Wet Factor?


DIS Veteran
Nov 19, 1999
All three of us hate spending the day walking around in damp clothing after riding water rides so we normally try to avoid them. Using your knowledge of these rides please tell me how wet you really get?

Jurassic Park River Adventure
Popeye and Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barges
Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls

Are there any others that I should be warned about.

Thanks for all your help.:rolleyes:
Wet factors:

Jurasic Park, You can get real wet if you are in the first 2 rows. If you are anywhere else you will get slightly wet on the arms and chest area unless if you learn when to duck.

Blige Barge rats. It depends on the raft and hitting the walls. My general rules you will get soaked.

Ripsaw falls. Normally you get drenched. It also depends on the new water levels from the rehab. I remember the first time I didn't get too wet but then another time the water level was up and you got soaked.
Light to moderate wetness on Jurrasic Park.

Other two...plan on getting soaked to the bone.

They are fabulous rides though, try to work out a way to have your swimsuits or a change of clothes if you really can't handle the dampness. Poncho's can also be helpful, but not always as effective as one might anticipate.
I think we can all handle Jurrasic Park but I suppose we will be sitting out the other two. Oh well, there are so many other things to see and do. Can't wait. Thanks for your prompt replies, I knew that I could count on you guys for guidance.:jester:
Really if you wear your bathing suits under or bring a change, the other two are fun..

But you do get really wet.. or if you are a glutton for punishment like myself you ride Popeye three times in a row!

Dudley you got wet as well, but we figured we would do them all at once, and you only get really wet just once.. we packed a towel and that helped a lot.
Jurassic Park River Adventure: Mist in your face. On VERY rare occations it will get your shirt wet, but that's only happened once since the soft opening to me.

Popeye and Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barges: Wet, sloshed, drenched. Whatever you want to call it, just don't plan on getting off dry! I rode about 7 times in a row once and by the end I had water in my ears and 10lbs of water in my shoes! ;)

Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls: You will always get your top half wet on the last drop, no questions. On the first drop, there is a pretty good chance the water will wash up and over the sides getting your bottom half a good bit wet, but not soaked.
Don't forget there are lockers at the front of the park if you want to stash a towel and change of clothing for the day. Last time I rented one they were $5/day but $2 was returned to you when you brought back the key.
Don't know about getting $2 back at the front lockers. From my experiences, you don't have a key, it's done with a 4 digit password on a touch screen.
The lockers at the front of the park are the best idea if you're doing the water rides. Costs $5, located to the left as you walk thru the main gate. Bring a change of cloths, including shoes and socks.

What everyone else said is true.
Dudley - The front of your shirt will be wet, but will dry off after walking around for a few minutes.
JP - Not bad, a little splash on your shirt, no big deal.
Popeye - Will soak you. It is your shoes that you're trying to keep dry. I keep my feet lifted up. On a few drops, the entire thing fills up with a foot of water. You'll most likely get nailed from the people up above. I have managed to make it thru the ride without getting nailed by a water fall, but it was luck. When you pass under a water fall, it's like taking a shower. Your shirt will eventually dry off, but if your shoes get wet, they stay water logged. You must have shoes to ride. Sometimes they let people put their shoes in the middle compartment. If they make you wear your shoes, then I take off my socks and put them in the middle.
Don't wear flip flops, bring an old pair of shoes. My daughter and I tried wearing flip flops, and they are hard to walk in. Our feet tired out fast.
You gotta do it, the drops are incredible. Whats really funny is seeing the people who wear a poncho on the ride.
Don't forget wetness on these rides:

The Hulk: You pass through a mist. No big wetness here.

Spiderman: You might be hit by a few drops during Hydro-Man's attacks.

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish: You can get a few squirts, depending on if you listen to the song or not.

If I Ran the Zoo: you can get wet by a character in the bathtub or in the play area.

Toon Lagoon entrance: You can run around in a squrting fountain and get wet.

Triceratops Encounter: You might get wet if the Triceratops sneezes on you.

None of these wetnesses compare to the wetness on JPRA, Popeye, or Ripsaw Falls.
If I Ran the Zoo: you can get wet by a character in the bathtub or in the play area.

But only if Barry is in the park that day...or is there another character that I'm not aware of???

Karen :D
I've been more than just mist on my face on Jurassic Park River Adventure, but never a drowning like Dudley's or Popeye's. If you've ridden Splash Mountain when they have all the water effects/cannons in operation, that's about what JPRA can be like in wetness terms.

Camp Jurassic also has a play area with some pretty good water guns.

Poseiden's Fury has a bit of a spray factor.

Over at Universal Studios, Jaws has a tendency to get your bottom wet. Left side of the middle rows of the boats are the wettest.

Twister, depending on where you are standing and how many are around you, you may or may not get a bit sprayed.

T2-3D has small water effects too.

Feivel's Play area has lots of wet spots.
Now don't the lockers have a free 90 minutes on it? They had free 90 minutes on it in August, I seem to remember by Hulk, and DD, and maybe Popeye... (we never paid for any lockers, but did use them!)
Yeah, those lockers are temporary rentals because you can't bring stuff on the ride. I believe they are an hour now, which IMO isn't long enough, if you have to wait in a 1/2 hour or more...

You can also rent lockers for the day for $5 at the front of the park.

Oddly enough, the free lockers at MIB have a 2 hour free period.

Originally posted by Barry Hom
If I Ran the Zoo: you can get wet by a character in the bathtub or in the play area.

Don't forget the guy who sneezes on you from below!;)
You guys crack me up!:D Thanks for all the input. I appreciate all the information that you have all provided. After one bad experience of walking around one of our local parks all day with wet shoes, my daughter and I are a little gun shy of water rides. My shoes never drained properly all day, those white leather tennis shoes, and I ended up with the soarest feet. I think we were close to having trench foot by the time we made our way through the parking lot. :( I hope to never experience that again! Thanks again!
I have a comment! WHY, at 6 pm, during the month of January (cold), would a grown up use a squirt-gun on another grown-up??
My poor sister got blasted when we got off the "kids only" ride which sort of flies (passenger in front and one in back, kind of like flying bicycles), and is VERY cool. After the ride, we sort of got stuck and lost in the mist, and were getting squirted (not realizing that it was another adult!!)

So, why would someone do that during such a cold time?? I think I already know the answer! :D

That was your sister I hit with the water?

Thats what you get for going on a "kids only" ride!
I had that coming! Actually, the parks were pretty slow, and they were letting adults on it. I have always wanted to ride it, but never had a kid with me to go on it with. So, we got to ride and it was one of the best 'flying' experiences I have ever had on a park ride.


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