Which day which park???


Proud to be an American
Jan 11, 2001
We'll be arriving in November (the weekend AFTER Thanksgiving). We were planning on going to IOA on Sunday and Univer Studios on Monday. Does this sound good or should be switch to another day? It's hard to plan 6 parks (MK, MGM, EPCOT, AK, Univ. & IOA) to be there on the days that are best. Anybody that can help with this would be a saint!!! :D
From my experience the days you have planned for USF/IOA should be great. Universal parks are generally the least crowded on Sundays and Mondays with Friday and Saturdays being the most crowded. Disney parks seem to be least crowded mid-week. Hope this helps.

Are All Saturday's and Sunday's good days for US and IOA? We are going in June(3-13) I am coordinating four different families schedules, and trying to see all six parks along with two water parks. Any help would be appreciated.
Saturdays are generally the busiest at IOA. Sundays seem the slowest.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards


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