Wk Of Oct 28 - WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

WISH Racing Team

Abra Cat Kristi NC
akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
andromedaslove Dana FL
angietuck2 Angie FL
bekagain Bekah
bekkiz WA
BiggerTigger Jeff FL
Big Vic Vic FL
blueroses WA
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
CaroleD Carole ON
cdn gal eeyore Leana Alberta
Chernabog#1Fan FL
ChiFiveO Donna IL
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cindylou Cindy
Cingoutload Dawn GA
CrazySecretRecipe Jennifer FL
CreativeBeth Beth PA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
DaddyBeast Kevin TX
deekaypee ND
Dennyha Denny SC
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnutt Kiena OH
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
DreamBeliever IL
dthogue Tammy PA
Duanerice Duane FL
escape Susie AR
fabumouse NJ
FirstTimertoDiz Lisa PA
FungLu Brett OR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
Goofyin08forErica Erica KY
gsu1988 Ken GA
Hey Mickey Erica NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laurie NY
Hockeymom311 Jen
Honeibee Judy NY
hoosmi Jen GA
ironz TX
jam217 PA
JCTigger Jill MA
jeanneg Jeanne NC
Jen117 Jen WI
Jennasis NC
jims2cool Jim IL
Jodi Jodi CT
jodistar Jodi CT
kaf7878 Kelly FL
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
KathyRN137 Kathy NJ
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
Kimickey Kim MD
Kim10110 Kim
klh-or Karla OR
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lenshanem Shan
Lexxiefern Becky MA
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Little Miss Mickey Ashley
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
lourodrigis Lou NJ
lustergirl NY
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne FL
MainStMandy Amanda NY
marathonmommy Laura NJ
MarkMichaels Mark IA
maryliz maryliz ON
Meghan74 Meghan
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minigirl Eva
Minnie Suzy
mogulskr Scott NJ
monte Monica CO
Moonie NC
mousemgr Susan MI
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MrsTrx Tracey FL
MyZoeJane Ali IL
msblrobs Sara NY
nepatsfan73 Bill CT
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom Molli OH
Optimator Mike
outonarun Teri CA
padisneyfan Nancy PA
panthergirl Susan NC
patsfaninpa Jen PA
Paull117 Paul WI
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plgrn Patti and Jenn
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
plutopdx OR
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
princessrunner Lisa ME
Pungodingy Angie NH
rake5 Rachael WA
RedDragon Martha MA
rKyDeX Chester FL
rosy1020 Kristin Japan
RunningLilo Dena FL
runwdw2008 Dona
Sabrina Mouse Sabrina MD
Sandy321 Sandy IL
sap1227 Christy FL
sara74 Sara CT
ScoJo15 Scott GA
scoolover Scott CT
scuba diver Jim FL
SilverE Steve ME
SirBouncealot Andrew IA
skfulkers Steve OH
solotraveler Kevin MI
Space Ranger John
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
tiberius Richard
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
Tinks Vicki IL
TNTsParty Tricia FL
TriMom Mary Kathryn TN
twotoohappy Liz MA
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
Villains Rock Eva OH
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
westcliffemom Stacey CO
wfloyd Bill FL
windwalker Dave KY
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
Worfiedoodles Maria MA
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
zoegirl Bree NC
Zoesmama03 Melissa AZ
PR or the ER baby!! Since we had to cancel ToT, we signed up for a local 5K that we all ran last year. Last year was my 5K PR, 39:19:52, so I was excited to try it again. It was a Lightning McQueen run :car: Garmin time was 33:50...that's a 10:58 pace! :dancer: party: I was only hoping for a sub-12 and wasn't sure I'd pull that off! Splits were 10:23, 11:11 and 11:27...I have never run a sub-11 mile in my life!!!!! Can't wait to see the official results!

So I can't really complain about missing ToT. DD14's band performance went very well, though we're still waiting for them to get back to school. And I got a new 5K PR that I wasn't expecting! Pretty cool day!

Can't wait to hear the ToT and MCM race reports!

Good training everyone!
Ok looks like I am going to be the first to post my TOT 13k results. I am still up (left the party around 12:30AM - since my left arch is killing me - I broke that foot 4 years ago and it still bothers me especially in rainy weather. Let me just say that the weather was perfect - well I mean it could have been a little cooler but compared to what I am used to down south it was nice. The organization of the race and everything involved could have been a little better. The biggest thing was at 9:35PM (5 minutes from when we were already supposed to have been started for 5 minutes they announce that the race will now start at 9:50PM!!!! What!!! So finally 9:50PM rolls around and we are off. Mile 1 and 2 were kinda tough for me - my calves were killing me (I did run the whole mile 1) As the race went on my legs felt better but I still alternated between running a real fast walk. When I was past mile 5 these people ask "is this the 6.5K???" so of course everyone says "no it the 13" So these people that were supposed to be running the 6.5 already past what they should have been running. There was a flashing sign that said 6.5 with an arrow pointing straight, 13k and an arrow point to the side. Another example of their poor organization. The best part of the race was when we finally entered MGM. Although those 2 miles seemed to be the longest in my life (I thought 7 would never come and then it finally did) Then I realized "oh yeah after 8 mile marker its only .1 more to go so I kicked it into high gear.

My official times are here

1:36.12 chip time

I am proud of myself because first of all its the longest race I ever have done and the first one that I got a medal for also because based on training run/walks my official time is 14 minutes better than I expected!!!

Can't wait to hear lots of other reports. Saw lots of WISH shirts but only had the chance to talk to Howard (KeenerCam's DH) and his friend (sorry don't remember if I got the name) I guess its time for me to call it a night and get in bed.
Hi all,

Can't wait to hear all the race reports from MCM and TOT...Im sure you all kicked butt! I got in a good 6 mile training run with my husband this afternoon. It was a step back week and boy did it feel good in comparison to last week's 16 miler. I'm not even sore tonight! The lower temps are helping my times tremendously too. I think we averaged about a 9:40 pace.
Hope you all are enjoying the weekend!

Hey all... yesterday was a 12 miler that ended up being only 11.75 with a warm up. My legs feel good tho, so I am happy. I died at about mile 9 and really slowed down. I could tell I was coming off from being sick and not training as much in the last 2 weeks.

Mel - THAT IS AWESOME. WAY to go. We had a 5K and 1/2 marathon here on Saturday. I opted out because the race is really small and I figured I could run by myself for free. Anyhoo, I debated the 5K but it is a hilly course and I knew I wouldn't PR that one. You are doing so well!!!

I can't wait for some more TOT reports. Last night when DH and I were watching a movie I looked at my watch and it was 9:35 Florida time. I had to comment that the TOT was starting!!!
Mel - WooHoo for the PR!:cool1: Great job!:banana:

TNT's Party - Glad you had a good race. Congrats! :thumbsup2

Jen - WTG on your run! Hope your feeling better, too.

Well, my week of "leisure is over". After the 1/2 in SF last week, I took this week off. Monday was travel home day and I knew the next couple days would be spent catching up on work and "home" work, so I thought I'd give myself a good recovery week to take it easy. It felt good, too. I wasn't running around trying to fit training sessions in between Life. But tomorrow, it's back on the Goofy training mission.

Waiting to heat more ToT and MCM reports!

Good Sunday morning,

Everyone in my household is sick this morning. DD8 was sick Tuesday and missed a day of school, Ds10 was sick Friday and missed school and now DH is sick in bed, still sleeping, which is rare because he is always up at 5 or 6 a.m., even on weekends.

I spoke to all the MCMers this morning in DC, they were standing in the porta-potty lines (ah, good memories...):rotfl: getting ready for the marathon. I spoke to Jodi, Sara, Dave, Mike and Chester and they all sounded GREAT! :yay: I think they have PERFECT marathoning conditions in DC this morning!:banana:

Mel, wow, awesome 5K result!! Congrats!:banana:

Terri, how have you recovered from your half last weekend? Good luck with your Goofy training. Can't believe you are doing it again, you go girl!

Hi Jen, great job on your 12 miler and so glad your legs are feeling fine!:cheer2:

I am going to try and walk Disney marathon and I was able to get my first LW in. I walked 10.8 miles, I felt OK after, but walking sure makes different muscles ache.:eek:
Dona - Congrats on your 10 miler! :yay:

Mel - That is awesome about your 5K and your pace! :woohoo:

Tricia - Congrats on the ToT! :cheer2: Hopefully, they will get their act together for next year.

Jen - Wow, 12 miles?!? That seems so far to me right now. You rock! :rockband:

Well, I've been kinda in a funk these last couple of days after finding out about the two women joggers in my VERY immediate area being attacked. (I posted a thread about it.) I was so excited about signing up for my first half marathon, too. Boy, that excitement was short lived. :sad2:

I ordered a personal alarm and I'm gonna buy runner's mace when I go shopping for my new shoes Tuesday. I know my Mom doesn't want me running now.

Plus, I feel a tad unsupported. It is like nobody understands what I'm doing. Yesterday, my Mom asked me if a half marathon was five miles... I know she just didn't know. Really, my DH is the only one that gets it.

On a happier note, all my runs last week were under an 11:00 pace! This is a first for me! :woohoo:
Hello WISHers. Well, I made it to the ToT event (barely) completing my personal "Great Race" just to get there for the start. That's where the ToT (solely as a walking event) peaked for me. Next time I think I'll shoot to arrive earlier for an event than a couple hours before after sitting on a plane for 3 hours with a bad back.

Bad news first -- after only a mile the back started tightening and spasming, requiring me to make regular stops to stretch and rest the back.

The good news -- I started, I finished and I was not dead last among the 6.5Kers.

The best news -- the support, encouragement and friendship extented by all WISHers before, during and after the event. Plus, even better, I can now say I beat WWDave in a race. (Of course, it was only by a few minutes and he did travel twice as far, but I figure a win is a win ;).)

Thank you all WISHers (both at ToT and that I've yet to meet) for helping me through. Thank you Kim and your DH for the ride back to Pop. Thank you also Valintine's sister for keeping me sort of going the first couple of miles. Sorry to all I missed and for not recalling everyone's real names (there were a lot of you at the start and the music was a little loud).

I guess my distance event career has started a little ugly. Lots of work still to do, but I am "inspired" to get there and get healthy.
Colleen - I think I've recovered from my half pretty well :) Other than a little stiffness in my calves and ankles for a couple days, I felt great. Even during the race I thought I'd feel worse, but I felt good before, during and after. I'm very pleased with that! :banana:

nepatsfan - sorry to hear about the back issues. But you finished!:thumbsup2
My endurance career started ugly, too. I DNF'd in my first ever triathlon. Of course I should have been smrter than to make the 1st one a 1/2 Ironmam :rolleyes: But it was at WDW, so...
My race lastweekend has me feeling that I'm actually starting to make progress. Even though my times haven't improved much, I don't feel as wiped out after the races now. So I hope that keeps improving. The biggest problem for me is keeping the consistency in training. Trying to not let life interfere with my training. Easier said than done.

Congratulations and hang in there. Keep plugging away and you'll do fine.

Shan - Sorry to hear about the attacks in your 'hood. Depending on where I'm running, I sometimes cary pepper spray with me, just in case.
Try not to let the lack of support get to you. Been there, done that. Since I've stuck with it, I've actually had some of my nieces run events with me. Some of the others have started to come around, even though they still think I'm nuts - especially with doing the Goofy!


This comes from both Martha and me; "Good for you." We don't remember meeting you last night at the start, and it sounds like you didn't find the group, but congratulations are due to you. We both tip our hats.

Congratulations. You committed to the event, got there, and got across the finish line. It takes great courage to sign up and get out there. After the race Martha commented to me on the number of people who were out there doing instead of thinking about it. We are very pleased that you were in the doing group last night.

I suspect I ran past you in the last mile of the race, as I went by many folks who were coming in on the 6.5K. For a few groups I shouted encouragement to keep going, and I sincerely hope I shouted to you and your group.


Martha and Craig
Congrats to all the ToT racers!! Sounds like you all had a great race and a great time.

In preparation for the Phila Marathon (my first) I ran a 20-mile LR today in Philadelphia. All things considered it was a success. I finished 3:18:17 for a 9:54 pace which is well below what I wanted to run but I had some things working against me. The hills along this trail are always tough and I have some injuries to deal with.

The one thing I am learning as I run these LR's is that running a half-marathon is not half as easy/hard as a full marathon. It seems like I can run 13 miles with no problem but it gets much harder past 13 due to pain.

This time my feet and knees were not the big problem. Around mile 16 I felt a sharp pain in my groin area and got worried. I considered stopping but my car was 4 miles away and I decided to keep going but I slowed down a bit. I ran those last 4 miles at about a 11:00 pace because the pain was rough. However, I finished the run which made me fell a lot better about the marathon in 3 weeks. I just need to get through 6 more miles.

All things considered I feel pretty good now. My knees and feet are feeling better then they have in 2 weeks but now I have a groin problem. I'm walking around like Fred Sanford.

I did bring my digital camera with me today to snap some shots along the run. The weather was amazing and the trail was beautiful. For those interested in seeing Forbidden Drive in Philadelphia go to: http://picasaweb.google.com/LouRodriGIS/106_1028
Bill - 1) don't feel bad about not remembering names with faces. I can't either!! I know Cam (but I've met her like 3 times), I know Steve and Kristi (sp?) but that's because they have their pics in their signatures (and where those horrid jerseys even when running?!), and after that I start to get really confused. 2) It sounds like you have a very good reason for your race being difficult last night, mine wasn't a blast either, but that was because of my own stupidity. I stopped ( don't know if you remember or not) to make sure you were okay as I was making my way into MGM to make sure you were okay!! I am VERY happy to hear that you made it through to the finish, I was really worried and thought about you quite a bit last night and today!! 3) You have read our shirts, right?! You did freakin' awesome, and you should definately be proud of yourself!!

Steve and Kristi(a) - I don't know why I can't remember how to spell your name, it couldn't have anything to do with all of the Kristi's, Krista's, Christa's, and Christi's we have on this board could it?! Seriously, I just wanted to say Hi!! I was right behind you guys last night as the race was starting, and didn't get a chance to say hello then!! And to think you even brought your towels?! I hope you guys had a great race!!

Like I said in the TR thread. I wasn't thrilled with my race time. I was planing for more of an 8:40 mpm pace, and instead ended up with like a 9:30 mpm pace. I had a lot of trouble getting started in those first 2 maybe 4 miles. Combine that with the fact that I woke up at 4:30am and drove 3 hours to Orlando, then walked around Universal Studios until around 2pm, ran to grab my race packet, then crashed for 3 hours. I think I have a solid plan of what NOT to do the day before the full!! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend. I am still trying to see what the pics came out like, DH was taking pictures!!

**Craig** Thanks for the kind words. I did meet up with many WISHers at the start with WWDave, Robert and many others introducing me to many WISHers. I also met some others after the finish. Seems a few were apparently concerned about whether I would make it and cordially greeted me upon seeing that I did. I did not have a WISH shirt, but a few WISHers I had met at the start, such as Dana and Duane, did check on me and lend encouragement as they passed. Yes **Dana**, I do remember you stopping (and me telling you to keep running). Unfortunately, I've been dealing with the back problems more most of my life so I felt with the generous time limit I would do all I could do to make it to the finish. I did not want my problems to effect others' races (and I know from reading your posts that you pick 'em up and put 'em down quickly).

**Craig** You very well may have expressed encouragement to me. I was very inspired by the many racers (including numerous non-WISHers) who offered encouragement and good will as they passed me. There were also a few who had finished who walked a fair distance back from the finish line to inspire people by "flashing" their medals. I was very impressed by the actions of many runners who had no idea who I was, but because I was there, they treated me as one of them.
Hi all!

Congratulations to all who completed TOT and MCM this weekend! I have been reading the race reports but it got me too antsy so I will save the rest for tomorrow. I just can't read race reports on a rest day - they make me want to RUN!

Saturday was a 13 miler for me. Finished in 2:04:53. I was suffering from a post migraine hangover and figured I would only run as long as my head was bareable. But once I started running, I felt great. I am building my mileage so slow that I leave every run wishing I could have run further!:yay:

Well, I've been kinda in a funk these last couple of days after finding out about the two women joggers in my VERY immediate area being attacked. (I posted a thread about it.) I was so excited about signing up for my first half marathon, too. Boy, that excitement was short lived. :sad2:
That is scary about the runners. I don't think I would feel very safe on the trails by myself. I hope you have someone to run with, if not head over to Alpharetta and run with me!
Also, as for not having the support for your first race, thats what these boards are for!
I am also running the ING Georgia. I loved it last year! And when your family watches you finish, they are going to be so proud of you!

Happy Trails!
Hi everyone!!!

I know, I know... I post that I'm moving and then disappear for two weeks. Who knew how intense this whole moving 1400 miles thing would be!?! :confused3

Just a quick check-in before I'm off to run and errand or two....

First, a big THANK YOU to everyone who wished me well on the move. While I will miss some things about living here, I am certainly looking at this new start as an adventure. A new job, a new city, living two miles from the beach and 3 hours from WDW... that all sounds really nice. We pull out of here first thing Friday morning, which means that I'm already starting to freak out a bit. I feel like we have lots to accomplish yet, but honestly there is nothing we can do right now, except of course catch up on all the WISH Team threads I have been neglecting!! (At least I am making good use of my time, right?)

TOT Racers-- Congratulations to everyone!! I haven't seen too many reports yet, but I will assume you are all still recovering from you late-night partying! :thumbsup2

Mel-- :cheer2: Congrats on that PR!!!

Shan-- Be safe out there!! Pepper spray is not a bad idea at all, particularly if you are running in the early mornings or after dark. (Which is kind of inevitable with the days getting shorter now). And boy oh boy do I hear you on the lack support thing. That's why I love this place!

As for my own training, it has been very sporadic lately. I have been able to get a couple of back to back LRs in and about half of my weekday runs as well. My pacing has been all over the place, but now that it's cooled off a bit here, I'm picking up a lot of speed. Once I finally get moved I fell like I will be much better able to settle into a routine and get fully ready for Goofy. Due to being on the road Friday-Sunday, I will actually be running my back-to-back this week on Tuesday and Wednesday. I figure that driving for 9 hours a day with a Newfoundland in my back seat is enough of a workout for the weekend, or at least until Monday, when I can get back on my normal training schedule. I just have to keep reminding myself about 2006- which was hardly a perfect training year either... I did well until mid-October and then really fell off the wagon, but I somehow managed to finish that race... and somehow I will manage to finish this race too! (And if I'm crawling across that finish line, then there's always Goofy '09!

OK, I better get back to packing...
Happy training all!
Kevin :earsboy:
Good morning all!

I did have a wonderful time at the race, however, if asked, I will complain about the 20 minute hold at the start. When you've got 4000 people who have been training and are ready and psyched up for a race, do NOT hold the start.

That said, it was thoroughly enjoyable! I met so many WISHers I hadn't met before. I was asked no less than 3 times at the start of the race what my WISH t-shirt was for by those who are not WISH team mates (so I got to brag about our "club"). And although I did not do as well in this race, time-wise, as I did in the Minnie, I still had lots of fun!!

Bill: I really am so happy for you! You finished the race and should be proud of this first step. Don't think of it as being an ugly beginning--look at it as how much you have to look forward to!

WWDave, Vic: it was SO great meeting you both!

Stephanie and Scott: Um, thanks for talkin' me into riding the Rockin' Rollercoaster. NOT! When I got home yesterday, my daughter asked what Aerosmith song was playing. How would I know--I screamed the whole time and never heard any song! She mentioned how cool the sites of LA are on that ride. Really? I never saw them as I HAD MY EYES SHUT THE WHOLE TIME!! Why do I let myself get talked into these rides? Thanks for being there!!

Lynn, Erin, Howard: so fun to play cat and mouse with you during the race! Not fair that you were running and walking and I was running the whole time! You'd think I could run faster but nooooooooooo.

Calcio: :banana: you are SMOKIN' fast! :love2:

Cam, Judy, Carrie, Lily, Rhonda: you are so dear to me!

Heather: missed you!

Can't wait to see more pictures! Have a great day everyone!!!
Hey guys- just posted a Race Report on Robert's thread about pictures. Probably not the right place to do it, but oh well...

To sum it up: traffic horrible, race great. Medal cool!

I took the baby in the stroller for a quick run on Sunday. It was about 68 degrees. Go ahead and laugh, Canadians- we think that's cold! Mr. Harry thought taking off his shoes and throwing them was hilarious. I pushed him for awhile just barefoot, but started to worry that someone would call the authorities! :laughing: I stopped over and over to put them back on, but I finally just gave in and went home. Today's mission is to find a pair of boots that the monkey boy can't escape! Surely I can outwit an 18 month old...:rolleyes1

I'm extremely apprehensive about the 15 miles I have scheduled for Sunday! Might be reaching babysitter mileage now.;)

Hey- anyone have any good ideas for a 10th anniversary present? DH is looking for something for me (I gave him 2 kids- maybe I'll get him a card:rotfl: ). He was looking at watches (which I don't need), so I showed him a Garmin- the look he gave me was priceless. So, I'm thinking he doesn't want to get me a Garmin. :lmao: He says he wants something more "permanent." I'm not a jewelry person and I really don't want him to spend that much (why did I get married this close to Christmas?!) Any thoughts?

Jen in GA


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