why do people look at me funny....


The Lost Caballeros
Feb 9, 2011
All the years i have been to Disney using a GAC and only the last visit (Oct 2010) i felt like people were staring at me and even some guests shouted at me....

i generally need help i have a prosthetic leg and find it difficult to stand for a long period of time or walk a long distance. one pirticular day we were at AK going on Killimunjaro Safari and they ask you to go down the fast pass que and then through a gate and leave the wheel chair and get on the ride with cast member assistance - as we approached the gate nobody came to open it and the cast member seemed busy and the other cast member just said push it open and go through so i got out the chair to open it for my DW, from nowehre a man shouted at the top of his lungs "special access for special people you can walk your not handicapped enough" i dont let little things bother me but that really hurt i felt horrible everytime i had to use the GAc after this...

really you think im over reactring about it over one guest?? anyone else had similar experiences?
I don't pay any attention to what others think. It is my vacation and if they think that I am not disabled enough, then they are more than welcome to take my bad feet and crutches and try going even an hour with them. They would soon change their minds.

I wouldn't let it bother you. Just go and have a good time with your family, and do what you need to do to be able to enjoy your vacation. Those people who comment are not in all likely hood a Dr, so they have no idea of what you are going through.
You will get people like this all over,heck I've been yelped at when parked in a handicapped spot when getting dh's chair out! My dd will be using the card even though her md isn't always noticable. Why make life harder then it has to be.
We go to the parks all the time, and I'm in a wheelchair, got one of them invisible conditions, only if I'm not in pants, can you see the leg braces, but during the winter, and I'm wearing pants, I look able bodied, but am not. I've gotten rude remarks, people walking in front of us, looking at me funny, what not. I took it personally at first, but now, I just ignore it. Like a PP said, let them live an hour in my body, they'll give it back after 5 minutes!!!!
I am visually impaired and will use a GAC to get seating close to the stage or performance which sometimes means I get seated before everyone else does.
It wasn't bad until I attended Fantasmic and the looks on some of those people's faces were awful as we bypassed them. I often just grab a family member's elbow to guide me since using my red/white cane is difficult to use within crowds.
I felt like taking out my cane anyway (from my backpack) and waving it in front of their faces...and stick out my tongue.

Don't let the idiots, who are really just uneducated loud mouths, spook you. In fact, especially on the Safari the wait in the special wheel chair line is normally longer!

I think I would have been tempted to tell him that I would gladly switch places with him since my wait will statistically be longer than his!

It is shame that some people yell out like that. I am sorry that it happened to you. Please do not let it spoil trips for you or tempt you to do things that are not the best for your body and your conditions!:goodvibes
I ignore stupid people. I have even had people yell at me for using handicapped parking spaces while i was getting out my wheelchair!! because I was "too young" to be disabled. Yes, I have a $5000 wheelchair which I had to pay for out of pocket (stupid insurance) because I want better parking. It's also a fashion accessory. Does it make my butt look fat?

There are lots of people who just don't get it.
I have to be in a wheelchair at Disney because of my bad knees (need a double knee replacement as soon as I lose enough weight). Based on me being the size I am, I get some mean looks. Once this woman started whispering to her friend while staring at me - I tried to shame her by staring right back but it didn't work. I am thinking for our next trip I may just stick my tongue out at them! See how they react to that! :lmao:
Edited to add - Yes it does make me feel bad, I am very sensitive and embarrassed how I look, the last time this happened I dwelled on it all day. I am trying to not let it get to me anymore though.
Slight modification to my standard post

Please ask the following questions. Here are the suggested answers to go with them.

1. Are you disabled (even temporarily)? Yes.

2. Do the people you are traveling with, such as your family, know you are disabled? Yes.

3. Do you expect to meet anyone you know during this trip who may not know you are disabled. Probably No!

4. Do you expect to meet a bunch of people who you will probably never meet again in your life? Probably yes!

5. Is there any reason at all that you should care what these people think about you? Absolutely No!!

6. Will using a wheelchair or ECV make for a better vacation for you and your family? Absolutely YES!
I have a DD with a form of muscular dystropy, she uses a chair for outings as she gets tired easily,she's also hyposensitive so she could do major damage without knowing so we try to limit her sun exposure. She's also delayed so if she was to get lost she really wouldn't beable to tell the cm's anything but her name. We are going with my nephew who's 6 and was a preemie,has hydro,eye problems and breathing problems ,he doesn't use a chair though will most likely hop a ride with his cousin as they are both tiny and have share all the time,he will be going with his mom. Our group is a group of 2 adults,4 kids. Should we get 2 cards?

Sorry i think i posted this in the wrong area,my computer is down so i'm using a wii.
I have a DD with a form of muscular dystropy, she uses a chair for outings as she gets tired easily,she's also hyposensitive so she could do major damage without knowing so we try to limit her sun exposure. She's also delayed so if she was to get lost she really wouldn't beable to tell the cm's anything but her name. We are going with my nephew who's 6 and was a preemie,has hydro,eye problems and breathing problems ,he doesn't use a chair though will most likely hop a ride with his cousin as they are both tiny and have share all the time,he will be going with his mom. Our group is a group of 2 adults,4 kids. Should we get 2 cards?

Sorry i think i posted this in the wrong area,my computer is down so i'm using a wii.

I would definitely get two cards. They put the name of the specific person on the card, so if that person is not riding (i.e. if your DD wants to do something your nephew doesnt), then you could not use a card with his name on it. Also, if you split up, you dont want to run into any issues.

In addition, it may be that more than one stamp or different stamps are appropriate. If he has eye problems that affect vision, he may want to be in the front row of shows, whereas wheelchair seating is in the back row. This would be a different stamp than some other stamps that could be used.
I have a DD with a form of muscular dystropy, she uses a chair for outings as she gets tired easily,she's also hyposensitive so she could do major damage without knowing so we try to limit her sun exposure. She's also delayed so if she was to get lost she really wouldn't beable to tell the cm's anything but her name. We are going with my nephew who's 6 and was a preemie,has hydro,eye problems and breathing problems ,he doesn't use a chair though will most likely hop a ride with his cousin as they are both tiny and have share all the time,he will be going with his mom. Our group is a group of 2 adults,4 kids. Should we get 2 cards?

Sorry i think i posted this in the wrong area,my computer is down so i'm using a wii.

I second what Kpeveler said, get 2 GAC's. What kind of MD does your DD have? I have FSH, and it's getting kinda bad, so I do feel for your DD!!! I just sprained my hip last weekend slipping on the tile floor, and haven't been able to get ANY relief!! No sleep, cause I can't get comfy, starting to feel like a zombie!!! Anyways, I know what you guys are going thru, it must be a MD thing, I'm sun sensitive too, now that I'm older and this disease is progressing, I have had skin cancer last year, and I'm only 37!! :hug: to you both, it's a challenging disease!

I am sorry someone was that hurtful to you.

Some folks just do not understand, I just try to think of them as the disabled ones(I do not wish any harm on them).It makes it easier for me to think people would not be so hurtful intentionly.

Not at Disney but on public buses had people complain about having to get our of seats in tie-down areas.A friend of mine who passed-away from cancer always told them they were welcome to read her medical records if they doubted her medical need.

For some able bodied folks it does not matter how disabled you are they do not think you need anything.(it might be they just do not think.....)
My dh and dd have fsh. My dd is early onset my dh is badly effected,all muscles [other then heart,eyes ect]. 100%wheelchair bound he's 33. We see a dr who's a leading dr with fsh, he has them on vit D, calcuim and creatine.

I am sorry someone was that hurtful to you.

Some folks just do not understand, I just try to think of them as the disabled ones(I do not wish any harm on them).It makes it easier for me to think people would not be so hurtful intentionly.

Not at Disney but on public buses had people complain about having to get our of seats in tie-down areas.A friend of mine who passed-away from cancer always told them they were welcome to read her medical records if they doubted her medical need.

For some able bodied folks it does not matter how disabled you are they do not think you need anything.(it might be they just do not think.....)


thanks for the support guys, glad other people have experienced some things too.
We have been to Florida many times and yes people have looked and said things about Joshua.
He cannot talk and is autistic.

I agree that you have to ignore what other people think and just enjoy your holiday, you have every right to be there just as they do.

I can also sympathise that's it's not always easy to ignore, I accept I have stared at a few people in the past and even exchanged words with a CM once, who clearly just didn't understand or respect our situation.

Stay in 'your own zone' and just concentrate on having a good time. :)
Unfortunately some people have no tact and just don't care. Ignore them. I am not disabled however my son has Asperger's syndrome and I am fat (or um Pooh Sized:goodvibes)

We get strange looks for one or the other, but DP has a teacher stare that has people run in fear:lmao:

So yeah, it stinks but humans being what we are, do stupid things and some people will find anything to complain about. We will have a wheelchair for DS this May. He will be 8 and is about the size of a 10 to 12 year old. Trust me you don't want him in line without a chair else he'll be bumping into you. If someone does comment, then fine, I'll have him go wait in line next to that person.

Have fun everyone!!!

Oh and I have to say this 100 days and we're going to Disney World:banana:
My dh and dd have fsh. My dd is early onset my dh is badly effected,all muscles [other then heart,eyes ect]. 100%wheelchair bound he's 33. We see a dr who's a leading dr with fsh, he has them on vit D, calcuim and creatine.

Wow. It's amazing how this disease effects everyone differently. I'm not 100% wheelchair bound yet, but I have one for when we go to disney, which is quite a bit since we live close. My DS has it too, but he hasn't shown any signs of deterioration as of yet, and he's 12. I'm glad to meet ya, and hope we can talk more soon!!
Me and dh have 3 bio kids, I have 2 older ones he's adopted since they were in diapers. We tested our dd as she was really delayed,we suspect that our two sons have it, both sleep with thier eyes opened which could be a sign of facial weekness,they are 7 and 8,
We have got looks and comments many times when we have been sent through the FP line but I dont care at all what strangers have to say..the worst park is some of these "strangers" were proudly showing their LGMH on their bags! What a shame....


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