Wet, Sweat, Fun & Sun But You Have HOW Many Snack Credits Left?

As far as photopass what the heck did they do? So you can no longer pay one price and get unlimited downloads or a disc? And no more borders? Luckily with DL I never do PP pics anyway but was going to do them at DW. Glad they still have memory maker. That is crazy!
I don't believe WDW has changed their photopass product. I do know you can't get the disc at Disneyland anymore or do border and it is a daily price. I am hoping Laurie has some more info since she was just there.
I don't believe WDW has changed their photopass product. I do know you can't get the disc at Disneyland anymore or do border and it is a daily price. I am hoping Laurie has some more info since she was just there.

That's crazy. Why in the world would they get rid of the borders??? That is so dumb! And who would ever want to pay 39 per day! That is why honestly I never do them at DL anymore. I just take pics with my camera anyway but still. I seriously don't know what disney is thinking!

Oh and I meant to say the other day I totally get what you mean about Seattle vs. Disneyland. I love it up there and pretty much anywhere you go nowadays gets expensive but I think you are right. NOTHING compares to Disney and although I am kind of on a kick of doing "other" trips that are on my bucket list I still have to fit in Disney at least once a year. We are lucky we live in Northern CA so we usually get down there at least once a year if only for a few days. We just went this past summer but it had been over a year and that is the longest it has ever been for us. We used to have AP's but like everything else it has gotten so expensive and we had other things going on so we just didn't go. We went in Oct of 13 and then for ONE day in March of 14 for a school trip but then not again till June of 15. We loved it and the 60th stuff but it was super crowded so we tried to go back this past Oct but once again had to cancel as my mom was about to have double knee surgery and we also had to move our office. So we have some air credits and we are going to take a 3 day weekend end of August to use the credit and hopefully get to see the 60th stuff one last time before it goes away. But after that we are hoping to do another big NON Disney trip in 17 so prob no disney trips again till Feb of 18 when we go on the Diva trip. That is the one Laurie just went on. I have done it 4 times but my last one was in 13 so def wanting to get back to that as well.

Oh and the reason that we had to cancel DW but can still do the south is because we ALREADY had the air credit and even re-booking for the south we still had almost 100 each leftover which we are going to use for DL. And the big thing that made us cancel is we had not bought our tickets or paid for our universal package. Plus food which is outragous. I mean you can barely eat anywhere other than QS that isn't 20 or 30 bucks PP. That adds up quick when you have 5 people. So for this trip we can get rooms, even suites with free breakfast for around 100 to 150 per night and there are no tickets to buy. We may do a few things that cost but nothing compared to the price of the 6 day tickets. Plus the food will not be even close. So while we will still be spending we won't spend NEARLY as much as we would have AND she was going to have to fork over 5,000 in April. Now she doesn't have to spend ANYTHING till the actual trip in June. So that is how it is working. Like I said I am sad but excited at the same time.
Oh and the reason that we had to cancel DW but can still do the south is because we ALREADY had the air credit and even re-booking for the south we still had almost 100 each leftover which we are going to use for DL. And the big thing that made us cancel is we had not bought our tickets or paid for our universal package. Plus food which is outragous. I mean you can barely eat anywhere other than QS that isn't 20 or 30 bucks PP. That adds up quick when you have 5 people. So for this trip we can get rooms, even suites with free breakfast for around 100 to 150 per night and there are no tickets to buy. We may do a few things that cost but nothing compared to the price of the 6 day tickets. Plus the food will not be even close. So while we will still be spending we won't spend NEARLY as much as we would have AND she was going to have to fork over 5,000 in April. Now she doesn't have to spend ANYTHING till the actual trip in June. So that is how it is working. Like I said I am sad but excited at the same time.

Your trip to the south really sounds fun. There are places other than Disney "gasp" that I would love to see. That trip sounds fantastic. The thing with Disney, is that I am a single mom and I feel totally safe when I am in the Disney bubble. Sure, I have to drive to Disneyland, but once there, I don't have to worry about new highways or freeways or what part of the city is the bad part that I don't want to stay at. Now that the kids are older, we might try some of those, but I tend to get really stressed out while driving. What is weird is that I can do California fine. Take me to Portland or Seattle and I hate driving there. Maybe because I am from California, originally.

Sorry Laurie for the hijacking.
Your trip to the south really sounds fun. There are places other than Disney "gasp" that I would love to see. That trip sounds fantastic. The thing with Disney, is that I am a single mom and I feel totally safe when I am in the Disney bubble. Sure, I have to drive to Disneyland, but once there, I don't have to worry about new highways or freeways or what part of the city is the bad part that I don't want to stay at. Now that the kids are older, we might try some of those, but I tend to get really stressed out while driving. What is weird is that I can do California fine. Take me to Portland or Seattle and I hate driving there. Maybe because I am from California, originally.

Sorry Laurie for the hijacking.
Yea I get it. I live in CA so Disney is easy for me too and I def feel like that is something I could do on my own. I travel with my mom or parents most of the time cuz I can't afford big trips as I am a single mom as well. And we LOVE Disney and I love to do it whenever possible but we have a lot on our bucket list and my parents are now in their 70's and I'm almost 50 so I want to get these trips done before I can't anymore. :)
That's ok....we had a wonderful trip!!

Shy's chickenpox were really mild. The boys kept her home all week with them and she went back this week. Michayla broke her ankle the Monday we left, the xray didn't show a break.....so she walked around on it for a week before it got re-checked (after I got home and realized it was still huge & she had beat herself up to the point of her face being swollen.....she is self injurous but even more so when hurting). They put her in a walking boot, which is good....we can still put her in a bathtub! She's on pain meds now......so a little more mellow....but still hurting.

So glad it was a great trip!!

OH dear! My daughter did that too because the first xray was negative for a fracture on her foot. I felt terrible that she was walking around on it for so long. But I understand that it was probably much worse for Shy having the pain and making the self-harm issue worse. :( Hope those pain meds are working and she's getting some rest and relief!
I think what people meant about AK being a half day is it used to only be open till 5 and at least back then there weren't very many rides and since most of the other parks were open till 9 or later then you could technically do another. I know that now if we went at busy season it would be different but all the times I went when it was dead we could do all the rides in a few hours and I have seen the shows and even if I did want to see them again I could prob do it all by 5 IF it were the way it was but now they will hopefully have more going on.

We had kind of a shake up at work. We have scaled back and needed to have our secretary either go part time or do something different. We thought we got a god send the other day when our new office offered her a job and we could split her but she quit after 2 days and mom can't keep her fulltime. She also has a lot of stuff in the works but no deals have closed yet and time is getting short. Even without my dad going it is still going to be SUPER expensive. So we may have to cancel. I will be sad but honestly I was kind of dreading my first time back being at such a busy time and then with the heat. I hate to put it off god knows how long but it may be for the best.

Anyway look forward to seeing the rest of your report and any future ones. At least for now I have to live vicariously through you ;)

I know the hours are shorter but hopefully with the added night show, the hours will be a bit longer.

Well it is official I just cancelled our DW trip. I won't lie and say I am not super sad and other than maybe a quick little 3 day trip to DL in August I don't know when we will get back to either one. Most likely we are going to try and do our big trip next summer either Europe or the east coast again all depending on funds so prob we won't get back to DL till the ladies trip in 18. As for DW I told mom I don't want to even think about going till we can go in the fall. I am sad to have to wait but much prefer that time of year. So either just she and I will go or we will wait till the girls are in college and hopefully shelby will get into the college program and go from there. I am DEF going to have a lot of questions about that cuz she REALLY wants to do it. But she is only a freshman so it's going to be awhile. And katy is not interested. :/ We are going to wait till June and see how the money is but probably going to use our airfare credits from Florida to go to Seattle and Victoria for a week. Won't have to pay for airfare and can do that MUCH cheaper than Florida. Not the same but something!

Super sad but sounds like you have a good plan in it's place now!!

I agree with you with the tickets. I'm an 18 year annual passholder to Disneyland, a former Disneyland Paris passholder (it was cheaper to do that than 4 day tickets), a gold d23 member (actually my whole family is, got the family membership), a former premier passholder, and a Gold Castaway Club Member. They should reward us just like how they reward Castaway Club members on the disney cruises. By the way, this is from an almost 21 year old (yes, I said 21 in May)

Poor Michayla :scared1: I had to deal with a sprained ankle once and it was not pretty :sad: I did have to deal with a boot for the last few weeks of 7th grade (I fell running during PE). I hope she is ok and I will keep her in my prayers

The prices are scary for the passes now!!! She's having a hard time and we are guessing that her fussiness is caused by pain.

I bought my tickets the day before the prices increased. I am super disappointed about the new Photo pass at DLR. I know when we went last time I was worried about if it would be worth it to preorder for on!y 3 day trip and was really looking forward to using it on our 5 day trip. Now at $39 per day and not being able to do the borders, I will have to decide how to do it. Thinking of planning 2 days where we ride photopass rides and hunt down the photographers. The other 3 days my kids don't have to worry about me making them stop for pictures. Or we may decide not to purchase anything.

Woo hoo on getting the tickets for the cheaper price!! Bring your own camera and hit all the photopass spots but have them take some on your camera too. It's ridiculous to expect people that come for multiple days to do $39/day. What a joke!

Thanks Shannon yea it is a total bummer but we have reschedule a trip to the south and we are really excited. I used to live in the PNW so have done that quite a bit and I love it and can always do another but my kids wanted to do something else so we just looked at where southwest flew and how much we had to spend and went from there. We are going to do Nashville, Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, Ashville NC and the Biltmore Estate, Atlanta, and then on to New Orleans with some side stops in Montgomery, Mobile, Biloxi and Gulfport. That is an area I have never been and super excited!

As far as photopass what the heck did they do? So you can no longer pay one price and get unlimited downloads or a disc? And no more borders? Luckily with DL I never do PP pics anyway but was going to do them at DW. Glad they still have memory maker. That is crazy!

No more disc, no more multiple days on the photopass. You can buy individual pictures in the camera shops or buy a one day deal for $39.

I don't believe WDW has changed their photopass product. I do know you can't get the disc at Disneyland anymore or do border and it is a daily price. I am hoping Laurie has some more info since she was just there.

As far as I know, WDW still offers the Memory Maker package but not at Disneyland. I was not happy and plan on writing to customer service to tell them so. We are NOT all passholders/locals. When I come down for a 5 day trip, I want to be able to purchase a disc for the entire trip. That one day thing is a JOKE!

That's crazy. Why in the world would they get rid of the borders??? That is so dumb! And who would ever want to pay 39 per day! That is why honestly I never do them at DL anymore. I just take pics with my camera anyway but still. I seriously don't know what disney is thinking!

Oh and I meant to say the other day I totally get what you mean about Seattle vs. Disneyland. I love it up there and pretty much anywhere you go nowadays gets expensive but I think you are right. NOTHING compares to Disney and although I am kind of on a kick of doing "other" trips that are on my bucket list I still have to fit in Disney at least once a year. We are lucky we live in Northern CA so we usually get down there at least once a year if only for a few days. We just went this past summer but it had been over a year and that is the longest it has ever been for us. We used to have AP's but like everything else it has gotten so expensive and we had other things going on so we just didn't go. We went in Oct of 13 and then for ONE day in March of 14 for a school trip but then not again till June of 15. We loved it and the 60th stuff but it was super crowded so we tried to go back this past Oct but once again had to cancel as my mom was about to have double knee surgery and we also had to move our office. So we have some air credits and we are going to take a 3 day weekend end of August to use the credit and hopefully get to see the 60th stuff one last time before it goes away. But after that we are hoping to do another big NON Disney trip in 17 so prob no disney trips again till Feb of 18 when we go on the Diva trip. That is the one Laurie just went on. I have done it 4 times but my last one was in 13 so def wanting to get back to that as well.

Oh and the reason that we had to cancel DW but can still do the south is because we ALREADY had the air credit and even re-booking for the south we still had almost 100 each leftover which we are going to use for DL. And the big thing that made us cancel is we had not bought our tickets or paid for our universal package. Plus food which is outragous. I mean you can barely eat anywhere other than QS that isn't 20 or 30 bucks PP. That adds up quick when you have 5 people. So for this trip we can get rooms, even suites with free breakfast for around 100 to 150 per night and there are no tickets to buy. We may do a few things that cost but nothing compared to the price of the 6 day tickets. Plus the food will not be even close. So while we will still be spending we won't spend NEARLY as much as we would have AND she was going to have to fork over 5,000 in April. Now she doesn't have to spend ANYTHING till the actual trip in June. So that is how it is working. Like I said I am sad but excited at the same time.

You can get the borders if you go in to the Camera Shop and purchase prints. I think you can get them if you have the annual passes but don't quote me on that.

Your trip to the south really sounds fun. There are places other than Disney "gasp" that I would love to see. That trip sounds fantastic. The thing with Disney, is that I am a single mom and I feel totally safe when I am in the Disney bubble. Sure, I have to drive to Disneyland, but once there, I don't have to worry about new highways or freeways or what part of the city is the bad part that I don't want to stay at. Now that the kids are older, we might try some of those, but I tend to get really stressed out while driving. What is weird is that I can do California fine. Take me to Portland or Seattle and I hate driving there. Maybe because I am from California, originally.

Sorry Laurie for the hijacking.

No problem.....someone had to keep it active......lol

So glad it was a great trip!!

OH dear! My daughter did that too because the first xray was negative for a fracture on her foot. I felt terrible that she was walking around on it for so long. But I understand that it was probably much worse for Shy having the pain and making the self-harm issue worse. :( Hope those pain meds are working and she's getting some rest and relief!

Michayla is still running around in a boot and as long as the pain meds are working (usually last about 3 hours and she takes every 4 hours), she's fine. The self-injury happens during those "hours". She's going to see the psychiatrist again next week. We may need to up her psychatropic medicine and also look into getting her a helmet. :(
So the plan is to get on tomorrow and add more to the trip report. Things here have been crazy to say the least. Michayla is hurting herself to the point we are trying to hold her extremities down to avoid more injuries. This is draining physically but even more so....emotionally. I'm exhausted.........
Jasmin is "terrorizing" Shyann right now and Shy is shutting down......her anxiety is through the roof. Even the teacher figured out how bad it was getting and separated them immediately.
The weather has been crappy........so I haven't been able to get out to walk since we got back from Disneyland. We were walking over 4 miles a few times a week.......I really need to get at it again because it made me feel better. I also just started a 30 day cleanse program (very strict diet) and hope to see good results!! I'd like to drop 25 lbs more......35 would be a dream!!

Anywho's.........will try to get back to WDW tomorrow.....at least in the report!! ;)
My mom and I have been reading your trip report! It's really making us homesick too! ;D I love the pictures at POP and the bridge across to AoA. We're hoping to get over there and check out the resort! I am enjoying all of the food pictures as well!
No worries on the report. Just do what you have to do and we will all be here when you come back. ;) I am so sorry about everything going on. I am sure that is all very frustrating!! I hear you on the exercise. I to feel better once I get into a routine but lately I have just had a heck of a time. Ever since Shane and I split it has been one thing after the other. Either stress related to he and I or the girls and now this year with mom's surgery, moving our office and now the secretary leaving and this is our super busy time of year with Katy's swim so just non-stop. Good luck with the diet!
My mom and I have been reading your trip report! It's really making us homesick too! ;D I love the pictures at POP and the bridge across to AoA. We're hoping to get over there and check out the resort! I am enjoying all of the food pictures as well!

Welcome to you both!! The walk over to AoA was nice and it was neat to check out another resort!!

No worries on the report. Just do what you have to do and we will all be here when you come back. ;) I am so sorry about everything going on. I am sure that is all very frustrating!! I hear you on the exercise. I to feel better once I get into a routine but lately I have just had a heck of a time. Ever since Shane and I split it has been one thing after the other. Either stress related to he and I or the girls and now this year with mom's surgery, moving our office and now the secretary leaving and this is our super busy time of year with Katy's swim so just non-stop. Good luck with the diet!

Thanks!! I just need to make time for me and get back to working out.....I know I feel much better when I'm doing it (and it's a great stress reliever) ;)
After finishing up the kids passports in the World Showcase, we headed towards Test Track for our first FP+ of the day. Since Derek & Shyann were back at the resort, we actually fit into one car!

Our photopass picture.

We headed to The Land and grabbed a small snack after getting a return time for Soarin. I heard from Derek and he & Shy were on their way back to the park, so I went over to see if we could the 2 of them to our DAS return time......they graciously gave us 2 FP's so they could go in with us when it was time.

Mike took the kids back on to the Living With the Land while I fed Michayla.

Well Photobucket is acting up and this took a very long time to get just the one post done......I think I will have to give this a shot again tomorrow. It shouldn't take me almost an hour to do one post........
One of my all-time favorite attractions! I took the Behind the Seeds Tour and loved every minute. Well worth the money. :) The pictures were fabulous!
LOVE Test Track and anxious to see it now that it has changed although now it will be awhile again LOL. I am just hoping and praying that we have something come up that we are able to go before 3 or 4 more years. Our new company has a big convention every year and go figure this past Oct it was in Orlando. Mom REALLY wanted to try and go but with her surgery and moving offices and the funds just weren't there there was no way. And of course at that point we thought we were going this summer :/ And I think they switch coasts every year so rumor is this year it is going to be west coast and possibly vegas. Not sure if we will go or not because of everything else we have planned but if we do I would be happy as I have only been to Vegas once in 97 and I fell like an hour after I got there plus we went in July and it was like 120 degrees. So def would love to go back. I am planning to take the girls there with our without mom in the next few years once I can start using my tax refunds for other than buying a car. But if her and I can go I would love to just see it again. It also could be in San Diego and if we end up going I know it would be a nice and fun getaway for just her and I. Who knows if we will go but I know the office really pressures you to go so hopefully we will and it will be a fun little getaway. But then the next time it is on the East Coast it could be elsewhere like up near New York as the main offices are in New Jersey. It would totally figure LOL but if it ever IS in Orlando again we will def try to go! But anyway I digress LOL.

Love TT and LOVE LWTL! There is just something about that ride that is so relaxing and it is educational and I really love it.
Looks like you had fun on TT and the Land, how great they gave you extra Soarin FP's :)
One of my all-time favorite attractions! I took the Behind the Seeds Tour and loved every minute. Well worth the money. :) The pictures were fabulous!

We'd like to do the tour....but that would have to happen on a trip with just Mike & I.

LOVE Test Track and anxious to see it now that it has changed although now it will be awhile again LOL. I am just hoping and praying that we have something come up that we are able to go before 3 or 4 more years. Our new company has a big convention every year and go figure this past Oct it was in Orlando. Mom REALLY wanted to try and go but with her surgery and moving offices and the funds just weren't there there was no way. And of course at that point we thought we were going this summer :/ And I think they switch coasts every year so rumor is this year it is going to be west coast and possibly vegas. Not sure if we will go or not because of everything else we have planned but if we do I would be happy as I have only been to Vegas once in 97 and I fell like an hour after I got there plus we went in July and it was like 120 degrees. So def would love to go back. I am planning to take the girls there with our without mom in the next few years once I can start using my tax refunds for other than buying a car. But if her and I can go I would love to just see it again. It also could be in San Diego and if we end up going I know it would be a nice and fun getaway for just her and I. Who knows if we will go but I know the office really pressures you to go so hopefully we will and it will be a fun little getaway. But then the next time it is on the East Coast it could be elsewhere like up near New York as the main offices are in New Jersey. It would totally figure LOL but if it ever IS in Orlando again we will def try to go! But anyway I digress LOL.

Love TT and LOVE LWTL! There is just something about that ride that is so relaxing and it is educational and I really love it.

Hopefully you'll be able to get back to WDW in the near future. The boat ride is a nice little break from the craziness of the parks!
Looks like you had fun on TT and the Land, how great they gave you extra Soarin FP's :)

More Living with the Land to come.....if photobucket cooperates this morning......lol

They gave us the 2 FP's because they couldn't go in a change the number of guests on the DAS return time we already had. They figured that would be the best way to do it and the DAS was for our entire party of 8. So it wasn't like we were adding more people....we just didn't have 2 of them with us (or think they would be there to ride with us). :)
Gonna try some more......I can see this is going to be a struggle again. I'm uploading 5 at a time and only 2 uploaded.......heavy sigh!

Finishing up with Mike & the kids ride on Living With the Land.

Mike & the kids came back from their boat trip and joined Michayla & I. We saw a Photopass photographer upstairs, so we headed up to get some pics done.

We still had time to kill before our Soarin' return time, so we took the kids in to watch the Circle of Life movie.

I received a text from Derek at the end of the movie that they were in the park and on their way towards The Land. We met them over by Soarin' and we went to do our ride.

After our ride, we headed back upstairs and I checked us in for our dinner ressie at Garden Grill. I told them with Michayla, we'd really like to do the booth, so she could get out of her chair. They weren't sure they would be able to accommodate that request unless 2 tables together happened to open at the same time. A few minutes later the manager came over and said, it looked like 2 would empty close to same time, so it would be about 15 minutes or so. We told them we would gladly wait. So we took advantage of the time to feed Michayla her dinner.

Here is the Gluten-Free Menu for Garden Grill.

We were seated in the booths that face out to see the scenes as the restaurant slowly rotates.

The first one to visit us was Chip!

Our place settings!

Our view........

More Garden Grill to come!!
Next to visit was Dale.

Then Pluto came by to see us!

The food came out.....oh boy! Look at all that good food!!! (and it was all very good!)

The view.......

Mickey came by to say hello.

A few more Garden Grill in next post!
Pluto came by again.

Desserts came out......yummy!

Dale stopped by again.

As we were leaving The Land.

As we headed back into the World Showcase to go towards Germany (and Karmel Kuche) and find a spot to watch Illuminations.

We found a spot and I went with Derek to Karmel Kuche to use some of our many unused snack credits. We got 6 bags of caramel corn and 6 chocolate/caramel rice krispy bars. We figured both of these would travel nicely home. These were while we waited for Illuminations to start.



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