Wk of Nov 6--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Lily is right--but you gotta cancel. Not picking up the packet, I don't believe is the same.

I haven't been able to keep up with the thread--just poppin' in every now and again.
Minnie--you can't race? So sorry to hear that and hope you heal!
Minnie - sorry to hear you won't be able to race this year. Better to get healthy and race another time (not that that makes you feel better).

Sunny - take a day or two to rest your body. I'm fighting a cold now myself. Two days ago my body felt totally wiped. I walked instead of doing anything else and yesterday I did nothing but take it easy. I feel better today and hope the cold is going away.

Tonight I did 75 minutes on the spinner. Felt pretty good and the quad is starting to feel better too. :goodvibes

Yesterday was my SR. Did approx 3.5 miles. But the big news is my first ever negative splits! Mile 2 was 14:11 and mile 3 was.......14:04 :banana:
I called DH & told him when I was done & he said "uh, what's a negative split?"
Several other people had that same reaction. I felt like the big athlete knowing what it was, having done it & now bragging about it. Just another confirmation that I have been captured by those aliens we have been talking about.

Oh- and about becoming one of "those" people. I remember way back in the 1st week or 2 of training. Me & the family went to the walking trail. Total trail is 2 miles. Now of course we weren't going fast because had both kids(little one on bike) We were doing 3 miles so I could show DS8 how far it was before he decided to do the 5k. Well while we were there there was this one runner that we kept seeing over an over because he kept going back & forth, back & forth. I remember commenting on it to DH. This is me now. UNBELIEVABLE!

Minnie-I am so sorry! Maybe you can make it for the 15K in May.

Terri-hope you continue to get better

MelR-too cool! You amaze me with all those adventure races.

Keep up the great work everyone! Can you believe I am actually excited that I have xt today. Before the only thing that would excite me was "not" having to exercise. Now I actually look forward to it because I know it keeps me going in the right direction.

Oh I found this funny book. As some may remember, I am hoping to start training for a triathlon after January. Slow Fat Triathlete it shows you that you can do it if you really want to no matter your size or athletic abilities right now. Just to go for it. I am really starting to incorporate this attitude and it is all because of you guys. You got me started on this really cool journey & I cant tell you how grateful I am for it.

Sorry so long, didnt get to post yesterday, had to catch up.
Tiger & Lisa-Thanks for the info. I wasn't thinking that I'd "officially" transfer, just meet up with a DISer or a friend of a DISer that couldn't commit & didn't meet the deadline, but wanted to run. Now that Lisa reminded me about the chip, I guess I'd want to be sure that it got returned, etc...so it probably isn't a good idea.

Hmm, if I pick up my race packet & get my chip set, I could always change my mind at the last minute, lol! :)
Hello everyone, sorry I've been MIA--still trying to recover from vacation. Running is seriously cutting into my life!! I have 3 loads of clean laundry that have been sitting in baskets since Sunday waiting to be put away, 2 more loads that need to be washed, and our suitcases are still in our bedroom (full of clothes) from Disney--we got back a week and a half ago!! I don't know where the time goes. :)

Training was been going pretty good for me. My lr on Saturday was 6 miles--the longest I've ever done, I finished in 1:13, I was really pleased with that time. My sr on Monday was not that great, but there were a lot of factors that came into play--my shorts were not the kind I usually run in (because my running shorts were all dirty :rolleyes: ), so they were uncomfortable, my socks weren't on right, my ankle brace was hurting my foot, and I had to use the facilities SO bad the entire time. I was running at work, there is 3/4 mile running/bike path around the perimeter of the building, but it was after 5:00 and I'm not important enough to have a key, so I just had to hold it. Hoping for a better run tonight, although it's most likely going to be on the TM. Oh, I have a question about the corrals. I signed up to finish in 3:10, so I'm in the last corral, my times reflect that I'll finish before 3 hours, so I should be in a higher corral. My Mom is walking the half and she is the last corral as well, I don't want to change corrals because I'd like to start with her. How difficult is it to work your way through the slower people? Will it really effect my time? Or is it honestly not a big deal at all? I plan on starting at the front of my corral, hopefully that will help.

Minnie--I'm so sorry you can't run the half. :grouphug: I feel so bad, I feel like I talked you into it and now you are disappointed. Please forgive me!! :flower3: :)

MelR--That's a great picture of you!! I'm not sure how this is going to come out, but your legs are AWESOME!!!! :teeth:

Tiff-- :cheer2: :cheer2: for negative splits!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: I did my first negative splits in Disney, I chalk it up to the Disney magic! :wizard:

Lisa--I can't believe your determination to get back in the game! I know I would have milked the recoop time. You rock!!

Heather--I hope you figure out what is going on with your hip. I know how frustrating an injury can be.

Sunny--Hope you are feeling better!! I agree that you need some good old fashion laziness!!

Oh, I have a Garmin question for you guru's out there. I have my lap pace set on 1 mile lap. My past 2 runs--which were in 2 different locations, app. 15 miles apart; my lap pace has been messed up, it doesn't beep at the mile mark, but the mile.20 mark and it's off an lap. Example: it beeped at 2.20 on Saturday and it said that I was on lap 3. What is going on? If I turn the lap pace function off and turn it back on, will it reset itself? You gotta love technology!!

Sorry I can't respond to everyone today, but I've already spent way too much time on these boards!!! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to those nursing injuries and illnesses. For the half people--59 days from now (10:30) it'll all be over!! For the full people--60 days from now you'll be hauling. :cheer2: :cheer2: Happy training!!!

Krista princess:
Krista - Please do not feel bad!!!!! I would never have gotten the courage to register and come this far without all the support that I have found on this board. I feel truly blessed that strangers (well used to be strangers anyway) would take so much time out of their busy lives to try and help this tiny :dog2: . I could not have come this far without you all :goodvibes

Since the pain has not diminished I contacted my PT again yesterday and will likely have a scan done at the end of the month to see what is causing the pain.

:Pinkbounc Possible happy note: She also said that if I keep my cardio up that the 1/2 is not out totaly out of the picture yet :Pinkbounc .

She said to strech, ice, do my PT, and try to do light cardio and see how things go. So what do you all think guys? If I get the go ahead is a month enough time to train for this? My longest wog was 6 miles previous to the injury.

Happy training and as much :wizard: as this Minnie Mouse can spread to all of you!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, everyone! Not much new to report, but wanted to pop in and congratulate everyone on all the great training I have been reading about.

Mel -- That picture is awesome! I WISH my legs would look anywhere near that good some day. You look so courageous!

Lisa -- so glad to hear you are on track with getting back to regular training.

Minnie -- I was going to post how sorry I was to hear you'd be on the sidelines, but now I am going to send you :goodvibes: and :wizard: that you may be able to show up at the start line on 1/6. Wouldn't it be awesome to be able to walk it at a pace to beat the sweepers and still finish, even with all you've been through? I'd suggest definitely working on whatever your PT clears you for, and see how you feel in a couple of weeks. Good luck!

Lily and everyone else who have reassured me that there will be people to see at the "W" at the finish -- thank you so much. I read Lily's post last night and broke into tears. DH probably thought I was nuts, but I can tell he really "gets it" -- the fat lady may just pull this off, if she doesn't collapse in a puddle of tears before the finish.

christa -- I may just have to try the chocolate milk thing, especially as I sit here in my office with my stomach growling loud enough for my secretary to hear. :rotfl: Had lots of protein for breakfast -- lite ham on lite multigrain english muffins, and it didn't hold me until lunch time. Still working on the magical mix.

Lily -- How's your back today, sweetie? Hoping you are back to 100%

Terri -- 70 minutes is very impressive! How did you keep from getting bored? ;)

Tiff -- awesome negative splits! :banana:

Krista -- sorry I can't help with the Garmin issue. Mine seems to be working fine, but I'm not sure I'd know if it weren't. Everytime someone posts about some "glitch" I somewhat panic because I rely on mine absolutely for pace and distance and I am worried that relying on it that much at the 1/2 could backfire on me if it is off at all. Guess I'll just work to be even faster, so that if there is a margin of error, it doesn't sabotage me. :confused:

Oh, so since I did my LW on Sunday (did 6.8 miles -- had modified my MfMWtH schedule to accomodate my little surgical procedure next week), I took Monday as a rest day and then, since I was sufficiently motivated, did nearly 80 minutes total last night -- 40 minutes on TM at (~15:25 pace), 20 minutes on bike, and almost 20 on elliptical. Today is a rest day, but I had to walk down 14 floors in heels for a fire drill -- felt like XT to me! If I weren't time pressured, I'd have walked back up (carrying my heels, of course! :teeth: ) Tomorrow is walking and speed/form drills, which I realized I have been doing all wrong. Was supposed to be 30 seconds speed/1 minute walk. I was doing 1 minute speed/2 mins walk. :confused3 I may actually try the right formula tomorrow and see how that goes.

Happy training all (sorry so long!)
Hey guys!! I'm back from The World! I told Mickey that ya'll said "hi ya!" and you will see him in a few weeks! He said he can't wait to cheer you on during the race. Well actually he just bobbed his head around but I'm sure that's what he was saying. :rotfl2:
I wish I could say that I was a good girl and ran while down there but I can't. I did however walk all over the place. So much so that I got really bad leg cramps one night. Not a fun expereince but I'm sure DH got a good laugh watching me jump around the room in pain.
Things are really crazy here. We found out the day before we left for vacation that our neighbor wants to rent our house but needs us to be out this weekend (we were going to put it up for rent in January and go live in a smaller house that my family owns but those plans have been moved up a bit). So needless to say I'm a little stressed this week. I am getting back into the swing of things with running and excersising. I have to, I think I gained 5 pounds on vacation. How can I be expected to be good when there are such yummy places like Beaches and Cream and things like Dole Whips to be eaten. Don't even get me started on mickey head rice krispy treats. I bought 3 to bring home to get me through the next few weeks. :rotfl: I need to run just so I'll fit into my jeans ;)

Anyway, I ran my 10 last Saturday and I'll be doing a double LR this week and next week so I'll be on track again, all while trying to get both houses ready to move....UGGGHHHH!!!
So if I'm not around much the next couple weeks that's where I'm at. I'll try to stay up to date , but don't forget me if I don't post for a while.

OMG miss Keenercam!!!!! Training the way you are, there's no way your belly WOULDN'T be growling by lunch...EAT WOMAN!!! You gotta eat snacks b-4 lunch. I eat a 1/2 cup of oatmeal in the a.m. & I'm hungry an hour later. So, I bring a box of raisins (wash them down w/ tons of water) a bananna (wash it down w/ tons of water) & a protein drink (if I can afford it that day) for after lunch. I also bring natural peanut butter & a spoon :goodvibes . How 'bout some whole grain blue tortilla chip or something to curb that salt craving, too. Hey, no wonder why I can't lose that last 10lbs. But seriously, you're an athlete now, really! You have to feed your body, just try & make it good stuff. Not like the donut I had last night w/ a cup of tea!

Minnie - So glad you may make it after all! I say keep training when you get the green light. You've almost gone 7 miles already, just work up slowly, no 6 miles on the first day back!

Krista - WTG on your Lrun ever. Awesome time, too.

Sunny - Hope you're resting up, I get tired just reading your posts!

Tiffj- Or should I call you NegativeTiffj? Good for you.

Everyone else, keep going, heal quickly. Tomorrow is a 50 min. run, and my LR is back down to 4 mi. Sat. Anyone think it's a problem doing my LR on Friday instead? I'm going to NYC on Sat. & don't want to get up super early to run first. Friday's a day off...Since it's only 4 miles (only, she says) I didn't think it'd be so bad to do them back to back. Although my knees may say otherwise...

Tiff - congrats on the negative splits. I really need to start pacing myself better at the beginning so I can savor that experience!

Krista - Glad to see you are back! I with you on the training cutting into my time!!! It seems like laundry is just not as fun as running. Maybe being an endurance housekeeper/mom is harder than being an endurace athlete!!!! :) Since I'm a football idiot, I always wonder "I wonder what Krista thinks of this" when I read the T. Owens headlines on yahoo.
Oh yeah, one more thing, you know you have become hard core when you can't run in the gear that you love! Like (I think Carrie said it) you have become that girl

Cam - I would definitely say that stairs and a fire drill count as x training!!!

Christa - I like the chocolate milk idea. Any well justified reason to consume chocolate sounds good to me!

Who had the Garmin question??? Anyway, on auto lap, it will give you the lap 1 mile from the last time the time was stopped. If you have it on auto pause, this may be causing the prob. You may also have forgotten to reset it from you last run which ended with a final lap of .2. The other thing I would check is to be sure that auto lap is on 1 mile. other than that, I don't know!!!

Unlike Cam, I keep wishing my garmin would have some prob. I got a 101 for christmas last year and I didn't know about the cool download function of the 201. I'm waiting for mine to croak so I can upgrade. does anyone know if the 201 and 301 will synch with a mac?

50K anyone??? I really want to do a trail run in Feb I think it is on the 19th. EC has an adventure race that weekend and won't be there to keep me company. Anyone want to come to Arkansas to do it with me. I'm guessing my pace would be around 14min miles. Unfortunately, this one isn't one of the free ones, but it should be fun!!!
Welcome back Bree! I'm glad you had the heart-to-heart with Mickey on our behalf :rotfl2:

MelR-- Awsome pictures! You are amazing! DS was watching with me and couldn't wait 'till we got to the picture of you in the water! He did ask a million questions of "what is she doing? why is she doing that? where is she hanging from?". As far as the 50K goes, I would LOVE to try it, but I just don't think I could sell the family on it! They think I've lost it as it is, I can't imagine telling them "I'm going to Arkansas to run 31 miles with a person I met on the internet..." :rotfl: :rotfl2: That's not much time after Goofy. Boy are you brave!

Krista-- congrats on your longest run ever :cheer2: I think MelR answered the Gramin question really well. Hope that fixes it.

I'm still feeling pretty down about not being full of energy but I'll get over it! I don't know if I'll get any exercise in today.

Oh I have a Garmin question. How do you get your splits out of it if you down upload to the pc? All I can see on the screen is average pace and fastest pace in the history.

I don't know where my manual is :rolleyes:
My last post must have been too long, because while I was typing it, there were more posts up and I almost missed them!!!

Bree - welcome back. UUUGGHHHHH. That is my sympathy groan for you. I hate moving!!!!!!!! UUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHH there is another one!!

Minnie - I say keep up the cardio!!!! I hope you get some good news. 6 is a ton of work to have already put in and you can miss a couple of weeks and still jump right back into it!!!! You've built up endurance over several weeks/months and that is not lost on a few missed workouts!

Sunny - On this pics in the water, I was watching my teammate and neighbor making sure he got off rappell ok. After he hit the water I took off to the bank and we got back on the bikes after that. There are some great pics of the bike sections, but I didn't have the heart to put up a link to those because my face was so distorted!!!! I didn't realize that I make such scarry faces when I'm carrying my bike though waist deep water through a water drain under the freeway!!! did I mention YUCK!!!! The race this weekend should be cleaner. It was last year. We actually went inside the Raddison and walked the stairs up to the roof. The funny thing was we were nasty and dirty and when we came in, they were having a wedding reception inside. I'm sure the lovely bride really appreciated a bunch of smelly teams coming through. We also had to take off our bike shoes so our cleats wouldn't damage the floor, so we were barefooted! We'll see, they may make us get dirtier this year but I doubt it.

As for the 50K, your family won't think you are crazy for running with someone that you only met on the internet, because, we will have really met by then!!! They might think your crazy for the 31 miles on the trail. I figure goofy will be the perfect training for it. I'll probably never be in this good of shape again. I won't plan on running the whole thing. I'll rest when needed and then walk when the terrain is really rough! Think about it!!! You can start a running to arkansas graphic and save up the money!!!! :rotfl2:
welovedis said:
Tiger & Lisa-Thanks for the info. I wasn't thinking that I'd "officially" transfer, just meet up with a DISer or a friend of a DISer that couldn't commit & didn't meet the deadline, but wanted to run. Now that Lisa reminded me about the chip, I guess I'd want to be sure that it got returned, etc...so it probably isn't a good idea.

Hmm, if I pick up my race packet & get my chip set, I could always change my mind at the last minute, lol! :)

I'd say since you have nothing to lose--that you join the party...and then when the sweeper bus comes--you can be the official sweeper bus cheerleader. :cheer2:

B/c--"what if...you just happen to finish". ;)
MelRhoads said:
As for the 50K, your family won't think you are crazy for running with someone that you only met on the internet, because, we will have really met by then!!! They might think your crazy for the 31 miles on the trail. I figure goofy will be the perfect training for it. I'll probably never be in this good of shape again. I won't plan on running the whole thing. I'll rest when needed and then walk when the terrain is really rough! Think about it!!! You can start a running to arkansas graphic and save up the money!!!! :rotfl2:

I could just show them your pics and say, "see, she's just an average, ordinary mom... hanging from a railroad trussel...." :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Karen/Minnie - I was going to say what Lisa said. If you feel up to it on the day, just go out there and start. Think 'if I get swept, or have to stop, no biggie, I wouldn't get the medal if I'd stayed in bed anyway' and then see what happens. Run a bit, walk a bit, skip a bit (who was doing skipping training way back when?) have your photo's taken and just see where you are at 3.29.59!!!

Did my 14km yesterday - not too bad, slightly achy knees so will have to move my orthotics about before my 26km this weekend. Just the 8km tonightm will probably run down to see my normal training buddy do the first aquathon (swim then run) of the year - oddly, I'm not tempted to join them. Especially as another friend got stung on the nose by a jellyfish at the same beach on Sunday!!!! Helen
littlegreydonkey said:
Karen/Minnie - I was going to say what Lisa said. If you feel up to it on the day, just go out there and start. Think 'if I get swept, or have to stop, no biggie, I wouldn't get the medal if I'd stayed in bed anyway' and then see what happens. Run a bit, walk a bit, skip a bit (who was doing skipping training way back when?)

The skipper was me. :rotfl2: I still skip a little when the urge strikes, much to the wonderment of my neighbors. It gives certain muscles a rest and engages others, keeping me from getting so tired. Plus it's fun to see the stares...

I haven't been posting much lately, but I've been reading and keeping up. Just had a lot going on with various projects, etc. My training's been going well -- my ankle got a little tweaky last week but it seems to have passed with a couple of days of rest. I'm up to 16 miles this sat., followed by 8 on sun. Beginning to believe that this whole Goofy thing wasn't so crazy after all.

PD to all who are hurting and having other training traumas. I'm rooting for everybody!!! :cheer2:

Melissa - Love the pics! I would love to do the 50k, but may do Myrtle Beach Marathon in Feb. Nice very flat course that I may go for a PR on. Cannot do that @ WDW (or Charlotte) b/c of the Goofy.

Minnie - :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: and :cool1: :banana: to you! I hope you can do the 1/2

Jennifer - I sometimes skip too. It is really fun and gives me a burst of energy!

Starting to taper for the Charlotte Marathon! I LOVE the taper. :love: Anyway....will do 12 this week...then only 8 & 16 for the double LRs next week. 12 on the week of Thanksgiving (and maybe a Turkey Trot - an 8k). December 3rd is the marathon. Will have to run 10 the day b/4. This will be great training! Ron keeps saying this will be a slow LR...not a race for a PR. That will be so hard not to go race pace!
Send me extra :wizard: b/c I have a show that night with my production company. I hope I will not be too sore b/c we have to run all over the place and have to make very quick costume changes many times!
Did 4 miles today with DH.
:hourglass Getting so close!
gatorphipps said:
Starting to taper for the Charlotte Marathon! I LOVE the taper. :love: Anyway....will do 12 this week...then only 8 & 16 for the double LRs next week. 12 on the week of Thanksgiving (and maybe a Turkey Trot - an 8k). December 3rd is the marathon. Will have to run 10 the day b/4.

OMG Christa, that is your TAPER!!

You go girl!
Has anyone seen this story?


It was bad enough when during my first marathon I was passed by a group of 50-Staters who were in their 70s and they beat me. I'm now used to that. :blush: However, I will not allow a 3 yo to beat me!

I'm newly committed to my training just to ensure I beat his time. :rotfl:

Seriously, how sad that this boy's mother felt that she had to sell him. Maybe he's been given running as a gift to help get him out of poverty.


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