You have a job now so can we stay go for free?


DIS Veteran
Jan 22, 2001
I have been planning a group get together at the BWV's for my immediate familyfor months. The group inclused myself, Dh, 2 sons, brother, wife, nephew(1st trip), and my parents (who have never been). I had originally booked a 2 bedroom and a studio- when my best friend mentions they want me to book a studio. In the past I have priced a studio for 7 nights at $600 for them and in the past this has not been a problem.

However, I have either been a stay at home mom or until the last 3 yrs a student. Well I booked their studio months ago when I was still in school. A few nights ago we were talking about jobs and I was very excited about mine. I got the job I wanted , in the unit I wanted, the hours I wanted, and the pay I wanted!! I'm very excited to finally be a 2 income family!!!

She looks at me and says, "you should just let us have our room for free.":eek:
Originally posted by Sammie
I would just smile and say, "You are too funny".

That's a great response - I'd use it! Instead of you being shocked, she sure will be. :earseek:
You are in the wrong business a studio for 7 nights at $600 is beyond belief! The cheapest studio at DVC runs about $2100 for 7 nights. Wow!
Originally posted by Pa@okw95
You are in the wrong business a studio for 7 nights at $600 is beyond belief! The cheapest studio at DVC runs about $2100 for 7 nights. Wow!
And maybe THAT is what you should tell her!:teeth:
You are in the wrong business a studio for 7 nights at $600 is beyond belief! The cheapest studio at DVC runs about $2100 for 7 nights. Wow!

I'm not doing it for profit as much as I am doing it to off set some of my dues. She is my friend. And if I had been working for a little while (not 3 weeks) I would be happy to do it for free.

Melmice and Sammie my rsponse was close...I believe it went something like, "Ummm, your kidding right?"

I mean it just flew all over me. They aren't poor- they have been a 2 income family forever, they have talked about joining dvc but have never done it. They have had 3 new cars in the same time frame that I have driven the same used car. Okay I'm venting sorry.
That is too funny! Congrats on your Job!

You can explain to them that are already getting Highway robbery by only having to pay $600 in accomidations for their 7 night stay. Even at the lowest rate, BWV is $2294.67 (tax included) during Holiday Time it would cost them a nice $3582.50 to stay a week at BWV.

Depending our your Annual Dues, I would have been charging $100 a night to make up for Dues for the year and my loss of points for myself.

But that is just me, they are already getting one helluva deal as it is.... Tell them, "don't get greedy!"
The people that are described as "best friends" on this forum sometimes floor me. :confused:

Maybe you should print out this thread and "accidently" leave it where your friend will read it. Let us say what you obviously want to avoid saying....

"Hey friend, buy some points and see how "free" these vacations are!!!" :rolleyes:
All I can say is...Do you need another "friend"? I would GLADLY pay you six hundred dollars for the use of your "points" that would equal enough for a one-week studio stay!!!! And, I would NEVER complain about the cost!!!

It seems really sad to me that because of your financial situation, you have been "funding" someone else's vacation at an amazing price!!!! That was my fear buying into DVC...that we would have the points, and never be able to afford to go!!! It must've been really sad for you to see someone else (even someone that you love) get such wonderful vacations at your expense!!!

I think, now that you have a wonderful job, that you should explain to your "friend" that having two incomes means that you can now actually afford to take the vacations that you have been "subsidizing" for her for the last few years, and let her know that her "free ride" is OVER!!!!!

Congrats on your job....and start planning your OWN trips!!!!


I would have said: "Sorry, no freebies. We've got a long time before our initial investment is paid off."

Friends/families commonly think the maintenance fees are all that's involved and that is soooooo not the case!

Congrats on the new job. :D
Wow! Congrats on the new job! Sounds like you worked for that one, and hard.

As for your friend, how did she reply to your response?
Congrats on the job. Sometimes what people say has the ability to really floor me! I can't believe someone would say that to you. In any event when I was in grad school all the "teams" I was put on kept saying you can do the work since we work full time and you are a stay at home Mom! Um yeah, that's no work at all, and I'm sure the presentation will look great covered in spaghettios! And of course I never did it all--expect payment, you are already doing them a favor at your own expense both financially and personal use of points wise. People can be so ungrateful!:crazy:
Originally posted by SnowWitch
I'm not doing it for profit as much as I am doing it to off set some of my dues. She is my friend. And if I had been working for a little while (not 3 weeks) I would be happy to do it for free.

Melmice and Sammie my rsponse was close...I believe it went something like, "Ummm, your kidding right?"

I mean it just flew all over me. They aren't poor- they have been a 2 income family forever, they have talked about joining dvc but have never done it. They have had 3 new cars in the same time frame that I have driven the same used car. Okay I'm venting sorry.
Why would they join when they are getting the benefits from you and you had to lay out the $$ and the dues and they get a really cheap vacation. OMG I swear if that were my best friend I would totally mention how much a cash ressie is and then tell her to take a jump the next time she wants a studio. That has got to be some nerve!
Originally posted by SnowWitch
I'm not doing it for profit as much as I am doing it to off set some of my dues. She is my friend. And if I had been working for a little while (not 3 weeks) I would be happy to do it for free.

WAIT WAIT WAIT I missed this part! What does she do for you for free that warrents such generosity. I mean I love my best friend to death and maybe someday I will give her a trip to WDW on my points but trust me it would not be a common occurance especially after saying something like that OMG! Please tell me she is as generous to you as you are to her!
Congrats on your new job. Sounds like your hard work has finally paid off. You are to kind of a person. Hopefully your friend will quickly realize how much she has been taking advantage of you and RETURN the favor.
My girlfriend and I are taking our dd's to WDW in 2006, just before the girls turn 13. She loves Disney but doesn't own DVC. When she has gone to WDW she has stayed in deluxes. Well, except for the one time they went with us and stayed at POR. But, otherwise, it's deluxes all the way for her. So, I planed on getting a 2-bdrm at BWV. No big deal. I would have the points. So, when we discussed the cost, she went ballistic and says 'of course I'm paying for my room. Don't be ridiculous.' She told me to figure how much she would spend there for the 5 or 6 nights, and she would give me a check!!! Now, I figure that would be about $1600. No way am I taking that kind of check from a friend. So, she'll end up giving me about $800. That's all I'll consider. And that way, our airfare and part of our passes will be paid. Man, why can't more people be that way??
Beca don't misundrstand we have thoroughly enjoyed 1-3 trips per year since buying in. However, we have passed on a new car every other year to be able to swing DVC and actually enjoy our investment. They have made different choices like new cars. And thats fine but it ticks me off that now that I have a nice income that means my already generous offer is insulted with a comment like she made. :mad:

She had taken trips to Disney with us prior to our purchase so she is more than aware of the deal she is recieving at $600 a week. Before I started doing this- they stayed at CB, DL, and I think Disney Institute villas. She's getting out much cheaper than her previous stays.

3DisneyNUTS she is generous in other ways but not what I would put in this catagory! Not even close.

Her reply to my "Your kidding , right?" She was just joking. No she wasn't she was feeling me out to get a response. I think she felt like if I could take my parents and brother's famly I could do it for her.

Thanks on the congrats!!!
well now that you have two incomes you should ask her why she never bought DVC and mention how you did it with one least get the 200 disney dollars out of her LOL
well now that you have two incomes you should ask her why she never bought DVC and mention how you did it with one least get the 200 disney dollars out of her LOL

I've already been trying.;)
This is the exact reason I will not invite others to stay on my points (with the exception of some family). I will offer to find the best deal through CRO for them, but my points are too valuable to me for others to take advantage of them (or ask for them for free:rolleyes: ).

I took my mom in January for 6 nights in a one bedroom at BWV and I paid for her airfare (she paid for the rental car) and I never got so much as a thank you! And this was my mom!

Sorry you got such a response - nothing like kicking a gift horse in the mouth. And congrats on all your hard work paying off with your great new job!!

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