What if Grandma can't go???

AmyJ of Ca

DIS Veteran
Dec 22, 2003
We're booked on the 7/2/05 West Coast cruise. We asked my MIL to go because she is the full time caregiver to my FIL and doesn't get any breaks 24/7. We won't have any problems getting someone to help with FIL for the cruise but what happens if he gets sick and Grandma can't go. We booked 2 connecting cat 9 and the way the CM put in the reservation she is the only adult listed in the 2nd room with 2 of our kids (We will have 2 kids in our room as well). Will there be a problem switching either my husband or myself with her so we keep the other room if she is unable to go. We did get trip insurance but was worried if she was the only one not able to go. I read on another thread that if a name is changed it tis considered a cancellation and that has got me worried. Thanks for any help you can give. Amy
did you book with DCL directly or through a TA? I'd call whoever you booked with to get a concrete answer....
I'm sure your TA can help, but maybe you could change the name from your MIL to your husband, that way if she couldn't make it the only change would be to delete her reservation.
I booked with DCL directly and I have called them twice regarding this and they said that I could change the name later to my husband if needed (with no problem) but from what I read here (Dis) that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm just worried that my kids will get cancelled with her... I did ask to switch the name both times I called and they told me both times that is wasn't necesary?? Are they right? Can I change the lead name on a reservation with no problem if I use someone already in another room and with NO CHARGE!!!? I just don't want to have a BIG problem the week before we leave.
call back and dont ask if you can switch the names
just tell them you want to. they dont need to know why.

if they say anything, just repeat, I am calling to put the room
in my husband's name.

that's all.
I have a simliar situation except it is my mom.

I booked on board and DCL put my mom in one room but with my name as the lead ressie.

I called them upon returing and changes it to my wife as the name in that room, and move my mom's name to my room. Tha way if I need to cancel I can easily cancel one name and no do the switch and potentialy get a price increase.
Answer: Travel Insurance.

Before our very large group booked our trip with the TA, she gave us information about travel insurance.

She gave us a little pamphlet, but one of my friends found better rates on-line.

My friend, Kathy, had to get the travel insurance because her mother has cancer, and if something should go wrong and she cannot go at the last minute, the travel insurance will pay everything, including airfare.

My other friend, Debbie, has two daughters with Cystic Fibrosis. She also purchased the travel insurance in case the girls get sick and they cannot go.

Since your MIL is the caregiver and her going depends on the health of her husband, I would definitely look into that. My girlfriend, Kathy, is not the primary caregiver of her mother. Her mother is able-bodied and attends college, but she is suffering from cancer. The woman Kathy spoke to over the telephone at one of the travel insurance companies gave her the insurance with no problems.

So your MIL (or you) should check out a travel insurance site and call them and see if your situation will be covered. Like I said, Kathy's was.

If you would like I will find out the web site address for the TI that our group is using. However there is one catch. You must purchase the TI at the same time or a little bit after you book your trip. Kathy and Debbie had two weeks to apply for the TI after booking the cruise.

In fact, every family is going to be purchasing the TI, but we don't have to until we make our final payment on the trip. Our TA said, with a cruise, it is highly adviseable.

Good Luck :)
why don't you switch the names NOW? Switch you & grandma .. so if she cancels later, she's not the primary adult listed on the room. Where you actually sleep once on the ship is not dictated by the names on the ressie.....
OK, problem solved. I just called and told them that I wanted the names switched and they tried to discourage me AGAIN, and said it wasn't necesary, but I said for my peace of mind would you PLEASE and they agreed (at no charge). Who knows if it was 3 weeks before we sailed and I wanted to switch what would have happened but now I won't have to worry about it!! Thanks for your replies..Amy:D
Glad that you were able to make the change now. Travel insurance wouldn't help you to get a new room for the girls and there is no need for you to pay an increased rate because of that. Now you don't have to worry about it. :)


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