Where can I buy pins online?


DIS Veteran
Jan 17, 2002
As you can see by my signature, we're going to WDW for the first time in November. I'd like to start buying some pins for my 8 yo (ok, really I want to start collecting them). The nearest TDS is 45 minutes away and I don't get there very often. I checked TDS website and they only have very expensive pins. Where can I buy pins online in the $5-$10 range. Is there anyplace I can buy them and double-dip with a rewards program such as blink, mypoints or milesource? Thanks in advance!
I recently saw someone on DIS refer to Cheap Pins. I checked it out and it looks like what you may want. Try cheappins.com
another option...even though I try to avoid it at all cost....is to look at ebay...sometimes there are people selling groups of pins...they end up being only a couple bucks a piece sometimes...or a little more.....It can be a good deal if you are just looking for pins for the kids to trade with.

Good Luck!

This is an expensive hobby to start...lol.
Also, you can order rack pins directly from WDW merchandising so that you have them in advance.

You could also stop at one of the disney outlets after you arrive and pick some up...they run about $3.99.
My local Hallmark Store still has Pooh pins from Christmas. They are hanging up near a glass display case with other Pooh & friends items. The pins themselves look like postage stamps. I believe they are $4.00 per pin. I have traded these pins at WDW with both CMs & guests. If you go to a Hallmark Store, ask if they have any pin pairs left with Disney characters on them. I haven't seen the pin pairs lately, but you never know :).
Disney outlets? Now that's something I've missed. Where are they? Thanks!


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