Who is the OLDEST new DVC owner?


DIS Veteran
Sep 13, 2006
Doing research here, and being inspired by the youngest DVC owners thread, I thought I'd ask. Do you think you're one of the oldest buying DVC? We have NOT bought, but I am thinking about it....at the age of 52. :blush:
We bought in 2005 and are in the middle of doing an add-on. we are 70 and 71, but are still going strong! :thumbsup2 Honi
DH and I :hug: bought last year at the age of 52. Kids were 25 and 24.
Now this thread makes me feel young! Just bought in at the age of 48. Congrats to those who bought in at an even more impressive age. Gives me hope that i will have to renegotiate in 2057 when i wlll be 98!
I am going to purchase after the first of the year but I've been thinking that I'm crazy to be looking at a 50 year contract now (48). :rolleyes: This has been one of my sticking points but all of you have made me feel great about moving forward with this decision. I do have kids but I want to have the fun first!! LOL!! :cool1:
You guys have all made me feel young! I was trying to figure out if DVC was a good or bad idea at my age, even though I've had my 83 yo parents to WDW...twice! Hmmm...:scratchin
I am 49 soon to be 50 and Dh is 53...we bought 10 months ago...DS13 and Ds10:thumbsup2
I am 44 soon to be 45 in Oct. DH is 43. Our kids are almost 17 and 13 in Oct. too and youngest will be 9 in Dec. WE JUST BOUGHT IN JAN. of this year. :cool1:

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