What the heck? Is this allowed? The mickeystoontown gang is back in the World and together again! Updated 4/13 x 6

Great start! I remember seeing that video and thought it was so funny!!
My family makes fun of my for always having a snack bag until they are thanking me when they are starving in the car . Ugh dr appointment when you are trying to get out of town . Glad it went smoothly and didn’t cost you any time .
I am here, Lisa!! :wave2: Yay for another TR!! Great start. That video is hilarious. :rotfl2:
Wonderful start, Lisa! :) YOu had a lot going on even before you got your real departure going.... eek!! You needed a vacation! Looking forward to reading along.
I'm following along too! I've been reading your trip reports and ALWAYS enjoy them. Can't wait for more!
Yay, love your trip reports and ready for another adventure! I'm going to try my best to comment more, I'm one of the lurkers...:o
Can't wait to read more! My son is sorta up in your neck of the woods...Ruston, until next summer. He says there is literally nothing up there. 😅
I'm here!!! Gotta relearn the Dis..lol.

Dana! I'm so glad that you are back on the Dis and here to following along!

Hopping over from your last report . Looking forward to reading more about your adventures.

Welcome! Welcome! Hoping to get this report done much quicker than the other!

Yay! I'm glad to catch a report that I can start from the beginning! I've lurked on most of yours because I find them too late!

Welcome! I'm glad that you caught this one from the beginning. No need to lurk any more!\

I’m here, of course!!! Can’t wait to, yet again, live a Disney trip through you!

Hey there and welcome! We need to get you guys back to Disney again!
Glad to see another trip report beginning. I love traveling along with you and your crew!

Welcome aboard! I hope that you'll enjoy the report!

Great start with not ending up being late leaving. Crazy that they ended up scheduling that MRI on the day you were leaving, especially since you had called multiple times making sure they knew the dates of your trip. Looking forward to the rest of the report.

We were both so happy that the MRI didn't delay our getting on the road. You never know if you'll get taken back for the tests as scheduled or if you'll be sitting for hours.

You're on your way - yay! Hope your drive is smooth!

So glad that you are here! More about the drive coming up!

I have enjoyed reading your trip reports in the past, and look forward to this one.

Welcome! Another update is coming soon!

Yay! I'm so excited to read another of your reports.

Thank you for joining in!
I usually lurk on the trip reports, but I had to come out of lurkdom to say how very much I enjoy your trip reports!

Thank you for coming out of lurkdom and commenting! I hope that you'll chime in often!

Yay for it being started! Sorry they scheduled his MRI on the day you were leaving, but yay for still getting out around the right time anyway!

Welcome! Isn't it crazy that they'd schedule it on the day we were to leave?

I always lurk and never post, but just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your trip reports!! I'm looking forward to this one!

Welcome! Please feel free to post often! It's a great way to get to know one another!

Im here! How wonderful you had another full family trip last year! I have been reading your trip reports for years! Always enjoy them!

Welcome! Welcome! Isn't it crazy to think that I've been writing for so long? I forget how much I love it.
Great start! I remember seeing that video and thought it was so funny!!

I wish that I didn't sound like such a hillbilly. LOL

My family makes fun of my for always having a snack bag until they are thanking me when they are starving in the car . Ugh dr appointment when you are trying to get out of town . Glad it went smoothly and didn’t cost you any time .

Ummmm, never make fun of the person who brings along the snack bag! They quickly become the popular one when someone gets a hankering for a snack.

I am here, Lisa!! :wave2: Yay for another TR!! Great start. That video is hilarious. :rotfl2:

Welcome Mel! I'm so glad that you are here!

Wonderful start, Lisa! :) YOu had a lot going on even before you got your real departure going.... eek!! You needed a vacation! Looking forward to reading along.

Welcome aboard! We were extremely happy that the medical testing didn't make us late leaving!
Following along! :wave:
In January, 2019, we made the decision to take one road trip per month for the entire year.

I love this!

I have this thing about making sure my house is clean before we leave.

This is me too. I especially love coming home to clean sheets.

Y'all disregard my country sounding self.

I laugh because I'm from Mobile but live in Tennessee and I hate listening to myself on video. I always think, I don't have an accent! :rotfl2: That's not what I sound like in my head anyway.
I made it! I remember that day and how you were so ready to be on the road!
Following along! :wave:


I love this!

We have found so many unique places within driving distance from our home. I already have a list started for 2020.

This is me too. I especially love coming home to clean sheets.


I laugh because I'm from Mobile but live in Tennessee and I hate listening to myself on video. I always think, I don't have an accent! :rotfl2: That's not what I sound like in my head anyway.

@racefanof88 is from Mobile! Where do you live in Tennessee? My daughter lived in Powell for several yeas.

Gurrrrrrllll, my accent is thick. Siri can't even understand me sometimes. And John can't hear well so I am loud on top of the drawl.
Driving through a whole lotta nothingness!

As you could tell from the video, it was dark by the time we stopped at the Sonic for burgers. Meaning that we would be driving across the top of Louisiana, down Mississippi and across the top of Alabama in the dark. This situation does not make for a great trip report. But, believe me when I say, there's not a whole lot of take pictures of anyway. Well, I take that back. We cross the Mississippi River as we cross into Mississippi. We pass by a cool old church that has what looks like a lighthouse built into it. In Hattiesburg, there's a college and hospital.

And that's about it until we reach Mobile, Alabama. Home of @racefanof88. Dana is one of the first friends that I met on the Disboards and we've met in "real life" as well when both of our families stayed at Caribbean Beach.

At some point, John called the hotel in Crestview to remind them that we would be a very very late arrival and not to give our room away to someone else. We sure didn't want to arrive and have no bed to lay our heads on.

It was around 12:50 a.m. when we neared Mobile, John attempted to take pictures but most came out really bad. The lights look as if they are melting.


We were soon at the tunnel where, you guessed it, I honked the horn 'cause that's what we always do when we go through a tunnel. I've heard of the light at the end of the tunnel but never a light at the start of a tunnel.


There's one good thing about traveling into the wee hours of the morning. No traffic. We were the only car around.


Even though it was 1 a.m., we weren't stopping yet. I had made a reservation for us to stay in Crestview, Florida which is very close to the halfway mark on our drive. So, we continued along I-10 until we reached the Florida Visitor's Center/rest area. It's always clean and has security making it a good place to stop even when it's super late (or early if you were to take the time we stopped quite literally). It felt good to stretch our legs and breath some fresh air. But we didn't waste much time as we were tired and ready to hit the sheets.

I mentioned before that I am cheap. I mean thrifty. For months prior to our trip, I searched for a decently priced hotel. I didn't want to stay in a roach motel but I also didn't want to spend a lot of money on a room that we would be in for less than 8 hours, 5 or 6 of which we would be asleep. I found a Baymont Inn that got decent reviews and the price was right. More than right....$76.43. I know what y'all are thinking. You are going to be staying in a rat hole. It wasn't. Thankfully. The hotel was undergoing a total refurbishment and there were four of the huge pods dumpster things in the parking lot.

I parked in the front and went to check in. The night clerk was a young guy. Probably 19 or 20. I checked us in, got the key and was given directions on where to find our room which wasn't hard because the hotel is small, one long building with the room doors facing outside. No interior hallways or paths to take. I had also booked Lacey and Hunter a room for their drive and I had the clerk pull up the reservation and take a look at it. When I booked, I reserved the room with my debit/credit card. I asked if he would make a notation that they would be paying with an alternate payment method and not to charge my card. He tip tapped on the computer and said "done". Go ahead.....guess.....I won't keep you in suspense. They charged it and they charged Lacey and Hunter too. It took two weeks for the charge to fall off.

Key in hand, I walked out to the car and we saw that the room was right above check in. But with all the construction pods, there were no parking spaces. We circled the building and found a parking place on the other side of the building. Thank goodness I pack an overnight bag and we didn't have to drag everything up the stairs and to the room. Our room was one of the newly remodeled rooms; however, we could tell that it wasn't completely finished. There was no sealer spongy stuff around the door, there were still stickers on a lot of the items, sticky places on the tile and there were no grab bars in the bathroom. It wasn't dirty. It just wasn't done. By this time, it was after 2 a.m. and we really didn't give a crap if it was finished or not. We were tired.



**Up next: I've never seen anything like this before in my life! Do you have a cup that I can pee in?


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Room does look nice for that rate, even if it wasn't done. I would have been bothered by it not being done staying there, but as you said it looks good for a decent sleep before you hit the road again!


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