Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life for Three... C 32, P 39 - The End...Or Is It?

I was such a happy wee pixie this morning when I saw you've started your TR:cool1: . I was getting flashbacks to last year when you described pulling up to WL:cloud9:
I'm finally here! Whew, what a day. Let's just say that the beginning of your day went much better than any of mine...enjoy the years that pee-pee pants are the biggest problem you have to deal with! :sad2:

Oh, hon. I don't know if you'll feel the same way when you read some of our later escapades. I don't want to reveal too much but let's just say there were more parenting challenges than I ever expected. :confused3

I was such a happy wee pixie this morning when I saw you've started your TR:cool1: . I was getting flashbacks to last year when you described pulling up to WL:cloud9:

Oh, I'm so glad! Happy to have you here. :thumbsup2
:thumbsup2 Well done!!! I love the update. Can't wait to find out if your room was ready and where it was.
Now, before I get to check in (because I love a good cliffhanger), :lmao: I want to tell you a little bit about my, and DS' reaction to the Lodge. I walked in and it felt wonderful. I was overwhelmed by remembering the last time I was there, when DS was just a little peanut in my belly. That was during one of the best months of my pregnancy, before bed rest, before all the drama. It was the second trimester and I felt so good, tons of energy, happy to be in Disney and sharing it with my husband, mom, and dad. It really was a great family trip, and it was the last one DH and I took as just the two of us, so to speak.

I thought of all that as I walked in, and I looked at my beautiful healthy boy. Grateful. :goodvibes Grateful he was here, healthy and what did I see on his face? Wonder! Awe! :eek: He just could not get over the HUGE totem poles. "What are those?" he asked. His wonderment and exploration of that lobby and hotel over the course of our stay was just one of many things that made it so worth it. Made me so glad I had booked the Lodge.

So I was called by the next available cast member, and check in was smooth. With the exception of forgetting my id was conveniently located in a backpack that was currently being carried by DH. About 15 feet away. Again, I blame this transgression on the adverse affects that lack of sleep has on my brain. I apologized, ran to grab the id, and then the process began. What would happen? Would we get an upgrade? Where would we be? I know that some people enjoy the concept of requesting their exact location, but in this case, for this particular trip, I let the chips fall where they may.

I booked a standard view, payed for a standard view, and if that is what I got, I was totally fine with it. Because, after all, folks, I was at the Wilderness Lodge...and that in and of itself was quite enough for me!!!

Cue the choir of angels, because our room was ready! How beyond excited was I! I collected our room keys...got a little giddy at DS' first key/park ticket with his name on it, and then went to collect DH and DS! They were watching some great cartoons over in the kid area, and DH and I mused as to why they don't play the older cartoons on TV anymore. The real classics, you know? Our DS just loves them, and not that we don't appreciate the educational quality of Playhouse Disney, but sometimes, you just want to see Mickey and friends in their truest form.

Finally, we were ready to head up. Of course, DS had to press the elevator buttons, this would be mandatory for the rest of the trip. And then, as soon as we got on the elevator, after he'd selected the appropriate floor, he would say, "Now, let me hold your hand!" We're not sure why, but he required to hold hands on elevators. Always. It was so darn cute.

Let me take this opportunity to tell you how excited I was. Seriously, I wish we could bottle that feeling. The Lodge was beautiful. I kept remarking on things, finding Hidden Mickeys for DS...I was in heaven. DH was indulging my Disney geek, bless him. We arrived at our floor and made our way to our room. There was no surprise upgrade for us, but I did not care! Oh my God, the room! So much room! :cloud9:

There it was in all its glory, two queen beds, double sinks, and PLENTY of room for our things...did I mention how much room? Let's keep in mind that for the past two years I've stayed at Pop. And I love Pop, don't get me wrong, but the difference in room size is staggering.

I was finally full on relieved. Anyone remember my allusion to that oh so many chapters ago? When TK would finally be really relaxed. Well, it was right then. I had a room, and no agenda. And I was about to experience the best day ever.

Up next...

Just what do three pirates do when they don't have any plans?;)
Reading about your first moments at WL make me relive my first moments. Very simillar, there is just a feeling of peace while you are at WL. Sigh.

That is too cute about DS wanting to hold your hands in the elevator! :lovestruc
Girlies, I am so glad that you all enjoyed WL...one rambles on about how wonderful you found it then start to worry that you've given people a bum steer and they might think "WTH was she talking about this is not the fabby place the 2SP hyped up?"
I thought of all that as I walked in, and I looked at my beautiful healthy boy. Grateful. :goodvibes Grateful he was here, healthy and what did I see on his face? Wonder! Awe! :eek: He just could not get over the HUGE totem poles. "What are those?" he asked. His wonderment and exploration of that lobby and hotel over the course of our stay was just one of many things that made it so worth it. Made me so glad I had booked the Lodge.

Priceless. :goodvibes
Reading about your first moments at WL make me relive my first moments. Very simillar, there is just a feeling of peace while you are at WL. Sigh.

It is very peaceful there. And the whole time we were there, I feel like I had a heightened awareness of just how special it was, knowing I most likely would not stay there next year, you know?

Girlies, I am so glad that you all enjoyed WL...one rambles on about how wonderful you found it then start to worry that you've given people a bum steer and they might think "WTH was she talking about this is not the fabby place the 2SP hyped up?"

Well, I just love the Wilderness Lodge, so no need to sell me on it. I tried to convince DH we should stay there for every "alone" trip we take. We'll see how that pans out. :rolleyes1

Priceless. :goodvibes

That's my little peanut.
Which is really surprising, at least to me considering the complete and utter lack of sleep we'd all had. Yes, all. The boy never took a nap. Had been up since 430am, and barely nodded off. Oh, yes, my friends. He was a time bomb. But not today.

As we were unpacking, DS and I both got hungry so we threw unpacking/caution to the wind and headed to Roaring Forks. It's a little different than I remember, in the sense that I think they updated it, or perhaps I remembered it being pitifully small and it was just somewhat small. Does that make sense? Anyhoo...:rolleyes1

So we're trying to decide what we'd like for lunch when DS spots the bakery case. :yay: Oh boy. He then expresses his ultimate desire for a muffin...which in toddler speak, really means a cupcake with a huge mound of white frosting and colored sprinkles. At which point, DH so generously throws the ball in my court. "Ask Mama." :sad2: Well, what did you think I would say?

How could I have possibly known? Tick, tick, tick... :confused3

But I digress. It actually worked out quite well. On the meal plan, you're able to get the adult meals with a beverage and snack type item as dessert. So DH got the ham sandwich, which came with a little pasta salad, and grapes for DS as his dessert. I got the turkey with brie sandwich, also came with pasta salad and the cupcake as my dessert. And I lived it up folks. I'll admit it. I had real soda. I mean real, full on, sugar filled soda. I was on vacation.

It was root beer. And it was gud. ::yes:: Our sandwiches were good, I really enjoyed mine, and the pasta salad was better than I expected which is not say it was fantastic, just that I was pleasantly surprised. DS ended up liking my sandwich, so we shared, which worked out great. He even shared some of his cupcake with us, which I found totally shocking! After I took a bite, he would baby me, and say, "Oh, Mama, you need to wipe your mouth." And then, he would grab a napkin and wipe my mouth for me. It was so darn cute. You may hear that phrase a lot, but it was.

And that is about the most you'll get out of me in regard to food. As some portions of my days got more challenging, there was just no way I had time to take pictuers of the food before we ate it. Or even write about it. I remember most of what we ate, and I'll try to do it justice with some description here, but if it's not there, I apologize in advance and refer you to my lovely friend, LL, who is our current food porn connoisseur. Until Lara goes. Because she's the official food pornologist.:thumbsup2

Back on track!

After lunch, DS wanted to take a walk. Sure, why not?


After all, we were on vacation and we had no agenda. If the boy wanted to go for a walk outside, let's go for a walk outside. Exploring the Wilderness Lodge...is there any better way to start a vacation? :cloud9:

And then, he saw it...

THE POOL!!!!!! :woohoo:

Oh was the boy just beside himself with excitement. :yay: It was love at first sight, my friends. We had to stop him from trying to go in with his clothes on, he just could not contain himself. So we headed back to the room, finished unpacking, and got changed, stat. DS was leading us through the day and I was loving it!

The pool felt so good. I love heated pools. Especially after having spent a good portion of the summer swimming at nana's, which is lovely, don't get me wrong, but when you tell a three year old that they can go swimming, you are going in that water regardless of the temperature, savvy?

So this pool felt really good. Gud, in fact. DS got brave and decided to try the slide. You have to go down alone, and I felt the tiniest bit of trepidation, but I was so proud of him for wanting to try it, so I put on my brave face as we walked up. He had his swimmies on, and DH caught him at the bottom. Now apparently, even though I sent him down in a sitting position, he came out head first. I'm not quite sure how that little monkey twisted around in there, but suffice it to say when we went up a second time, and went to sit down, he said, no, thank you. Alright, peanut, you're braver than your mama! When asked, however, he did say he liked the slide, so there you go. DH decided to test it out, and we "caught" him at the bottom.

We had a great time, when suddenly the pool was closed for an "unscheduled cleaning." I have a lot of theories about this one, folks. None of which are fit to type here. But suffice it to say I had several theories about how/why we got sick on this trip, and that there is one of them. Say it with me...ewwwwwwwwwwww..... :sick:

Now at the time, we were feeling well and none the wiser, so we headed over to the kiddie wading pool and let DS play while we chatted up a couple with a son about the same age. Just sitting and chilling in the kiddie pool was fun, but DH and I did get a bit burned by the sun, and later that night took some ibuprofen, and gave DS some tylenol, to hopefully stave off any ill effects. Ha. Ha. Ha. Considering what happened to us later, the sun was really the least of my worries. Tick, tick, tick...

DH and I finally got the hankering for some park time, so we all headed back to the room to get ready for some Magic Kingdom. After opting not to take the boat, we had to wait a while for the bus, but the ride was quick. And finally, the boy succumbed. He was done with a capital D. So he fell asleep pretty much as we got there and put him in his stroller.

Up next...

Just what do you do with a sleeping toddler in the Magic Kingdom?


The Best Day Ever, Part Two
:scared1: You didn't take the boat! The much coveted, talked about, dreamed about boat. I feel like revoking your pineapple. I am speechless but not speechless enough to stop berating you. Wow. I so have to tell DH about this. I will have to tell him while he was sitting. I don't want him to hurt himself when he faints.
:scared1: You didn't take the boat! The much coveted, talked about, dreamed about boat. I feel like revoking your pineapple. I am speechless but not speechless enough to stop berating you. Wow. I so have to tell DH about this. I will have to tell him while he was sitting. I don't want him to hurt himself when he faints.

Okay, let me clarify, before you revoke my pineapple.

I had a perfectly good reason for not taking the boat.

It wasn't the boat I thought it would be.

You read me right. When the boat arrived, it was the small one. The one you have to fold up your stroller on. And given DS' level of tiredness, and my level of, hey, I just ate/swam and don't like how choppy that looks, we gave up the boat.

And rode the bus! Which was awesome, because it's literally a 5 minute drive. I regale the bus, and the location of WL in regard to MK. You just can't beat it.

So that's why we didn't take the boat. And fell in love with the bus. For most of the trip.


I don't think I like where this may be headed! :scared:

It is, indeed, not pretty.

But everything has its happy points, don't worry.
Okay, let me clarify, before you revoke my pineapple.

I had a perfectly good reason for not taking the boat.

It wasn't the boat I thought it would be.

You read me right. When the boat arrived, it was the small one. The one you have to fold up your stroller on. And given DS level of tiredness, and me level of, hey, I just ate/swam and don't like how choppy that looks, we gave up the boat.

And rode the bus! Which was awesome, because it's literally a 5 minute drive. I regale the bus, and the location of WL in regard to MK. You just can't beat it.

So that's why we didn't take the boat. And fell in love with the bus. For most of the trip.
For most of the trip? I feel like crying. We had both sizes of boats while there. It all depended. How sad. No boat. I need a Lapu Lapu.

Now that I am recovering from the boat news. I have to say I didn't care for that pasta salad either. DH liked it a lot but not me.

Also, I thought the WL pool was cold while we were there. I wonder if they had jacked up the temp. of it while you were there. There was an afternoon where I was positively frozen while swimming.
For most of the trip? I feel like crying. We had both sizes of boats while there. It all depended. How sad. No boat. I need a Lapu Lapu.

Okay, I hate to say it, but if you're going to cry for me, don't do it over the boat. Wait until the next chapter. :lmao:

Also, I thought the WL pool was cold while we were there. I wonder if they had jacked up the temp. of it while you were there. There was an afternoon where I was positively frozen while swimming.

Wow, I didn't find it that way at all. Perhaps the temps were warmer when you were there, and the pool seemed colder? I just know that pool was a relief to get into, and I was always cold on this trip when indoors. Downright freezing sometimes...of course we did get sick...:rolleyes1
Okay, I hate to say it, but if you're going to cry for me, don't do it over the boat. Wait until the next chapter. :lmao:

Wow, I didn't find it that way at all. Perhaps the temps were warmer when you were there, and the pool seemed colder? I just know that pool was a relief to get into, and I was always cold on this trip when indoors. Downright freezing sometimes...of course we did get sick...:rolleyes1
The Pop pool was wicked warm to me. WICKED WARM. Like almost uncomfortable. I like it to be cooler when swimming anyways but the WL was chilly to even me.

Okay. I will save my tears for later. ;)
Oh, you and your cliffhangers!

I do hope you all get to feeling better soon though. And I'm SO glad it seemed roomy at the Lodge... You know. Just in case... ;)
The Pop pool was wicked warm to me. WICKED WARM. Like almost uncomfortable. I like it to be cooler when swimming anyways but the WL was chilly to even me.

Huh. Weird.

Okay. I will save my tears for later. ;)

Hugs, too?

Oh, you and your cliffhangers!

I do hope you all get to feeling better soon though. And I'm SO glad it seemed roomy at the Lodge... You know. Just in case... ;)

Ha, ha, just in case.

In all likelihood, you mean?

Just checking my email and I think you are right. I was also happy to find more updates too!!!!

I do get a little update crazy on my days off. Because I have no energy for them during my work week, Wed - Sat. Well, sometimes Sat night if DH is working and DS is in bed, but I digress.

My point is, I like to inundate you in the beginning of the week so the complete lack of updates later doesn't make you unsubscribe. It's all part of my master plan, savvy? ;)

And thanks for reading! :goodvibes


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