

Enjoys an early hour of peace. Is a smart cookie.
Jan 8, 2000
Hi everyone. I've been reading that it's around 80 during the day and in the low 60's at night right now in Orlando. We will be down there the first week in April. What should the weather be like at night then? We will be tent camping and I want to be prepared. Thanks. TC
Hi - according to the Birnbaum Disney book the average high in April is 83 and the average low is 59, and average rainfall is 1.8 inches. Sorry if I am repeating info you already have? We have gone down to WDW once in April and it was *HOT* by Ohio standards, especially for Ohio, ha! We'll be down at FW the first week of April too this year (we're from Medina County!) but will be staying in a cabin again. It really is a *small world after all* :D Hope this helps you out a little.


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