Who would like to attend a Universal meet on June 1 or June 3?


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 1999
I am planning on being in the Orlando area during this time and I've gotten a request for a Universal meet. Who can attend one? June 1 or June 3 is good with me, but we may get a larger crowd on June 3. We can even have a MiB shoot-off! I won't be staying onsite, so I won'tr be able to use FOTL. :(

Who can attend and which date can you make? The date with the most votes win! :) BTW, we'll probably meet at 9 am and do the rides and shows.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Joey Ramone is gone but he's not forgotten

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
In November I missed the meet because, well, I couldn't tear myself away from MIB! Now in June you're meeting about a week too early!

Maybe I should just move to Florida so it would be more convenient for these meets...hhhmmmm.....what will DH say...LOL!

Anyone else? I am considering a meet on August 11 - 12 because of a request.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Joey Ramone is gone but he's not forgotten

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!


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