Where to park for illuminations cruise?


I don't need no stinkin tag
Jul 6, 2000
If I park in the Epcot parking lot and go to the Y/C Beach Club to get the illuminations cruise, will I be able to enter Epcot afterwards to get my car from the parking lot? Is there somewhere better to park? I will probably be going to Epcot that day.
You might want to consider parking at the Boardwalk. From there, it's a short walk to the yacht & Beach Club,and to Epcot.
We parked at Boardwalk, too last June. It is also nicer not to have to hastle with the crowds leaving Epcot and that very very long walk out to the parking lot at Epcot!
Depending upon which resort your cruise leaves from I would park there. Our cruise last year left from Yacht & Beach, so we told the guard in the lot that we were having dinner at Y & B and then going on the cruise and he gave us a 5 hr parking pass. It was very easy.
It's my understanding that you can request the Illuminations Cruise captain to pick you up at either the YC dock or the BW dock.

I'd recommend that you request the BW dock, and treat yourself to valet parking at the BW for $6 plus tip. That way you don't have to worry about parking passes or a long walk back to your car after the cruise. You might decide to enjoy the activities on the BW after the cruise.



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