What's the funniest thing a cast member has ever said to you?

Where do they sell these? My niece would love this.
We bought them last summer at Animal Kingdom in the store to the left as you walk over the bridge towards the Tree of Life. Was there a few weeks ago and didn't see them, but again I wasn't really looking.
Just thought of line I heard at DL about 7 years ago. DH and I were watching Billy Hill and the Hillbillies. In the middle of the show, a teenager at the table right in front of the stage answered her cell phone. Well, Billy #1 caught wind of this and totally staying in character asked her who was on the phone, it was her dad. He asked for the phone and started talking to her dad, still in character, saying that he was her boyfriend,"We're in love and getting married". He handed the phone back to her,"He sounds mad." The whole audience was in stitches, the teen, not so much.

:rotfl2: Love Billy Hill & the Hillbillies!

We were at 50's Prime Time last week. At first, Cousin Mikey came over and laid the stuff on the table and got our drink order. We mentioned after he brought everyone their drinks that he seemed really nice, but not a lot of fun. DD had ordered a cherry coke and had finished about 3/4 of it pretty quickly. He came over calm as he could be and set a glass down in front of her. She quickly said, "Thank you" and he said, "You're welcome" and set another down and everything was repeated. We had not even noticed he had more on his tray. After the fouth one, he said, "There you go, Miss Camel! That should hold you for a while" in his snittiest voice. We just started laughing and she was laughing so hard, she was crying. I've always said she was part camel because she can down water, tea, soda like crazy. :lmao:. Then, to make it funnier, he walked back over with a map of DHS. He had circled all of the restrooms all over the park in red and wrote on the side, "Bed Wetter Guide". We laughed even more. A few minutes later he brought me a drink, and said "There you go. We don't want you to have to take one from The Princess now do we" as he rolled his eyes at her.

We were having dinner at 1900 Park Fare and it was taking a very looong time to see each of the characters. My DH mentioned it to the character handler and she was very helpful sending each character over promptly. She stopped back about twenty minutes later to make sure we had seen everyone, and we said we hadn't seen Prince Charming yet - so off she went. A few minutes later the Prince showed up appoligizing - he said "Sorry I'm late Cindy lost her shoe again!
We were having dinner at 1900 Park Fare and it was taking a very looong time to see each of the characters. My DH mentioned it to the character handler and she was very helpful sending each character over promptly. She stopped back about twenty minutes later to make sure we had seen everyone, and we said we hadn't seen Prince Charming yet - so off she went. A few minutes later the Prince showed up appoligizing - he said "Sorry I'm late Cindy lost her shoe again!

we had him say a similar thing to us last year!
We were at the park fare and asked my 12 year old nephew to take a picture with the stepsister. Well he stood next to her making a face like he is totally miserable. The stepsister made the same face and said to him "well this is no fun for me either!" It was perfect.
Another thread reminded me of this.We were at Chef Mickey's for breakfast. I was sitting down to a Mickey Waffle. Now I always eat the ears first and then the rest. Anyway we were sitting down, half way through breakfast. The ears to the Waffle were gone when Mickey came around. He looked "horrified" and pointed at the waffles and then tried to cover his own ears. We just absolutely cracked up.
I was walking through Frontierland wearing my awesome Malificent chapeau and equally awesome Malificent t-shirt which reads "Mistress of all Evil." A CM was standing out in front of one of the shops, and complimented me on my hat and then noticed my shirt. She reads it out loud and then says, "I like that. I need to get one of those for my daughter-in-law." Ouch! I'm sure there was no ill intent, but it was hilarious they way it came out.
This wasn't directly at us but we were in line for RnR and were in the room where you see Aerosmith. It got to the end where the manager is saying the limo is in the alley and the CM comes on the intercom and says "Congrats on those backstage passes! That doesn't happen every 3 minutes and 25 seconds!" :rotfl:
This wasn't directly at us but we were in line for RnR and were in the room where you see Aerosmith. It got to the end where the manager is saying the limo is in the alley and the CM comes on the intercom and says "Congrats on those backstage passes! That doesn't happen every 3 minutes and 25 seconds!" :rotfl:

I heard that same line when I was riding RnRC on December 1st! :rotfl:
Our server Tim at 50's Prime Time Cafe came and introduced himself as "Uncle Time" and looked at our 2 year old DD and said "Well you didn't tell me you had a baby!" and my husband said "Well she was conceived and born just a few minutes ago in Dad's Living room (the waiting area)" and Uncle Tim said, "Well I heard you were a minute man, but that's just pathetic" and we all died laughing :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:
Our funniest moment was when PUSH (the mobile talking trash can in MK) started talking with our kids.

He said to my son (the youngest of our three) “Do you know why you should always be nice to your sisters? …because someday they’ll have hot friends”. Man, I laughed so hard. :rotfl:

In April we had breakfast at 1900 Park Fare because DD wanted to meet Mary Poppins. But our best interaction was with the Mad Hatter. He was talking to DD and her friend, and DD was wearing a Pokemon hat that had a picture of the "pokeball" on it. The Hatter asked her what was on her hat, and she said "A pokeball!"

He looked at her and said "A Polka Ball? Does that mean you're the Belle of the Polka Ball?"

And now everytime she wears that hat I ask her if she's on her way to the Polka Ball. ;)
I was at the Magic Kingdom after having been at Universal Studios on the day before with my family. I was wearing a "Green Eggs & Ham" shirt that I had bought at the park because my name is Samantha. Although sometimes people call me "Sam", and the license plate on my mom's car says "Sam Iam". One of the Cast Members at "It's A Small World" noticed my shirt, and joked, "I think you're in the wrong park Dr. Seuss."

Another funny moment was on another trip when one of the cast members at Old Key West made me, and my friend Lorrie laugh when he did his great impression of Donald Duck. It was so cute, and funny. I don't know if anyone else on here has had an encounter with him. But, he works in that gift shop store at the resort. I wish I had known his name. Because we ran into him again at the gift shop store on the day before we had to leave, and he still made us laugh again with his Donald Duck voice.
Another funny moment was on another trip when one of the cast members at Old Key West made me, and my friend Lorrie laugh when he did his great impression of Donald Duck. It was so cute, and funny. I don't know if anyone else on here has had an encounter with him. But, he works in that gift shop store at the resort. I wish I had known his name. Because we ran into him again at the gift shop store on the day before we had to leave, and he still made us laugh again with his Donald Duck voice.

We have never met him before but he has been mentioned several times in this thread! He sounds hilarious! My sister can do a Stitch" voice, it would great if these two could meet :lmao:
This one just happened a couple of days ago,

I was buying a slushie at the small stand across from Cosmic Ray's and I handed the CM a $20. He hands me back all $5 bills and says, "I hope you don't mind the fives, that's all I got".

I reply, "It doesn't matter, the Mouse will get them back anyways".

He laughed and said, "Yeah, that's the magic".

I :rotfl:
When I was at DL with my friends, there was no line to go on Winnie the Pooh, so we walked straight to the front of the line and once when we were sitting down etc, the CM managing the ride was talking to us just to fill up the time.
He asked us where we were from and we told him London.
Then he asked how we got to California. Right away he knew it was a stupid question and everyone replied 'Plane, silly!'
I looked at him and said in my usual sarcastic way 'not me, I walked'
And he said 'I like you, you're funny' and set us on our way.

When we'd finished the ride and were walking away he came chasing us down and gave me a Pooh Bear keychain to remind me how much of a sarcastic smarty-pants I was.

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