What does everyone do for a living?

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our user names speak for themselves. I am a SAHM to DD and DS (9yr old). I have BS in Finance.

My DH, TheBeast, is a - no not really a beast (only some days when he won't let me buy more DVC points :teeth:, but an Engineering Program Manager.
DisneyPhD said:
Too cool. My DH is a PhD chemist too (per screen name.) Inorgainc mostly, and is now in education (as stated a few pages ago.) If he went into industury most likely it would pay better, but he does get July and Aug of to spend time with family (the only down side those are not got times to go to WDW!)

I have to say, yes, my current job IS kinda cool -- I'm an analytical / process chemist by trade. I'm also conflicted, as my undergrad degree was 2 majors (English and chemistry) and a math minor. Just couldn't decide, haha. And to be honest, the main reason I got the PhD is so I could teach someday! First love is English ... but let's face it, science puts more beans on my table. And another sad fact is that schools just can't pay what industry does, so hence, I've been doing the industrial thing now for 13 years. The company I work for was willing to let me work the past 10 yrs of that part-time on a very flexible schedule. I have only just recently returned to work full-time this summer (our youngest child is going to all-day kindergarten in just a few weeks -- How time FLIES!) I feel I owe them (the company) a certain amount of loyalty for allowing me to work at a pace that suited our growing family needs.

I try to satisfy my teaching yen at my kids' school -- I am chair of their Academic Boosters program, and last year, they let me run a whole day for grades 1-6 doing creative thinking excercises, and then again a few months later we did a whole day on various earth science topics. I am planning a hands-on Science Saturday this year and really looking forward to it -- it is one of the best days of vacation I take all year! I also judge at Science fairs, too. I tried to get on board teaching at local high schools -- but the people in the public school board I spoke to were QUITE rude and it turned me off. (Private was a bit better -- though very uncertain.) Mind you, I was totally humble, just asking what the requirements might be for someone with a BA in Chemistry and English and PhD in Chemistry, figuring I would need some Ad Psych, and student teaching hrs, etc... THought maybe I could work my way towards the requirements over a few years time, even. Well, they basically said I should expect to go back full-time to a major university and get my masters in Ed. Hmmmm.... and maybe while I'm doing THAT, I thought, I could teach chemistry THERE, haha! After all, I am apparently fine to teach 18 yr old college freshman (did it while I was in grad school, even) but not 17 yr olds, I guess. Oh well. Sometimes I do feel like I sold out my real passion for a paycheck...

Sorry to drone on... tell your DH kudos to him for teaching... I am envious of his job and the personal rewards teaching brings (and also those summers off, LOL!)
:sunny: :smooth:
Finance/Payroll Analyst for Universal Studios (Hollywood).
I am a RN, and I manage several recovery rooms in a large surgical hospital. My husband is a Road Foreman on the railroad. Our wannabe jobs are fairy godmother and bus driver at WDW. Someday. Sandie
gopherit said:
I try to satisfy my teaching yen at my kids' school -- I am chair of their Academic Boosters program, and last year, they let me run a whole day for grades 1-6 doing creative thinking excercises, and then again a few months later we did a whole day on various earth science topics. I am planning a hands-on Science Saturday this year and really looking forward to it -- it is one of the best days of vacation I take all year! I also judge at Science fairs, too. I tried to get on board teaching at local high schools -- but the people in the public school board I spoke to were QUITE rude and it turned me off. (Private was a bit better -- though very uncertain.) Mind you, I was totally humble, just asking what the requirements might be for someone with a BA in Chemistry and English and PhD in Chemistry, figuring I would need some Ad Psych, and student teaching hrs, etc... THought maybe I could work my way towards the requirements over a few years time, even. Well, they basically said I should expect to go back full-time to a major university and get my masters in Ed. Hmmmm.... and maybe while I'm doing THAT, I thought, I could teach chemistry THERE, haha! After all, I am apparently fine to teach 18 yr old college freshman (did it while I was in grad school, even) but not 17 yr olds, I guess. Oh well. Sometimes I do feel like I sold out my real passion for a paycheck...
:sunny: :smooth:

You wouldn't necessarily need to go and get an MSED degree to teach. Many colleges offer a teacher certification program that would allow you to be "certified" to teach elementary/middle/high school. I find it odd that someone with a Masters degree can teach on the college level, but I also understand that teaching those in the early teens is a whole different ballpark! I personally LOVE teaching on the community college level as there isn't the pressure for publications and dependency on research and bringing in grants, etc... That and most of the students actually want to be there! Well... they at least want the degree so they know they have to be there.
As my name implies - I help people fall asleep...

Actually, I'm a librarian by education but working in research systems administration for a large university in MA where people 'pahk their cahs'.
OK - lets see if I can figure out WHAT I do for a living.

I am a girl Friday for 3 independent commercial real estate guys (25% of my time) and the other 75% is much more complicated. I work for a company that develops, owns and manages strip centers - the kind with a grocery store and several smaller stores in one long "strip". We are a small company so I am responsible for many things - tenant billing and lease administration, payroll, year end tax prep, all govt taxes and forms filed, keeping track of over 120 bank accounts (and keeping them balanced, etc), blah blah blah....basically - we are so small that everyone here does whatever is necessary to keep things running.

(btw - have a BBA in Info Systems, but HATED computers when I got out of college, so the numbers games seem to fit me much better!)

Its wonderful :teeth:
My degree is in geology, but of course, now I am a Database Administrator for a large Media/Entertainment company. I handle all of the production data for the company from the financial records to the programming schedules and movies you see on your TV.

My DW is a SAHM mom right now to our DD4 and DS1, but is also a Montessori Teacher.
I'm a CPA currently working in the insurance industry as a financial analysis manager (business planning, financial modeling, etc.). :badpc: DH is a Human Resources manager.
Myself-Instructional Aide for grades 5,6,7 & 8, DH-Technician for a Locksmith Company
Jeez, what haven't I been? Started out as an industrial design student at Carnegie Mellon, got discovered by Eileen Ford from Ford Models and sent to Italy for a while, came back to America, went back to school, married college sweetheart from CMU, became a publicist for the University of Miami sports information, became the director of technical support for an orthodontic software company, had two daughters 18 months apart and became a full time mom, now I'm still a full time mom and reasonably successful freelance writer. I definitely like being the full time mom the best-just such a blast to have kids! Except when they decide to coat their bathroom with conditioner. The whole bathroom....

Husband is like previous posters-a marvelous geek with a title that is both unpronounceable and unfathomable. He likes what he does, though, whatever it is!
gopherit said:
I have to say, yes, my current job IS kinda cool -- I'm an analytical / process chemist by trade. I'm also conflicted, as my undergrad degree was 2 majors (English and chemistry) and a math minor. Just couldn't decide, haha. And to be honest, the main reason I got the PhD is so I could teach someday! First love is English ... but let's face it, science puts more beans on my table. And another sad fact is that schools just can't pay what industry does, so hence, I've been doing the industrial thing now for 13 years. The company I work for was willing to let me work the past 10 yrs of that part-time on a very flexible schedule. I have only just recently returned to work full-time this summer (our youngest child is going to all-day kindergarten in just a few weeks -- How time FLIES!) I feel I owe them (the company) a certain amount of loyalty for allowing me to work at a pace that suited our growing family needs.

I try to satisfy my teaching yen at my kids' school -- I am chair of their Academic Boosters program, and last year, they let me run a whole day for grades 1-6 doing creative thinking excercises, and then again a few months later we did a whole day on various earth science topics. I am planning a hands-on Science Saturday this year and really looking forward to it -- it is one of the best days of vacation I take all year! I also judge at Science fairs, too. I tried to get on board teaching at local high schools -- but the people in the public school board I spoke to were QUITE rude and it turned me off. (Private was a bit better -- though very uncertain.) Mind you, I was totally humble, just asking what the requirements might be for someone with a BA in Chemistry and English and PhD in Chemistry, figuring I would need some Ad Psych, and student teaching hrs, etc... THought maybe I could work my way towards the requirements over a few years time, even. Well, they basically said I should expect to go back full-time to a major university and get my masters in Ed. Hmmmm.... and maybe while I'm doing THAT, I thought, I could teach chemistry THERE, haha! After all, I am apparently fine to teach 18 yr old college freshman (did it while I was in grad school, even) but not 17 yr olds, I guess. Oh well. Sometimes I do feel like I sold out my real passion for a paycheck...

Sorry to drone on... tell your DH kudos to him for teaching... I am envious of his job and the personal rewards teaching brings (and also those summers off, LOL!)
:sunny: :smooth:

Yes DH says that his students think it is funny that is he qualifed to teach them only AFTER they graduate from HS. :teeth:

They also think it is funny that he used to teach at the biggest college in Michigan (MSU) and now they get the same teacher at a small community college. However he is happy there and the pay is acutally BETTER!

You might want to consider some of the local community colleges near you, they like to hire part time who work in industy and LOVE it when you have a PhD (one of the reasons they conviced my hubby to work there.)

Either way good luck, I sometimes wish he had gone into industry since it does pay more and I am currenlty a SAHM so his income is it for us. However he smells much much better then when we was in grad school. :rolleyes1
I am the pastor of a wonderful little country church.

DH is retired Air Force, now working as a Sales Associate at Sherwin Williams.

I am an RN specializing in Pediatric Oncology-what I wish I was & always dreamed of is a Disney Animator...the old school kind. ::MinnieMo
My DH is Vice President & Senior Operations officer in a bank.
Depending on the day of the week I'm a: SAHM, self-employed in direct sales, relator & consultant. I'm retired from a large financial institution (already spent my pension LOL), and have worked as a tax preparer, bartender & secretary. Lately, I mostly chat on this forum. Good thing my DH is a mill hunk, i.e. steelworker, or we'd starve. :blush:
I am a branch manager at a fairly large bank. I also do home parties on the side. Dh is in inside sales and showroom manager for a paper supply company-oh and he's also a full time LSU fan- that's his most important job, keeping the tailgating krewe ready to tailgate!
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