What a difference a year makes . . .


<font color=green>I peeked at the presents one Chr
Nov 3, 2001
Exactly one year ago today my DH had gone back to work after our trip to WDW only to find out he would no longer have a job. After 10 months at a really crummy job, he was called out of the blue and was offered the job he wanted all along. He is much happier now, but really busy.

Things finally seem to be moving forward for us instead of backward.

I hope everyone has a very happy and healthy new year!!
That is wonderful news to hear!!!! So glad things are looking up for you! Happy New Year :)
Wonderful news, cinlee3, one door closes, another opens, usually better. Great!!!! :sunny:
That's great! I'm glad your outlook for 2003 is superb!


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