Where can I find Teva sandals.....


<font color=red>I am in a frenzy!<br><font color=r
Mar 28, 2000
...for a reasonable price? I really need a pair before June. Does any one have any leads? Thanks

Try Bob's Stores or Modells Sporting.

I've had mine for about 7 years, and I always wear them to Disney!!

'83 Contemporary
'89 Polynesian
'96 All Star Music
'97 All Star Music
'99 All Star Music
'01 Want to go, but
have no one to go
with!! :(

if you can order on line go to www.teva.com and they have a sale section. and also try going to google.com and doing a search on teva sandels...it comes up with a lot of sights! you might also try you local walking store if your mall has one. ours has a sale on last years models. 50% off now! and if you have a dsw shoe warehouse try them as well.

I was concerned about the fit of the sandals ordering online. I spoke with a Teva rep and he gave me a couple of options. We do not have any stores nearby that carry a good selection of Tevas so I ordered 2 different models. I kept the one I liked the best and returned the other one. No problems. My credit card was credited and I was only out the additional postage to ensure I got the shoes I liked the best.



'70-'92 - Disneyland
Nov '96 - WL
Dec '98 - Poly
Dec '99 - Poly
Apr '01 - CS
Nov '01 - ASMo

[This message was edited by DisneyDad_CJJE on 04-09-01 at 06:27 PM.]
try this sight too!http://www.aardvarkshoes.com/teva_sandal/

they have soem closeout specials as well. I have mainly ordered from the www.teva.com sight
have you thought about contacting them and see what stores in your area sell them?

<img height="200" src="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/techca/bed.jpg">
<font size="4"><font color="purple"><font face="Book Antiqua">
<marquee> Be vewy vewy quiet! I'm hunting wabbits!!! </marquee><font></font></font>

You can also try LL Bean (catalog or website) llbean.com. Check out the sale pages on the website, they sometimes have great closeouts.

Good Luck
Thanks everyone!! Now one more question- What are the women's nylon Pretty Rugged Tevas like. Any opinions?

Thanks tink2dw!!!! Got a pair of Circuit Sandals for a total of $46. thanks again

You are most Welcome,I hope you enjoy your shoes!! I love mine! they cushion your feet from the thud on pavement!! they are like walking on clouds!!



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