***Will You Be In WDW Mar.25-Apr.8,01**????


Pixie Dust or Bust!!
Aug 25, 2000
***Will You Be In WDW Mar.25-Apr.8,01**????

Do your dates fall in this time frame??
Do you want to meet fellow DIS members?
Come to the Community Board and Have Your Name and Dates posted!!
On the **Mar.25-Apr.8,01Unoffical DIS Meet*** so Fellow posters will be able to meet with you!!

It's been proposed that we meet March 30,01 One hour BEFORE E night starts,at the Walt and Mickey statue!! As this is before E night starts anyone in the park can Meet Here!!!

Remember if you are interested Go to the Community Board to Post! So your name and Dates can be posted there!! If you post here you will miss getting your name on the list so Fellow DIS Freind Know you want to Meet!!!

P.S. To find the Community Board,go to the bottom of these posts,to the pull down menu,choose Community Board click on it,then click GO!!! SEE YOU THERE!!!!
:) :) :)

Tink, I was so hoping there would be at least one DIS meet while I was there. We will be there! :cool: TC
**Cool ,Tuffcookie Apr.2-7
I posted you dates over on the Community Board Please watch over there for things to develope! it is amazing to Watch the DIS Folks coming together for Meets!!

All are Invited and WElCOME to Join the Meet!!!
We have a DIS Meet for March 30 one hour before E night[8:00pm and you won't need a E night ticket just be in MK],at the Walt and Mickey statue!!

Come to the Community Board and let us Know the Dates you will be there!!


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