Where can I get a Universal Fun Club Card?


Stress Free: Yeah Right!!
Jul 25, 2000
Hello, I'm suppose to go to HRH this 4th of July if plans go well. I would like to know more on the universal fun club card, discounts you get, how to get it, ect. If anyone has any information on this, can you please help?! <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

mine came with my tix that i oredered from universal---go figure---after i buy tix, and make ressies for protofino, then i get the card...
The Universal Fan Club is only available from your employer. It is free. You can get your company to sign up for it if they have more then 100 employees. So hopefully you work or know someone who works for a large corporation. My company just had it with there "disney coupons". I also am going on July 4th and wanted a kids suite at PB. Since you can't use entertainment rate for these I was booked with AAA, but called when I got the fan club card and it saved me more then $200 over 5 nights. By the way make sure you have them give you the price up to July 4th and then the new price for the nights after the 4th as the price drops starting July 5. The person I called through the fan club was extremely helpful. One other thing to note. He said they don't mail out confirmations till 2 weeks before, but if you give them a fax number they send it out in 3 days from when you make the reservation. This worked great for me and I know have in hand the confirmation which confirms my rate. (I justed made the reservation on 3/1) Now if it was only July!!


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