Yo, I Got Your Chit Chat Right Here

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You are excused Pete. Here is the update I got via text about an hour ago...

The phone interview went well with the corporate office and the lady was a little taken back by the fact that she didn't have to explain a lot of things to him. (He had applied for the position that was open for his old job and the corporate lady had to have the dots connected for her, but it was ok, she was cool with it.) She seemed very happy and was going to talk to the head old boss of Chris's today or tomorrow and call him back. So far so good it seems.
Sounds great Jen - keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Hoping for good things to come to your family Jen. :woohoo:
good, one less degenerate out there playing video games at the mall all day.:lmao:
Jen and Chris: I hope this pans out for you!! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!! and some good vibes too!!:goodvibes :goodvibes
Jen, sending you and Chris lots and lots of :goodvibes !!!!! Good luck!!!!

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
(uh-oh.... I think I just killed Pete)
I hate to do it, but for Chris I will.... please don't hate me for this....:goodvibes :goodvibes
But... will I still love you in the morning???:lmao:

Jen....my fingers and toes and eyes are crossed for Chris. Well,,,,my eyes have been crossed ever since I got kicked in the head by a mule, but.....that's another vacation...
I love to see good things happening to good people!!! Jen, you've had a rough year, girl....ya'll deserve a break like this!!!!
I just found out that my little nephew has a rare bone disorder called Kohler Disease. Anybody heard of it? I don't think it's terribly serious, but he may be in a cast when we go to WDW in December. :confused3
never heard of it. poor little fellow. What a bummer for his disney trip.
Poor nephew! I hope he gets better quickly. On the bright side, hopefully he'll get some special treatment at WDW!! I bet it'd sure be nice to be able to go straight to the front of the line!! :goodvibes
Ami ~ I looked up Kohler disease on webmd ~ here is what it said:

Kohler disease is a rare bone disorder of the foot in children that may be the result of stress-related compression at a critical time during the period of growth. It is characterized by limping caused by pain and swelling in the foot. It most often occurs in children between the ages of three and seven, and it affects males five times more often than it does females. Typically, just one foot is affected.

Children appear to grow out of the disorder, and the affected bones regain their size, density and structure within a year. For some, however, symptoms may last as long as two years.

If this is the same as what your nephew has - the prognosis is good (although, bummer that he'll be "casted" while on vacation).

Hope this helps!
Ami, that is a bummer. however, kids love casts (not getting them on, showing them off)

hope for the best for you....
A new picture of my grandson - he's all of 2 months old now!

awwwww, what a cutie pie!

i have to get one of those things for my sister, i am going to be an aunt in january
2 months old already? That cutie is ready for the fort!
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