Wednesday Daytime Chat...1PM EST...When are you going to Disney?


~*Snoopy Fan Forever*~
May 15, 2000
<font color=purple><font face=Tahoma><font size=4>Hi there

Are you off to Disney World soon? Are you planning a trip in the future? If so join Beaniejumper and Nativetxn in the Main lobby of chat Wednesday afternoon at 1:00 pm EST for the very first Daytime Chat as we ask</font></font></font>

<marquee><font color=green><font size=5>When Are You Going to WDW?</font></font></marquee>

<font color=red><font size=4><font face=Tahoma>It will be lots of fun as we try this new daytime chat, so come and join us!

You will find a link to the chat room if you go to the DIS homepage and scroll down the list of informational sites, on the left side of the page, to the Community/Misc category, can just CLICK HEREhttp://*index

On your first visit to the chat room you will have to create a user name and password and choose which chat program you want to use. I believe that Ichat is the easiest and most fun program to use for DIS chat. You can download it free from the log-in page. Just scroll down the page and you will find some helpful instructions for downloading Ichat. The Ichat works best if you are using the newest version of Internet Explorer browser. You will find the download site for Internet Explorer, if you CLICK HERE Both of these programs are free downloads.</font></font></font>

<font color=orange><font face=Tahoma><font size=4>Now, don't be shy. Chat is a lot of fun and it's easy! :) If you have any questions feel free to email either of the chat hosts and we'll do our very best to answer them.</font></font></font>

<font color="008080">Tricia

<font face=Tahoma>Co-Moderator Restaurant Board
Co-Moderator Trip Reports Board
Co-Host Instructional Chat with Nativetxn & Snuggles
Co-Host Wed Night Chat with Mac-key Mouse & Dee

1st Annual DIS Convention...Nov. 28th to Dec. 2nd...Yacht Club!!

<font color=red>"Texas born, Texas bred and when I die I'll be Texas dead"</font color>

<font color=red>DIS co-Chat Mistress</font color=red>
<font color=red>Co-moderator Theme Park Attractions & Strategies </font color>


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