When my dad told me he liked my hair the most at my sister's wedding and I was very pretty. I have 4 sisters and we were all standing up as bridesmaids in our youngest sisters' wedding party. I was about 35, the bride was 27. I feel like I am the "ugliest" of my sisters, which may or may not be true, lol, but my sisters are all very pretty and it's hard to compete! haha
Anyway, my mother has always made me feel very ugly - "your face is too narrow and you should wear a more flattering hair style, just look at your sister's pretty oval face" everyone else has blue eyes and I have green....some of my sisters are blonde and I am brunette....I am the tallest at 5'7" so I tower over my 5'2" cute, petite, tiny sister....just so many things!
All my sisters had decided to wear their hair in some version of an up-do, and I decided to wear mine down as it was about halfway down my back at the time. The stylist did a sort of carefree "Kardashian" look with it (I actually loved it - it turned out awesome! LOL) While we were waiting between the service and reception, my dad came up to me and whispered "You look very pretty and I like your hair the best!" He is not a very "touchy-feely" man and he jokes around a lot, so I laughed and said "Oh, I bet you said that to all of us! Haha"
The look on his face very clearly told me he did NOT and that he was being very sincere and meant it. He made me cry! I think it was seriously the nicest, best thing anyone has ever said to me. Ever.