Where's my comfirmation?


DIS Veteran
Oct 11, 2000
Has anyone had trouble getting their onsite hotel comfirmation? I booked the HRH 01/01/01, after many phone calls I was told I should have gotten one and they do have my reservation. I was happy to leave my fax # when they offered to fax it to me, but after 4 days, no fax. CM told me they have noway of knowing whether one was sent out. Does anyone have an E-mail address for the HRH that may help? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
I was told that they do not issue conf's through the res line but it goes to accounting. Only after they charge the one nite deposit do they then send out the conf. That may be the problem.


The December 15, 2000 MK Grand Marshall Family!
Wonder July 2000
Off-site '84, 85','92, 10/99
Dolphin '93, Dixie '98, Vero '99, Hilton Head '99,
BWV 2/00
OKW/Cruise/BWV 7/00
CS 12/00
Upcoming HH 7/01 & Cruise/BWV/WLV! (I hope) 8/01
When I did call, they told me I should have the comfirmation in 2 weeks. It's been 3 weeks and 1 day, seems I should have gotten it by now. I also have not recieved my charge card bill as of yet, to comfirm that the charge as been applied. I guess the waiting continues.

I haven't received my confirmation either and I made mine in late December. I have called twice and told that they have it and that it sometimes takes weeks to get the written confirmation????

So you are not alone in your wait. ;) Bet you are like me and would feel a lot more secure with the hard copy confirmation in hand. ;)
I'm not sure why you all haven't recd your confirm papers. I have recd two confirm sheets because I change my initial res. dates. Both confirm sheets came within a week of the phone conversation to the Loews operator. I would call the 800# and talk to someone about sending a written copy. They also send me a hotel brochure.
I received my confirmation back in November but they still never charged my credit card for the one night deposit!!!

Mom of teens
We reserved for May last week and have gotten our conf. already. We reserved online.
I just recieved my comfirmation for my Nov. stay. Problem is I reserved 2 rooms and the comf. states only 1. Called the 1-800#, the Reservation spoke to a supervisor who assured her I still have 2 rooms, but because my rooms are on the same comf.# they only show 1 on the comf. However at check-in I will recieve my 2 rooms. HUH! I'm not sure that I feel fully assured here. Am I getting the correct info? :eek:


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