What I Learned at WDW Last Week


DIS Veteran
Nov 25, 2007
So we left our twins with Grandma last week and DH & I took just DS7 back to Disney. You couldn't pay me to bring one year old twins down there! After Hurricane Irene, our 7 day vacation was shortened to 6 days and this is what I learned....

1) Forget body odor, holy gas batman! Did I miss the free beans give away Disney is doing?! I swear, I have never had such an issue dealing with flatulence in my life. One family of four got on the bus, sat in the back row and proceeded to pass gas letting the air intake behind them pull it in and then pump the wonderful aroma throughout the entire bus like the main street bakery with fresh baked cookies. It was awful!!!
2) Going from Deluxe (Poly) to Value (PopCentury) is not hard! I felt the deluxe rooms are bigger, but the value rooms are cleaner. Our shower, toilet and walls were in much better shape then at the Poly. That shower was gross and scary. I'm 5'5" and the shower head was at my neck level. Nice to see the value resort can get it right and allow me to take a nice shower in the morning without having to duck!
3) Never eat at the PopCentury food court. Food is ok at best and it's very dirty since there's no way Disney could keep up with the mass amount of people who go through there. It's pure chaos.
4) Try the PopCentury arcade, we had tons of fun in there for 30 minutes!
5) The buses at PopCentury are great. Never waited more then 7-8 minutes for a bus, even after Fantasmic and Wishes. My new favorite quote is "if you can see the floor, we can fit some more"!
6) Being a Mom of twins, I understand the need for double strollers. But why on earth do people need to bring their double joggers that are bigger then my first car?! Jeep makes a really nice double umbrella, takes up much less room, runs over less people and takes a fraction of the time to fold up and get on a bus!
7) I'm ready for the flames, but there were many things that DH and I did based on recommendations of others that we simply didn't like.
Toy Story: waited in line for 46 minutes (better then standing outside in the pouring rain!) for a 5 minute ride that made my DH feel "dirty". Seriously. Didn't the imagineers try the ride out before they put it in production, men truly have an advantage if you know what I mean! DS loved it so it was worth waiting for.
Fantasmic: first night, sat in pouring rain with ponchos, got 20 minutes in, Ariel almost fell off her rock and show was cancelled due to weather. Went back a couple nights later and honestly, I was not impressed. Thought there was way too much of that movie on a waterfall crap and not enough actual show. I got bored a bunch of times!
Wishes: my apologies to the die hard wishes fans, but I don't get this one either! Don't get me wrong, it was good. But it is not something I want to brave stampedes for nor did it move me to tears.
Lion King Show: it was cute, but not great. I thought the funniest part was when they needed more dancers for the final scene so they monkeys stood in one spot and clapped left to right. Seriously, they are acrobats, not dancers. And it's very obvious they can't dance when you put them on the floor with professional dancers!!!
8) Buy the ponchos, and bring a giant Ziploc bag. We would put the ponchos on and as we walked on to a ride, roll them up and stuff them in the Ziploc bag. Took them back out as we exited and put them back on. Worked perfect.
9) Don't believe the "it only rains for less then an hour a day in Florida, so don't believe the weather report you read online" crap! It rained. It rained A LOT. We used our ponchos every day. But it wasn't a non-stop rain either, nor did it even remotely come close to ruining our vacation. If anything, it made it a fun adventure! With no little kids and no strollers, the rain is very easy to deal with, and the parks are a lot less crowded! So bring your ponchos and be prepared to use them. Oh yeah, bring extra shoes too. Yours will get soaked and started making those squishy squeaking noises.
10) Get ADR's for Crystal Palace before park opening. I did this based on a DisBoard tip and it was AWESOME! Park was empty when we got there, food was fantastic. By far one of the best breakfast buffets I have ever been too, and DS ended up loving the Pooh characters that I thought he wouldn't care about. Best part is we got out at 8:50am and got to listen to the opening ceremony from the tomorrow land bridge. Got to be first in line for Space Mountain!
11) Rain Forest Cafe does NOT take the DDP for breakfast. Tusker House does and the food is pretty good there, plus there's Mickey. Loved the Jamba Juice.
12) Don't put your camera and phone in the butt pocket of your shorts in August. It's hot, you will sweat, including your butt, and then your camera and phone will have butt sweat on it. Eww....
13) August heat is manageable and it's worth suffering through for the incredibly low crowd levels. Just drink tons of water and keep going on attractions that have air conditioning. Turns out DS loved the President show since he had learned about a lot of them in school. DH took a nice nap...
14) Check out easywdw.com, that guy was dead on in his park recommendations. The one day we didn't listen to him and went to MK anyways, it was crowded. But all the days we followed his guide, we had 5-10min waits for almost all rides! Got to walk on and ride BTMR three times in a row!
15) You'll be surprised at how much Spanish you actually remember from those four years back in high school once you hear it non-stop!
16) PhotoPass photographers are bored. Very bored. And they get very excited if you ask them to take photos of you making funny faces or with funny poses. You get a lot more photos that way too.
17) The steak at Tony's is amazing and the serving size is huge. I have no idea what kind of potatoes they serve with that, but they were awesome too.
18) Bring flip-flops for the kids even if you're a socks/sneaker Mom like me. They need them to walk to the pool, the concrete walk ways are hot!
19) Always offer to help a Mom in need, you have no idea what her story is. I helped a 8-month pregnant Mom with a double stroller, tons of packages, her 10yo nephew, 5yo daughter and 3yo daughter onto the bus. Turns out they were there to celebrate 5yo daughters end of chemo treatment. She was so thankful for my help and was such a nice woman. If you're reading this, I hope your daughters next round of tests confirm her remission!

I guess that's all for now, overall we had an awesome trip and a little hurricane and some rain didn't keep us down! I would go back the same time of year simply because the crowd levels were so low. We made it on every major ride in all four parks in 2.5 days. This gave us the chance for the first time ever to liesurly explore WDW at our own pace, it was amazing! It was so nice to not feel like we had to rush, and to be able to change our dining plans on a whim since every restraunt (except Sci-Fi!) had tons of openings. It was a great time and I can't wait until we can go back in four years as a Family of Five. I'm already starting to think about where we might want to stay for that trip!....
7) I'm ready for the flames, but there were many things that DH and I did based on recommendations of others that we simply didn't like.
Toy Story: waited in line for 46 minutes (better then standing outside in the pouring rain!) for a 5 minute ride that made my DH feel "dirty". Seriously. Didn't the imagineers try the ride out before they put it in production, men truly have an advantage if you know what I mean! DS loved it so it was worth waiting for.
Fantasmic: first night, sat in pouring rain with ponchos, got 20 minutes in, Ariel almost fell off her rock and show was cancelled due to weather. Went back a couple nights later and honestly, I was not impressed. Thought there was way too much of that movie on a waterfall crap and not enough actual show. I got bored a bunch of times!
Wishes: my apologies to the die hard wishes fans, but I don't get this one either! Don't get me wrong, it was good. But it is not something I want to brave stampedes for nor did it move me to tears.
Lion King Show: it was cute, but not great. I thought the funniest part was when they needed more dancers for the final scene so they monkeys stood in one spot and clapped left to right. Seriously, they are acrobats, not dancers. And it's very obvious they can't dance when you put them on the floor with professional dancers!!!

Great report! I have to agree with you about Toy Story Mania. I don't get it either. Nor do I think Wishes is all that great! I perfer Hallowishes to be honest! I feel your pain with the rain. The first time my hubby and I went to Disney as a married couple it rained everyday all day of our trip. Having extra shoes and dry socks are a must if you are wearing sneakers! I'll have to try your suggestion of making funny faces and doing funny poses with photopass when we are there in a few weeks!

Toy Story: waited in line for 46 minutes (better then standing outside in the pouring rain!) for a 5 minute ride that made my DH feel "dirty". Seriously. Didn't the imagineers try the ride out before they put it in production, men truly have an advantage if you know what I mean!....

I am sure your DH will allow you to practice to get into shape for your next visit to Toy Story. ;)


you said the crowds weren't bad? could i ask the dates of your trip? we were thinking of going in august next year instead of july. if the crowds are a lot less that may seal the deal for us!!!
Toy Story: waited in line for 46 minutes (better then standing outside in the pouring rain!) for a 5 minute ride that made my DH feel "dirty". Seriously. Didn't the imagineers try the ride out before they put it in production, men truly have an advantage if you know what I mean! DS loved it so it was worth waiting for.

I actually love the ride but I'm glad someone else said this. When I complained that I didn't do as well despite having a much much higher accuracy score was because he could pull the cord much faster due to practice he claimed that it wasn't the same muscles at all and that I was just being dirty.
:rotfl:I have complained to my DH every time that he wins by default. Shame on me for continuing to try so hard though...maybe I'll win next time!
you said the crowds weren't bad? could i ask the dates of your trip? we were thinking of going in august next year instead of july. if the crowds are a lot less that may seal the deal for us!!!

Don't know OP travel dates, but we always go in August - typically the 2nd or 3rd week and this year we went the 3-10. Crowd levels are very low imo. We never waited more than 20 min. for most rides and a lot of times, the waits were 5-10 min. Now, on rides like Soarin, TT, SM, Splash, EE, the wait times got to about 60 min, but we always FP those anyway...HTH!
7) I'm ready for the flames, but there were many things that DH and I did based on recommendations of others that we simply didn't like.
Fantasmic: first night, sat in pouring rain with ponchos, got 20 minutes in, Ariel almost fell off her rock and show was cancelled due to weather. Went back a couple nights later and honestly, I was not impressed. Thought there was way too much of that movie on a waterfall crap and not enough actual show. I got bored a bunch of times!

I'm happy to see I'm the only one who isn't that impressed with Fantasmic. It's cute to see once but I think I'm done planning my DHS day around seeing this. I'm usually with people who love it or have never seen it before, and while my next trip will be with a first-timer I think I can convince my boyfriend we'd rather go rides or have a nice dinner than see this.
Y'all a bunch of pervs....:thumbsup2

(actually, I'm a perv, too, and I'm surprised this never occured to me before!!)
I just had to share - we were at the SAME Fantasmic show! (The one that got cancelled and Ariel almost fell off her rock).
I will NEVER look at Toy Story Mania the same way again. ROFL!

I love the Dis because we all have our opinions on what we love. I am not a Fantasmic fan but other people LOVE it and see it every trip. I will admit I have teared up during Wishes but that is me, I love it. Sounds like a fun trip minus the bus gas family, so gross!!!!!!
you said the crowds weren't bad? could i ask the dates of your trip?
Thanks to Hurricane Irene, our trip was moved out a couple days, we were there from Tues 8/30 until Sun 9/4. Saturday and Sunday were a little busy, but it was Labor Day weekend after all. The other days the parks were so easy to navigate, there were so few people it was worth suffering through the heat and rain! When I get home tonight I'll try and post some empty park photos so you can see how low the crowd levels were.
So Teenage boys have a distinct advantage?
Yes they do!!!:lmao:
I just had to share - we were at the SAME Fantasmic show! (The one that got cancelled and Ariel almost fell off her rock).
We went back two days later and it was so different. A lot more smiling faces when we weren't all getting drenched by rain! They did the wave from one side of the arena to the other side at least a dozen times.
Your post made me lol - I appreciate the humor in some of your observations. I disagree about F! as we really liked it (more than Wishes and Illuminations) but I think it depends on your expectations.

There is so much hype on the DIS and other planning sites about it some of these WDW shows, attractions, experiences, meals etc... And the planning that is required to be able to see/do most of these things just adds to the build up. Making reservations 180 days in advance (CRT), getting to the park 1 hour before it opens (TSM, JTA), making sure that your schedule includes DHS on a F! day, staking out a spot for Wishes or Illuminations or a parade hours before...

There is really no way for the reality to live up to the expectations.
Thank you all!! My DBF & I have never been on TSM. On our upcoming trip--IN 2 WEEKS--we have a late EMH planned during which my main goal was TSM so we could say we'd done it. Now that I know I am doomed to fail, I won't feel badly if we don't make it. I suspect, though, that after incinerating me, DBF will tell me it's because he was an Army marksman and no other reason!!
OMG that was freakin' hilarious! I've been going to Disney since I was 10 but my last trip was about 4 years ago before TSM opened. I'll have to pay attention to that aspect! LMBO! :laughing:
...after incinerating me, DBF will tell me it's because he was an Army marksman and no other reason!!

Oh, I am quite sure that being in the Army will indeed have something to do with his proficiency!


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