*** Yay May! OFFICIAL MAY 2020 THREAD!!! Flowers are starting to bloom! ***

With our FastPass+ day coming up on Tuesday, I'm now in full on obsessive freak out mode over the touring strategy / preferred FP+ times. There's been a rough plan for months (had to get park days picked to know where to get ADRs), but The last week or so (I think the general plan made me more relaxed than I should have been) I've been frantically nailing down all the details so as to best select the ideal FP+ windows. So even though I have a preliminary list, I'm still going over everything with a fine tooth comb. Are the FP+ times late enough that they're not wasted at rope drop, but early enough to allow for the opportunity to get 4+? Are the activities ordered in a way that minimizes crisscrossing and backtracking as much as possible while still prioritizing minimum wait times? Am I leaving enough time between FP+ windows to get to the next attraction? What are are the showtimes for the entertainment we want to see, and how can I schedule the touring strategy so there's enough time, and we're in the right area at that time? What about food? Where are we planning to eat? Will we be in the right area of the park at the right time? Am I leaving enough of a gap in the FP+ windows to allow for dining? 😱😵

Just needed to vent for a second before diving back in to the fray. I figure that you, the Disney folks, will understand. You'll know I'm not crazy. I'm not a lunatic, right? RIGHT?!

lol! You are not a lunatic!! I’ve been going over everything all week! My FP day is Wednesday. I try to map out different options for the group to choose from! I make a spreadsheet and save it in my notes of QS places to eat around our FP times, when we can take breaks around certain times if anyone is feeling burnt out. I give us enough time with transportation to get to our ADR if we are hopping to another park or resort for it. But I still second guess everything.
My main concern right now is what FP times will be available come Wednesday, I like to book as close together as possible and in a uniform line so we’re not walking from one end of the park to the other for rides.
You will be fine and I’m sure the plans you have are perfect for your trip!! Try not to stress too much!!:hippie:
With our FastPass+ day coming up on Tuesday, I'm now in full on obsessive freak out mode over the touring strategy / preferred FP+ times. There's been a rough plan for months (had to get park days picked to know where to get ADRs), but The last week or so (I think the general plan made me more relaxed than I should have been) I've been frantically nailing down all the details so as to best select the ideal FP+ windows. So even though I have a preliminary list, I'm still going over everything with a fine tooth comb. Are the FP+ times late enough that they're not wasted at rope drop, but early enough to allow for the opportunity to get 4+? Are the activities ordered in a way that minimizes crisscrossing and backtracking as much as possible while still prioritizing minimum wait times? Am I leaving enough time between FP+ windows to get to the next attraction? What are are the showtimes for the entertainment we want to see, and how can I schedule the touring strategy so there's enough time, and we're in the right area at that time? What about food? Where are we planning to eat? Will we be in the right area of the park at the right time? Am I leaving enough of a gap in the FP+ windows to allow for dining? 😱😵

Just needed to vent for a second before diving back in to the fray. I figure that you, the Disney folks, will understand. You'll know I'm not crazy. I'm not a lunatic, right? RIGHT?!

Our FP day is 3/9 which, coincidentally, is also my ADR day for our Sept trip. I have spent the last 5 hours obsessing over my plans for both. I feel your pain!
With our FastPass+ day coming up on Tuesday, I'm now in full on obsessive freak out mode over the touring strategy / preferred FP+ times. There's been a rough plan for months (had to get park days picked to know where to get ADRs), but The last week or so (I think the general plan made me more relaxed than I should have been) I've been frantically nailing down all the details so as to best select the ideal FP+ windows. So even though I have a preliminary list, I'm still going over everything with a fine tooth comb. Are the FP+ times late enough that they're not wasted at rope drop, but early enough to allow for the opportunity to get 4+? Are the activities ordered in a way that minimizes crisscrossing and backtracking as much as possible while still prioritizing minimum wait times? Am I leaving enough time between FP+ windows to get to the next attraction? What are are the showtimes for the entertainment we want to see, and how can I schedule the touring strategy so there's enough time, and we're in the right area at that time? What about food? Where are we planning to eat? Will we be in the right area of the park at the right time? Am I leaving enough of a gap in the FP+ windows to allow for dining? 😱😵

Just needed to vent for a second before diving back in to the fray. I figure that you, the Disney folks, will understand. You'll know I'm not crazy. I'm not a lunatic, right? RIGHT?!

I was the same way leading up to my date. I'm still second guessing some of my decisions. We have times our group is together and times we're apart, which complicated things when the apart attractions didn't have Fastpasses at the same time.
At this point, I think I've lost track of how many different spreadsheets I have. 😵

Unfortunately, the stress and hyper-focused over-planning are going to happen; it's just the way my brain is wired. Ironically, I suppose having so much knowledge about Disney Parks can sometimes make it harder to plan. But it's okay; I'll deal with all the stress now because it's all in service to the goal of less stress when it matters: FP+ day and park days.

In contrast to my FP+ planning, I actually try not to over-plan the remainder of our touring strategy. While I do have a general touring plan, it's more of a flexible framework than a rigid plan because I know that there are too many unknowable variables, and nothing ever goes exactly according to plan on a Disney trip, so I never bother with down-to the-minute touring plans. Instead, I just focus on being well informed, so that if a ride is down, or if we decide to stop into a shop, or rest on a bench, etc., we can quickly adapt and make smart touring decisions on the fly. That's why part of my current obsessing is making sure I plan FPs in a way that still allows for that necessary flexibility and doesn't ever force us to rush to the next attraction (while still trying to avoid gaps too large such that we're just wasting time waiting around for the FP+ window to open).

Ultimately it all hinges on FP+ availability anyway, but I like to go into it with the best plan possible, just in case our times are actually available.
After listening to the DIS this week... did a crazy thing and booked my daughter & me at ASsports 5/22‐25 for Disney Channel FanFest & a chance to see Daughtry! No ADRs for the Garden Rocks series but I'll keep checking. Booked EMM. 12th birthday & mother-daughter trip, cheap with APs & flights booked on points!
After listening to the DIS this week... did a crazy thing and booked my daughter & me at ASsports 5/22‐25 for Disney Channel FanFest & a chance to see Daughtry! No ADRs for the Garden Rocks series but I'll keep checking. Booked EMM. 12th birthday & mother-daughter trip, cheap with APs & flights booked on points!
I love Daughtry and am sad we’re just missing him, we leave the 22nd. I already had everything planned before I found out when he’d be there, so was too late to change plans. Hope you’re able to see the show.

also, welcome to May!
Hey, we're here for you, don't worry :) I think most people would say you're crazy but we're not most people!

My FP day is also Tuesday (so make sure you leave some for me!) and I'm feeling strangely calm about it. I've checked the Dibb and Touring Plans to get an idea of availability and I like a lot of what I'm seeing. There's always stress the morning of, particularly with Disney's IT, but stay calm and just plow through them. I try to plan like you do, where it makes sense in the park/day (like, if we rope drop Soarin', what makes sense to get a FP for in the area?) but I feel pretty good about where we are right now. I just want it to be over so I can obsessively move them around for a while and then the countdown really begins.
Quick question: what is the Dibb (we have Touring Plans)? And how can you see FP availability (or maybe I'm misunderstanding.) We have 16 days before we our FP day and I'm obssessed with the planning. TIA
Quick question: what is the Dibb (we have Touring Plans)? And how can you see FP availability (or maybe I'm misunderstanding.) We have 16 days before we our FP day and I'm obssessed with the planning. TIA
For Touring Plans, they show a breakdown by day/Time when FPs are currently available - https://www2.touringplans.com/walt-disney-world/fastpass-availability

Before you get to your 60 day window, you can sort of predict what will be available based on this tool. The dibb is useful, but doesn't break it down as well as this does.
Quick question: what is the Dibb (we have Touring Plans)? And how can you see FP availability (or maybe I'm misunderstanding.) We have 16 days before we our FP day and I'm obssessed with the planning. TIA

I see others have answered for me, so thanks to my fellow May friends for that.

And yes, I mostly use the TP one since it lists actual times and gives a good sense of what will be available on the days you need (like, 60 days from today is 4/30, so I can pretend that's our arrival day and see what's there at the 60 day mark, then move to 60+1, etc). I'm planning to give these resources a once over on Monday night to make sure my plan still makes sense for the next morning.
At this point, I think I've lost track of how many different spreadsheets I have. 😵

Unfortunately, the stress and hyper-focused over-planning are going to happen; it's just the way my brain is wired. Ironically, I suppose having so much knowledge about Disney Parks can sometimes make it harder to plan. But it's okay; I'll deal with all the stress now because it's all in service to the goal of less stress when it matters: FP+ day and park days.

In contrast to my FP+ planning, I actually try not to over-plan the remainder of our touring strategy. While I do have a general touring plan, it's more of a flexible framework than a rigid plan because I know that there are too many unknowable variables, and nothing ever goes exactly according to plan on a Disney trip, so I never bother with down-to the-minute touring plans. Instead, I just focus on being well informed, so that if a ride is down, or if we decide to stop into a shop, or rest on a bench, etc., we can quickly adapt and make smart touring decisions on the fly. That's why part of my current obsessing is making sure I plan FPs in a way that still allows for that necessary flexibility and doesn't ever force us to rush to the next attraction (while still trying to avoid gaps too large such that we're just wasting time waiting around for the FP+ window to open).

Ultimately it all hinges on FP+ availability anyway, but I like to go into it with the best plan possible, just in case our times are actually available.

We must have been separated at birth, lol! This is my style down to a T. It’s especially important for us despite not having kids, due to our health challenges. Chronic illness and ADHD/OCD/anxiety means our spoon capacity is not always predictable. Hyperengineered to the minute touring plans will never work for us and it seems the opposite of fun to me. We can get overstimulated easily and need to bake in decompression time. But I love the planning aspect even as stressful as it can be at times. And it makes the actual trip so much smoother and stress free, which is key for us to enjoy ourselves in the parks with our challenges.

Admittedly this is why we took the CL FP option. I was worried it would be too much structure but the way we were able to space them out on the 3 days we got them for still gave us flexibility. I kinda don’t know what to do with myself on for real FP day now. I know, a great problem to have, lol. But I’m focused on mainly filling in gaps as it were, and arrival day since we changed our plans to do Big Thunder before refurb.
No CL FP option for us, but I booked EMM for our Sunday morning. That way we can cover the Fantasyland rides we want to do, have breakfast, then hop to Epcot for our FPs. With a short trip, EMM makes it so much easier! Current plan is:
Arrive Friday 5/22 5pm - MK current hours are 9-9, but DAHV starts at 10pm, so I'm assuming they'll extend park hours til 10. We'll head there, hopefully around 7, 7D & Buzz FPs.
Sat - HS & AK (or Epcot for Disney Channel FanFest if there's an event we want to do)
Sun - EMM at MK, then Epcot for F&G and Daughtry and FanFest... currently ADR at Via Napoli but trying to switch to a Garden Rocks ADR.
Mon - stupidly early flight home unless prices drop on the afternoon flights in the next 2 months...
Well I think I am finally ready for tomorrow (3/2/2020) at 5am to make my FP for the trip. Only took rearranging then looking at the DAH and VAH days. Yada yada yada!
But now have a typed up page in the order of which day to start with and then the next. Starting with our day at DHS for Mickeys Railroad. Extremely happy I will be there for BTMRR before it goes into refurb and able to say goodbye to the Spaceship earth I know and love. This is my best friends first time to go to Disney so hoping she has a great time! Gee how could she NOT! :-).

Now to go and check for the hundredth time to make sure my alarm is set for 4:54am!
Well I think I am finally ready for tomorrow (3/2/2020) at 5am to make my FP for the trip. Only took rearranging then looking at the DAH and VAH days. Yada yada yada!
But now have a typed up page in the order of which day to start with and then the next. Starting with our day at DHS for Mickeys Railroad. Extremely happy I will be there for BTMRR before it goes into refurb and able to say goodbye to the Spaceship earth I know and love. This is my best friends first time to go to Disney so hoping she has a great time! Gee how could she NOT! :-).

Now to go and check for the hundredth time to make sure my alarm is set for 4:54am!
Please don't answer this as you're preparing for your chess match with the Disney FP+ servers in the morning, but I'm wondering, do you book all FPs for 1 day, or do you get the top must haves for each day based on how available you think those top rides are? I'm going for just my second trip and think I know the best way to add them into the system, but was curious how others approach this part of the game...plan. 😂

Also, 4:54? I'd be doing a 430, 440, 445 and 450 alarms just in case. Also, my laptop is slow, so it takes extra time to power on and get ready to work, so I'd need those extra 30 minutes. I know I could use my phone, but that seems more chaotic when it comes to this sort of thing.

Good luck!
No CL FP option for us, but I booked EMM for our Sunday morning. That way we can cover the Fantasyland rides we want to do, have breakfast, then hop to Epcot for our FPs. With a short trip, EMM makes it so much easier! Current plan is:
Arrive Friday 5/22 5pm - MK current hours are 9-9, but DAHV starts at 10pm, so I'm assuming they'll extend park hours til 10. We'll head there, hopefully around 7, 7D & Buzz FPs.
Sat - HS & AK (or Epcot for Disney Channel FanFest if there's an event we want to do)
Sun - EMM at MK, then Epcot for F&G and Daughtry and FanFest... currently ADR at Via Napoli but trying to switch to a Garden Rocks ADR.
Mon - stupidly early flight home unless prices drop on the afternoon flights in the next 2 months...
You're gonna be busy! Lol.

My only trip to WDW, we were on the ground in Orlando for exactly 60 hours, which sounds similar to what you're doing, but we did not plan to hit the parks until the next morning. We had roughly 4 hour breaks in the afternoon, but otherwise, ropedropped to fireworks both days, then got to sleep at 1130, up at 215 for our DME ride to the airport. Lol. All I can say is good luck! I'm glad my wife felt comfortable driving when we got to our next destination. I couldn't keep my eyes open!
For Touring Plans, they show a breakdown by day/Time when FPs are currently available - https://www2.touringplans.com/walt-disney-world/fastpass-availability

Before you get to your 60 day window, you can sort of predict what will be available based on this tool. The dibb is useful, but doesn't break it down as well as this does.
Thank you for including the link because I kept searching around Touring Plans and couldn't find anything regarding future FastPass availability! This will make a huge difference in our planning.
I see others have answered for me, so thanks to my fellow May friends for that.

And yes, I mostly use the TP one since it lists actual times and gives a good sense of what will be available on the days you need (like, 60 days from today is 4/30, so I can pretend that's our arrival day and see what's there at the 60-day mark, then move to 60+1, etc). I'm planning to give these resources a once over on Monday night to make sure my plan still makes sense for the next morning.
Having this is a game-changer for us. Our son and I are getting together on our FastPass day and I will have a better plan now!TFS
Please don't answer this as you're preparing for your chess match with the Disney FP+ servers in the morning, but I'm wondering, do you book all FPs for 1 day, or do you get the top must haves for each day based on how available you think those top rides are? I'm going for just my second trip and think I know the best way to add them into the system, but was curious how others approach this part of the game...plan. 😂

Also, 4:54? I'd be doing a 430, 440, 445 and 450 alarms just in case. Also, my laptop is slow, so it takes extra time to power on and get ready to work, so I'd need those extra 30 minutes. I know I could use my phone, but that seems more chaotic when it comes to this sort of thing.

Good luck!

WHEW. That was stressful! I woke up to no internet service! Thank goodness for a cellphone hotspot!!!

Then second bump in the road when I began it kept telling me my friend wasn’t linked! Finally got that sorted somehow, I don’t know how, but it started working! 😱

For my strategy I start with the rides I believe will go fast. So I went day by day of each headliner I wanted. Then went back and filled in each day with the rest. I was able to get MMRR on 60+4 and FoP on 60+1 with no issues. I wanted SDD in the evening when it is dark out and was able to get an 8pm slot easily on 60+6.

Good luck to all of you in your quest with the Fast Pass gods!
Oh no! FP nightmare scenario coming true! Glad you were able to get things straightened out.

That's the strategy I was thinking was best, but thought I'd ask.

I haven't been on slinky and was thinking about doing it before dinner at 530. Is it a lot better if you wait until sunset or after? I have 15 days til my FP day! It's so exciting, almost like Christmas! Lol.


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