YOLO Part Dos -- A Journey Beyond Your Wildest Imagination Updated 9/9 Trip Video

The Epcot pictures are really pretty! We've never done Figment- I'm gonna have to make sure we get there in September!
looks like you went to mexico for lunch. we usually make that one of our stops. of course we always eat at least once at kringla bakeri og kafe. i like the fish& chips at the yorkshire county fishshop. my youngest son was a big figment fan. he still is. he always buys something figment related every trip. i like the fact that the ride is hardly ever crowded. i just hope the powers that be leave it alone and don't close it. you got some really nice photos at epcot. it is so pretty in the spring. we've been to the flower and garden festival 3 or 4 times. and of course me, being the old hippie, i have to go to the flower power concerts. they used to have the concerts everyday instead of just weekends. a very nice update. makes me wish i was there, even with the heat and humidity.
i see where peter pan's flight is going to close september 30 for rehab. i hope you won't miss your flight to neverland.
That Oz area looks amazing! I wish we could have visited for F&G, Paxton would have just loved those play sets.

Oh man, 20 minutes for Nemo?! No way!!!
Great update! :goodvibes

Thank you :goodvibes

The Epcot pictures are really pretty! We've never done Figment- I'm gonna have to make sure we get there in September!

Yes you must! I LOVE figment.​

looks like you went to mexico for lunch. we usually make that one of our stops. of course we always eat at least once at kringla bakeri og kafe. i like the fish& chips at the yorkshire county fishshop. my youngest son was a big figment fan. he still is. he always buys something figment related every trip. i like the fact that the ride is hardly ever crowded. i just hope the powers that be leave it alone and don't close it. you got some really nice photos at epcot. it is so pretty in the spring. we've been to the flower and garden festival 3 or 4 times. and of course me, being the old hippie, i have to go to the flower power concerts. they used to have the concerts everyday instead of just weekends. a very nice update. makes me wish i was there, even with the heat and humidity.

i see where peter pan's flight is going to close september 30 for rehab. i hope you won't miss your flight to neverland.

Does it seem like we are going to Mexico for lunch? Are you assuming this? I mean you might even be correct! Or maybe not. I wish I liked fish but unfortunately I do not.
Growing up with figment is definitely a good childhood. I always pick up a shirt after the ride but I never buy it. Maybe one day I will. If they closed figment down forever I would be heartbroken, if they wanted to change it back to the original that would be ok too, I mean I don't remember the original but my family loved it.

Oh no! We arrive in Disney world sept 28th but only for a night and then we go on the cruise the next day. Hopefully I will be able to hit up the MK the first day.​

Well, I hope you're happy...you got that "22" song in my head now! :rolleyes1

Did you know it feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters! :thumbsup2

That Oz area looks amazing! I wish we could have visited for F&G, Paxton would have just loved those play sets.

Oh man, 20 minutes for Nemo?! No way!!!

It was a cute little area we didn't explore to much though.
I have never seen nemo so crowded before, like they must have been handing something out.​

Just joining in and all caught up! This is a great TR :)

WELCOME ALONG! :wave2: I appreciate the fact that you took time to read all about our crazy adventure.​
Be That Topiary

Getting to Mexico seemed to be a longer adventure than what we had thought. Thanks to the Flower and Garden Festival we had to stop and take photos.

I mean its monsters university how could you not stop and take photos.
Time for a nice game of Be That Topiary

After a fun quick little game of Be That Topiary I believe we were all set to go to Mexico and actually make it there with no more interruptions. Fortunatly we were able to make it there in time to creep on some food&.

Welcome to La Cantina, one of our choices for lunch today

We entered under the arch and did some major creeping on other peoples food to see if we wanted to stay and eat here. I think we all came up with the same decision and decided to pass on it today. So we left and let the nice Disney guests eat their tacos and nachos in peace.

Of course we had to stop at the Mexico Pavillion because if you are with Alicia you just dont pass it&.. and then you become her own personal photographer

sassy jasmine pose?

Looks like Andy is trying to find his light&.he's a model

People watching is probably one of my favorite things to do in Disney, so while Alicia was making sure I got some nice quality photos of her and Andy, Brittany and I decided to just make ourselves at home and watch the people walk passed.

Soon it was time for some Gran Fiesta

We sing and we samba
We shout 'ay, caramba!
What means ay, caramba?
Oh yes, I don't know

After our relaxing boat ride we were really craving them chips. For those who may not know what "them chips" are, well they are the best tasting chips I have ever had and the only place you can get them is San Angel Inn. Our quick service credits cant be allowed at san angels so our first plan was to ask the people eating to throw their cones of chips at us when we were on the ride but that probably would not be allowed.

Luckily Alicia knows her Mexico pavilion, so we waited for La Cava del Tequila to open. Once they did Alicia asked the CM if they sold chips and salsa there, which they did so we ordered one to split. It was so worth it&.those chips are just so delicious.

Im pretty sure ever trip to epcot will have to include some of THEM CHIIIPPPSSS!

It took us no time at all to scarf them all down. With the delicious chips sent from the heavens and placed in our stomachs we were now ready to travel around the world showcase.
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holy cow, after that dressing down about mexico i'm a bit leery of posting. well it did seem as if you were going to mexico to eat. madam i assume nothing. i have "seriously" been put in my place. i stand corrected. a thousand and one pardons and may the disney fuzz bust you for carrying a concealed rat tailed comb on your upcoming trip. all kidding aside, i'll ask peter pan if he can hold that flight to neverland. if not i'll ride at least once for you. i didn't know that tequila bar served salsa and chips. i may have to belly up to the bar and order me some along with a cold bottle of pop.ain't too much on booze, just every once in awhile. but i do love me some salsa and chips. i can just eat that and forget ordering food. tell andrew he gets two thumbs up for the best be that topiary. he nailed it so well they could pull up the topiary and stick andrew there and you would never know the difference. i hope andrew has a good sense of humor. every trip i always take that boat ride with donald. a simple ride for a simple man. at the risk of another brow beating i'll venture another guess (not assume; a guess) at where you ate lunch. the liberty inn.
I mean its monsters university how could you not stop and take photos.
Time for a nice game of Be That Topiary

Yay, I love that game! :rotfl2:

I creep other people's food in Disney alllllll the time! :lmao: It's a great way to figure out if I should stray from my "usual" or not. :thumbsup2

Yeah, I think throwing chips into el rio del tiempo would be frowned upon, so I'm glad you found a legit way to get THEM CHIP! And salsa, because I'm sure that wouldn't travel way if people were also throwing it at you to go with your soggy chips. ;)
I love the MU topiaries. And you guys did a pretty great job at being them :lmao:

:rotfl2:I definitely do the same thing to people when I'm trying to decide if I want something from a food place.
this ain't got a dang thing to do with your update, but do you ever wish you could stay over night in the magic kingdom? every time i do the swiss family treehouse when i reach the top i always look for a place to hide out til closing. then i would jimmy the door to the room with the hammock bed and crawl in for the night. kinda at the top of my wish list. i think you said your brother was a beatles fan. did he ever catch the british invasion band at the uk pavilion before they were replaced? good music. good times. good memories. good night.
Stumbling upon this TR a bit late, but I had to take a look. I read some of your sister's TRs and after watching the video for this one, I'm going to try and catch up on this one. Looks like you guys had a blast! I love the dancing in the rain bit haha Can't wait to read all about it! :mickeyjum
we're doing the free dining in september and i was wondering if "be our guest" is considered counter service or table service credit at lunch? thanks.
holy cow, after that dressing down about mexico i'm a bit leery of posting. well it did seem as if you were going to mexico to eat. madam i assume nothing. i have "seriously" been put in my place. i stand corrected. a thousand and one pardons and may the disney fuzz bust you for carrying a concealed rat tailed comb on your upcoming trip. all kidding aside, i'll ask peter pan if he can hold that flight to neverland. if not i'll ride at least once for you. i didn't know that tequila bar served salsa and chips. i may have to belly up to the bar and order me some along with a cold bottle of pop.ain't too much on booze, just every once in awhile. but i do love me some salsa and chips. i can just eat that and forget ordering food. tell andrew he gets two thumbs up for the best be that topiary. he nailed it so well they could pull up the topiary and stick andrew there and you would never know the difference. i hope andrew has a good sense of humor. every trip i always take that boat ride with donald. a simple ride for a simple man. at the risk of another brow beating i'll venture another guess (not assume; a guess) at where you ate lunch. the liberty inn.

this ain't got a dang thing to do with your update, but do you ever wish you could stay over night in the magic kingdom? every time i do the swiss family treehouse when i reach the top i always look for a place to hide out til closing. then i would jimmy the door to the room with the hammock bed and crawl in for the night. kinda at the top of my wish list. i think you said your brother was a beatles fan. did he ever catch the british invasion band at the uk pavilion before they were replaced? good music. good times. good memories. good night.

Salsa and chips are a wonderful snack and plus with them chips you can't go wrong! I think that picture of Andy turned out to funny, like it was pretty much the face he was making all trip when we wanted him to dance. Liberty Inn is a good guess!
Do I ever think about staying over at the Magic Kingdom?! Like everyday of my life! It's my all time favorite park and I especially love it at night. My favorite is walking though frontierland after spending my EMH going from splash and thunder, just the frontierland music makes me happy.
He is a beatles fan, unfortunately he never stopped to watch them. But he probably would have loved it.

Yay, I love that game! :rotfl2:

I creep other people's food in Disney alllllll the time! :lmao: It's a great way to figure out if I should stray from my "usual" or not. :thumbsup2

Yeah, I think throwing chips into el rio del tiempo would be frowned upon, so I'm glad you found a legit way to get THEM CHIP! And salsa, because I'm sure that wouldn't travel way if people were also throwing it at you to go with your soggy chips. ;)

One thing I like about the game is that you are always on the look out for things and that you actually get to soak in some details they put in.
I'm glad we aren't the only ones being creepers, it is a good way to see what looks appealing. I'm so happy we found an easier way to get them chips because I don't think soggy chips would be as good, I mean it might I never tried it before.​

I love the MU topiaries. And you guys did a pretty great job at being them :lmao:

:rotfl2:I definitely do the same thing to people when I'm trying to decide if I want something from a food place.

haha oh why thank you! :thumbsup2
I think instead of just creeping from afar I should just go up and interview them about how they are liking their food.​

Stumbling upon this TR a bit late, but I had to take a look. I read some of your sister's TRs and after watching the video for this one, I'm going to try and catch up on this one. Looks like you guys had a blast! I love the dancing in the rain bit haha Can't wait to read all about it! :mickeyjum

WELCOME! :wave2:
Thanks for taking time to read this trip report I greatly appreciated!​
You Are Not The First To Pass This Way
After such a nice time in mexico it was time to get to my favorite pavilion in all the showcase…NORVAY!!! I had been craving a school bread and have been deprived for 2 months! But before I got that delicious snack we would first take a high seas Norwegian adventure

Just tweeting from Norway…because we’re in Norway and who wouldn’t tweet when they are in Norway?!

“You are not the first to pass this way, nor will you be the last”

After making it alive safely over the falls we exited our Viking ship and noticed that the movie was playing. It was so exciting that we just couldn’t stay and watch or we would have probably died from excitement. So instead we decided to do some browsing in the giftshop.

I’ll take one of these

and one of each of these

If you don’t already know Laila is probably my most favorite smell in the entire world. I love it so much that I purchased a bottle when I went in Janurary and it was the best purchase I made.

I can’t walk by it without spraying some…haters gonna hate

Since we were in the wonderful land of Norvay Alicia and Brittany decided to mowgabaloo and plank a special troll

After that I couldn’t handle the wait any longer, to Kringla Bakeri og Café we go!
And in a few minutes I was reunited with my beloved school bread. There would be no to go box this time, it was let me eat it right away.

Lets just take a moment to soak up this beauty

With school bread in hand I was ready to leave the beloved Norway. As we were leaving Alicia snapped a picture of Akershus or what we call Arkin Shnarkin (arc-in sh-nark-in) because we didn’t know how to say it at first.

Chilling with my man

Wait more like Brittany’s man…awkward

then things took a turn for the worse as brittany’s man stabbed Alicia

As we were moving on we noticed a cute little troll for the flower and garden festival

Then this happened…

Personally I think she nailed it, as well as a guy that was walking passed. He just kept looking back and laughing, obviously he has never heard of a little game called Be That Topiary.

We made it to china and I met a lovely goat. We became friends almost instantly and boom the next thing I knew I was sharing my school bread with him. I don’t share school bread with just anyone.

It was the start of a beautiful friendship!

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Oh good ol' Norway. Can you believe I've seen the Maelstrom wait time actually longer than 5 minutes before?!? :scared1:
:rotfl2: I like your logic behind skipping the movie. I'm gonna have to use that from now on if anyone questions me about it.

:lmao: at the man confused by the topiary game.


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