Where to eat?


DIS Addict, but handln it
Jul 31, 2000
What are the best, fastest, and cheapest places to eat at US/IOF?

76 - offsite
98 - Ft Wilderness Cabins
99 - CBR
00 - HH DVC
4/01 offsite
12/01 BWV
The cheapest thing to eat is a turkey leg, which costs $4.79. One is good enough for lunch.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Joey Ramone is gone but he's not forgotten

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Thanks Barry. Anyone else? Any unique fast food I should check out or anywhere to specifically avoid?

76 - offsite
98 - Ft Wilderness Cabins
99 - CBR
00 - HH DVC
4/01 offsite
12/01 BWV
My son, forever on the look-out for the best chicken wings, loved the wings at Spice Island.
It is inside IOA, right before you cross the bridge to the Hulk. You can also get the turkey leg here. Patti
My advice is to avoid the Green Eggs & Ham resturant, unless you like greasy eggs & ham. It was almost as expensive as eating at Hard Rock Cafe and nowhere near the same. Our family loves to eat at Hard Rock, the food is good, they have a good selection, and the atmosphere is great unless you are looking for a quite place.

We ate at a great place in IOA.I do not remember the name but it was in the Jurasic Park section which was right next to the water ride.They had the best food of our entire trip.You do not get a lot of shoices but I got the chicken which I think was roasted with lemon pepper,Corn on the cob(fresh corn that was also roasted with the husk still on it)and roasted red potatoes.Everything was TENDER and juicy and it was SOOOO good.The price was about average for a theme park meal.We paid just under $50 for two adult plates of the above mentioned items,one carrot cake,one kids meal,one soda and two beers.

Burger Digs near Jurassic in IOA has great burgers & chicken sandwiches w/ a fixings bar (which is filled w/ fresh vegs., etc). For counter service, I thought that the Enchanted Oak was great. The decor is great, an outdoor deck w/ a great view of the park & a full bar w/ a huge selection of beers for my husband.
I enjoy IOA's selection more than USF's. I had a good slice of pizza in Louie's Restaurant at USF. I also had pasta & salad, which was OK, at the Monster's Cafe in USF.

76 - offsite
98 - Ft Wilderness Cabins
99 - CBR
00 - HH DVC
4/01 offsite
12/01 BWV

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