Wishes Do Come True!....a Birthday PTR

Irish Dancing

Hi there! Well, I'm finally back with an update, but a non-Disney one. This past Saturday was Madison's class feis. We woke up nice and early so I could take TONS of foam rollers out of Maddie's hair. Gotta have those bouncy Irish curls! Once we were all ready to go, we decided to take 2 cars. Tony plays in a touch football league and had a game at Noon. At first, I did not like this idea, but it worked out well. You see, we were on our way when I realized I had forgotten my camera! :scared1: So, I called my wonderful husband and he turned around to go get it. :love: He really is awesome!

I had gotten directions to the Buffalo Irish Center the night before, but I didn't like the way it told me to go. I knew a different way, so that's the way I went. Well, silly me forgot about this massive construction project and I could not go the way I had originally intended. So, I called my DH first to let him know about it and then I called my parents. My dad is the king of maps and he talked me through the directions. I then had to do the same thing for my DH. We all made it safely ( and on time ) to the Irish Center.

We had plenty of time to get Madison ready which was great. I had to buy a headband for her hair, get on her skirt and vest and tie those nearly impossible gillies. Here's some pics of us waiting for Madison's turn.


Me and Madison...I'm definately NOT looking my best!! I was sooo tired! But, you can see my new hair!


Madison waiting to dance

In case you're not familiar with Irish dancing, I'll give you some info:

At a feis (fesh), you compete in different categories. Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Novice, etc. Madison is a Beginner, but within each category there are age groups. She competes in the Under 7 age group this year. It goes by your age as of January 1st of that year. Are you confused yet?? Anyways.....as the group before you is competing, you have to sign-in at your stage and line up. Then, when it's your turn, the stage helper lines all the kids up along the back of the "stage" (it's just a roped off area of floor). Then, you dance 2 at a time, bow to the judges and walk back to your line. You then have to stand there and wait for the rest of the group to finish dancing. At this feis, it was all kids from her school. At a REAL feis, it's kids from all over the place. So, you could be dancing with someone who is doing a different dance than you! Each school has their own jig, reel, etc. You have to watch out for each other!!! Sorry if this is confusing, but that's just how it is.


Waiting patiently for her turn to dance

After Madison danced her jig and her reel, we went to another room at the BIC. They had all different stations set up for the kids and parents to go to. At one station, she had to demonstrate a few basic steps and count to 8 in Gaelic. There was also a station for costume inspection (her skirt was too long), feis survival, a hair curling station and then a quiz station. The kids all had a little passport and got a sticker at each station. Madison had fun with that. We then went back to the dance room to watch some of the older kids dance. The senior girls did a little skit about what NOT to do at a feis and they also did the Rince Na Tiarna signature dance. It's done with no music and is amazing! (FYI- Rince Na Tiarna is the name of her school and it's Gaelic for "Lord of the Dance.") Then it was time for the awards!!!

They were giving out trophies for Best Tippy Toes, Best Smile, Best Feet and Best Tot (age 3 or 4). I had just finished telling Madison that I didn't want her to get upset if she didn't get anything when they announced her name for Best Tippy Toes!!!


There she is with her trophy! She was so surprised and excited!

At this feis, they wanted each child to leave with a medal. At a real feis, only one 1st, 2nd and 3rd place are handed out. But, on this day, every single child received a 1st, 2nd or 3rd. Madison got a 2nd place medal.


It had been a long day, but a very fun one. Madison had a great time and is now ready for her first real feis on June 6th. She was very nervous on Saturday, but she feels much better now.


Posing with her trophy and her medal outside the Buffalo Irish Center

I apologize for the grainy pictures. It was dark in the Irish Center and I'm still figuring out my camera!!!
that's so cool that you got her involved in irish dancing! i love the outfits and those CURLS! OMG...I wish my hair would do that :confused3
What a neat activity for her to be a part of! Are you or your husband Irish? How did Madison get involved in Irish dancing. She looks so cute with her curls and her little Irish costume! :cutie:
that's so cool that you got her involved in irish dancing! i love the outfits and those CURLS! OMG...I wish my hair would do that :confused3

Her hair is already very curly, but the ringlets is what's needed for Irish dancing. My hair holds a curl like that very well and so does hers.

What a neat activity for her to be a part of! Are you or your husband Irish? How did Madison get involved in Irish dancing. She looks so cute with her curls and her little Irish costume! :cutie:

We are not Irish. I'm 50% German and 50% Italian. My DH is 50% German as well and the other 50% is Sicilian, Romanian and something else (I always forget). My little sister used to take Irish dancing and I just loved it! Last March, I took Madison to see the Trinity Irish Dance Company which had a tour stop in Buffalo. She was just in awe! So, we signed her up for some summer classes to see how she liked it and she fell in love with it!
We are not Irish. I'm 50% German and 50% Italian. My DH is 50% German as well and the other 50% is Sicilian, Romanian and something else (I always forget). My little sister used to take Irish dancing and I just loved it! Last March, I took Madison to see the Trinity Irish Dance Company which had a tour stop in Buffalo. She was just in awe! So, we signed her up for some summer classes to see how she liked it and she fell in love with it!

That is SO neat! I'm sure she'll be so glad she did this. What an awesome thing to be able to tell people you do--no one else will be able to say she is part of an Irish dance company! Oh--and your haircut is super cute! :thumbsup2
Thanks for sharing Madison's dance with us. It looks so cute!! Wish I could see it in person...her curls were adorable, I'm sure they looked just perfect while she danced!!:goodvibes And yay for winning Best tippy toes!!!!!:cool1:
Thanks for the great, detailed explanation. I had no idea what feis was, so now I've had an introduction!

And Madison could not be more adorable! That trophy is almost as big as she is! I also like your new 'do...very bouncy as well!

Maria :upsidedow
That is SO neat! I'm sure she'll be so glad she did this. What an awesome thing to be able to tell people you do--no one else will be able to say she is part of an Irish dance company! Oh--and your haircut is super cute! :thumbsup2

She truly enjoys Irish dancing. She's always practicing around the house. Her school (Rince Na Tiarna) has incredible dancers! Her class helper, who is 14yo, won 1st place at World's when she was 11yo. Then, last year, her younger sister won World's at 11yo as well!

I'm liking my hair too! Thanks!:goodvibes

Thanks for sharing Madison's dance with us. It looks so cute!! Wish I could see it in person...her curls were adorable, I'm sure they looked just perfect while she danced!!:goodvibes And yay for winning Best tippy toes!!!!!:cool1:

Irish dancing is so much fun to watch! I was so bummed when my little sister stopped doing it (she moved on to field hockey). I really enjoy going to all the competitions.

Thanks for the great, detailed explanation. I had no idea what feis was, so now I've had an introduction!

And Madison could not be more adorable! That trophy is almost as big as she is! I also like your new 'do...very bouncy as well!

Maria :upsidedow

As you can see, Irish dancing is quite complex!!

Here's a link I thought you all might enjoy. I don't know how old it is, but it's girls from Rince Na Tiarna. It begins with an Advanced Beginner dancer doing her Reel. It then moves on to a few older girls in their solo dresses (they get to design them with the teacher and they start at about $1200!). We then move onto hard shoe. There are girls in their solo dresses and girls in green dresses. The green dress is known as the Ireland dress and is the "school dress." Each school has their own color dress and design (I don't know the actual word) pattern.

RNT Irish Dancers
Tentative Plans

I know that I just updated the other day, but I'd really like to share with you my tentative plans!! I'll give some park info first:

According to touringplans.com, they're predicting a crowd level 8 (out of 10 being the highest) for the 24-27th and a level 7 on the 28th. As usual, they say to avoid the parks with EMH. Well, I'm not exactly going to follow that. I haven't stayed on property since 1997 so we'll be taking advantage of some of those extra perks. :thumbsup2 So, here's my plans so far:

Side Note: We will most likely head to the hotel for a midday swim/nap each day. We want to do AM EMH each day, so we're going to need a nap!!!

June 24th- Flight departs from Buffalo at 7am with a scheduled arrival in Orlando at 9:36am. We'll check-in with ME and hopefully be on our way to Pop quickly (never done ME before!). Once we're checked in (and I get my birthday button!) we'll leave our stuff and take off to a park. I'm not sure where we'll go yet, but I hope to see Spectro and Wishes on my birthday! We don't have an ADR for this day, but I haven't given up.

June 25th- We'll head to MK for EMH and try to do as much as possible. Then, we have a breakfast ADR for Kona at 10:15am so we'll take the monorail to the TTC and maybe walk to the Poly. I'm so excited for Tonga Toast!!! I've never had it and it sounds out of this world. Once we're done with our late breakfast, I'm not sure what we're going to do. This is the only night for Fantasmic during our trip. We missed it in Jan due to crazy rain, but I haven't liked the stories I've been reading. There is NO way I'm standing in line 2 hours before show time. It's just not worth it to me.

June 26th- DHS has EMH this day and we'll be heading over to TSMM. We LOVED this ride in Jan and can't wait to ride it again. (do they give out FP's during EMH???) As for other DHS plans, we want to see The Little Mermaid and the Backlot Tour because they were done for refurb in Jan. Madison has not seen/been on either one. My DH and I plan to use single rider for RNRC again and maybe grab FP's for ToT. After our midday nap/swim, we have a 4:45pm ADR for the Rose & Crown. After dinner, I hope to wander WS since we didn't really do that last time (we hit up the passport stamps and that was it). I'm not sure if we're going to stay for IllumiNations or not. We'll play it by ear. We might try the Kim Possible thing too.

June 27th- EMH at AK...we hope to hit up KS for sure that morning. Madison adores animals. We want to see It's Tough to be a Bug too since we skipped it in Jan. I'd love to see FOTLK again, but it's not a must. My DH and I will once again utlized single rider for EE. Madison wants to try Dinosaur (we'll see about that). AK didn't take us long last time, so we hope to breeze through as much as possible again. We have a 3:40pm ADR at Sci-Fi so we might need to take an earlier break this day. While back at DHS, we might try to see the IJ or LMA stunt show. Maybe RNRC again...who knows???

June 28th- Last day at Disney...EMH at Epcot!!! Yea! Soarin' is a MUST. We have a breakfast ADR for 9:40am at Cape May Cafe. We hope to walk to the BC via the International Gateway. We can do that, right? We'll probably start the walk over around 9am. I can't wait to explore the BC (it's my dream resort!). Maybe we'll try to grab FP's for TT before we head over. We'll most likely be picking up our rental car in the afternoon and then we'll start our drive to norther FL to visit my DH's family.

Please feel free to comment on my plans. I welcome it!!! I know we might be crazy for doing AM EMH every day, but that's just how we roll. What time should we be at the bus stop to make it to the parks by 8am? (I'm all about being at a park early). How crazy do the parks get for PM EMH? We might like to stay for PM EMH for awhile (definately not until 1am or 12am!!!!!). Where would any of you go to eat for your birthday? Usually I hate being put on the spot for my birthday, but I welcome it with open arms at Disney!!!! Please give me feedback!!!:goodvibes
I was just reading back through some posts and I have totally forgotten to post a picture of our count-up calendar!!! I'll take a picture of it tomorrow and get it up here as soon as I can. Tomorrow will be 30 days!!!!:banana: We started at 60 days, so it will be halfway filled tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

P.S. I have added links on my first post to my actual updates. That way, it will be easier to read for newcomers!
Hi Meghan!

I agree, AM EMH's are a good strategy. Remembering that half the people who intend to make it then won't, that still makes it less crowded and moving much smoother than later in the day.

I do think you'll be able to get to your Cape May ADR via walking through the International Gateway -- we stayed at the BC a few years ago, and my ds and I wanted to get to EMH at Epcot to ride Soarin', etc. We were actually chosen to open the gate for the day (i.e. let the rope down) at the International Gateway. Remember, I had an adorable 7 yr. old with me, so that helped! :) DS got a certificate to that effect and the CM took our photo, it was a really great start to the day.

You can definitely walk around the BC, but they will not let you in the pool area without a room key. That's ok, you can get a good feel for the pool area and the slide by walking around it.

I think your plans sound energetic, but really fun! We will be at Universal June 21-28, so I'm doing the same type of planning -- but not as intense since we are staying onsite and will have FOTL access. Our only Disney stop this trip will be DTD, on our way to Universal from Tampa. I have to do a little shopping to get my Disney fix -- and then we have a short trip at Thanksgiving!

Maria :upsidedow
Hi Meghan!

I agree, AM EMH's are a good strategy. Remembering that half the people who intend to make it then won't, that still makes it less crowded and moving much smoother than later in the day.

I do think you'll be able to get to your Cape May ADR via walking through the International Gateway -- we stayed at the BC a few years ago, and my ds and I wanted to get to EMH at Epcot to ride Soarin', etc. We were actually chosen to open the gate for the day (i.e. let the rope down) at the International Gateway. Remember, I had an adorable 7 yr. old with me, so that helped! :) DS got a certificate to that effect and the CM took our photo, it was a really great start to the day.

You can definitely walk around the BC, but they will not let you in the pool area without a room key. That's ok, you can get a good feel for the pool area and the slide by walking around it.

I think your plans sound energetic, but really fun! We will be at Universal June 21-28, so I'm doing the same type of planning -- but not as intense since we are staying onsite and will have FOTL access. Our only Disney stop this trip will be DTD, on our way to Universal from Tampa. I have to do a little shopping to get my Disney fix -- and then we have a short trip at Thanksgiving!

Maria :upsidedow

We are an energetic kind of family! :yay: We don't really believe in sleeping in on vacation. We can do that all summer (well, Madison and I can)! I'd much rather hit up the parks early when it's not as blazing hot. I'm still trying to figure out when we can go to DTD. A Disney trip is not complete without a stop at World of Disney!
That looks good to me! You can go out the international gateway, no problems. I love the international gateway- less crowds and so beautiful! You could try to get into one of the MK resort restaurants for dinner if you can't get dinner in the MK..my favorite in the MK is Tony's or Liberty Tree Tavern. Never eaten at any of the resorts, so i couldn't tell you about how they are!
Madison is so adorable in her little Irish getup:goodvibes She definitely got the dancing genes from her mama!

We went to MK for PM EMH and it was crazy getting out but definitely worth it since it was the only night we could squeeze in Wishes.
I think we'll be at DHS the 26th too!

Awesome! I'll proudly be displaying my LGMH on my Pink Elephant VB hipster!

That looks good to me! You can go out the international gateway, no problems. I love the international gateway- less crowds and so beautiful! You could try to get into one of the MK resort restaurants for dinner if you can't get dinner in the MK..my favorite in the MK is Tony's or Liberty Tree Tavern. Never eaten at any of the resorts, so i couldn't tell you about how they are!

I'm trying to get WCC for my birthday if possible (I'd still love LeCellier or CM). I just want to eat SOMEWHERE on my birthday! CS does NOT count. :rotfl:

Madison is so adorable in her little Irish getup:goodvibes She definitely got the dancing genes from her mama!

We went to MK for PM EMH and it was crazy getting out but definitely worth it since it was the only night we could squeeze in Wishes.

Maddie really loves Irish dancing. I'm so happy we decided to sign her up for it.

I don't think we'll stay super late at any PM EMH's. I think Madison will totally crash and then we won't make the AM EMH!
Your plans look great! :thumbsup2 You know, if you're early morning people, then it's not crazy to do the morning EMHs! It looks like you know what you're doing by going back for an afternoon nap though. I read that it's best to have 8 hours between the time you leave a park and the time you go to another in the morning. :confused3 I can see how that would help with not getting worn out with the early mornings. Your trip is coming soon!!:woohoo:
Okay, I'll be on the lookout for you and you be on the lookout for me!

I'll be keeping my eyes peeled!

Your plans look great! :thumbsup2 You know, if you're early morning people, then it's not crazy to do the morning EMHs! It looks like you know what you're doing by going back for an afternoon nap though. I read that it's best to have 8 hours between the time you leave a park and the time you go to another in the morning. :confused3 I can see how that would help with not getting worn out with the early mornings. Your trip is coming soon!!:woohoo:

Thanks! I can't believe we leave in 29 days!!! :cool1: I'm so excited. We will definately have 8 hrs between parks (at least I hope so!).
Wonderful Weekend & Clothing Selections

If you read my TR from January, then you know that Madison and I wore LOTS of Disney t-shirts. The weather was in the mid to high 70's and we were more than comfortable. We even wore tank tops a few times. However, I cannot wear t-shirts in June in Orlando. There is just no way! So, the Disney tees will not be joining us on this trip. Before I post pics of my clothing options, I'd like to fill you in on my crazy weekend!

Saturday- Tony and I had a wedding to go to and my parents took Madison into Syracuse for my cousin's grad party (we rsvp'd to the wedding WAY before I knew about the party!). Maddie had been coughing a bit on Friday, so I sent some medicine with my mom. Anyways...here's a pic of me all dolled up for the wedding.


I LOVED my dress! I got it at JCPenney and it was a great deal

Tony and I had a lot of fun at the wedding, but I was so tired the next day! But, there was no time for rest!

Sunday- On Memorial Day weekend, there is always a Dance Showcase at Fantasy Island. Fantasy Island is a small amusement park about 15 minutes from us. I think it's geared more towards the younger crowd, but they do have a wild mouse rollercoaster and a great wooden coaster. Anyways...my dance studio always dances on the Sunday before Memorial Day. So, I went to pick Madison up at my parents house and my mom told me she had a low fever that night. She was still coughing but really wanted to go to Fantasy Island. So, off we went! It was a gorgeous day and we had fun. She was bummed that she couldn't go on a lot of things (the wild mouse ride in particular). She's about 46 inches and most of the rides her friends were going on were 48 inches. There's always next year! We got home around 4pm and I took a very long nap. (In case you're wondering where my DH was, he was working. The bank he works for bought another bank and this past weekend was the first weekend of conversion. He works at the bank's call center now, so he had to work).

Monday- Madison and I went to my parents house for a backyard cookout. (once again, Tony had to work, but he came by later). My mom made hot dogs, hamburgers, ribs and clams. So delicious! She also had homemade strawberry ice cream!!!! Why did she never make this when I lived there??? We had a wonderful day yet again. The weather was perfect...warm with a breeze.

Now, onto some fashion!!!!


These are some tops that I've had for awhile. They are super comfy! Maybe I'll wear one of them to AK!


I bought these 2 shirts yesterday at Aeropostale for $25! They had some amazing deals.


I bought this one a few weeks ago at Old Navy. With my discount, I think I paid around $6 (it was on sale too!). I have to have my mom take the straps up a bit because it's way too low.

I also bought a new pair of denim bermuda shorts at Gap yesterday (us Old Navy employees get 50% off there). They are soo cute!!! Sorry, I didn't take a picture of them. I'll also be bringing my other bermudas and my khaki shorts as well.

con't in next post....


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