X-MAS at Universal Studios???

Bob O

<font color=navy>Voice of Reason<br><font color=re
Mar 2, 2000
So how are the decorations this year at the parks and resorts???
Do they have Mt Crumpit this year, and do they have meet/greet photo oportunities with The Grinch.
We saw the grinch doing the photo thing when we were there last week and the decorations were up. I'm not familiar with Mt. Crumpit. Christmas festivities aren't completely underway so I'm sure we didn't get the full experience.
Grinch was out in full force this past weekend.

I believe the parades start Dec 10th.
glad to find this thread, i have not been to the parks at x-mas time only summer...............

how are the two parks decorated, is the x-mas music playing, what type of characters??

thinking about going in dec 2005
then to disney dec 2006 for the new ride in animal kingdom

anywho would love to hear about x-max time at US and IOA

thanks Brooke
I just came back and there are decorations on all sections of the parks. Christmas music is playing in most sections as well. Suess Landing is decorated fantastically. The studios is decorated really nicely as well.

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