait it out a bit more.

:hippie: <-------That's me crossing my fingers for you (it's the closest I could get!)

Yay! You got your iPhone. Have you figured out how it works yet?? LOL

For your HM dilema I pick option A too.

Dang you guys! Option B just dropped below $400, but I know you are right, so I will have to keep waiting for Option A to do the same....

I am slowly figuring out the iPhone. I made a call! And I added some contacts, surfed the Web, and downloaded a free app that makes light saber noises when I swing the phone around! :darth:
Yey for the iphone :thumbsup2 Glad you got one, I think the availability here is bit low too. I don't know why all these must have gadgets are so hard to get hold of (esp. when you see people selling for twice the price on E-bay for example) we had loads of hassle trying to get a Wii just before Christmas last year, not to mention the remotes and nunchucks :eek:

I was very tempted to get the origional iphone when my contract ran out last year, I went with a Sony Ericsson as it had a better camera:upsidedow I hope my MP3 player dies soon (got it in 2004 when 20GB was the highest capacity!) as I want an itouch :rotfl2:

A little OT but I will be posting those crisps and choccie bars next week - the store I went to didn't have the Twisted bars :headache: but we have some coming on our grocery shop being delivered Sat.

Also, hope you get your flights sorted. I miss the days when you 'knew' the best time to buy and what price was reasonable :sad2:

And, good luck with the HM mission, I agree with others that you may as well enjoy your WDW time (esp. if the flights are expensive, get the most out your time there).
Good luck with the flight! I'll be checking out Yapta next year for our flights!!

As for HM, i agree with option A. How far is it from LAX to DL?? How long will it take you to get from terminal, to car, to DL, versus just taking a taxi straight from LAX to DL? Is that an option to save a bit of time?


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