What snacks were in your fridge or cupboard growing up?

I'm thinking there would have been more homemade baking for snacks as more stay at home moms.

That might be but my Mom always worked, and got a lot of flack about it too in those days. So, it was a real treat when they made homemade goodies on Friday or Saturday night.
Very little as far as anything pre-packaged goes. I dreamed of the processed, store-bought crap I saw on tv. :p We mostly only ate real food that my mother prepared and there was usually fruit, cheese and crackers, ice-cream and home baking for in-between mealtimes and always a bowl of cereal in a pinch.
I am "older" and was a teenager in the 60's! We didn't have snacks around like we do now. We had plenty of left overs from supper. I remember getting in the fridge for a snack of fried chicken or steak. That's what we had for "snacks". The real treats were for birthdays and holidays. We sometimes had a treat of homemade fudge or homemade ice cream, or popcorn on Saturday nights. I know it sounds like we missed out, but we never knew any different, and I feel it was healthier.
Now I have cookies, ice cream, chips and snack cakes around all the time.
Thanks for this thread, I forgot all about what we had as "snacks":)
OP here. My siblings are your age, but I also grew up in the 60s. :) And you are right, snacks, a lot of the time, were leftovers. But in my household, my mother had a sweet tooth (no doubt from her own deprived childhood). So we almost always had the jello (in a bowl, like someone else here described, with Saran Wrap over it which always puddled when you took it off from the condensation from the steam when hot water was poured in to make the jello - we did not really have too many bowls with covers then!) and the pudding, homemade and poured into individual cups, which is mainly what I remember. Later, probably more into the 70s, I also remember having Ring Dings and Devil Dogs, or Cheese Itz, but not a lot of chips or even half of the stuff we have today, so on that we agree! Ice cream was usually a go-out-for treat, or we had Hoodsie cups (which held a tiny portion of ice cream, really).

We always had apples and bananas for snacks.
Naturally! We were a big orange and pear family, too. To this day we always have plenty of apples, bananas and oranges on hand. I have an orange nightly as a snack, and apples go in all lunches; bananas for breakfast.
Not sure if it counts as a snack, but as a kid my favorite was frozen Pepperidge Farm raspberry turnovers. I actually prefer cherry turnovers, but that wasn't an option. My parents would let bake them myself. I also couldn't wait and ended up burning my mouth since the filling was still about 300ºF.

I found they were still available and decided to try them out with my kid. Our oven is kind of old, so I tried baking them in our toaster oven even though the directions say not to. I let them brown to a point where I would then toss foil over it to keep it from charring.

Not sure if it counts as a snack, but as a kid my favorite was frozen Pepperidge Farm raspberry turnovers. I actually prefer cherry turnovers, but that wasn't an option. My parents would let bake them myself. I also couldn't wait and ended up burning my mouth since the filling was still about 300ºF.

I found they were still available and decided to try them out with my kid. Our oven is kind of old, so I tried baking them in our toaster oven even though the directions say not to. I let them brown to a point where I would then toss foil over it to keep it from charring.

My BIL loves those!

We never had snacks around the house. My sister and I were a little chubby as kids, so we didn’t get between meal snacks or after school snacks or snacks while watching tv. The only time of year I remember there being anything snack like around the house was when mom baked Christmas cookies, but we had to ask before we had one. We had good home cooked meals though, so I don’t think we really missed them.
My mom made yogurt in a yogurt maker. She always bought fruit, I remember a lot of grapes, apples and peaches. My dad popped pop corn on the stove top in one particular lightweight aluminum pan. We also ate ice cream floats, vanilla ice cream in either coke, seven up or Barq’s root beer.
Interesting thread!
Thinking back, we had absolute garbage in our house. Which is shocking, because my mom is a nurse and was concerned about our health. We had cheesies, potato chips, Chips Ahoy (store brand) sugary kids cereal, pop and Kool Aid, Little Debbie snacks, etc. Lunch for me was always a baloney sandwich with an American cheese slice on white bread, a bag of chips, a Little Debbie snack and a Little Hug drink. Garbage! And my siblings and I have never had a weight problem at all. Go figure.
As a mom myself, I always tried to have healthy snacks for my kids. Fruits, veggies, homemade treats. My kids resent it and say the only “junk food” we ever had was pretzels. That’s not exactly true. Who knows. I guess we all try our best.
I also had a lot of Pepperidge Farm Goldfish growing up. Always a reliable snack. They're my kid's favorite now. Mostly I get them in the wholesale retail package so they're sealed.


I've also seen various pouches available. I don't buy them at our local supermarket because the price is just crazy high. We were just at a local supermarket and a box of 20 (of the ones in that photo) were $10. I buy that box of 45 at Costco for $9. I've also seen them sold at Grocery Outlet in all these oddball sizes like 8 packs of 0.9 oz pouches or even as single pouches for 20 cents. Once even "shareable" 4 oz bags. that were really cheap.
Mom adored sweets and so do I. We always had Little Debbie Oatmeal Crème Pies, Pepperidge Farm Turnovers and lots of different cookies. Chips weren't nearly as popular.
I remember once I went to a pool party in my neighborhood and someone had made homemade barbecue potato chips. They were so good, I ate too many and got sick! I also got sick once on salami, and on Bugles. To this day I am not a fan of any of those, really. Lol
Just talking to DH about this. He also had in his house a big bowl of jello and a big bowl of pudding that his mother made. His grandmother would bring over individual custards or tapioca puddings. They never had store bought cookies, but his mother always made different types of cookies, and they often had a homemade basic cake in the house. (That remained the case w MIL until she passed not too long ago.) His father's go to snack was Ritz crackers and peanut butter. Andhe said they always had peppers and eggs in the fridge to make a sandwich with. And white bread, to them, was scali bread. Oh, boy, he's still reminiscing and saying they also made their own popsicles! :lmao:
I remember those little popsicle trays too. They had little red plastic handles for the sticks. They didn’t taste great, but a snack is a snack is a snack. Someone we knew made what they called icebergs that had absolutely yummy ingredients including cream which I remember mom making. All different flavors. I think I still have the recipe! I am going to search for it!
Growing up in the 50's...

Stove cooked chocolate pudding, stove cooked egg custard, canned peaches and apricots (Dole), pineapple upside down cake, pecan sandies cookies, Good Humor Ice Cream Bars

Chocolate wafer ice box cake
I still cook pudding on the stovetop. It's the only kind I like now, probably because I grew up eating it.
It's funny, but my grandkids wouldn't try it because it didn't come in a plastic cup????LOL. They looked at it like it was weird!
British kid here. I snacked on apples and bananas, plus quavers (kind of twisty potato starch snacks) or wotsits (cheese puffs) and fruit cereal bars for my school packed lunches. I also liked to eat coco shreddies as a snack out of the box, yoghurts (or fromage frais when I was little) and when I was feeling naughty, sliced meat that was meant to be for sandwiches. In the summer, the freezer would be stocked with ice lollies and those freeze pops in the plastic tubes. I LOVED those.
Cereal (Cheerios and Shreddies only)
Once in a great white while if my mom was feeling REALLY generous (or had a hankering herself): Pretzel sticks or "Smart Food" popcorn.


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