We're offically in the System!!!


Princess Extraordinaire
Oct 18, 2000
I am so excited. The other day our DVC membership cards arrived! Our resale was offically recorded the day after Christmas and I have the deed in hand. (of course our first dues statement arrived yesterday too!! LOL!) Here is my question---can I pay my dues with my credit card? DH and I just got back from 9 days at WDW but now I cannot wait to go back!!! While we were there we were able to check out the Boardwalk Villas (from the outside anyway) for the first time and I am so happy we decided to go with them. The entire resort is just beautiful! and so conveniently located. hmmm now how do I convince DH to go back to WDW for valentines day... ok maybe st patricks day? a weekend in April at least?? LOL!
yes you can pay with your credit card (if it is one WDW takes) - there is another solution you can pay monthly - WDW draft your checking account on a monthly basis and does not charge extra to do it. call accounting and ask how you do this.
Welcome Home! You sound so excited. We are new members as well and I am trying to figure out how I can squeeze in a trip to OKW before our scheduled visit to Hilton Head in November. Isn't DVC wonderful?


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