What's your favorite flavor??


Earning My Ears
Jan 8, 2003
I was just thinking about the ice cream parlor in Magic Kingdom on Main St. and my favorite flavor would have to peppermint bon bon...Boy if I could be there now there's no telling what I would do.:D
Okay, confession time. I've never had ice cream there :(
I've never had ice cream there either, but right now I could go for some chocoate marshmallow. :D :o
It's been so long since I've been there I don't even remember what flavor I had the last time I was there :eek: Anything mint works good for me and if not, vanilla is a great choice too :)
I've never had ice cream there either.

If it's homemade, I like black walnut. If it's store bought-I'll take Caramel Coyote.:) Or Turtle Tracks.
I haven't ever had ice cream there either. But no matter where I am I usually order vanilla! Browneyes, have you ever had Mayfield's Smoky Mountain Fudge? It is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think I've ever had ice cream there either.....I'll have to fix that next week!

I love chocolate mint chip and chocolate marshmallow!


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