~~~welcome To The Dis!~~~


Super Shopper
Aug 18, 1999
<font size="5"><font color="#FF0000"><font face="Comic Sans MS">
<b>We would like to extend a very warm welcome to visitors old and new to the UK Visitors Forum.</b></font></font></font>

We hope you like the new look and all the added features and we will be delighted to help with any questions and queries regarding planning the ultimate holiday experience to WDW, Florida.........and beyond! :)

We look forward to getting to know you! ;)

Janice, Shirley and Penny
This is very exciting :bounce: - like treading on new snow :D
A warm welcome everyone and congratulations to all concerned for the new boards!

If you have any queries about anything concerning the boards, do mail us
Good afternoon ladies,

These new boards are very smart aren't they?

Now I am off to explore as I haven't been this side of the pond in a while !


Yay! My Avatar is working! (Sounds like a nasty ailment! but looks cool).
Hello everybody, isn't this all exciting, i love all the new features!!!!! Do you think the UK Site will be changing too?

:D :D
UGH I just got use to using all the stuff on the old boards. OH well learning is a good thing LOL.
Really love the spell check feature though. It will get A LOT of use.
The new boards are great. Will the UK site get an update like this? :p :p :p
Hi All,

Just thought I'd say hello on these boards, had to change my user name so I guess I'll have to start my post count again, such is life :)
HI Just thought I'd say hello!
Cool Site!
had to change my name slightly but I'm here!

:sunny: :sunny:
Made my way over to see what the new features are all about - and I managed to get in under my old user name.
Stu - it could be because it's always spelt with two 'l's in the US. ...or it could be because no-one else on the US site just uses their usual name!

I take it that you had already registered, as I notice your Reg Date is Feb last year, I registered about a year ago on the old US Boards under the name Ajax, I've no idea what happened to that!!.... Life, it's a mystery :sunny:
That's strange Stu :confused:
Deb and I show August 1999 as registered however, we were here way before then - I believe it is the month the other server crashed - let it be known as the Great Crash of August 1999.


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