would this be allowed/rude/weird???

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Totally agree. If he's hungry, he'll eat. If not he'll eat at the next meal. This should not be a big deal and plans should not be adjusted to accomodate him.

We're not talking about a toddler and there was no mention of sensory issues. Of course some people have food issues related to medical conditions and we all have preferences. Thats not the same as an otherwise healthy child or adult whose tastes are so narrow they can't eat in a perfectly ordinary restaurant.

He actually does have a condition called abdominal migraines which can flare up if he doesn't eat or drink enough water, so I am not going to make him go hungry and even aside from that I would hate to be hungry, hot and miserable on vacation so I am definitely not going to make my child do it. I didn't ask for parenting advice, thanks.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, OP, but have you considered breakfast at BOG instead? It's still QS and as a picky eater myself, the breakfast menu there is more appealing to me. Breakfast foods in general are pretty easy. Just an idea!
Yes I did but we are doing CRT for breakfast that day, thanks for the idea though!
3) I always have pieces of folded foil in my purse. It's light, easy to transport and at times I've transported food to another location or to the resort, foil protects it, keeps it warm longer and doesn't stick to the food like plastic. I usually ask for an extra plate, for on the top, then wrap the plates in foil. I do keep the foils in a zip lock bag, to keep them clean and so if I need a bag I have one.


To the OP:
Can you do it? Yes.
Will Disney make it easy for you to carry with you? No.
Will the food still be warm when you sit? Not a good chance of that, it's a process from arrival to sitting at BOG.
If you still want to do it - bring your own foil, ziploc etc to transport.
I would also consider something cold like a salad or sandwich that won't go cold and soggy.
The BOG menu really isn't that fancy, just fancy words but he could always just get a side.
He can order off any menu, just a side or even just dessert.
I'm going to skip five pages of helpful and/or judgmental comments to offer you this: I think BOG is one of the best themed restaurants at WDW. I loved it when I went in 2014. I didn't care for the cupcakes, but I'm picky. I thought the food was really good and I enjoyed the atmosphere. Having been there before, I would not miss it in my upcoming trip over something else. And I think it's really awesome that you're pre-planning so that your son can ENJOY his lunch, rather than HAVING to pick something that he wouldn't prefer to eat. So order a side of fries or a cupcake or whatever 'extra' thing he might want to enjoy the ambiance of the restaurant. Because BOG was one of the highlights of my trip! Good for you for accommodating him! :)

Thank you so much!!! This vacation when it comes down to it is for our kids, and if there ever was a time to go out of the way to accommodate them and spoil them I feel like it is on Disney vacation. I dont want them to spend one single moment of our trip being upset, miserable, hungry, or in a bad mood if I can help it. If that makes me a bad parent to some people oh well. To be honest, I think it is kind of crappy to make your kid go hungry or force them to eat food they dont like or miss out on an experience because they don't want to do it 100% your way, but who am I to judge....And thanks to everyone else who was not judgy about this and everyone who can relate/understand and offered me advice or ideas!! I think we are going to either pack a pb&j type lunch or have him order a small snack or dessert from BOG and have an actual meal somewhere else either before or after. I am kind of new to the board and I really was not expecting some of the responses I got from this question. Maybe I will think more carefully next time before asking a question here.
Thank you so much!!! This vacation when it comes down to it is for our kids, and if there ever was a time to go out of the way to accommodate them and spoil them I feel like it is on Disney vacation. I dont want them to spend one single moment of our trip being upset, miserable, hungry, or in a bad mood if I can help it. If that makes me a bad parent to some people oh well. To be honest, I think it is kind of crappy to make your kid go hungry or force them to eat food they dont like or miss out on an experience because they don't want to do it 100% your way, but who am I to judge....And thanks to everyone else who was not judgy about this and everyone who can relate/understand and offered me advice or ideas!! I think we are going to either pack a pb&j type lunch or have him order a small snack or dessert from BOG and have an actual meal somewhere else either before or after. I am kind of new to the board and I really was not expecting some of the responses I got from this question. Maybe I will think more carefully next time before asking a question here.
I am sorry about some of the negative responses that left you feeling that the Disboards is not a good place to ask questions. That is wrong. Ask away, ignore the haters, pick and choose the answers that best fit your family and have a great vacation!
I know that some restaurants in Epcot and Disney Springs are independently owned but I was under the impression that Disney owns the MK restaurants like BOG. So even if you brought something from the resort, you've basically purchased it from the same establishment. Every family is different and it's okay to have different parenting styles. I'm really surprised by the comments against making any accommodation for a kid that doesn't like the restaurant's food. I would understand that view if he was demanding not to go there but that does not sound like the case. I try to teach the kids to have empathy but that's something I feel needs to be modeled. Personally, I think grabbing some items from the resort and bringing them in your bag would be the easiest. Let him get a drink at BOG and dessert if he likes cupcakes. Enjoy your vacation.

Thank you! I agree. He is also accommodating everyone else in some other aspects such as CRT, I am sure he would rather not spend 1+hr on a princess dining experience 1st thing in the morning at MK when he could be on rides but he wont complain about it because he knows his sister will love it. So its not like he is being some selfish bratty child and refusing to eat at BOG, which I think some people have that impression. He would order a meal there if I made him and probably wouldn't complain about it, but he wouldn't be happy, he wouldn't be full and it would be a waste of money. I also try to teach my kids to think of others and how they might feel, I would be kind of a hypocrite if I didn't model the same behavior.
When I was 14 at WDW, no thought was ever given as to what I might want to eat. I was told when and where we were eating, and I would show up or not. These days, at 40 and with a family of my own, no thought is given as to what I might want to eat. I am told when and where we are eating, only I'm no longer brave enough not to show up.

If your son can bump along until he's 21, alcohol makes it better.

LOL ok this one made me giggle at least ;)
I commented earlier, but I remembered this from my own teen years:

you could always make him sit on his hands until he decided that he wanted to eat what was being offered.
I am kind of new to the board and I really was not expecting some of the responses I got from this question. Maybe I will think more carefully next time before asking a question here.
I was a bit taken back by some of the responses too, but please don't let that discourage you from posing questions here. There are so many helpful people; you can just keep scrolling past the unhelpful posts! :flower1:
I am sorry about some of the negative responses that left you feeling that the Disboards is not a good place to ask questions. That is wrong. Ask away, ignore the haters, pick and choose the answers that best fit your family and have a great vacation!
I commented earlier, but I remembered this from my own teen years:

you could always make him sit on his hands until he decided that he wanted to eat what was being offered.

Maybe if he still refused to be forced to eat (overpriced food that Id be wasting my money on because he doesn't like it) I could take him outside and whip him with a belt or something too? Or I know, I should cancel my whole trip because he shouldnt get to go to Disney until he learns to eat whatever he is given right? Ohhh wait, maybe I can put him on a starvation diet/exercise program and then by the time our trip comes up he will be preconditioned to walking around for hours in the heat with little to no food and he can just deal with it while everyone else has a great time eating food they like and being comfortable? Thanks for clearing this issue up for me! That is a wonderful idea.....
OK, some of this is funny. ;)

Why not just let him eat earlier while you get a snack or something to drink and then do the reverse at BOG. I wouldn't want to cart food around personally and wouldn't mind an extra chance to sit and relax anyway. We didn't care much for the lunch at BOG anyway so we might just be doing the snack thing too if we ever go back.
When I was 14 at WDW, no thought was ever given as to what I might want to eat. I was told when and where we were eating, and I would show up or not. These days, at 40 and with a family of my own, no thought is given as to what I might want to eat. I am told when and where we are eating, only I'm no longer brave enough not to show up.

If your son can bump along until he's 21, alcohol makes it better.

Aaah but we lived in different times. Nowadays kids rule the roost. Thank the lord my two sons weren't picky eaters. They ate what was put in front of them or go hungry. They learned to eat alot of different things when they went to daycare when they were younger.
Maybe if he still refused to be forced to eat (overpriced food that Id be wasting my money on because he doesn't like it) I could take him outside and whip him with a belt or something too? Or I know, I should cancel my whole trip because he shouldnt get to go to Disney until he learns to eat whatever he is given right? Ohhh wait, maybe I can put him on a starvation diet/exercise program and then by the time our trip comes up he will be preconditioned to walking around for hours in the heat with little to no food and he can just deal with it while everyone else has a great time eating food they like and being comfortable? Thanks for clearing this issue up for me! That is a wonderful idea.....

dramatic much??
So...my whole family wants to experience BOG, I did the work to stalk the reservations to get us one not to mention the money I will be spending to go to Disney period, 3 of the 4 of us will be paying and ordering from there...but I shouldn't make a reservation there because I am taking up 1 extra seat by someone who doesn't want to actually eat there but still wants to experience it with us? should I just ban my son from the meal because he doesn't like their food, sorry son you cant come with us to this one guess you can go sit on a bench outside and wait... Seriously?

Omg! I totally agree with you here! This was a crazy answer you were given...please, we all have the same ability to make ADRs. You got one and you don't owe anyone an explanation of who is eating what at each individual seat that your family is occupying! If one of your party was suddenly not hungry or unwell and unable to eat should that person have to wait outside so as not to take up a chair? If you split a meal with someone should you have to share a chair? Uh...no!!!! Wow...that was so rude and weird. As for what you should do (and I already commented earlier what I think -which was really just what I would do in your shoes), just do what makes you happy. If it feels off or uncomfortable to you once you scope out the situation, you can adjust. Some days my kids are super picky, some days they are crazy adventurous eaters. Don't overthink it. Just go with the knowledge that you can feed him whenever or however you want. And ignore anyone that says "well then he can just starve". That's totally mean and unneccissary. (Unless he's being a pain in the butt, refusing to compromise and YOU feel that way at the time...then that's between you and him! ;))
Thank you! I agree. He is also accommodating everyone else in some other aspects such as CRT, I am sure he would rather not spend 1+hr on a princess dining experience 1st thing in the morning at MK when he could be on rides but he wont complain about it because he knows his sister will love it.

I did not realize you were doing a table service breakfast. That will make it easier for him. Whenever we did a sit down breakfast, we were all a lot less hungry at lunch! The food is really quite filling. Restaurant food has a lot more calories then at home. So something small for him and a drink might work with a late afternoon snack.
I have a nugget eater in my family. I've been judged all over about it. no worries. I'm quite particular with my food choices as well. we often go to different places to accommodate myself and my children. we make the best of life. sounds like you have some good ideas for your son, don't give it another thought. and please don't shy away from asking questions! there is so much to learn here, and for every judgemental person you encounter, there are twice as many kind helpful ones to talk to. have a great trip!!!
Aaah but we lived in different times. Nowadays kids rule the roost. Thank the lord my two sons weren't picky eaters. They ate what was put in front of them or go hungry. They learned to eat alot of different things when they went to daycare when they were younger.

Exactly. Our daughter is expected to try many different foods and to eat what's available just as DH and I did as children. I also have her summer learning already planned and her chore list posted. She's not allowed to use technology on school nights unless it's for homework and her bedtime is 9:00 even on weekends. She's never been beaten with a switch, however, or anything else. Don't worry. She's healthy, happy and plenty spoiled.

I do give parenting advice whether it's requested ot not because after 19 years of teaching other people's children it's a little hard not to judge. Parents need to remember that eventually their kids have live in the world.
I won't lie my children either eat what is given or they don't eat. I think however that everyone has a different parenting style, not better or worse just different. We should all just stop judging each other because being a mom, shoot being a human, is hard enough.

To answer your question no one will fight you if you want to do it. If other people look at you wierd just ignore them and enjoy the beauty of the castle. I hope you have a great trip!
Thank you so much!!! This vacation when it comes down to it is for our kids, and if there ever was a time to go out of the way to accommodate them and spoil them I feel like it is on Disney vacation. I dont want them to spend one single moment of our trip being upset, miserable, hungry, or in a bad mood if I can help it. If that makes me a bad parent to some people oh well. To be honest, I think it is kind of crappy to make your kid go hungry or force them to eat food they dont like or miss out on an experience because they don't want to do it 100% your way, but who am I to judge....And thanks to everyone else who was not judgy about this and everyone who can relate/understand and offered me advice or ideas!! I think we are going to either pack a pb&j type lunch or have him order a small snack or dessert from BOG and have an actual meal somewhere else either before or after. I am kind of new to the board and I really was not expecting some of the responses I got from this question. Maybe I will think more carefully next time before asking a question here.

Or you could at least refrain from giving us multiple choices answers (allowed/rude/weird) if you don't want to hear opinions different than yours.
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